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Charlie "Shining Path" Bosworth, RIP (1 Viewer)

You're almost downplaying it. A first authored PNAS paper is a remarkable achievement and one that few in the scientific community will ever accomplish even over a long career.
Shiny's father also informs me that UAB will award Shiny his PhD posthumously.
Awesome. it's pretty apparent that Shiny had an incredible impact outside of this place as well. No surprise.
I thought that the the board might appreciate a link to some of the scientific papers that Shiny authored or co-authored at UAB and the University of New Orleans. When you read the abstracts to these papers, you realize what a heavy duty scientist he really was. His ability to talk science on the board in such an accessible and fluent way without talking down to people was just incredible.

SP was without a doubt my favorite poster going back to old yeller. There are few poster that could make me laugh out loud or just grin like a doofus in the way that Shiny could. I regret that I never met him when I was living in New Orleans, because I'm pretty certain our times there overlapped. In fact, I wonder if we might have crossed paths (shining paths?) - based on various posts over the years, we seemed to go to some of the same music clubs in NOLA.

So I honor him with this post to his most recent publication of March 2009, on which he is the primary author in a very respected journal (senior author in such a respected journal is a big deal in the scientific arena in which he worked):

Dinitrosyliron complexes and the mechanism(s) of cellular protein nitrosothiol formation from nitric oxide.

He has 8 scientific papers on Pubmed. If you go there and search for "Bosworth CA" you can read the abstracts and even download the pdfs for some of them. If anyone is interested in obtaining copies of any of these that require a subscription, I will be happy to access them for you and pass them on.

GB him.
You're almost downplaying it. A first authored PNAS paper is a remarkable achievement and one that few in the scientific community will ever accomplish even over a long career.
I'm sure he threw one hell of a party when he got the acceptance letter for that PNAS pub. It's really a remarkable achievement.
I thought that the the board might appreciate a link to some of the scientific papers that Shiny authored or co-authored at UAB and the University of New Orleans. When you read the abstracts to these papers, you realize what a heavy duty scientist he really was. His ability to talk science on the board in such an accessible and fluent way without talking down to people was just incredible.

SP was without a doubt my favorite poster going back to old yeller. There are few poster that could make me laugh out loud or just grin like a doofus in the way that Shiny could. I regret that I never met him when I was living in New Orleans, because I'm pretty certain our times there overlapped. In fact, I wonder if we might have crossed paths (shining paths?) - based on various posts over the years, we seemed to go to some of the same music clubs in NOLA.

So I honor him with this post to his most recent publication of March 2009, on which he is the primary author in a very respected journal (senior author in such a respected journal is a big deal in the scientific arena in which he worked):

Dinitrosyliron complexes and the mechanism(s) of cellular protein nitrosothiol formation from nitric oxide.
Do you have a link to this paper in English?
Word. I wonder where we can find a guy with a science background that might be patient enough to explain this to the rest of us? :confused:
I'd be honored to. I didn't know Shiny nearly as well as many of you, but he and I did exchange a few messages over the years about the trials, tribulations, frustrations, and joys of being a bench scientist. I'll reiterate what others have said - getting a first author paper is a big deal. It's the culmination of years of work, experiments, lab meetings, re-writes, edits, and refining. He and his family should be quite proud. The bold below is a lay explanation of the abstract of shiny's recently released publication.
Nitrosothiols (RSNO), formed from thiols and metabolites of nitric oxide (*NO), have been implicated in a diverse set of physiological and pathophysiological processes, although the exact mechanisms by which they are formed biologically are unknown. Several candidate nitrosative pathways involve the reaction of *NO with O(2), reactive oxygen species (ROS), and transition metals. Nitrosothiols are important and we don't know exactly how they're made, though there are some candidate mechanisms. .

We developed a strategy using extracellular ferrocyanide to determine that under our conditions intracellular protein RSNO formation occurs from reaction of *NO inside the cell, as opposed to cellular entry of nitrosative reactants from the extracellular compartment. We figured out a way to determine that these important compounds are generated inside the cell as opposed to being brought in from outside.

Using this method we found that in RAW 264.7 cells RSNO formation occurs only at very low (<8 microM) O(2) concentrations and exhibits zero-order dependence on *NO concentration. Indeed, RSNO formation is not inhibited even at O(2) levels <1 microM. In a mouse cell line, the formation of these important compounds occurs at a rate which is independent of the concentration of the reactants.

Additionally, chelation of intracellular chelatable iron pool (CIP) reduces RSNO formation by >50%. If you get rid of the iron, formation of these important compounds decreases dramatically.

One possible metal-dependent, O(2)-independent nitrosative pathway is the reaction of thiols with dinitrosyliron complexes (DNIC), which are formed in cells from the reaction of *NO with the CIP. Under our conditions, DNIC formation, like RSNO formation, is inhibited by approximately 50% after chelation of labile iron. Iron is also important for the formation of some other similarly important products.

Both DNIC and RSNO are also increased during overproduction of ROS by the redox cycler 5,8-dimethoxy-1,4-naphthoquinone. Taken together, these data strongly suggest that cellular RSNO are formed from free *NO via transnitrosation from DNIC derived from the CIP. We have examined in detail the kinetics and mechanism of RSNO formation inside cells. In our paper, we describe in a lot of detail one way this happens.
I really can't think of a worse thing that has happened in my time on the Internet, but this thread has been a nice memorial.


Forgive me if this is somewhat incoherent. I was a friend of Breed's for more than 25 years. He was, in most of the ways that matter, the best friend I have ever had. In fact, with me being an only child he was the closest thing I had to a brother. It was he that introduced me to Footballguys and to the FFA. While I have never been a frequent poster here I have always made a point to come here and read for information, humor, or just some good Friday afternoon fun. It always seemed that Breed was at the center of everything. Breed was more to me than the witty, intelligent poster that you guys knew. He was a groomsman in my wedding, a confidant, a golf & poker buddy, and "Uncle Breed" to my 5 year old son. As you can imagine this has been a time of overwhelming sadness, sleepless nights, and pain. Many times since the memorial service I came here with the intention of posting the news because I thought it would be something that the community here would want to know. Each time the pain was too great and I was unable to follow through. Breed talked often of the FFA and how much he valued the time he spent here. The outpouring of affection in this thread has left me teary eyed and speechless. As someone who knew and loved Breed this thread has done much to ease my pain. This tribute by people who never met Breed has made me realize how truly lucky I was to have him in my life. I can only hope that when my time comes I will be as well thought of by those I leave behind. I just wanted to thank everyone for their thoughts, prayers and good wishes. They really do matter.

RIP my brother, you will be missed always........

:cry: :yes: :cry:

Everyone,Forgive me if this is somewhat incoherent. I was a friend of Breed's for more than 25 years. He was, in most of the ways that matter, the best friend I have ever had. In fact, with me being an only child he was the closest thing I had to a brother. It was he that introduced me to Footballguys and to the FFA. While I have never been a frequent poster here I have always made a point to come here and read for information, humor, or just some good Friday afternoon fun. It always seemed that Breed was at the center of everything. Breed was more to me than the witty, intelligent poster that you guys knew. He was a groomsman in my wedding, a confidant, a golf & poker buddy, and "Uncle Breed" to my 5 year old son. As you can imagine this has been a time of overwhelming sadness, sleepless nights, and pain. Many times since the memorial service I came here with the intention of posting the news because I thought it would be something that the community here would want to know. Each time the pain was too great and I was unable to follow through. Breed talked often of the FFA and how much he valued the time he spent here. The outpouring of affection in this thread has left me teary eyed and speechless. As someone who knew and loved Breed this thread has done much to ease my pain. This tribute by people who never met Breed has made me realize how truly lucky I was to have him in my life. I can only hope that when my time comes I will be as well thought of by those I leave behind. I just wanted to thank everyone for their thoughts, prayers and good wishes. They really do matter. RIP my brother, you will be missed always........ :cry: :yes: :cry:
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Everyone,Forgive me if this is somewhat incoherent. I was a friend of Breed's for more than 25 years. He was, in most of the ways that matter, the best friend I have ever had. In fact, with me being an only child he was the closest thing I had to a brother. It was he that introduced me to Footballguys and to the FFA. While I have never been a frequent poster here I have always made a point to come here and read for information, humor, or just some good Friday afternoon fun. It always seemed that Breed was at the center of everything. Breed was more to me than the witty, intelligent poster that you guys knew. He was a groomsman in my wedding, a confidant, a golf & poker buddy, and "Uncle Breed" to my 5 year old son. As you can imagine this has been a time of overwhelming sadness, sleepless nights, and pain. Many times since the memorial service I came here with the intention of posting the news because I thought it would be something that the community here would want to know. Each time the pain was too great and I was unable to follow through. Breed talked often of the FFA and how much he valued the time he spent here. The outpouring of affection in this thread has left me teary eyed and speechless. As someone who knew and loved Breed this thread has done much to ease my pain. This tribute by people who never met Breed has made me realize how truly lucky I was to have him in my life. I can only hope that when my time comes I will be as well thought of by those I leave behind. I just wanted to thank everyone for their thoughts, prayers and good wishes. They really do matter. RIP my brother, you will be missed always........ :cry: :lmao: :cry:
Cheers to Shiny. :football: :shiny:
shining path said:
cosjobs said:
shining path said:
cosjobs said:
REntal company didn't seem to care that I had never operated one before. They told me there was a manual under the seat.

I am sure there will be alcohol involved in my yardwork this weekend- is there any way I can kill or seriously injure myself with this thing?

THis is what I am renting- but it just has the regular bucket in front.
I would kill or die to be able to drive one of those things professionally, for 50k a year.

I think if you bought one, you could make 50K a year from work you could pick up advertising on craigslist
I need to drop this scientific rat-race and pick one of those things up. Just looks like silly fun.They're building a deck across the street, so our meeting room looks out onto a construction site containing three or four of those. People get paid for driving those around and pushing dirt? That's the life, bro.
This was his last post. It says something to me, especially being the same age he was. Maybe I'll get the hell out of business and do something I love doing.
Wow. I am shocked and saddened to hear this news. I have not been around lately and just learned of this tragedy.

What a man. What a loss.

I am proud to say I have not been around because I'm out digging up dirt and moving it around every day. I'm on the second month of my Bobcat rental and I swear its like a fountain of youth.

Unless my wife threatens me with death, I think I am going to pull the trigger and buy a new tractor next month. And I swear to god, if I get it, I will name it Shiny and paint it on the hood. I think he'd like that.

Everyone,Forgive me if this is somewhat incoherent. I was a friend of Breed's for more than 25 years. He was, in most of the ways that matter, the best friend I have ever had. In fact, with me being an only child he was the closest thing I had to a brother. It was he that introduced me to Footballguys and to the FFA. While I have never been a frequent poster here I have always made a point to come here and read for information, humor, or just some good Friday afternoon fun. It always seemed that Breed was at the center of everything. Breed was more to me than the witty, intelligent poster that you guys knew. He was a groomsman in my wedding, a confidant, a golf & poker buddy, and "Uncle Breed" to my 5 year old son. As you can imagine this has been a time of overwhelming sadness, sleepless nights, and pain. Many times since the memorial service I came here with the intention of posting the news because I thought it would be something that the community here would want to know. Each time the pain was too great and I was unable to follow through. Breed talked often of the FFA and how much he valued the time he spent here. The outpouring of affection in this thread has left me teary eyed and speechless. As someone who knew and loved Breed this thread has done much to ease my pain. This tribute by people who never met Breed has made me realize how truly lucky I was to have him in my life. I can only hope that when my time comes I will be as well thought of by those I leave behind. I just wanted to thank everyone for their thoughts, prayers and good wishes. They really do matter. RIP my brother, you will be missed always........ :shiny: :football: :cry:
My condolences. :lmao:
I definitely shed a tear on reading that peoples. Thanks for sharing that.

BTW, do you know where the name "Breed" came from? I've never heard it before.

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Everyone,Forgive me if this is somewhat incoherent. I was a friend of Breed's for more than 25 years. He was, in most of the ways that matter, the best friend I have ever had. In fact, with me being an only child he was the closest thing I had to a brother. It was he that introduced me to Footballguys and to the FFA. While I have never been a frequent poster here I have always made a point to come here and read for information, humor, or just some good Friday afternoon fun. It always seemed that Breed was at the center of everything. Breed was more to me than the witty, intelligent poster that you guys knew. He was a groomsman in my wedding, a confidant, a golf & poker buddy, and "Uncle Breed" to my 5 year old son. As you can imagine this has been a time of overwhelming sadness, sleepless nights, and pain. Many times since the memorial service I came here with the intention of posting the news because I thought it would be something that the community here would want to know. Each time the pain was too great and I was unable to follow through. Breed talked often of the FFA and how much he valued the time he spent here. The outpouring of affection in this thread has left me teary eyed and speechless. As someone who knew and loved Breed this thread has done much to ease my pain. This tribute by people who never met Breed has made me realize how truly lucky I was to have him in my life. I can only hope that when my time comes I will be as well thought of by those I leave behind. I just wanted to thank everyone for their thoughts, prayers and good wishes. They really do matter. RIP my brother, you will be missed always........ :shiny: :football: :cry:
Thank you for posting. You were lucky to have him in your life and it sounds like he was lucky as well to have you for a friend. I can't imagine your pain. Big hugs to you. :lmao:
I definitely shed a tear on reading that peoples. Thanks for sharing that.BTW, do you know where the name "Breed" came from? I've never heard it before.
Breed is a family name. Not 100% sure of where it came from. I guess since he was Charles A. Bosworth IV, they needed/wanted to call him something different.
Been a rough go of it over the past few months in the ffa. I always feel like we lose a member of the family in these situations. :(

Thanks for posting this peepleschamp. It helps to flesh out SP for all of us. What a great guy - we're all poorer for this loss. I am especially sorry for your loss, and again, thank you for sharing.

I just saw this. Horrible news. Thoughts and prayers. I will miss tinky winky . I spent many a night on here with one of my kids laughing at that avatar. :shiny:

Thank you peepleschamp. That was a great insight into Breed's (I hope I can call him that) life. Please post more often if you feel up to it as I'm sure many would like to read more about his B&M life

My condolences on your loss


Thanks for the posting. It sounds like you and Breed both were lucky to have each other as a friend. Stay strong and keep your friendship alive by remembering what you had and not what is lost.


I have been more of a lurker on this site but some of my out loud laughs have been due to Shiny Path. To those who personally new Shiny I pass along my prayers.

Just this Monday my 7 year old daughter told me she has a new friend at day care and this little girl lost her mom on Mothers day this year. Well, my daughter said on Monday this little girl was sad so my daughter stated she went up to the girl and asked what was wrong, the little girl responded "I miss my mommy." So my daughter proceeds to tell me, "I told her to not be sad, your mommy is in heaven with the angels watching over you. If you ever miss your mommy you can talk to her and she will hear you."

So I guess in the infinite wisdom of a seven yr old if any of you miss the conversations or your interactions with Shiny you can talk to him in your own way and hopefully you can remember the discussions you had in the past.

This has really gotten me to think that instead of experiencing life one rat race to another it is time to take an extra 5 minutes with those who are important to me, whether it be family or friends and enjoy their company.


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