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Yuma AZ declares state of emergency as illegal immigrants run amok (1 Viewer)

I don’t put this on Donald or Stephen Miller.Oh there is plenty of blame to go around in both parties . Make no mistakes about that. Plenty to go around 
Trump said he needed the help of the Department of Defense, great, other presidents have done that. He fired Mattis. And replaced him with a former lobbyist for Boeing.

So he fires a Marine Corps general Kelly, the Sec. of Defense Mad Dog Mattis - flat out the most (maybe only) respected member of his administration - and Nielsen - in the middle of what he calls a national emergency.

Yeah, this is on Trump all the way. I dragged in Miller because he called the shots on the budget deal - which Pence and Mulvaney had sealed up - and he pushed to fire Nielsen.

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Doesn’t mean he doesn’t love legal immigration 
You're thinking of normal people. You wouldn't have a conversation with someone and say 'oh yeah I love burritos' and then in the very next sentence say 'make sure no beans, chilies, chorizo, chicken, sour cream or tortillas end up on my plate.'

I don't think he actually cares one iota.  He hires illegals to work in his business and if he can save a buck doing so, that is what he cares about.

He pretends he cares because he knows his base cares and is staunchly anti immigration (for people of color mainly).  And it those people he needs to have a chance at winning again which, along with money and fame, are the only thing Donald Trump truly cares about. 
A politician only caring about getting elected again.   There's some breaking news we've never heard before

Trump said he needed the help of the Department of Defense, great, other presidents have done that. He fired Mattis. And replaced him with a former lobbyist for Boeing.

So he fires a Marine Corps general Kelly, the Sec. of Defense Mad Dog Mattis - flat out the most (maybe only) respected member of his administration - and Nielsen - in the middle of what he calls a national emergency.

Yeah, this is on Trump all the way. I dragged in Miller because he called the shots on the budget deal - which Pence and Mulvaney had sealed up - and he pushed to fire Nielsen.
He didn’t fire Mattis & Kelly made the mistake of backstabbing Ivanka to her father

Trump said he needed the help of the Department of Defense, great, other presidents have done that. He fired Mattis. And replaced him with a former lobbyist for Boeing.

So he fires a Marine Corps general Kelly, the Sec. of Defense Mad Dog Mattis - flat out the most (maybe only) respected member of his administration - and Nielsen - in the middle of what he calls a national emergency.

Yeah, this is on Trump all the way. I dragged in Miller because he called the shots on the budget deal - which Pence and Mulvaney had sealed up - and he pushed to fire Nielsen.
He didn’t fire Mattis & Kelly made the mistake of backstabbing Ivanka to her father
Trump insists that he fired Mattis

You ever get tired of being undercut on your own talking points, GB?


Geez the mental gymnastics some of you will perform to try to put words in people's mouths is amazing.  Congrats. 
Words have meaning GB.  Maybe read your response again.  Hint:  the word "only" is key in your review and the overall context of what my original point was and your response to it.

What are you talking about?
In my first post I suggested, among other things, that Donald Trump doesn't actually care about the immigration issue at all.  He cares about winning, fame and money only.  RW responded (in what almost amounts to a substantive way for him) by saying "a politician that only cares about winning, that's news" or something like that.  Based on his response which agreed and reiterated the proposition that trump only cares about winning I concluded that RW agreed Trump actually doesn't care about the immigration issue, as the words he wrote suggested. 

I can't believe that requires explanation, but here we are.

Says the guy that replied with this tripe:  "so you agree that Trump really doesn't care about the immigrant issue at all then?  cool."
you responded to my post.  I didn't respond to one of yours.  I then point out the implication of the actual words you wrote and you immediately start trolling rather than engage in actual discussion.  It is your MO around here and has been forever.  Whatever.  you do you.  I should have left it.

you responded to my post.  I didn't respond to one of yours.  I then point out the implication of the actual words you wrote and you immediately start trolling rather than engage in actual discussion.  It is your MO around here and has been forever.  Whatever.  you do you.  I should have left it.
Saying Trump  doesn’t care about immigration is trolling.

you responded to my post.  I didn't respond to one of yours.  I then point out the implication of the actual words you wrote and you immediately start trolling rather than engage in actual discussion.  It is your MO around here and has been forever.  Whatever.  you do you.  I should have left it.
No you didn’t do that.  You tried to put words in my mouth with a trolling cute “cool” behind it and justify your trolling over the word all.  Congrats!!

Shouldn’t the currently declared national emergency allow/provide for an immediate response by the federal government to assist and appropriately take the lead with this humanitarian crisis (that’s the phrasing used in the national declaration)?  What is the administration doing proactively to aid this humanitarian crisis that is, by all accounts that I can tell, solely under their jurisdiction?  

Then why does he donate his salary if he only cares about himself?
because it makes strategic sense to do so.  People who don;t look at it critically will think that he looks generous.   

Of course, his salary is a fart in a windstorm compared to what he is actually making off this presidency.

because it makes strategic sense to do so.  People who don;t look at it critically will think that he looks generous.   

Of course, his salary is a fart in a windstorm compared to what he is actually making off this presidency.
It also has zero to do with immigration.

Saying Trump  doesn’t care about immigration is trolling.
I honestly don't think he does at all.  Trump has a track record of caring more about himself than anything else.  It's really no secret and he doesn't try to hide it.

If Trump was not President right now or ever planning to run for President do you really think he would hire as many illegal immigrants that he could get away with for his businesses?  That's cheap, undocumented labor he would have and would lead to higher profits.  If he were to get caught he'd just pay someone off or shift the blame towards someone else.

no, but that is par for the course (with WR - I don't know this new guy.
Can’t leave it because you started the trolling.  And now continuing it with another troll. You jumped into a joke I made with Tim and started putting words In My mouth. Own your behavior.  Cool. 

This is not probative to me about his personality disorder and what results from that.  He used funds from one of his charities to buy a giant portrait (or statute?) of himself.  What is probative are the countless times he has conned and ripped people off his entire adult life.  He is a career conman.   And a habitual liar.  He lies so much he doesn't even know when he is doing it. 

I honestly can't think of a bigger narcissist than Donald Trump.  Maybe Kanye West?

I honestly don't think he does at all.  Trump has a track record of caring more about himself than anything else.  It's really no secret and he doesn't try to hide it.

If Trump was not President right now or ever planning to run for President do you really think he would hire as many illegal immigrants that he could get away with for his businesses?  That's cheap, undocumented labor he would have and would lead to higher profits.  If he were to get caught he'd just pay someone off or shift the blame towards someone else.
Trump is trying to address this issue. Just because you don’t like his stance on it doesn’t mean he doesn’t care about it.

This is not probative to me about his personality disorder and what results from that.  He used funds from one of his charities to buy a giant portrait (or statute?) of himself.  What is probative are the countless times he has conned and ripped people off his entire adult life.  He is a career conman.   And a habitual liar.  He lies so much he doesn't even know when he is doing it. 

I honestly can't think of a bigger narcissist than Donald Trump.  Maybe Kanye West?
We get it....you don’t like him. But saying he only cares about himself is a reach. Does he care about his kids? He makes a lot of charitable contributions.

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I honestly don't think he does at all.  Trump has a track record of caring more about himself than anything else.  It's really no secret and he doesn't try to hide it.

If Trump was not President right now or ever planning to run for President do you really think he would hire as many illegal immigrants that he could get away with for his businesses?  That's cheap, undocumented labor he would have and would lead to higher profits.  If he were to get caught he'd just pay someone off or shift the blame towards someone else.
I can’t tell if you are arguing that he does care or that he doesn’t care.  You are saying he doesn’t, but your argument as to why seems to argue that he does.

Trump is trying to address this issue. Just because you don’t like his stance on it doesn’t mean he doesn’t care about it.
What is Trump's personal stance on it?  Like I said, if he was not President he would be taking full advantage of illegals in our country for cheap labor.  It's what he does and always has done.  He's an opportunist and exploiter.

We get it....you don’t like him. But saying he only cares about himself is a reach. Does he care about his son? 
My original point was that I do not believe he actually cares about the immigration issue.  And I truly believe that.  He only cares about it to the extent that it directly affects him.  He is not losing sleep about the real (or manufactured) increased risk to the citizens of Yuma.  

I can’t tell if you are arguing that he does care or that he doesn’t care.  You are saying he doesn’t, but your argument as to why seems to argue that he does.
Huh?  Are you saying I that I'm arguing that he does care but just in a different way?

What is Trump's personal stance on it?  Like I said, if he was not President he would be taking full advantage of illegals in our country for cheap labor.  It's what he does and always has done.  He's an opportunist and exploiter.
He’s trying to address the immigration problem. 

Shouldn’t the currently declared national emergency allow/provide for an immediate response by the federal government to assist and appropriately take the lead with this humanitarian crisis (that’s the phrasing used in the national declaration)?  What is the administration doing proactively to aid this humanitarian crisis that is, by all accounts that I can tell, solely under their jurisdiction?  
Nope. The declared national emergency only allows them to use powers explicitly articulated in statute as emergency powers of the President. In this case it was done so he could move certain DoD funding around to help pay for the wall or other "military construction projects," not for logistics or humanitarian aid or anything similar. They've barely started even that process, in fact it took them weeks to release a preliminary report of the projects whose funding might be shifted. The power isn't nearly as expansive as the media made it out to be, and that's particularly true when its placed in the hands of a man like Donald Trump.

One thing that seems pretty obvious to most everyone I've read or talked to is that Trump's actions have exacerbated the crisis significantly. His threats have upped the urgency for potential border crossers of all kinds, who want to cross now before enforcement gets even more aggressive, restrictive and/or violent or the family separation policy returns or whatever.  He's threatened to slash aid to Central American countries, which of course has the same effect. And the federal agency responsible for border security is in complete disarray because he recently purged their entire leadership. We currently are without a permanent DHS Secretary, a permanent ICE Director, a permanent DHS undersecretary for management, we have no deputy DHS Secretary at all not even an acting one, and the CBP director is not able to serve as CBP director because he is simultaneously serving as the acting DHS secretary, dealing with the nomination process to make the position permanent, and confronting a political hellstorm because Trump reportedly asked him to break the law and offered him a pardon to do so, an instantly impeachable offense in any sane era. It's an absolute ####show and it is entirely Donald Trump's doing.

Honestly the only real question is whether he's exacerbating the border problem out of incompetence or on purpose to help him with the 2020 election. I think it's the former because all the reports I've read indicate he's genuinely angry about this, but who knows with this crew.

Trump is trying to address this issue. Just because you don’t like his stance on it doesn’t mean he doesn’t care about it.
So far he has delayed the hiring of additional immigration judges, threatened to cut off aid to central American countries, and threatened to close the southern border to all immigration. All of these would only serve to make the humanitarian crisis worse.

What has he proposed that would help the crisis?


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