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Ran a 10k in June (4 Viewers)

Darrinll40 said:
OK, I learned a valuable lesson this evening. Most of you know that I lost a lot of weight in the last couple of years. At one point I went almost nine months without eating even as much as a Hershey's Kiss. So this afternoon before I ran I "accidentally" ate the last quarter bag, and by a quarter bag, I mean a third of a bag, of Peanut Butter M&M's. :bag: I made it through the run with a bit of a struggle, but I made it. 5 miles in 50:58, 9:48 pace.That finished up my training week with just over 28 miles at a 9:42 pace. It did include one 5K race.I hope everyone had as good a week as I have had.
Peanut butter = protein = :) :D5mi in 50:58 = 10:11 pace. :confused:I wouldn't sweat the M&M's. At the rate you're burning calories these days, you should hardly notice it. I just wouldn't snarf so much of anything just before a run. :X Keep up the good work!
Rusty, your race report was a great, great read and congratulations again! I think I'd crumble to pieces if I ever took on an entire marathon, let alone in conditions like you did. Nice to hear about the people along the course. I just talked to one of my former employees who was there to watch his brother-in-law run the race. He said he and his wife spent an hour or so near the finish helping prop people up awaiting medical attention. He stated when his brother-in-law finished, they we worried about him as he was a bit out of it, his eyes were shot and his lips were purple. He had to basically carry him the 5 blocks to their car.

Thanks for the congrats guys. I really am not harping on the cops, they were just trying to stop people from hurting themselves. However, I felt good. My head was as clear as it gets after 15 miles and my cardio was up to the challenge. I just wanted to run.

So I am already looking foward to running again. It will be a couple of weeks but then game on. I want to try another marathon in the next couple of months.

I may be up for the 50 in Wisconsin. Any muskie lakes close?

Darrinll40 said:
OK, I learned a valuable lesson this evening. Most of you know that I lost a lot of weight in the last couple of years. At one point I went almost nine months without eating even as much as a Hershey's Kiss. So this afternoon before I ran I "accidentally" ate the last quarter bag, and by a quarter bag, I mean a third of a bag, of Peanut Butter M&M's. :bag: I made it through the run with a bit of a struggle, but I made it. 5 miles in 50:58, 9:48 pace.That finished up my training week with just over 28 miles at a 9:42 pace. It did include one 5K race.I hope everyone had as good a week as I have had.
Peanut butter = protein = :) :D5mi in 50:58 = 10:11 pace. :confused:I wouldn't sweat the M&M's. At the rate you're burning calories these days, you should hardly notice it. I just wouldn't snarf so much of anything just before a run. :X Keep up the good work!
Sorry, it was 5.2 miles.
He stated when his brother-in-law finished, they we worried about him as he was a bit out of it, his eyes were shot and his lips were purple. He had to basically carry him the 5 blocks to their car.
I'd suggest that if anyone is ever in this sort of situation in the future, it might be wise to stick around the finish area until appearances improved, or even pay a visit to the medical tent. Keep 'em cool, hydrate, eat, etc, but don't just leave. May as well be near medical attention should things turn south, rather than be at home (or stuck in traffic on the way home) and then have to wait for help to arrive. Especially if everyone else in the vicinity is dropping like flies.[/holidayinnexpress]
I'm interested in both BnB's biking offer at his place in N.C. and the relay race up in Door County (for other relay options, there's the Ragnar Relays that includes one in western Wisconsin, I believe). I'd love to be able to work out the logistics for both!

gruecd, I did LASIK back in March. A big motivation was for my athletic pursuits. I love it, even though my near-vision is a bit weaker (requiring more use of readers) ...that's just because of my old-man eyes. The distance is perfect. Soooo nice for all the training.

floppo, don't forget goal #1.

Hey Rusty, the Des Moines marathon on the 21st is offering $15 off to Chicago marathoners! If you really want to go nuts and jump back on it, there ya go ...

I'm interested in both BnB's biking offer at his place in N.C. and the relay race up in Door County (for other relay options, there's the Ragnar Relays that includes one in western Wisconsin, I believe). I'd love to be able to work out the logistics for both!

gruecd, I did LASIK back in March. A big motivation was for my athletic pursuits. I love it, even though my near-vision is a bit weaker (requiring more use of readers) ...that's just because of my old-man eyes. The distance is perfect. Soooo nice for all the training.
So far, we've got 80% of our tentative team for next year's Fall 50--me, RoarinSonoran, Rusty, and tri-man. If we can't find someone else, we could always do a 4-man relay instead of 5-man.About the LASIK--yeah, my wife had hers done this past January, and she loves it, too. I wear Focus Dailies now, so it's not too horribly inconvenient, but I still can't wait to be rid of the contacts and glasses!

By the way, I went out for an easy 4-mile run this morning, and the weather was a not-so-subtle reminder of how much it's going to suck training for Boston during the winter. Temps were in the low 40s (not too bad), but then add the 15mph northerly wind, and it probably felt closer to 30. Still wore shorts (with a long-sleeved shirt), but I had to break out the gloves and hat.

This winter, I figure I'll do my shorter stuff (up to 8 miles) on the treadmill, but I'll still need to do my long runs outside, especially since I'll need to include some hills. I'm thrilled to be running Boston next spring, but I'm not at all excited about training in the Wisconsin winter. :rolleyes:

I'm interested in both BnB's biking offer at his place in N.C. and the relay race up in Door County (for other relay options, there's the Ragnar Relays that includes one in western Wisconsin, I believe). I'd love to be able to work out the logistics for both!gruecd, I did LASIK back in March. A big motivation was for my athletic pursuits. I love it, even though my near-vision is a bit weaker (requiring more use of readers) ...that's just because of my old-man eyes. The distance is perfect. Soooo nice for all the training.
So far, we've got 80% of our tentative team for next year's Fall 50--me, RoarinSonoran, Rusty, and tri-man. If we can't find someone else, we could always do a 4-man relay instead of 5-man.
If we talk furley into it, we'll be assured of getting some good, long rests during his legs of the event. :rolleyes: :scared:
I'm interested in both BnB's biking offer at his place in N.C. and the relay race up in Door County (for other relay options, there's the Ragnar Relays that includes one in western Wisconsin, I believe). I'd love to be able to work out the logistics for both!gruecd, I did LASIK back in March. A big motivation was for my athletic pursuits. I love it, even though my near-vision is a bit weaker (requiring more use of readers) ...that's just because of my old-man eyes. The distance is perfect. Soooo nice for all the training.
So far, we've got 80% of our tentative team for next year's Fall 50--me, RoarinSonoran, Rusty, and tri-man. If we can't find someone else, we could always do a 4-man relay instead of 5-man.
If we talk furley into it, we'll be assured of getting some good, long rests during his legs of the event. :confused: :thumbup:
[Git-R-Done] Now that's funny right there, I don't care who you are! [/Git-R-Done] :lmao:
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I'm interested in both BnB's biking offer at his place in N.C. and the relay race up in Door County (for other relay options, there's the Ragnar Relays that includes one in western Wisconsin, I believe). I'd love to be able to work out the logistics for both!gruecd, I did LASIK back in March. A big motivation was for my athletic pursuits. I love it, even though my near-vision is a bit weaker (requiring more use of readers) ...that's just because of my old-man eyes. The distance is perfect. Soooo nice for all the training.
So far, we've got 80% of our tentative team for next year's Fall 50--me, RoarinSonoran, Rusty, and tri-man. If we can't find someone else, we could always do a 4-man relay instead of 5-man.
If we talk furley into it, we'll be assured of getting some good, long rests during his legs of the event. :goodposting: :shrug:
I'm interested in both BnB's biking offer at his place in N.C. and the relay race up in Door County (for other relay options, there's the Ragnar Relays that includes one in western Wisconsin, I believe). I'd love to be able to work out the logistics for both!gruecd, I did LASIK back in March. A big motivation was for my athletic pursuits. I love it, even though my near-vision is a bit weaker (requiring more use of readers) ...that's just because of my old-man eyes. The distance is perfect. Soooo nice for all the training.
So far, we've got 80% of our tentative team for next year's Fall 50--me, RoarinSonoran, Rusty, and tri-man. If we can't find someone else, we could always do a 4-man relay instead of 5-man.
If we talk furley into it, we'll be assured of getting some good, long rests during his legs of the event. :shrug: :no:
Or you could get Poppa to do the whole thing so all of you can just kick back in the van with a bong, a couple bottles of scotch and some 70s porn.
El Floppo said:
I'm interested in both BnB's biking offer at his place in N.C. and the relay race up in Door County (for other relay options, there's the Ragnar Relays that includes one in western Wisconsin, I believe). I'd love to be able to work out the logistics for both!gruecd, I did LASIK back in March. A big motivation was for my athletic pursuits. I love it, even though my near-vision is a bit weaker (requiring more use of readers) ...that's just because of my old-man eyes. The distance is perfect. Soooo nice for all the training.
So far, we've got 80% of our tentative team for next year's Fall 50--me, RoarinSonoran, Rusty, and tri-man. If we can't find someone else, we could always do a 4-man relay instead of 5-man.
If we talk furley into it, we'll be assured of getting some good, long rests during his legs of the event. :thumbup: :thumbup:
Or you could get Poppa to do the whole thing so all of you can just kick back in the van with a bong, a couple bottles of scotch and some 70s porn.
You thankfully left out the tantric sex ...
El Floppo said:
I'm interested in both BnB's biking offer at his place in N.C. and the relay race up in Door County (for other relay options, there's the Ragnar Relays that includes one in western Wisconsin, I believe). I'd love to be able to work out the logistics for both!gruecd, I did LASIK back in March. A big motivation was for my athletic pursuits. I love it, even though my near-vision is a bit weaker (requiring more use of readers) ...that's just because of my old-man eyes. The distance is perfect. Soooo nice for all the training.
So far, we've got 80% of our tentative team for next year's Fall 50--me, RoarinSonoran, Rusty, and tri-man. If we can't find someone else, we could always do a 4-man relay instead of 5-man.
If we talk furley into it, we'll be assured of getting some good, long rests during his legs of the event. :thumbup: :thumbup:
Or you could get Poppa to do the whole thing so all of you can just kick back in the van with a bong, a couple bottles of scotch and some 70s porn.
You thankfully left out the tantric sex ...
You're gonna need a bigger van.
El Floppo said:
I'm interested in both BnB's biking offer at his place in N.C. and the relay race up in Door County (for other relay options, there's the Ragnar Relays that includes one in western Wisconsin, I believe). I'd love to be able to work out the logistics for both!

gruecd, I did LASIK back in March. A big motivation was for my athletic pursuits. I love it, even though my near-vision is a bit weaker (requiring more use of readers) ...that's just because of my old-man eyes. The distance is perfect. Soooo nice for all the training.
So far, we've got 80% of our tentative team for next year's Fall 50--me, RoarinSonoran, Rusty, and tri-man. If we can't find someone else, we could always do a 4-man relay instead of 5-man.
If we talk furley into it, we'll be assured of getting some good, long rests during his legs of the event. :violin: :cry:
Or you could get Poppa to do the whole thing so all of you can just kick back in the van with a bong, a couple bottles of scotch and some 70s porn.
You thankfully left out the tantric sex ...
You're gonna need a bigger van.
:hey: I have a van!!!
El Floppo said:
I'm interested in both BnB's biking offer at his place in N.C. and the relay race up in Door County (for other relay options, there's the Ragnar Relays that includes one in western Wisconsin, I believe). I'd love to be able to work out the logistics for both!

gruecd, I did LASIK back in March. A big motivation was for my athletic pursuits. I love it, even though my near-vision is a bit weaker (requiring more use of readers) ...that's just because of my old-man eyes. The distance is perfect. Soooo nice for all the training.
So far, we've got 80% of our tentative team for next year's Fall 50--me, RoarinSonoran, Rusty, and tri-man. If we can't find someone else, we could always do a 4-man relay instead of 5-man.
If we talk furley into it, we'll be assured of getting some good, long rests during his legs of the event. :lmao: :scared:
Or you could get Poppa to do the whole thing so all of you can just kick back in the van with a bong, a couple bottles of scotch and some 70s porn.
You thankfully left out the tantric sex ...
You're gonna need a bigger van.
:hey: I have a van!!!
Oh, gawd. :loco: Bring your wife. I expect to have a sore muscle or two.

5k this morning in 26:31, the final run before the final race (well, of this series)! :unsure:

73/53 and partly cloudy for San Jose on raceday. Could be better, but I'll take it.
Down to 68/54 and partly cloudy now. :yes:
The weather dude is effing with me now. :angry: Forecast is 70/51 and mostly sunny (Lord how I hate that term -- it's either partly or mostly CLOUDY! party or mostly "sunny" is stupid :wall: ). Showers are forecast for Monday, one day late! :cry:
71/51 and sunny. 65ish was nice and cool here this morning, so <60 on Sunday should be great! Looks like there may be a breeze, but I could use a few clouds to break up the sun. :) Gettin' psyched!
Did my first run of week 9, aka the final week. 30 minutes. I made it, and it wasn't really hard. Well, the first 15 minutes I felt like I was going to die, and wouldn't it be wonderful to stop and walk, etc.. But I pushed through, and by the end thought I could handle another 5-10 minutes without dying.

I noticed the "Spamalot" soundtrack is pretty good to run to.

So, 2 more 30 minute runs, then I'm "done" with the program. What next? Probably keep doing 30mins, 3X a week, until I find a 5K to run in. There is usually one every month or so..

It's getting too cold to run here in Germany, maybe I'll look into running on a treadmill? I've never done that before.

tri-man 47 said:
5k this morning in 26:31, the final run before the final race (well, of this series)! :confused:

Gettin' psyched!
Sounds great! Sounds like you're ready. Always kind of weird to hit the last race of the season, isn't it?Any particular goal for this race?
Last race of the Rockstar series. I will have earned all my bling. :clap: I'm looking at another Half in two weeks. It goes right past my house, so what the hey. Maybe I can even stop off for a quickie. ;) I'm also looking at a Five & Dime (5k and 10k back to back) next month, and the PF Chang's Marathon in January. So, the season isn't over. :D I still have my goal of sub-2hrs, and feel confident that it's in reach. I PR'd in Virginia Beach last month, but it didn't really feel all that good. I'm hoping for a better trip this time around. I just need to keep my head in the game, maybe find a cutie to run behind who'll keep a 9:00pace, and let the run happen. :thumbdown:

So...anyone here running Vegas on Dec 2nd?
My wife & I wanted for this year, but can't swing it, but plan on doing it next year. Seeing the ads in Runner's World, it looks awesome. Running down the strip @ 4am and shooting down Freemont St should be great. We were even thinking of renewing our vows through one of those run through wedding chapels. Please report on the event. I won a trip to Vegas running/competing in the MotorCity Scramble so I have a flight & room out there next year and hope I can coordinate it with the 1/2 in December next year.
Taper time before the ½ next week and I feel rather strange planning 2 mile runs for today and Sunday. I needed a good break before the 10-mile run in August, so I am planning on just walking after Sunday. A couple of question has popped up. First, any takes on getting sports massage the week of a race? ;) I have done it in the past before shorter races and I felt it helped. I know you don’t want one a day or two before, but I was thinking Monday or Tuesday might set me right. Second, need advice on dealing with rain and cold on race day. I know it is a long way out, but the extended forecast is for rain and high 30s low 40s at the start of the race a week from Sunday. I plan on wearing a trash bag to keep warm and dry prior to the start and shed it at the gun. I also plan on going heavier with the Glide to avoid chafing issues for my feet and elsewhere. Anything else? I am a type-A planner on 11 right now, so anything else I can think about would be appreciated.

On an unrelated note, mine & my wife’s running mixes are laden with a ton of Seether, Breaking Benjamin & Three Days Grace. I just found out yesterday all three are performing together up in Saginaw. Were heading up there for the concert as I got last minute tickets. It’ll be very cool for us to feel the energy that has got us through miles and miles of running in person. We will likely also be two of the oldest folks there. Nothing like a couple of almost 40 year olds :shrug:

Did my first run of week 9, aka the final week. 30 minutes. I made it, and it wasn't really hard. Well, the first 15 minutes I felt like I was going to die, and wouldn't it be wonderful to stop and walk, etc.. But I pushed through, and by the end thought I could handle another 5-10 minutes without dying.

I noticed the "Spamalot" soundtrack is pretty good to run to.

So, 2 more 30 minute runs, then I'm "done" with the program. What next? Probably keep doing 30mins, 3X a week, until I find a 5K to run in. There is usually one every month or so..

It's getting too cold to run here in Germany, maybe I'll look into running on a treadmill? I've never done that before.
Well done! Sounds like you know what follows -- a race to run. Once you complete your program, continue to build your base. Work in one run a week that is longer at a slightly easier pace. Running outdoors works the body better than the treadmill, but continuing to build your base over the winter months is important. You'll probably find yourself wanting to vary the indoor workouts with differing cardio machines and cycling. I can attest to Spinning classes being killer, sufferfests at first, but very helpful with leg strength and recovery times.

Also, you'll want to understand the basics of more specific training (basically what you're doing now with fancy names and variation). Here's a link from Cool Running. I wouldn't jump in to specialized workouts just yet, but at least learn what the different workouts are and why they're done. Understanding of how different workouts affect your body will help you attain whatever goals you set.

oof. my left foot is hurting today. it feels like there's something "strained" on the left side, nearer the back that sorta runs up the back side of the ankle.

i'm fairly sure it's the foot. started really hurting at around the 2 mile mark last nite and is bothering me this morning. not as much but it's still there.

this sucks :goodposting:

oof. my left foot is hurting today. it feels like there's something "strained" on the left side, nearer the back that sorta runs up the back side of the ankle.i'm fairly sure it's the foot. started really hurting at around the 2 mile mark last nite and is bothering me this morning. not as much but it's still there.this sucks :mellow:
Good thing you're only doing the 2 mile fun run, then. :tfp:
2Young2BBald said:
Second, need advice on dealing with rain and cold on race day. I know it is a long way out, but the extended forecast is for rain and high 30s low 40s at the start of the race a week from Sunday. I plan on wearing a trash bag to keep warm and dry prior to the start and shed it at the gun. I also plan on going heavier with the Glide to avoid chafing issues for my feet and elsewhere. Anything else? I am a type-A planner on 11 right now, so anything else I can think about would be appreciated.
It depends on what cold/wet weather gear you've got. I recently bought a very light-weight running jacket that has some mesh under the arms so it can still 'breathe.' I also got a light-weight billed cap and a good cold weather beanie. And I already have some running gloves (light-weight also, and they come further up on the wrist). It might be too late to order anything on-line, but you could get some gear at a local running store. It's a tricky balance when you have to deal with cold and wet. I'd say the key is to keep the head warm and dry and keep the rain off the upper body as best you can.
oof. my left foot is hurting today. it feels like there's something "strained" on the left side, nearer the back that sorta runs up the back side of the ankle.i'm fairly sure it's the foot. started really hurting at around the 2 mile mark last nite and is bothering me this morning. not as much but it's still there.this sucks :shock:
Good thing you're only doing the 2 mile fun run, then. :D
:bag: i suspect i can handle the pain for 2 miles :shrug:
I'm interested in both BnB's biking offer at his place in N.C. and the relay race up in Door County (for other relay options, there's the Ragnar Relays that includes one in western Wisconsin, I believe). I'd love to be able to work out the logistics for both!gruecd, I did LASIK back in March. A big motivation was for my athletic pursuits. I love it, even though my near-vision is a bit weaker (requiring more use of readers) ...that's just because of my old-man eyes. The distance is perfect. Soooo nice for all the training.
So far, we've got 80% of our tentative team for next year's Fall 50--me, RoarinSonoran, Rusty, and tri-man. If we can't find someone else, we could always do a 4-man relay instead of 5-man.
If we talk furley into it, we'll be assured of getting some good, long rests during his legs of the event. :mellow: :scared:
Or you could get Poppa to do the whole thing so all of you can just kick back in the van with a bong, a couple bottles of scotch and some 70s porn.
70s porn is too, um, er, well, you know... thick, if you know what I mean. GB the beard trimmer.
Nice job, Rusty. It's like El Floppo said, reading your race report has me "jonesing" for another marathon, and Boston is still six months away! Oh well, I've got shorter races (5-mile and under) each of the next three weekends, so at least I can get some sort of racing fix.

All of us Midwesterners need to get together sometime for a race. It's too late for this year, but maybe next year we can team up for the Fall 50 in Door County, WI. Basically, it's a 50-mile team relay race. There are ten legs ranging from 3-7 miles in length. I know the race director, and he puts on a very good event. I wanted to do it this year, but I couldn't find anybody else who wanted to run. :thumbup:
PF Chang's is only three months away. :banned: Hmm, the Fall 50 could be fun. By then, we should be settled into our new digs in Minneapolis, so the wife would probably be up for a visit to her family in Racine at that time (no big deal to throw in a detour northward). Put me down for "maybe" and we'll see how things are doing next summer. :popcorn:
Doing some catching up and this looks like an awesome race. Depending on the scheduling of next year's Free Press Half Marathon (and if I live though this year's next weekend) I might be able to make this work. Put me down on the maybe list. I could find something to do in one of our Chicago offices late that week and head north.
2Young2BBald said:
Second, need advice on dealing with rain and cold on race day. I know it is a long way out, but the extended forecast is for rain and high 30s low 40s at the start of the race a week from Sunday. I plan on wearing a trash bag to keep warm and dry prior to the start and shed it at the gun. I also plan on going heavier with the Glide to avoid chafing issues for my feet and elsewhere. Anything else? I am a type-A planner on 11 right now, so anything else I can think about would be appreciated.
It depends on what cold/wet weather gear you've got. I recently bought a very light-weight running jacket that has some mesh under the arms so it can still 'breathe.' I also got a light-weight billed cap and a good cold weather beanie. And I already have some running gloves (light-weight also, and they come further up on the wrist). It might be too late to order anything on-line, but you could get some gear at a local running store. It's a tricky balance when you have to deal with cold and wet. I'd say the key is to keep the head warm and dry and keep the rain off the upper body as best you can.
Thank You! I think I have all the gear I would need, throwing a breatheable golf shell in the mix for cover. I got a hat that would make any bald man jealous. Nothing I can imagine doing for my feet. The expo for the event runs Friday & Saturday so I'll have plenty of chances to pick up other stuff & Hanson's running store is right around the corner.Did 2.25 miles a bit ago and feel a bit unfullfilled. Did it in less than 17 minutes and was breathing like I was siting on the couch. I am not the least bit thirsty either. Not whinning, just felt like running more, but know stoping is what is best for me.
2Young2BBald said:
need advice on dealing with rain and cold on race day. I know it is a long way out, but the extended forecast is for rain and high 30s low 40s at the start of the race a week from Sunday. I plan on wearing a trash bag to keep warm and dry prior to the start and shed it at the gun. I also plan on going heavier with the Glide to avoid chafing issues for my feet and elsewhere. Anything else? I am a type-A planner on 11 right now, so anything else I can think about would be appreciated.
I wouldn't worry about the weather (but that's just me). It sounds perfect! If it's just a light rain, no big deal. Just avoid the puddles as best you can (hidden potholes would be teh suck), and try to stay as dry as you can (avoid splashing, and getting splashed by others). Heavy rain? Maybe keep the trash bag on for a while after the start. You want to avoid getting soaked, and having to lug that water weight with you. Half-marathon, right? Not sure of your time range, but 2hrs (for the sake of argument) shouldn't be affected by the rain much. You can wear throw-away-able gloves. If there's a race expo (or perhaps just go to your local running store), they make throw-away sweats as well (they're almost like a paper material). If it looks to be really wet, bring along an extra pair of socks in a Ziplock to change into around the halfway point.If you're really wound up as you seem, you might also want to take a step back and take a deep breath. Take a break and get away from running/race prep for a while, dialing that 11 down to about a 3. The race is really not that big of a deal. Maybe take an hour or two (MAX) and get (most) everything ready, as if the race was tomorrow morning. Get your paperwork together: registration confirmation to pick up your race number/packet, maps to get you where you're going, a list of things to pack (running clothes, watch, gels, Glide, pre- and post-race snack/drinks, change of clothes, etc), etc. Put your name on your shirt (it's a great boost to have the crowd cheer you on by name). AND THEN FORGET ABOUT IT. Other than your last few training runs, don't think about the race all week. Watch the baseball playoffs, football, Leave It To Beaver reruns, whatever, just don't stress about the race. It's just another training run with 10,000 of your closest friends. :unsure:

The night before the race, lay out your gear. You don't want to do any running around in the hours before you, well, run around. :lmao: Pin your number to your shirt. Charge your watch, Ipod, cell phone, etc batteries. If you're in a hotel, test the alarm clock before you go to bed. Set your cell phone alarm clock as a backup. Everything should be in easy reach, so you can wake up, get dressed, grab everything, and head out the door.

You're wasting energy worrying about it, so don't. Get your focus on your run, your form, the course, etc. You want to start healthy, run healthy, and finish healthy. The weather is not a concern. Mother Nature will do whatever she wants to do. Just adapt and run your race. If it rains, enjoy the views of the wet-tshirted hot chicks uhh, wife. If you forget something, no big deal (well, other than your race number or your shoes lol). No Glide? Hit the medical tent for some Vaseline. No gels? See if a fellow runner has a spare, or go shopping (the grocery stores around here stock a few varieties now). Other than forgetting your race number or shoes, there really isn't anything to be stressing about. All those other little things are fixable. You'll be fine. :thumbup:

Ok, I'm rambling, so I'll stop now. :lmao: One last thing, moreso as a note to everyone, if you're flying to a race location, carry your race gear/paperwork ON THE PLANE WITH YOU. It'll do you no good if your luggage goes to Seattle, and your race is in Dallas. If you can't live without it on race day, keep it with you.

Saw my doc yesterday who basically said- yep, you're training for a marathon and you've got a sore knee. :rolleyes: (he based it on yesterday and my original visit a few months' back and not finding anything visibly structurally wrong with the knee from the MRI). Prescribed some PT and a new kind (to me) of anti-inflammatory.

Gave me the :rolleyes: to train... sensibly. No 20m for me this weekend, and I'll take things REALLY slowly in training until I'm running pain-free- even if that's after the marathon.

Did 3m today at a pace that felt like a crawl... had to really concentrate continuously on dialing it back. Felt ok during, a little sore after- have it in ice now. Will add a couple of miles on Sunday... maybe do something in the range of 10k, again at an easy pace.

I'll take things super easy the next couple of weeks if there's any pain/swelling and then see about just doing the taper as scheduled.

I'll talk to my PT about this (he's TNT marathon coach and former IM tri-club mate of mine), but I figure I've got my fitness back and race day I'll try go for my recently intended goal of running with the 3:50 pace group. I figure it's a speed that doesn't normally hurt me, and if the knee does start to hurt... what the hell- it's for only 26.2m, right?

So...anyone here running Vegas on Dec 2nd?
My wife & I wanted for this year, but can't swing it, but plan on doing it next year. Seeing the ads in Runner's World, it looks awesome. Running down the strip @ 4am and shooting down Freemont St should be great. We were even thinking of renewing our vows through one of those run through wedding chapels. Please report on the event. I won a trip to Vegas running/competing in the MotorCity Scramble so I have a flight & room out there next year and hope I can coordinate it with the 1/2 in December next year.
No problem. Fremont Street? This run might end sooner than anticipated.

Note to self: Ignore Glitter Gulch, ignore Glitter Gulch.

Ok I'm outta here. Next stop, San Jose! :unsure: Unless there's a major problem, like Chicago's heat or an earthquake, I likely won't be back on until Monday (I really need to get my laptop fixed lol). So, don't miss me TOO much. :unsure:

Good luck to anyone else racing this weekend, and also to the rest of you bums as you hit the pavement as usual. :thumbup:

Heading to Atlantic City tomorrow afternoon for Sunday's 1/2 marathon. Pretty excited. Had a nice easy week and feel great. Supposed to be low 60s and sunny.

Had some pasta for dinner tonight. My wife did too even though she is not running. She did it just to [Michael Scott] carbo load [/Michael Scott] and even ordered the fettucini alfredo. I was :yucky: all through dinner!!!

My ***OFFICIAL*** goals:

1. finish

2. finish w/o walking

3. finish the 1/2 in less time than the guy that broke the marathon world record a few weeks ago ran his full :rant:

4. under 2 hours

Will report back Sunday or Monday...depends how long the wife lets me stay at the craps table after the race :D

Good luck to everyone this weekend!!!

DolphinsPhan said:
My ***OFFICIAL*** goals:1. finish2. finish w/o walking3. finish the 1/2 in less time than the guy that broke the marathon world record a few weeks ago ran his full :bag: 4. under 2 hours
Good luck! And I especially like Goal #3. :lmao: That being said, while Geb's 2:04:26 was impressive, I'm just wondering when we'll see the first person break 2 hours in the marathon. :confused:
Great luck to both of you RoarinSonoran and DolphinsPan, have a great time and enjoy yourselves.
Hey Darrin, 5:16 AM? Don't you sleep?
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DolphinsPhan said:
My ***OFFICIAL*** goals:1. finish2. finish w/o walking3. finish the 1/2 in less time than the guy that broke the marathon world record a few weeks ago ran his full :bag: 4. under 2 hours
Good luck! And I especially like Goal #3. :bag: That being said, while Geb's 2:04:26 was impressive, I'm just wondering when we'll see the first person break 2 hours in the marathon. :confused:
Great luck to both of you RoarinSonoran and DolphinsPan, have a great time and enjoy yourselves.
Hey Darrin, 5:16 AM? Don't you sleep?
He was 6:16am on mine - you should check your time settings or perhaps it's a DST thing???Anyways, he is always awake early. He'll be back from his 11 miler any time now :lmao:
DolphinsPhan said:
My ***OFFICIAL*** goals:1. finish2. finish w/o walking3. finish the 1/2 in less time than the guy that broke the marathon world record a few weeks ago ran his full :bag: 4. under 2 hours
Good luck! And I especially like Goal #3. :lmao: That being said, while Geb's 2:04:26 was impressive, I'm just wondering when we'll see the first person break 2 hours in the marathon. :thumbup:
Great luck to both of you RoarinSonoran and DolphinsPan, have a great time and enjoy yourselves.
Hey Darrin, 5:16 AM? Don't you sleep?
He was 6:16am on mine - you should check your time settings or perhaps it's a DST thing???Anyways, he is always awake early. He'll be back from his 11 miler any time now :ninja:
I was up this morning at about 5:45, at I get up about that time every morning.I started my 11 miler this morning at about 7, and it was much cooler this morning than it has been so I ran the first ~2.5 at about 11 min miles. By the time I hit the ~5 mile mark I was at about 50:40. I was able to do some pickups during the run, which was a first time I ever tried them on that long of a run. I ran by the ~9 mile mark at about 1:30. I tried to finish strong from there and I finished up the 11.02 miles in 1:48:15. My best time for that run, and I felt great after the run. I ran 11 miles in July and August, I beat those times by 3.5 and 6 minutes respectively. Having lower temps and humidity sure was nice this morning. Tomorrow I plan a nice easy 5 miles. I understand that Steve is going for another 8 miler. :thumbup: We are both getting ready for the half in just two months. Once again, I wish everyone well in their race/training today.
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Ran my 5-mile race in 33:02 (6:36 pace), good for a 62-second PR, 12th overall, and 4th in the 30-39 age group. Had the privilege of meeting Furley and his wife before the race. Saw him afterwards, and he ran the 2-mile in 21-something, but he said that his foot was hurting pretty bad this morning. :coffee: At least he accomplished his goal of beating the winner of the 5-mile race. :shrug:

In any case, it was a nice course, the weather was perfect, and the money went to a good cause, so you couldn't really ask for anything more.

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Ran my 5-mile race in 33:02 (6:36 pace), good for a 62-second PR, 12th overall, and 4th in the 30-39 age group. Had the privilege of meeting Furley and his wife before the race. Saw him afterwards, and he ran the 2-mile in 21-something, but he said that his foot was hurting pretty bad this morning. :coffee: At least he accomplished his goal of beating the winner of the 5-mile race. :shrug:

In any case, it was a nice course, the weather was perfect, and the money went to a good cause, so you couldn't really ask for anything more.
You must live a pretty sheltered life if you consider that a privilege. Great run. You guys are way fast. I ran my 4.5 mile Saturday loop again this morning and focused on pace. I think I was a lot more consistent.

Ran my 5-mile race in 33:02 (6:36 pace), good for a 62-second PR, 12th overall, and 4th in the 30-39 age group. Had the privilege of meeting Furley and his wife before the race. Saw him afterwards, and he ran the 2-mile in 21-something, but he said that his foot was hurting pretty bad this morning. :stalker: At least he accomplished his goal of beating the winner of the 5-mile race. :popcorn:

In any case, it was a nice course, the weather was perfect, and the money went to a good cause, so you couldn't really ask for anything more.
You must live a pretty sheltered life if you consider that a privilege. Great run. You guys are way fast. I ran my 4.5 mile Saturday loop again this morning and focused on pace. I think I was a lot more consistent.
Perhaps "privilege" was a poor choice of words. Sorry, Furley. :lmao:
El Floppo said:
Great luck to both of you RoarinSonoran and DolphinsPan, have a great time and enjoy yourselves.
:lmao: :rant:
:jawdrop: Great race, gruecd, and good running by the others who have checked in this weekend! I was down in Bloomington watching some volleyball all day ...I was able to sneak off to Indiana's pool for a twenty minute swim during a break in my son's matches. I ran four miles on Thursday just to get a feel for the recent cold weather and to try a cold weather clothing "set up." Tomorrow will be ten miles as possibly my last run before next weekend's marathon (primary focus has been resting the achilles).
need advice on dealing with rain and cold on race day. I know it is a long way out, but the extended forecast is for rain and high 30s low 40s at the start of the race a week from Sunday. I plan on wearing a trash bag to keep warm and dry prior to the start and shed it at the gun. I also plan on going heavier with the Glide to avoid chafing issues for my feet and elsewhere. Anything else? I am a type-A planner on 11 right now, so anything else I can think about would be appreciated.
I wouldn't worry about the weather (but that's just me). It sounds perfect! If it's just a light rain, no big deal. Just avoid the puddles as best you can (hidden potholes would be teh suck), and try to stay as dry as you can (avoid splashing, and getting splashed by others). Heavy rain? Maybe keep the trash bag on for a while after the start. You want to avoid getting soaked, and having to lug that water weight with you. Half-marathon, right? Not sure of your time range, but 2hrs (for the sake of argument) shouldn't be affected by the rain much. You can wear throw-away-able gloves. If there's a race expo (or perhaps just go to your local running store), they make throw-away sweats as well (they're almost like a paper material). If it looks to be really wet, bring along an extra pair of socks in a Ziplock to change into around the halfway point.If you're really wound up as you seem, you might also want to take a step back and take a deep breath. Take a break and get away from running/race prep for a while, dialing that 11 down to about a 3. The race is really not that big of a deal. Maybe take an hour or two (MAX) and get (most) everything ready, as if the race was tomorrow morning. Get your paperwork together: registration confirmation to pick up your race number/packet, maps to get you where you're going, a list of things to pack (running clothes, watch, gels, Glide, pre- and post-race snack/drinks, change of clothes, etc), etc. Put your name on your shirt (it's a great boost to have the crowd cheer you on by name). AND THEN FORGET ABOUT IT. Other than your last few training runs, don't think about the race all week. Watch the baseball playoffs, football, Leave It To Beaver reruns, whatever, just don't stress about the race. It's just another training run with 10,000 of your closest friends. :D

The night before the race, lay out your gear. You don't want to do any running around in the hours before you, well, run around. :) Pin your number to your shirt. Charge your watch, Ipod, cell phone, etc batteries. If you're in a hotel, test the alarm clock before you go to bed. Set your cell phone alarm clock as a backup. Everything should be in easy reach, so you can wake up, get dressed, grab everything, and head out the door.

You're wasting energy worrying about it, so don't. Get your focus on your run, your form, the course, etc. You want to start healthy, run healthy, and finish healthy. The weather is not a concern. Mother Nature will do whatever she wants to do. Just adapt and run your race. If it rains, enjoy the views of the wet-tshirted hot chicks uhh, wife. If you forget something, no big deal (well, other than your race number or your shoes lol). No Glide? Hit the medical tent for some Vaseline. No gels? See if a fellow runner has a spare, or go shopping (the grocery stores around here stock a few varieties now). Other than forgetting your race number or shoes, there really isn't anything to be stressing about. All those other little things are fixable. You'll be fine. :thumbup:

Ok, I'm rambling, so I'll stop now. :D One last thing, moreso as a note to everyone, if you're flying to a race location, carry your race gear/paperwork ON THE PLANE WITH YOU. It'll do you no good if your luggage goes to Seattle, and your race is in Dallas. If you can't live without it on race day, keep it with you.
:football: and I appreciate it. For me, over thinking things gets me by. Finishing less than two hours is my loose goal for next Sunday. I’ll be doing math in my head just about every minute to keep my mind occupied during the race, not so much to stress me about how I am doing, bit the converse, to keep my mind away from the run. Back about the first of August, Tri-Man posted the concept of the “life athlete”. This really resonates with me now and I am having a great time letting people know what I am about to do next week and seeing the reaction I get. Next week isn’t about wrecking my body, it is going to be something to celebrate. In fact, my wife and I are hosting a recovery party later in the day (after naps, etc). We have 10 or so runners coming to swap stories and recover together (with things like a Heineken & Bell’s Oberon mini keg, ice cream drinks, pasta dishes, etc). We’ve “hired” our kids and a few others to wait on the recovering racers and my wife is doing a mini spa for the ladies. My 11-year-old daughter will be running the computer on the big TV so we can see each of our photos. While we adults are running, the kids will be at our place with my folks tracking all of us on line. The race offers “fans” of the runners the chance to track racers online via their champion-chip. Now back to the planning :bag: The weatherman is killing me. We have literally gone from 70s to rain to SNOW and now back to the 50s. So, I am going to dress in the morning for the 50s, with a trash bag or two, but will have my cold weather stuff in a bag. We only live about 12 miles from the start finish, but were talking stooped Detroit traffic and construction, so well leave out of here around 6am. I can eat breakfast in the parking garage just as well as I can on the couch, but will feel better being there.

Can’t wait for yours and others race reports from this weekend. Along with the math, I have found myself thinking about what I want to report, while running as this takes my mind off the run too!

The weatherman is killing me. We have literally gone from 70s to rain to SNOW and now back to the 50s. So, I am going to dress in the morning for the 50s, with a trash bag or two, but will have my cold weather stuff in a bag. We only live about 12 miles from the start finish, but were talking stooped Detroit traffic and construction, so well leave out of here around 6am. I can eat breakfast in the parking garage just as well as I can on the couch, but will feel better being there.
Hey, 2Young. FWIW, I'd probably go singlet and shorts for race temps in the 50s. I wear an old long-sleeve t-shirt to the start, then ditch it just before the gun goes off. Anything more than that, and I think I'd be too hot.

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