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Civilization V announced. :nerd:^10000 (4 Viewers)

Been playing more of this lately.

Won a cultural and science victory (different games) with Nebuchadnezzar on Large and Huge maps. It's pretty simple to bee-line science techs while scooping up other important techs along the way. I don't think either had another civ within 25 techs of me when I won.

I have a really good game going with Poland right now as well. Another civ that can crush all others very easily with a little bit of planning and execution. Gotta imagine Poland is one of the strongest civs.
Poland is easy mode. Its probably the strongest Civ in the game. Every victory condition becomes easier with their unique ability. Plus their unique building is pretty good too.

dparker713 said:
TheAristocrat said:
Been playing more of this lately.

Won a cultural and science victory (different games) with Nebuchadnezzar on Large and Huge maps. It's pretty simple to bee-line science techs while scooping up other important techs along the way. I don't think either had another civ within 25 techs of me when I won.

I have a really good game going with Poland right now as well. Another civ that can crush all others very easily with a little bit of planning and execution. Gotta imagine Poland is one of the strongest civs.
Poland is easy mode. Its probably the strongest Civ in the game. Every victory condition becomes easier with their unique ability. Plus their unique building is pretty good too.
Yup, way too easy. I took Poland to a science victory by 1967 (or so, I'd have to check - well under 400 turns that's all I remember) and I didn't really sweat. Those extra social policies played right into my usual full-on science/GP route. I think I had finished out Tradition, Liberty, Rationalism, and all of the Freedom policies right around the time I hit the modern era. So much power so fast.

France decided to start a war with me in the late game (for no apparent reason other than they were super friendly with civs across the world but had no backing on my continent) using a bunch of musketmen against my infantry and tanks. Not too smart. I wiped them off the face of the planet and burned their cities to the ground and I barely even had to build many units. They just didn't stand a chance and I didn't break stride in my frantic breakneck science pace. Suck it, Napoleon. I also dominated so badly that I was the only civ with nuclear weapons. I didn't use them but any civs that weren't friendly immediately went to afraid as their status towards me. :lol:

It's a cool civ for all the power but certainly not challenging by any stretch of the imagination. I was also situated around a lot of cattle/horses so the start was perfect for Poland.

Next up is Arabia since I wanted to round out what people say are some of the top civs. Then maybe going to try America since it is generally considered one of the absolute worst civs. I'm also kind of an achievement whoore so there's that too.

This game is like crack for me sometimes.

I always like to as the Shoshone. They are a great early-game Civ due to their explorers being able to siphon stuff from encampments along with their unique warrior unit and (my favorite) the mega land grab that happens when you found cities. I'm all about that expansion, yo.

I always like to as the Shoshone. They are a great early-game Civ due to their explorers being able to siphon stuff from encampments along with their unique warrior unit and (my favorite) the mega land grab that happens when you found cities. I'm all about that expansion, yo.
Whoa, that is a huge early game bonus. Hmmm... maybe this before America.

dparker713 said:
TheAristocrat said:
Been playing more of this lately.

Won a cultural and science victory (different games) with Nebuchadnezzar on Large and Huge maps. It's pretty simple to bee-line science techs while scooping up other important techs along the way. I don't think either had another civ within 25 techs of me when I won.

I have a really good game going with Poland right now as well. Another civ that can crush all others very easily with a little bit of planning and execution. Gotta imagine Poland is one of the strongest civs.
Poland is easy mode. Its probably the strongest Civ in the game. Every victory condition becomes easier with their unique ability. Plus their unique building is pretty good too.
Yup, way too easy. I took Poland to a science victory by 1967 (or so, I'd have to check - well under 400 turns that's all I remember) and I didn't really sweat. Those extra social policies played right into my usual full-on science/GP route. I think I had finished out Tradition, Liberty, Rationalism, and all of the Freedom policies right around the time I hit the modern era. So much power so fast.

France decided to start a war with me in the late game (for no apparent reason other than they were super friendly with civs across the world but had no backing on my continent) using a bunch of musketmen against my infantry and tanks. Not too smart. I wiped them off the face of the planet and burned their cities to the ground and I barely even had to build many units. They just didn't stand a chance and I didn't break stride in my frantic breakneck science pace. Suck it, Napoleon. I also dominated so badly that I was the only civ with nuclear weapons. I didn't use them but any civs that weren't friendly immediately went to afraid as their status towards me. :lol:

It's a cool civ for all the power but certainly not challenging by any stretch of the imagination. I was also situated around a lot of cattle/horses so the start was perfect for Poland.

Next up is Arabia since I wanted to round out what people say are some of the top civs. Then maybe going to try America since it is generally considered one of the absolute worst civs. I'm also kind of an achievement whoore so there's that too.

This game is like crack for me sometimes.
IMO, Arabia is better multi-player than against the comp. Double luxes to sell are nice but they take a while to get online and while the Camel Archer is really strong, winning militarily against the computer doesn't take any special units.

And I think America is a pretty decent civ. Extra vision is really beneficial when scouting and I tend to buy a decent number of tiles so that helps the early game economy considerably.

Actually got a couple games in yesterday. Wife had to take the kid to a couple different birthday parties so I had a rainy day at home to myself.

Tried one as Poland based on the contents here and that I've never used them. 6 opponents, 6 city states on King. Start as I always do; two cities, get all food bonuses from religion and Wonders and use caravans to send food back and forth between the two cities. Then get Wonders focused on engineering. Around 250~ turns I start capital hunting. Germany attacked England so I backdoored them and took their capital. Mongolia attacked Shoshone so I took there capital. It was all over then. Played to about 300 turns and shut it off as there was no way to lose.

Did a single city challenge as Venice. Had to fend off multiple early attacks from Greece. Damn near lost many times. Eventually got all the trade routes pumping and boatloads of gold. Backdoored Greece and crushed their capital while they were in another war. Was left alone after that and eventually won a diplomatic victory.

Settings are always the same. King or Emperor. Quick combat. Pangea map. Legendary start. Usually played 6&6 or 8&8 to keep the times down. Hate waiting 45-60 after hitting next late in the game.

Really wish that computer opponents would attack via water. Tiny islands or archepolego are some of my favorites but there is never any war. I end up just capital hunting late in the game and no one can stop it.

I always like to as the Shoshone. They are a great early-game Civ due to their explorers being able to siphon stuff from encampments along with their unique warrior unit and (my favorite) the mega land grab that happens when you found cities. I'm all about that expansion, yo.
Whoa, that is a huge early game bonus. Hmmm... maybe this before America.
i love Shoshone for the early land grab, blocking off choke points and not allowing other civs to explore.
I always like to as the Shoshone. They are a great early-game Civ due to their explorers being able to siphon stuff from encampments along with their unique warrior unit and (my favorite) the mega land grab that happens when you found cities. I'm all about that expansion, yo.
Whoa, that is a huge early game bonus. Hmmm... maybe this before America.
i love Shoshone for the early land grab, blocking off choke points and not allowing other civs to explore.
I played two 50-75 turn starts last night just to get an idea. HFS! That Pathfinder ability for looting ruins is outstanding and the land grab by settling is huge.

So, today I'll start a Shoshone run. Pass the civ crack pipe.

America doesn't seem so bad to me but it does get crapped on as a Civ on other sites.

What would you consider a "terrible" civ?
Any of the war focused ones IMO. Germany, Mongolia, America, Huns, Japan, etc. Mostly because I never go directly for war. I always focus on population growth which in turn gives massive production and science growth. If you lead in those categories, it doesn't matter what Civ you have, your army will be tops.

Most can be good if you exploit their advantage. Brazil is terrible unless you're going for culture. Shoshone are good early but the advantage diminishes quickly (though I like them because I always stay to 2-4 cities and can get massive chunks of land/resources).

Beyond Earth was fun at first. Something new. I was always a huge fan of Alpha Centauri. But after playing for awhile it was pretty stale. Worth it if you can get it on sale, but full price? Nooooo...

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Random thoughts:

  • One item that's helped my BNW Immortal games is refusing embassies, especially giving an embassy to any militaristic civs. Giving an embassy let's them see your lands, which they immediately covet and come to claim.
  • I propose Resolutions that the AI wants, to get the diplomatic benefits. Art Funding or World's Fair are passing with or without you, so you might as well propose them and get some benefit. Selecting a weak AI to host the world congress is also very helpful. The powerful civs can't dominate the World Congress, and you get a diplo bonus by giving it away and your votes typically will select the winner until you can take it for yourself.
  • I like the early panthenon bonus. I don't bother spreading religions to other Civs due to the diplo penalties, unless I'm going Cultural for shared religoins. I usually end up founding a religion from CS faith bonuses alone, and use faith points to preserve my religious core, move CS to my religion, buy Great Engineers for Wonders, and then buy Great Scientists.
  • I use spies to defend my capital and top city, but the rest are to rig CS elections and gain luxuries/diplo benefits (early). If I'm far behind on tech, I'll often attempt to rotate stealing tech once from each of the civs. It's a big help if successful, and penalties are low if you do it only once.
  • I park a unit on all archaelogy sites that I can reach, to deny others from grabbing them. Helps fight against cultural victories, and the units have to sit somewhere.
  • Patronage Tree: Consulates, to raise diplo resting point + Religion Founder: Papal Primacy = CS with your religion are all auto-friends.
  • If you can't get a CS to be a friend early via quest or the CS isn't valuable, attack to steal a worker and immidiately sue for peace. The diplo hit fades quickly, and you'll focus on other CS until they move back to neutral.
Siam thoughts:

  • If you haven't played Siam, they are certainly worth a long look, and are one of my favorites for a tall build. Siam gets an extra 50% culture/food/faith bonus from city states (CS), which significantly helps social policies and growth. Early on, one Maritime CS Friend gives +3 food in capital. An Ally gives +4.5 capital and +1.5 in all cities. That's huge. Cultured CS are definitely the next priority to speed through the policy tree. The faith bonus from religious CS certainly helps grab an early parthenon and religion, so I prioritize one religious CS early if I can. An early archer or two to complete the CS kill barbarian quests is all it takes to get a friend for life.
  • The Naresuan's Elephant UU holds off warmonger civs very effectively. They are weak vs. cities, but very good to crush invading or defending armies. You don't need Horses either (until upgrading them), and can ignore a lot of the bottom tech tree.
  • The CS culture boosts + the Wat's culture benefits help against cultural victories.
  • By the way, if you see Venice or Austria in your game, you need to prioritize killing them to not steal your CS. Diplo AI civs can be managed with CS quests, gold, and spies.
  • The only "downside" with Siam is lack of forests from start bias, so don't plan on rushing via chop. You do tend to get a usuable amount of jungle, which I suspect is related to the avoid forest bias. Jungle + Trading Posts are juicy after Education. Also +1 Culture if you opt for Sacred Path Pantheon belief (which I've never remembered to attempt). Jungle is great to stall invaders with slow movement. I love having a jungle city for my border frontier.
  • Siam's Victory condition versatility makes them very fun to play, and exploration becomes a priority to open up even more CS bonuses.
Happy Civ-ing!

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America doesn't seem so bad to me but it does get crapped on as a Civ on other sites.

What would you consider a "terrible" civ?
Iroquois is the worst. Their roads thing is generally a detriment in wartime, the longhouse doesn't scale to the late game and you can't use any chops if you want to utilize the building full. Plus, the Mohawk Warrior is useless.

Japan is pretty terrible. Samari take way to long to get for their fishing boat ability to be useful. Extra culture is always nice, but workboats are pretty expensive. The Zero is entirely forgettable.

In single player, Sweden is pretty awful. You need to counteract tourism from the other civs if you're playing peacefully, so you need use all your great people - not gift them away.

France is fairly bad. With the theming bonus only in the capital, you need massive production to take decent advantage of it. Plus, relying on hard building wonders on the harder levels is generally a bad idea. The chateau is meh at best.

Anyone with a jungle start bias like Aztec or Brazil get a major hit for me. The starts are so slow and you're already significantly behind on deity.

Desert start civs are a huge risk/reward. If you find a good Petra location and can actually build it - that one city will win you the game without much issue. But if there isnt a good location or you miss it - you'll be in pretty bad shape.

Indonesia and Carthage are fairly gimped on most maps. Byzantium can be great if you can actually found a religion, but it has no bonuses to help you get a religion.

Beyond Earth was fun at first. Something new. I was always a huge fan of Alpha Centauri. But after playing for awhile it was pretty stale. Worth it if you can get it on sale, but full price? Nooooo...
yeah I got bored of that really quick. No real replay value like civ.
Bouddica is the worst, since bonus Faith for forests is only a minor help early (and fairly easy to achieve without it), and religion can be a detriment to late game from diplo penalties. The Pictish warrier (fancy Spearmen) as UU is only relevent if you have no iron and are surrounded by warmongers who don't care about your religion. By the time you are at Ceilidh Hall (Opera House), Happiness shouldn't be too much of an issue so the +3 Happy is largely wasted, and +1 Culture from that UB is also fairly useless. The only benefit is lots of forest for early chops to try and catch up to the AI. Call me unimpressed.

inca911 said:
Bouddica is the worst, since bonus Faith for forests is only a minor help early (and fairly easy to achieve without it), and religion can be a detriment to late game from diplo penalties. The Pictish warrier (fancy Spearmen) as UU is only relevent if you have no iron and are surrounded by warmongers who don't care about your religion. By the time you are at Ceilidh Hall (Opera House), Happiness shouldn't be too much of an issue so the +3 Happy is largely wasted, and +1 Culture from that UB is also fairly useless. The only benefit is lots of forest for early chops to try and catch up to the AI. Call me unimpressed.
Early faith can add early CS support without using the social policy path. Or maybe I got lucky. Sometimes its tough to tell but the actual bonuses are weak generally.

inca911 said:
Bouddica is the worst, since bonus Faith for forests is only a minor help early (and fairly easy to achieve without it), and religion can be a detriment to late game from diplo penalties. The Pictish warrier (fancy Spearmen) as UU is only relevent if you have no iron and are surrounded by warmongers who don't care about your religion. By the time you are at Ceilidh Hall (Opera House), Happiness shouldn't be too much of an issue so the +3 Happy is largely wasted, and +1 Culture from that UB is also fairly useless. The only benefit is lots of forest for early chops to try and catch up to the AI. Call me unimpressed.
Religions at higher levels are fairly hard to found. Whatever minor diplo penalties religion can cause, the benefits the extra happiness, culture, gold and great people are massive. And the UU has a bonus in foreign lands which makes it quite strong for a CB rush.

I'm looking at buying this...but when I go to amazon, there is like 5 versions. Any suggestions on which one to buy? Should I buy from Amazon?

I'm looking at buying this...but when I go to amazon, there is like 5 versions. Any suggestions on which one to buy? Should I buy from Amazon?
You want the complete edition. The Amazon price for the digital download is $12.50 - which is insane.

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EXPANSIVE EMPIRES: See the marvels of your empire spread across the map like never before. Each city spans multiple tiles so you can custom build your cities to take full advantage of the local terrain.

ACTIVE RESEARCH: Unlock boosts that speed your civilization’s progress through history. To advance more quickly, use your units to actively explore, develop your environment, and discover new cultures.

DYNAMIC DIPLOMACY: Interactions with other civilizations change over the course of the game, from primitive first interactions where conflict is a fact of life, to late game alliances and negotiations.

COMBINED ARMS: Expanding on the “one unit per tile” design, support units can now be embedded with other units, like anti-tank support with infantry, or a warrior with settlers. Similar units can also be combined to form powerful “Corps” units. :thumbup:

ENHANCED MULTIPLAYER: In addition to traditional multiplayer modes, cooperate and compete with your friends in a wide variety of situations all designed to be easily completed in a single session.
A CIV FOR ALL PLAYERS: Civilization VI provides veteran players new ways to build and tune their civilization for the greatest chance of success. New tutorial systems introduce new players to the underlying concepts so they can easily get started.
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I've been binging on Civ5 for a little while now.  Finally getting pretty damn decent at it and have been starting with a random leader, winning about 75% of the time.

Just in time for Civ6.

I hope they can make the back half of the game more interesting somehow. I know I've played hundreds of games of civ V, but I think I've only ever managed to complete two or three of them. The late game is so tedious. I also hope I don't have to buy a whole new PC to play it.

I enjoy the end game but since I mostly focus on Diplomatic, Science, or Cultural victories, I'm usually just posting up troops on a front with a war mongering Civ.

You need to be focused on a victory strategy to get into the end game, IMO.

I hope they can get alliances to work better.  There are just too many times where I have been an ally/trading partner with another country for centuries and then all of the sudden that get pissy and try to attack me.

I enjoy the end game but since I mostly focus on Diplomatic, Science, or Cultural victories, I'm usually just posting up troops on a front with a war mongering Civ.

You need to be focused on a victory strategy to get into the end game, IMO.
I'm focused on a victory strategy, it just becomes tedious executing the steps to complete it after the midway point as you're pretty certain about the outcome by then and there's so much micromanagement that has to happen regardless of which type of victory you've targeted.

I'm focused on a victory strategy, it just becomes tedious executing the steps to complete it after the midway point as you're pretty certain about the outcome by then and there's so much micromanagement that has to happen regardless of which type of victory you've targeted.
That's fair.  Maybe I like the micromanagement too much.  And getting a 15-20 tech lead and clobbering any Civ that wants to start something.

I hope they can get alliances to work better.  There are just too many times where I have been an ally/trading partner with another country for centuries and then all of the sudden that get pissy and try to attack me.
Yes improving this aspect of the game would be great. Not sure how you could implement but having a more strategic AI partner would be most welcomed.

I'd welcome a smarter AI.  I've gotten to the point that I know which AIs are going to be jerks based on Civ + their number of luxuries.

But some still surprise me and start a war for absolutely no reason other than I teched better than them for 30 turns and got some random City-State to ally with me.

I finally beat the Vanilla Civ V on Immortal.  Had to get to artillery first to do it though.  I suck at winning early.  The happiness and productivity bonuses for the AI are so hard to counter.

I hope they can make the back half of the game more interesting somehow. I know I've played hundreds of games of civ V, but I think I've only ever managed to complete two or three of them. The late game is so tedious. I also hope I don't have to buy a whole new PC to play it.
This x1000. By 1700-1800 you know if you're going to win or not and the tediousness of playing it out isn't worth. Spending hours just to build armies to go capital hunting or hitting next turn waiting for research to finish sucks. 

Really hope it runs more efficiently. I built a pretty beefy computer when Civ5 first came out and playing with 12+ civs on a large map was damn near impossible. By mid-game I'd be waiting 5-10 minutes a turn.

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Starting the read of that link now and this stuck out as :hey:

He says that the "number one" problem the team has identified about Civ 5 is that players often settle on certain strategic paths, and they play the same way every time. For example, when I build cities, I'm almost always looking at Monument, Shrine, Granary, Library, Walls, Coliseum. I rarely change this formula, nor others theirs.

This is why Civ 6's cities are different.

...... This brings an element of SimCity planning to Civilization. Now that buildings require some sort of geographic condition in order to exist, each city becomes unique and an individual challenge. This also adds more complexity to combat.

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Maybe the other piece is that I have a powerful gaming PC.  Late game turns take a few seconds max, even on large maps with many opponents.

Well, if true to form I get 100% engrossed in the even number releases of these.  I messed around with 5 for a really brief period and found it pretty lacking in replayability.  4 was really perfect but got to the point where on the PC I had at the time simply couldn't process the late game stuff without overheating.  

There is a longer video out there showing screen shots and some yahoo yapping :hophead:

But in reality, the best item in regards to Civ 6 I saw was posted earlier : http://www.polygon.com/features/2016/5/11/11653620/civilization-6-release-date-preview
Read through that a bit more and it looks like Firaxis knocked it out of the park yet again.  Love the idea of city districts that will hold your improvements.  I've been playing since Civ III and felt like they got better and better with each new release.  I'm also a single dork that can upgrade his computer every 18 months or so. :nerd:

Read through that a bit more and it looks like Firaxis knocked it out of the park yet again.  Love the idea of city districts that will hold your improvements.  I've been playing since Civ III and felt like they got better and better with each new release.  I'm also a single dork that can upgrade his computer every 18 months or so. :nerd:
Showing my age here but I've been playing since Civ 1... :walkingcane:

I didn't play Civ 5 non-stop until the last expansion came out... since then "just one more turn" becomes... "is that the sun coming up?" ;)

Showing my age here but I've been playing since Civ 1... :walkingcane:

I didn't play Civ 5 non-stop until the last expansion came out... since then "just one more turn" becomes... "is that the sun coming up?" ;)
I suppose I was the same way.  Once the expansions came out though, I was heavy into it.

I've been playing pretty much every night for a couple weeks now.  Really have my strategy down but like the Civ6 article says, I kinda have my first 75-100 turns pretty much scripted with minor tweaks to the leader/Civ's strengths.  Man, oh man, does Civ6 look awesome.


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