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***OFFICIAL Survivor: Blood vs. Water*** (2 Viewers)

Extending this family metaphor a bit further, would anyone want to see a Survivor series where they find 10 pairs of identical twins and split the pairs up for each tribe? I think it would be pretty cool to see if the same dynamics follow each tribe. I might get rid of redemption island and the ability to switch for your loved one for that one, although it may be interesting if someone does switch does their twin immediately gravitate into the same alliance as their sibling?

Might be a bit tough to keep names straight from tribe to tribe, but I'd bet the Survivor producers could find 10 pairs of identical twins willing to go on Survivor. Plus it would have the bonus of not having any returning players.

Dumb? Fun? Interesting?

Extending this family metaphor a bit further, would anyone want to see a Survivor series where they find 10 pairs of identical twins and split the pairs up for each tribe? I think it would be pretty cool to see if the same dynamics follow each tribe. I might get rid of redemption island and the ability to switch for your loved one for that one, although it may be interesting if someone does switch does their twin immediately gravitate into the same alliance as their sibling?

Might be a bit tough to keep names straight from tribe to tribe, but I'd bet the Survivor producers could find 10 pairs of identical twins willing to go on Survivor. Plus it would have the bonus of not having any returning players.

Dumb? Fun? Interesting?
I don't think the dynamic would be much different than the dynamic we have here, except for a while you'd never know which tribe you were watching :loco:

Did any of the gossip type Survivor sites mention that Colton faked his injury/ailment last time? This was the first I heard of it on the show.

My memory sucks because I thought he was doing well that season when he faked the ailment.

Brad Culpepper played a relatively long time in the NFL, from 92 through 2000.

Here were two yearly salaries he made, one in his prime likely at his peak contract which likely lasted for some of the 5 years he was on Tampa and one salary at the end when he was with Chicago.

1997: $636,000

2000: $490,000

:thumbup: to Caleb for making a big move..

They could just spend the entire time next week showing us how those 3 interact on Redemption island and it would be a fun show.

Also.. have to give a :thumbup: to Brad for taking it like a man.. Loved his "before you hit me I'm waving the white flag" when he arrived.

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So now the winless tribe is down to 1 strong guy, 1 former drug addict, a homosexual and 2 women who can't beat their 60 year old mother (one that weighs 60 lbs and another that has a gunt).

Seems like they should do well in challenges going forward....

I think at some point they would stop sending Ciara out there for puzzles. Can't imagine she's all that good at them considering she couldn't solve the "getting through HS without getting knocked up" brain teaser.

They're going to have to mix up the tribes or risk a total wipe at this point.

Between watching big brother and survivor, it seems the smart move is to vote out the gay guy first... unless of course you ARE the gay guy...NTTIAWWT.

:thumbup: to Caleb for making a big move..

They could just spend the entire time next week showing us how those 3 interact on Redemption island and it would be a fun show.

Also.. have to give a :thumbup: to Brad for taking it like a man.. Loved his "before you hit me I'm waving the white flag" when he arrived.
I didn't like it. Too much of a risk. He was tight with the other 2 guys, why not take out Ciera, and then next week he would either be 3-2 or 4-1 against Brad if he wants. All good that it worked for him and all, but way to easy that it flips against him too.

Brad was such an idiot. God, has he ever watched this show before? Why even tell the girls it was Caleb when we now know he had agreed with other guys that it was Cierra? Of course Caleb would flip on him if he found out he was leaking his name; it proved he was 4th on totem pole and he had no loved one, so in a few weeks he would be the 7th on the totem pole at best. He was better off trying to ouster Brad now when he still had the chance.

Brad had total control of this tribe, but he messed up so royally and without any purpose. I sense that he always tries to look like the good guy to the person he plans on voting out, like last week he said he wanted to be the lone vote for John. The dude has to understand the game of survivor is cutthroat, you cant backstab someone and have them think you are on their side still.

Maelstrom said:
snogger said:
:thumbup: to Caleb for making a big move..

They could just spend the entire time next week showing us how those 3 interact on Redemption island and it would be a fun show.

Also.. have to give a :thumbup: to Brad for taking it like a man.. Loved his "before you hit me I'm waving the white flag" when he arrived.
I didn't like it. Too much of a risk. He was tight with the other 2 guys, why not take out Ciera, and then next week he would either be 3-2 or 4-1 against Brad if he wants. All good that it worked for him and all, but way to easy that it flips against him too.
I loved it. Too many people don't take advantage of outright declaring who they're voting for. Sure blindsides are useful, but so can being entirely open about the vote. Plus, how can he possibly trust Brad? How can any of them? Though I thought they should have voted out Brad last week.

snogger said:
Also.. have to give a :thumbup: to Brad for taking it like a man.. Loved his "before you hit me I'm waving the white flag" when he arrived.
Yeah, he immediately reminded me about something Probst had said about when Jeff Kent was voted out, that being a pro athlete he really had good sportsmanship about losing. Saw it as a game, and he didn't win this one, but no hard feelings, respect for the competition.

Also, what a great run to start the season. "I can stand Rupert, hope he goes soon"... he's out in the first 10 minutes of the first episode, then gone for good at the start of the next. "Can't stand Colton, hope he goes soon"... quits in the first 10 minutes of the next episode. "Brad C.'s hyper-aggressive strategizing and obnoxiousness irritates me, hope he goes soon..." and then, poof, he's gone from out of nowhere.

Brad just over-thought it. Do you want to take couples out or not? Caleb was no threat along those lines. Brad intended and did vote for Ciara yet floated Caleb's name earlier. Stupid. Line up the two girls and hope to win a challenge or two. At that point it's a whole new ballgame with the merge looming.

It wouldn't have even be so bad to throw challenges if you are Brad. You knock out the two girls then Caleb leaving you with three guys and their partners on the other side. If you merge you have six.

Maelstrom said:
snogger said:
:thumbup: to Caleb for making a big move..

They could just spend the entire time next week showing us how those 3 interact on Redemption island and it would be a fun show.

Also.. have to give a :thumbup: to Brad for taking it like a man.. Loved his "before you hit me I'm waving the white flag" when he arrived.
I didn't like it. Too much of a risk. He was tight with the other 2 guys, why not take out Ciera, and then next week he would either be 3-2 or 4-1 against Brad if he wants. All good that it worked for him and all, but way to easy that it flips against him too.
Because he was 90% sure he was about to get "johnned" so decided to do a preemptive strike. Better to go down :boxing: then just sit back and get "johnned".

snogger said:
Also.. have to give a :thumbup: to Brad for taking it like a man.. Loved his "before you hit me I'm waving the white flag" when he arrived.
Yeah, he immediately reminded me about something Probst had said about when Jeff Kent was voted out, that being a pro athlete he really had good sportsmanship about losing. Saw it as a game, and he didn't win this one, but no hard feelings, respect for the competition.
You guys are giving Brad Culpepper for owning up - but what choice did he have? He was going to be at tribal for X long - he needed to try and establish a non-hostile environment

biggamer3 said:
Brad was such an idiot.
This. You don't bust up a great alliance of five that early in the game. And as someone pointed out last night -- after you do break it up no one trusts you again. Especially after Redemption Island when you say that John's mistake was trusting you. Dude's a moron.

TLEF316 said:
So now the winless tribe is down to 1 strong guy, 1 former drug addict, a homosexual and 2 women who can't beat their 60 year old mother (one that weighs 60 lbs and another that has a gunt).

Seems like they should do well in challenges going forward....

I think at some point they would stop sending Ciara out there for puzzles. Can't imagine she's all that good at them considering she couldn't solve the "getting through HS without getting knocked up" brain teaser.

They're going to have to mix up the tribes or risk a total wipe at this point.
Progressive thinking here.

snogger said:
Also.. have to give a :thumbup: to Brad for taking it like a man.. Loved his "before you hit me I'm waving the white flag" when he arrived.
Yeah, he immediately reminded me about something Probst had said about when Jeff Kent was voted out, that being a pro athlete he really had good sportsmanship about losing. Saw it as a game, and he didn't win this one, but no hard feelings, respect for the competition.

Also, what a great run to start the season. "I can stand Rupert, hope he goes soon"... he's out in the first 10 minutes of the first episode, then gone for good at the start of the next. "Can't stand Colton, hope he goes soon"... quits in the first 10 minutes of the next episode. "Brad C.'s hyper-aggressive strategizing and obnoxiousness irritates me, hope he goes soon..." and then, poof, he's gone from out of nowhere.
sign of a good editor?

TLEF316 said:
So now the winless tribe is down to 1 strong guy, 1 former drug addict, a homosexual and 2 women who can't beat their 60 year old mother (one that weighs 60 lbs and another that has a gunt).

Seems like they should do well in challenges going forward....

I think at some point they would stop sending Ciara out there for puzzles. Can't imagine she's all that good at them considering she couldn't solve the "getting through HS without getting knocked up" brain teaser.

They're going to have to mix up the tribes or risk a total wipe at this point.
Progressive thinking here.
Has Caleb demonstrated any physical ability that I may have missed? He's obviously not the useless lump that colton was, but he hasn't stood out in any challenges.

TLEF316 said:
So now the winless tribe is down to 1 strong guy, 1 former drug addict, a homosexual and 2 women who can't beat their 60 year old mother (one that weighs 60 lbs and another that has a gunt).

Seems like they should do well in challenges going forward....

I think at some point they would stop sending Ciara out there for puzzles. Can't imagine she's all that good at them considering she couldn't solve the "getting through HS without getting knocked up" brain teaser.

They're going to have to mix up the tribes or risk a total wipe at this point.
Progressive thinking here.
Has Caleb demonstrated any physical ability that I may have missed? He's obviously not the useless lump that colton was, but he hasn't stood out in any challenges.
He hasn't been shown to be a detriment which is what you are alluding based solely on his sexual orientation.

TLEF316 said:
So now the winless tribe is down to 1 strong guy, 1 former drug addict, a homosexual and 2 women who can't beat their 60 year old mother (one that weighs 60 lbs and another that has a gunt).

Seems like they should do well in challenges going forward....

I think at some point they would stop sending Ciara out there for puzzles. Can't imagine she's all that good at them considering she couldn't solve the "getting through HS without getting knocked up" brain teaser.

They're going to have to mix up the tribes or risk a total wipe at this point.
Progressive thinking here.
Has Caleb demonstrated any physical ability that I may have missed? He's obviously not the useless lump that colton was, but he hasn't stood out in any challenges.
When everyone else was struggling to drag/roll the staircase cubes up the beach in this episode, Caleb, solo, picked one up and just carried it up to the platform.

Jayrok said:
Candice rags on Brad at every chance, but she is the one that comes off as childish. Good for Brad that he took his ousting like a man and I hope he beats Candice and John at the redemption challenge. I hope his wife doesn't swap with him. I'd like to see Brad finish first and John and Candice fighting each other for second. Course she might just tell John to drop out and he will.
yep :lol:

GordonGekko said:
Your best chance to win is to keep coming back and playing over several seasons. Not only that, Boston Rob's antics distracted from the fact that he was actually very physically strong. Culpepper is a former NFL player, he's clearly physically superior and more athletic and probably wealthier than many other contestants on the show, however is anyone talking about his threat in physical/strength challenges? No, they are talking about his pros/cons as a group leader. Are they talking about his former career and the uptick in wealth he probably has over many contestants? No, they are pointing out how much other members hate him for being a ring leader. Being perceived as already wealthy and being seen as "too strong" generally tend to work as bias against a lot of players, unless you distract them from those issues.
In typical seasons, there is no "too strong" talk until after the merge.

With this one, his wife may have been a target due to his strength in the same way as Tyson's girlfriend was, but the other tribe hasn't had to vote anyone out yet so it hasn't come up.

Kind of not looking forward to "shaking up the tribes" next week. I feel like that's a move they have in the script from before the season started, but they don't really need it. This is a very atypical season and I'm a little concerned they're going to mess up a good thing.

Kind of not looking forward to "shaking up the tribes" next week. I feel like that's a move they have in the script from before the season started, but they don't really need it. This is a very atypical season and I'm a little concerned they're going to mess up a good thing.
:shrug: Not me.. I've always thought the mix up of tribes should happen every 6 days. I love watching people scramble to come up with new plans. :popcorn:

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Kind of not looking forward to "shaking up the tribes" next week. I feel like that's a move they have in the script from before the season started, but they don't really need it. This is a very atypical season and I'm a little concerned they're going to mess up a good thing.
:shrug: Not me.. I've always thought the mix up of tribes should happen every 6 days. I love watching people scramble to come up with new plans. :popcorn:
When I heard of One World, I was hoping they'd just randomly pick teams each challenge or have school yard picks each time. Then only the losing team goes to tribal. I think that would really screw with the people that can't do math.

Also, I think that last vote was a mistake by Aras. He potentially just lost 2 pocket votes. Sure, it takes some pressure off him, but I don't think its enough to offset that loss. I always find it weird too that people feel comfortable with a small alliance at this point. You can control your tribe, but 5 post merge isn't enough. Hell, even if you include Kat 6 isn't enough. Its not like this is some new concept. Hatch figured it out in the first season.

Brad was such an idiot. God, has he ever watched this show before? Why even tell the girls it was Caleb when we now know he had agreed with other guys that it was Cierra? Of course Caleb would flip on him if he found out he was leaking his name; it proved he was 4th on totem pole and he had no loved one, so in a few weeks he would be the 7th on the totem pole at best. He was better off trying to ouster Brad now when he still had the chance.

Brad had total control of this tribe, but he messed up so royally and without any purpose. I sense that he always tries to look like the good guy to the person he plans on voting out, like last week he said he wanted to be the lone vote for John. The dude has to understand the game of survivor is cutthroat, you cant backstab someone and have them think you are on their side still.
He was the Walter White of Survivor. He always felt compelled to tell everyone how he was doing everything behind everyone else's back. It's too bad because I was pulling for him.

So now the winless tribe is down to 1 strong guy, 1 former drug addict, a homosexual and 2 women who can't beat their 60 year old mother (one that weighs 60 lbs and another that has a gunt).

Seems like they should do well in challenges going forward....

I think at some point they would stop sending Ciara out there for puzzles. Can't imagine she's all that good at them considering she couldn't solve the "getting through HS without getting knocked up" brain teaser.

They're going to have to mix up the tribes or risk a total wipe at this point.
Progressive thinking here.
Has Caleb demonstrated any physical ability that I may have missed? He's obviously not the useless lump that colton was, but he hasn't stood out in any challenges.
He hasn't been shown to be a detriment which is what you are alluding based solely on his sexual orientation.
But you're OK with drug addict? :confused: Something tells me you're just trying to pick a fight.

Also, I think that last vote was a mistake by Aras. He potentially just lost 2 pocket votes. Sure, it takes some pressure off him, but I don't think its enough to offset that loss. I always find it weird too that people feel comfortable with a small alliance at this point. You can control your tribe, but 5 post merge isn't enough. Hell, even if you include Kat 6 isn't enough. Its not like this is some new concept. Hatch figured it out in the first season.
I'm sure post-merge they're also counting on Rupert's wife, since she doesn't really have any other options. Really this season is so weird and different that you could justify almost anything. Kat would have been a good option imo.

I liked that Aras quickly cut any worries of him pairing up with Laura M. Even if they hadn't ultimately voted her out... just him putting her name out there was enough to quell any concerns.

So now the winless tribe is down to 1 strong guy, 1 former drug addict, a homosexual and 2 women who can't beat their 60 year old mother (one that weighs 60 lbs and another that has a gunt).

Seems like they should do well in challenges going forward....

I think at some point they would stop sending Ciara out there for puzzles. Can't imagine she's all that good at them considering she couldn't solve the "getting through HS without getting knocked up" brain teaser.

They're going to have to mix up the tribes or risk a total wipe at this point.
Progressive thinking here.
Has Caleb demonstrated any physical ability that I may have missed? He's obviously not the useless lump that colton was, but he hasn't stood out in any challenges.
He hasn't been shown to be a detriment which is what you are alluding based solely on his sexual orientation.
But you're OK with drug addict? :confused: Something tells me you're just trying to pick a fight.
There could be an assumption, depending on the length of sobriety, that a former drug addict would be a weaker person in challenges. Labeling a person weak based only on sexual orientation-there is just no place for it. And another poster chimed in on Caleb's strength in a challenge. I wanted it noted that people noticed his subtle dig to homosexuals.

So now the winless tribe is down to 1 strong guy, 1 former drug addict, a homosexual and 2 women who can't beat their 60 year old mother (one that weighs 60 lbs and another that has a gunt).

Seems like they should do well in challenges going forward....

I think at some point they would stop sending Ciara out there for puzzles. Can't imagine she's all that good at them considering she couldn't solve the "getting through HS without getting knocked up" brain teaser.

They're going to have to mix up the tribes or risk a total wipe at this point.
Progressive thinking here.
Has Caleb demonstrated any physical ability that I may have missed? He's obviously not the useless lump that colton was, but he hasn't stood out in any challenges.
He hasn't been shown to be a detriment which is what you are alluding based solely on his sexual orientation.
But you're OK with drug addict? :confused: Something tells me you're just trying to pick a fight.
There could be an assumption, depending on the length of sobriety, that a former drug addict would be a weaker person in challenges. Labeling a person weak based only on sexual orientation-there is just no place for it. And another poster chimed in on Caleb's strength in a challenge. I wanted it noted that people noticed his subtle dig to homosexuals.
Why do you think it was a dig? He listed the people still in the tribe. Sounds like you assumed he made a dig.

So now the winless tribe is down to 1 strong guy, 1 former drug addict, a homosexual and 2 women who can't beat their 60 year old mother (one that weighs 60 lbs and another that has a gunt).

Seems like they should do well in challenges going forward....

I think at some point they would stop sending Ciara out there for puzzles. Can't imagine she's all that good at them considering she couldn't solve the "getting through HS without getting knocked up" brain teaser.

They're going to have to mix up the tribes or risk a total wipe at this point.
Progressive thinking here.
Has Caleb demonstrated any physical ability that I may have missed? He's obviously not the useless lump that colton was, but he hasn't stood out in any challenges.
He hasn't been shown to be a detriment which is what you are alluding based solely on his sexual orientation.
But you're OK with drug addict? :confused: Something tells me you're just trying to pick a fight.
There could be an assumption, depending on the length of sobriety, that a former drug addict would be a weaker person in challenges. Labeling a person weak based only on sexual orientation-there is just no place for it. And another poster chimed in on Caleb's strength in a challenge. I wanted it noted that people noticed his subtle dig to homosexuals.
Why do you think it was a dig? He listed the people still in the tribe. Sounds like you assumed he made a dig.
Something tells me you're just trying to pick a fight.

So now the winless tribe is down to 1 strong guy, 1 former drug addict, a homosexual and 2 women who can't beat their 60 year old mother (one that weighs 60 lbs and another that has a gunt).

Seems like they should do well in challenges going forward....

I think at some point they would stop sending Ciara out there for puzzles. Can't imagine she's all that good at them considering she couldn't solve the "getting through HS without getting knocked up" brain teaser.

They're going to have to mix up the tribes or risk a total wipe at this point.
Progressive thinking here.
Has Caleb demonstrated any physical ability that I may have missed? He's obviously not the useless lump that colton was, but he hasn't stood out in any challenges.
He hasn't been shown to be a detriment which is what you are alluding based solely on his sexual orientation.
But you're OK with drug addict? :confused: Something tells me you're just trying to pick a fight.
There could be an assumption, depending on the length of sobriety, that a former drug addict would be a weaker person in challenges. Labeling a person weak based only on sexual orientation-there is just no place for it. And another poster chimed in on Caleb's strength in a challenge. I wanted it noted that people noticed his subtle dig to homosexuals.
Why do you think it was a dig? He listed the people still in the tribe. Sounds like you assumed he made a dig.
Something tells me you're just trying to pick a fight.
I'm not. That's not me. People know my track record and that's not me. I just take exception to calling someone ignorant for listing who is left in the tribe.

Kind of not looking forward to "shaking up the tribes" next week. I feel like that's a move they have in the script from before the season started, but they don't really need it. This is a very atypical season and I'm a little concerned they're going to mess up a good thing.
:shrug: Not me.. I've always thought the mix up of tribes should happen every 6 days. I love watching people scramble to come up with new plans. :popcorn:
...But that's already happening every episode. There's no obvious elimination order this season, no Pagong-ing. Plans are scrambled every time because of the complexity of the relationships, and the switch possibility at Redemption Island, and the presence of Redemption Island itself. I don't see how mixing up the tribes now makes it more unstable than it already is. It almost has to make it more boring, because we're going to have to end up with loved ones paired together somewhere, and that will just set up the typical boring Pagong-ing.

So now the winless tribe is down to 1 strong guy, 1 former drug addict, a homosexual and 2 women who can't beat their 60 year old mother (one that weighs 60 lbs and another that has a gunt).

Seems like they should do well in challenges going forward....

I think at some point they would stop sending Ciara out there for puzzles. Can't imagine she's all that good at them considering she couldn't solve the "getting through HS without getting knocked up" brain teaser.

They're going to have to mix up the tribes or risk a total wipe at this point.
Progressive thinking here.
Has Caleb demonstrated any physical ability that I may have missed? He's obviously not the useless lump that colton was, but he hasn't stood out in any challenges.
He hasn't been shown to be a detriment which is what you are alluding based solely on his sexual orientation.
But you're OK with drug addict? :confused: Something tells me you're just trying to pick a fight.
There could be an assumption, depending on the length of sobriety, that a former drug addict would be a weaker person in challenges. Labeling a person weak based only on sexual orientation-there is just no place for it. And another poster chimed in on Caleb's strength in a challenge. I wanted it noted that people noticed his subtle dig to homosexuals.
Why do you think it was a dig? He listed the people still in the tribe. Sounds like you assumed he made a dig.
Something tells me you're just trying to pick a fight.
I'm not. That's not me. People know my track record and that's not me. I just take exception to calling someone ignorant for listing who is left in the tribe.
Re-read the entire post. The poster is stating that the winless tribe will be wiped out because their tribe is weak due to their members including a drug addict, homosexual, and 2 women who can't compete with their mothers.

So now the winless tribe is down to 1 strong guy, 1 former drug addict, a homosexual and 2 women who can't beat their 60 year old mother (one that weighs 60 lbs and another that has a gunt).

Seems like they should do well in challenges going forward....

I think at some point they would stop sending Ciara out there for puzzles. Can't imagine she's all that good at them considering she couldn't solve the "getting through HS without getting knocked up" brain teaser.

They're going to have to mix up the tribes or risk a total wipe at this point.
Progressive thinking here.
Has Caleb demonstrated any physical ability that I may have missed? He's obviously not the useless lump that colton was, but he hasn't stood out in any challenges.
He hasn't been shown to be a detriment which is what you are alluding based solely on his sexual orientation.
But you're OK with drug addict? :confused: Something tells me you're just trying to pick a fight.
There could be an assumption, depending on the length of sobriety, that a former drug addict would be a weaker person in challenges. Labeling a person weak based only on sexual orientation-there is just no place for it. And another poster chimed in on Caleb's strength in a challenge. I wanted it noted that people noticed his subtle dig to homosexuals.
Why do you think it was a dig? He listed the people still in the tribe. Sounds like you assumed he made a dig.
Something tells me you're just trying to pick a fight.
I'm not. That's not me. People know my track record and that's not me. I just take exception to calling someone ignorant for listing who is left in the tribe.
Re-read the entire post. The poster is stating that the winless tribe will be wiped out because their tribe is weak due to their members including a drug addict, homosexual, and 2 women who can't compete with their mothers.
Here's the thing: I'm not trying to fight with you. But if you go back and read his post, he never said anything about being weak. I'll just leave it at that.

Rupert's wife is a complete dud. No social game whatsoever.
The whole "hey I heard the women complaining about you" was one of the most awkward things I've seen in awhile. After they walk off she goes "yep, women". It was almost like she was thinking "I nailed that". Jeff's question to her at tribal was mean spirited but elicited another awkward defense. Awful player but they may drag her along due to being no threat.
Rupert's wife is a complete dud. No social game whatsoever.
The whole "hey I heard the women complaining about you" was one of the most awkward things I've seen in awhile. After they walk off she goes "yep, women". It was almost like she was thinking "I nailed that". Jeff's question to her at tribal was mean spirited but elicited another awkward defense. Awful player but they may drag her along due to being no threat.
I felt awkward for having to hear her and I'm not even there. She really felt good about her "strategy." I felt bad for her. :(

TheIronSheik said:
Plaid Boxer said:
TheIronSheik said:
I'm not. That's not me. People know my track record and that's not me. I just take exception to calling someone ignorant for listing who is left in the tribe.

Something tells me you're just trying to pick a fight.

Why do you think it was a dig? He listed the people still in the tribe. Sounds like you assumed he made a dig.

There could be an assumption, depending on the length of sobriety, that a former drug addict would be a weaker person in challenges. Labeling a person weak based only on sexual orientation-there is just no place for it. And another poster chimed in on Caleb's strength in a challenge. I wanted it noted that people noticed his subtle dig to homosexuals.
Re-read the entire post. The poster is stating that the winless tribe will be wiped out because their tribe is weak due to their members including a drug addict, homosexual, and 2 women who can't compete with their mothers.
Here's the thing: I'm not trying to fight with you. But if you go back and read his post, he never said anything about being weak. I'll just leave it at that.
It was an insinuation confirmed in his response: "Has Caleb demonstrated any physical ability that I may have missed?"

I'll leave my side at that.

TheIronSheik said:
Plaid Boxer said:
TheIronSheik said:
I'm not. That's not me. People know my track record and that's not me. I just take exception to calling someone ignorant for listing who is left in the tribe.

Something tells me you're just trying to pick a fight.

Why do you think it was a dig? He listed the people still in the tribe. Sounds like you assumed he made a dig.

There could be an assumption, depending on the length of sobriety, that a former drug addict would be a weaker person in challenges. Labeling a person weak based only on sexual orientation-there is just no place for it. And another poster chimed in on Caleb's strength in a challenge. I wanted it noted that people noticed his subtle dig to homosexuals.
Re-read the entire post. The poster is stating that the winless tribe will be wiped out because their tribe is weak due to their members including a drug addict, homosexual, and 2 women who can't compete with their mothers.
Here's the thing: I'm not trying to fight with you. But if you go back and read his post, he never said anything about being weak. I'll just leave it at that.
It was an insinuation confirmed in his response: "Has Caleb demonstrated any physical ability that I may have missed?"

I'll leave my side at that.
Fair enough. No hard feelings.

Anyone know who said the episode 5 title name "The Dead Can Still Talk"?

30 points at stake in my fantasy league and I didn't hear it or see it credited anywhere.

Thanks much.

Rupert's wife is a complete dud. No social game whatsoever.
The whole "hey I heard the women complaining about you" was one of the most awkward things I've seen in awhile. After they walk off she goes "yep, women". It was almost like she was thinking "I nailed that". Jeff's question to her at tribal was mean spirited but elicited another awkward defense. Awful player but they may drag her along due to being no threat.
I felt awkward for having to hear her and I'm not even there. She really felt good about her "strategy." I felt bad for her. :(
Rupert always fell short in the strategic game. Maybe because his wife taught him about survivor strategy. Golly, was she embarrassing last night. I am sure she is a sweet person, but she should not be playing survivor.

Rupert's wife is a complete dud. No social game whatsoever.
The whole "hey I heard the women complaining about you" was one of the most awkward things I've seen in awhile. After they walk off she goes "yep, women". It was almost like she was thinking "I nailed that". Jeff's question to her at tribal was mean spirited but elicited another awkward defense. Awful player but they may drag her along due to being no threat.
I felt awkward for having to hear her and I'm not even there. She really felt good about her "strategy." I felt bad for her. :(
:lmao: best part, to her, it "worked". She was on the chopping block, then her awful gamesmanship got them to change their minds. At least, that's her perspective on things. Which means she'll probably try that again.

Anyone know who said the episode 5 title name "The Dead Can Still Talk"?

30 points at stake in my fantasy league and I didn't hear it or see it credited anywhere.

Thanks much.
May have been a deleted scene. But it sounds like something that was said during the RI "duel" in a previous episode.

Rupert's wife is a complete dud. No social game whatsoever.
The whole "hey I heard the women complaining about you" was one of the most awkward things I've seen in awhile. After they walk off she goes "yep, women". It was almost like she was thinking "I nailed that". Jeff's question to her at tribal was mean spirited but elicited another awkward defense. Awful player but they may drag her along due to being no threat.
I felt awkward for having to hear her and I'm not even there. She really felt good about her "strategy." I felt bad for her. :(
:lmao: best part, to her, it "worked". She was on the chopping block, then her awful gamesmanship got them to change their minds. At least, that's her perspective on things. Which means she'll probably try that again.

She now thinks she's some sort of evil genius.

LoL at CBS not even trying anymore, releasing pictures of the new tribes and pretty much showing who loses at redemption island.

TheIronSheik said:
Plaid Boxer said:
TheIronSheik said:
I'm not. That's not me. People know my track record and that's not me. I just take exception to calling someone ignorant for listing who is left in the tribe.

Something tells me you're just trying to pick a fight.

Why do you think it was a dig? He listed the people still in the tribe. Sounds like you assumed he made a dig.

There could be an assumption, depending on the length of sobriety, that a former drug addict would be a weaker person in challenges. Labeling a person weak based only on sexual orientation-there is just no place for it. And another poster chimed in on Caleb's strength in a challenge. I wanted it noted that people noticed his subtle dig to homosexuals.
Re-read the entire post. The poster is stating that the winless tribe will be wiped out because their tribe is weak due to their members including a drug addict, homosexual, and 2 women who can't compete with their mothers.
Here's the thing: I'm not trying to fight with you. But if you go back and read his post, he never said anything about being weak. I'll just leave it at that.
It was an insinuation confirmed in his response: "Has Caleb demonstrated any physical ability that I may have missed?"

I'll leave my side at that.
Gotta eat some crow here. Caleb scored 2 points in the ring toss last night. Absolutely pulled his own weight and then some. This wasn't a real physical challenge (more skill based) but the dude took care of business.

My comments weren't based on some ignorant view that all gay men are weak. That's simply not true. I would say that a majority of gay men that I have met (as well as most that have been cast on survivor) aren't usually very aggressive or overly competitive. (although, to be fair, I'm guessing that when CBS casts the show, they're probably purposely casting gay guys like Colton who can play the drama queen role) When you're on a tribe that's getting thumped in challenges, that's generally something you're looking for. Caleb's laid back cerebral game isn't as much of a team asset (IMO) when you're 3 people down and have 2 pretty useless young girls weighing you down with a merge on the horizon.

But yes, it was a not-so subtle jab at Caleb, centered around the fact that he is gay (probably should have gone with "chubby guy"). Bad move on my part.

Why does the returnees tribe keep sitting Monica out in challenges? Seems like she's been on the bench for almost every one. Gotta think she offers more than Tina would in a challenge like tonight.

LoL at CBS not even trying anymore, releasing pictures of the new tribes and pretty much showing who loses at redemption island.
Yep, they give away too much now with previews and whatnot. Hell, the synopsis for it on TV last night basically said another blindside was coming at TC, so that took away any element of surprise by the time they got to TC.


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