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***OFFICIAL*** Boardwalk Empire thread (3 Viewers)

Good stuff last night. So Jimmy knew all along that the Commodore was his father, right? Just double checking. I'm suprised he wouldn't try and get anything from him in the past, seems like he had nothing to do with him up to this point.

Have to admit I never saw the photography couple (I'm terrible remembering names) ditching Jimmy's wife. The scene where she comes home and Jimmy's there pretending nothing's happened was great.
Surprised to see that too, was trying to remember if Jimmy's wife gave them any money? What was the point of setting her up like that?
The last scene we saw of the couple was her embracing him and kissing his head. My guess is she just couldn't do it and not that it was any sort of set up.
that was my take as well...he knew what she was up to (speaking French) and agreed to come with.
Good stuff last night. So Jimmy knew all along that the Commodore was his father, right? Just double checking. I'm suprised he wouldn't try and get anything from him in the past, seems like he had nothing to do with him up to this point.

Have to admit I never saw the photography couple (I'm terrible remembering names) ditching Jimmy's wife. The scene where she comes home and Jimmy's there pretending nothing's happened was great.
Surprised to see that too, was trying to remember if Jimmy's wife gave them any money? What was the point of setting her up like that?
The last scene we saw of the couple was her embracing him and kissing his head. My guess is she just couldn't do it and not that it was any sort of set up.
that was my take as well...he knew what she was up to (speaking French) and agreed to come with.
He should've taken Jimmy's wife for the threesome. We've already seen all 3 together once (before Jimmy walked in).
Good stuff last night. So Jimmy knew all along that the Commodore was his father, right? Just double checking. I'm suprised he wouldn't try and get anything from him in the past, seems like he had nothing to do with him up to this point.

Have to admit I never saw the photography couple (I'm terrible remembering names) ditching Jimmy's wife. The scene where she comes home and Jimmy's there pretending nothing's happened was great.
Surprised to see that too, was trying to remember if Jimmy's wife gave them any money? What was the point of setting her up like that?
The last scene we saw of the couple was her embracing him and kissing his head. My guess is she just couldn't do it and not that it was any sort of set up.
that was my take as well...he knew what she was up to (speaking French) and agreed to come with.
He should've taken Jimmy's wife for the threesome. We've already seen all 3 together once (before Jimmy walked in).
:confused: and risk getting pummeled Andre Johnson style, once again?
Good stuff last night. So Jimmy knew all along that the Commodore was his father, right? Just double checking. I'm suprised he wouldn't try and get anything from him in the past, seems like he had nothing to do with him up to this point.
What's interesting to me will be if they expose the motivation for Jimmy keeping the Commodore alive at this point (after them apparently having nothing to do with each other and Jimmy not caring much for this guy previously). Is he just being a good guy (like he was with the butchered whore), or does he have ulterior motives?
Good stuff last night. So Jimmy knew all along that the Commodore was his father, right? Just double checking. I'm suprised he wouldn't try and get anything from him in the past, seems like he had nothing to do with him up to this point.
What's interesting to me will be if they expose the motivation for Jimmy keeping the Commodore alive at this point (after them apparently having nothing to do with each other and Jimmy not caring much for this guy previously). Is he just being a good guy (like he was with the butchered whore), or does he have ulterior motives?
Jimmy was resigned to the fact that he was dying, when he told Richie that "he's on his way out". He didn't do much to keep him alive, just keeping company because his mother asked him to. But now that there is a relationship forming, I can see the Commodore using Jimmy to two time Nucky, since it sounds like the Commodore isn't too happy with Nuck. Alot of possibilities here.ETA: OR Jimmy can plot with his mother to cash in. :)
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Good stuff last night. So Jimmy knew all along that the Commodore was his father, right? Just double checking. I'm suprised he wouldn't try and get anything from him in the past, seems like he had nothing to do with him up to this point.

Have to admit I never saw the photography couple (I'm terrible remembering names) ditching Jimmy's wife. The scene where she comes home and Jimmy's there pretending nothing's happened was great.
Surprised to see that too, was trying to remember if Jimmy's wife gave them any money? What was the point of setting her up like that?
The last scene we saw of the couple was her embracing him and kissing his head. My guess is she just couldn't do it and not that it was any sort of set up.
Cool, couldn't rememeber if there was something more to that story, it's not one I'm paying extra attention too. THanks.
Another great episode. So is Nucky paying off the maid to poison the food/drink? There appears to be an inevitable standoff b/w Jimmy and Nucky (and Nucky and Margaret). How will the creepy agent handle killing his partner with all those witnesses. :bag:
I like how they left the Commodore's "The wrong person is running this town" comment hanging out there.
:whistle: A small line but could be real important. I took that as the Commodore implying that Jimmy should be running things after his father. Immediately planting the ssed in Jimmy's head, and you know Jimmy would understand that after his story. He's the heir to the Commodore's empire, not Nucky.
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thoughts to how the Agent will handle the murder of his partner in front of all of the witnesses?
I thought the same thing. The only way this doesn't ruin his career is if he totally covers it up. The witnesses are a problem, but you'd think an FBI agent could coerce that group into keeping quiet.
thoughts to how the Agent will handle the murder of his partner in front of all of the witnesses?
I thought the same thing. The only way this doesn't ruin his career is if he totally covers it up. The witnesses are a problem, but you'd think an FBI agent could coerce that group into keeping quiet.
Remember the times. A group of African Americans versus a federal agent is probably not a good bet in their eyes. I could see them not saying a thing.
thoughts to how the Agent will handle the murder of his partner in front of all of the witnesses?
I thought the same thing. The only way this doesn't ruin his career is if he totally covers it up. The witnesses are a problem, but you'd think an FBI agent could coerce that group into keeping quiet.
Remember the times. A group of African Americans versus a federal agent is probably not a good bet in their eyes. I could see them not saying a thing.
Same here. Seems like his character is just too good to let him be ruined by this. So I assume he'll cover it up successfully.
Favorite line last night was between Nucky and Eli."To bad you didn't see Hardeen the other night. It's an entertaining act but if he wasn't Houdini's brother nobody would give a f#@%..."
That was great. Richard saying he will kill the mother, the sisters, and the dentist in Philly to get the D’Alessio brother to come out was also a great line.
The look on Jimmy's and Nucky's faces when he shot that guy had me :unsure:Oh tough guy you going to shoot me nowI wasn't going too but now you gave me no choiceBLAMsheepish look at Nucky and a shrug :shrug:
Best scene in the series so far.
;) Awesome scene.I haven't been rteading this thread, but I love this show. Look forward to the next episode every week. It's the best HBO series in a long time. Frankly, I like it as much as or perhaps better than the Sopranos. The dialog and acting and characters are awesome. The half-face guy is such a wonderful character. I love the way the plot lines are developing. Just an awesome show, so well written and well done.And I'm no movie nerd, but the artistry in the filming is evident too. It's all so well thought out. The scene a couple of weeks ago when the Fed guy is talking with his wife in the dining room. He is so cold and they are so distant. And she is talking about having a baby. And did you notice the camera, during this awesome dialog, doesn't show the two of them in the shot together? Rather, they keep panning back and forth, from OUTSIDE of the room, from one adjacent room showing her, to the other adjacent room showing him, each time the other person is obscured by the door or edge of the wall. It's such a small touch, and I'm guessing the kind of thing some film student picks up without a moment of thought and analyzes to death, but it was so well done and even a schmuck like me notices it, and that kind of attention to detail is just awesome.Such a wonderful show.
And last week when Van Alden is berating Margaret and he is seemingly losing his mind and getting out of control the camera is bouncing up and down the entire scene to show how chaotic he is becoming. Great direction and camera work.
Van Alden actor Michael Shannon also played a similarly intense-bordering-on-crazy character in The Runaways.

thoughts to how the Agent will handle the murder of his partner in front of all of the witnesses?
I thought the same thing. The only way this doesn't ruin his career is if he totally covers it up. The witnesses are a problem, but you'd think an FBI agent could coerce that group into keeping quiet.
Remember the times. A group of African Americans versus a federal agent is probably not a good bet in their eyes. I could see them not saying a thing.
Same here. Seems like his character is just too good to let him be ruined by this. So I assume he'll cover it up successfully.
Gotta believe it'll cause him some trouble down the road at some point. Maybe someone in the baptism crowd has connections to Chalky. Besides that, all those people are just going to leave the dead body floating around in the river? No way they can all keep quiet about it. Let's also not forget Nucky was using that guy - he'll have an interest in figuring out what happened to him, particularly if he squealed or not before he died. Beyond that, Van Alden will have to start lying about the murder when the FBI tries to figure out what happened to the guy - the stress of which will probably lead to more quality crazy on his part.
Gotta believe it'll cause him some trouble down the road at some point. Maybe someone in the baptism crowd has connections to Chalky. Besides that, all those people are just going to leave the dead body floating around in the river? No way they can all keep quiet about it. Let's also not forget Nucky was using that guy - he'll have an interest in figuring out what happened to him, particularly if he squealed or not before he died. Beyond that, Van Alden will have to start lying about the murder when the FBI tries to figure out what happened to the guy - the stress of which will probably lead to more quality crazy on his part.
YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!That is all I want.

Thoughts on why Nuck led the agents out in to the woods looking for the still...only to find the church going folk instead? Was there really a distillary in the area but they didn't find it?

Thoughts on why Nuck led the agents out in to the woods looking for the still...only to find the church going folk instead? Was there really a distillary in the area but they didn't find it?
I think they missed it. Sebso said they passed the mile marker. Plus, I don't see a reason for Nucky to give him bad info when he was already nervous.
My favorite line of the show came between Van Alden and Sebso when Sebso asked him if he was going to start eating . . .

“The thought of what ingredients might constitute this filth repulses me.”

His facial expressions are priceless.

This show is just fantastic - can't believe there is only one episode left.

It's gonna be great re-watching this entire season after the fact and trying to pick up on nuances like the ones already mentioned in here. Very :angry: that there's only 1 left.

Meaningless question about the credits... Why does Gretchen Mol get credited as "guest starring"? Does she not have a full contract and only contracted for specific episodes? And does that mean she's not a long term charachter? Just wondering, she has appeared in almost every episope but only gets "guest starring" credit. Anyone know why?

Do we know how many seasons this is going to be? Have they set that up like Lost where they knew when the end would be?
This is it. Just one season.
:popcorn: HBO already ordered/greenlighted the second season. Not sure how many episodes though.
You could have at least played along for a minute or two.
Come on now. I knew next season was already a go, I was just wondering if the writers had a planned story length.
Do we know how many seasons this is going to be? Have they set that up like Lost where they knew when the end would be?
This is it. Just one season.
:popcorn: HBO already ordered/greenlighted the second season. Not sure how many episodes though.
You could have at least played along for a minute or two.
Nobody appreciates your brilliance.
From your mouth to god's ears.
Meaningless question about the credits... Why does Gretchen Mol get credited as "guest starring"? Does she not have a full contract and only contracted for specific episodes? And does that mean she's not a long term charachter? Just wondering, she has appeared in almost every episope but only gets "guest starring" credit. Anyone know why?
She isnt listed as a "cast" member. Just a recurring character. Like agent Sebso.I dont think she survives season 2.
cool, that's what I was thinking, they know she's gonna get it, they're just not sure when they're going to kill her off.
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Another great episode. So is Nucky paying off the maid to poison the food/drink? There appears to be an inevitable standoff b/w Jimmy and Nucky (and Nucky and Margaret). How will the creepy agent handle killing his partner with all those witnesses.

I thought it was Jimmy's mom. His mom maybe found out she or Jimmy could benefit from his death is what I thought was implied. And she was visiting him recently. Also Jimmy said he was better at the end of the episode like he stopped the poisoning.
During the scenes from the next episode, I'm pretty sure I saw a shot of Commodore looking healthy as ever.Did you know that's the guy who played Drexler on "Drexler's Class?"

Another great episode. So is Nucky paying off the maid to poison the food/drink? There appears to be an inevitable standoff b/w Jimmy and Nucky (and Nucky and Margaret). How will the creepy agent handle killing his partner with all those witnesses.

I thought it was Jimmy's mom. His mom maybe found out she or Jimmy could benefit from his death is what I thought was implied. And she was visiting him recently. Also Jimmy said he was better at the end of the episode like he stopped the poisoning.
That's what I thought. Thought the Maid at first but I don't think she has anything to gain
I think that Jimmy's mom is having the maid do it. When Jimmy first came into the room the maid made a point of trying to take the biscuits out of the room as quickly as possible, like she knew.
You know what, I think you are right, she had to be cut in with jimmy's mom. Last week, she was forcing him to drink the "green drink" to make him feel better. The miad is definitely part of the plot, I think.
Good call. When Jimmy puked after eating a biscuit, it was bright green, too.
I thought I remembered it being a normal, puke-ey color.

Anyway, Michael Pitt went to West Orange high school in NJ where a buddy of mine is a guidance counselor (not when Pitt was there). All the teachers who WERE there at the time said that when Pitt was in school, he basically wandered around high as a kite on multiple drugs all day long, never did work, never really talked to anyone, and was basically a huge loser. Now he's the new DiCaprio.

Lesson to the kids out there...don't sweat high school.

I thought I remembered it being a normal, puke-ey color.

Anyway, Michael Pitt went to West Orange high school in NJ where a buddy of mine is a guidance counselor (not when Pitt was there). All the teachers who WERE there at the time said that when Pitt was in school, he basically wandered around high as a kite on multiple drugs all day long, never did work, never really talked to anyone, and was basically a huge loser. Now he's the new DiCaprio.

Lesson to the talented kids out there...don't sweat high school.
I thought I remembered it being a normal, puke-ey color.

Anyway, Michael Pitt went to West Orange high school in NJ where a buddy of mine is a guidance counselor (not when Pitt was there). All the teachers who WERE there at the time said that when Pitt was in school, he basically wandered around high as a kite on multiple drugs all day long, never did work, never really talked to anyone, and was basically a huge loser. Now he's the new DiCaprio.

Lesson to the kids out there...don't sweat high school.
Do you think you might be getting a tiny bit carried away there?
I thought I remembered it being a normal, puke-ey color.

Anyway, Michael Pitt went to West Orange high school in NJ where a buddy of mine is a guidance counselor (not when Pitt was there). All the teachers who WERE there at the time said that when Pitt was in school, he basically wandered around high as a kite on multiple drugs all day long, never did work, never really talked to anyone, and was basically a huge loser. Now he's the new DiCaprio.

Lesson to the movie star level attractive, talented kids out there...don't sweat high school.
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I thought I remembered it being a normal, puke-ey color.Anyway, Michael Pitt went to West Orange high school in NJ where a buddy of mine is a guidance counselor (not when Pitt was there). All the teachers who WERE there at the time said that when Pitt was in school, he basically wandered around high as a kite on multiple drugs all day long, never did work, never really talked to anyone, and was basically a huge loser. Now he's the new DiCaprio.Lesson to the kids out there...don't sweat high school.
I went to West Orange High School :towelwave: and I've heard the same things about him. Small world, huh?
I don't know the history here, but is Rothstein going to Chicago and meet up with Capone and work out something with him in regards to clearing his name in the Black Sox scandal? Would pit Capone vs Jimmy then...which would be real interesting.

By the way, could we do away with puking as a device in film and TV?

There was a time when puking on screen would have been viewed as very daring and shocking. But turn on the TV and puking is such a cliche now I'd expect to see it on the Disney channel by now.

I thought I remembered it being a normal, puke-ey color.

Anyway, Michael Pitt went to West Orange high school in NJ where a buddy of mine is a guidance counselor (not when Pitt was there). All the teachers who WERE there at the time said that when Pitt was in school, he basically wandered around high as a kite on multiple drugs all day long, never did work, never really talked to anyone, and was basically a huge loser. Now he's the new DiCaprio.

Lesson to the kids out there...don't sweat high school.
Do you think you might be getting a tiny bit carried away there?
He could be. Kid has big talent.
I don't know the history here, but is Rothstein going to Chicago and meet up with Capone and work out something with him in regards to clearing his name in the Black Sox scandal? Would pit Capone vs Jimmy then...which would be real interesting.
Capone?Hell, Capone just took off the kid's cap after his virtual bar mitzvah. Johnny Torrio would be in a better position to be doing favors.
I don't know the history here, but is Rothstein going to Chicago and meet up with Capone and work out something with him in regards to clearing his name in the Black Sox scandal? Would pit Capone vs Jimmy then...which would be real interesting.
Capone?Hell, Capone just took off the kid's cap after his virtual bar mitzvah. Johnny Torrio would be in a better position to be doing favors.
That's essentially what I meant....his team.ETA, figure he could hold it over Torrio's head.....does Rothstein know Capone worked with Jimmy on the booze heist? I don't remember if he knew all the players that were involved....I only know he knows Jimmy definitely was.
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By the way, could we do away with puking as a device in film and TV? There was a time when puking on screen would have been viewed as very daring and shocking. But turn on the TV and puking is such a cliche now I'd expect to see it on the Disney channel by now.
Didn't you also bring this up in The Sopranos thread? I think you might just be sensitive to it. :kicksrock:
I thought I remembered it being a normal, puke-ey color.

Anyway, Michael Pitt went to West Orange high school in NJ where a buddy of mine is a guidance counselor (not when Pitt was there). All the teachers who WERE there at the time said that when Pitt was in school, he basically wandered around high as a kite on multiple drugs all day long, never did work, never really talked to anyone, and was basically a huge loser. Now he's the new DiCaprio.

Lesson to the kids out there...don't sweat high school.
Do you think you might be getting a tiny bit carried away there?
Yes I do. It wasn't really meant to be taken literally. I don't think he's going to be the biggest celebrity superstar actor in the world, if that's what you mean. But he has a similar look and attitude about him, and is arguably the biggest star on TV's biggest hit right now. So it's safe to say he's an up-and-coming kid.
Michael Pitt is a much better actor now than in my first exposure to him, when he was Michelle Williams' virgin boyfriend in Dawson's Creek.

By the way, could we do away with puking as a device in film and TV? There was a time when puking on screen would have been viewed as very daring and shocking. But turn on the TV and puking is such a cliche now I'd expect to see it on the Disney channel by now.
Didn't you also bring this up in The Sopranos thread? I think you might just be sensitive to it. :)
I probably did :)Just saying, is all. I mean, what's next? Will we be treated to our favorite stars taking a runny dump just for shock value? Where does this scatological slippery slope end?
I don't know the history here, but is Rothstein going to Chicago and meet up with Capone and work out something with him in regards to clearing his name in the Black Sox scandal? Would pit Capone vs Jimmy then...which would be real interesting.
Capone?Hell, Capone just took off the kid's cap after his virtual bar mitzvah. Johnny Torrio would be in a better position to be doing favors.
That's essentially what I meant....his team.ETA, figure he could hold it over Torrio's head.....does Rothstein know Capone worked with Jimmy on the booze heist? I don't remember if he knew all the players that were involved....I only know he knows Jimmy definitely was.
I remember the accomplice said it was "Jimmy and some other guy"....but I think the fat dude who survived the shooting mentioned a 'guy named Al'? I'm not sure if anyone in the Rothstein camp knows that.

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