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Peterson charged with reckless or negligent injury to a child? (2 Viewers)

I'm surprised no one's mentioned the actual facts in this incident. No one has bothered to mention that a grand jury had been convened to review the same issue before and no charges were filed. My guess is that they originally intended to charge him with child abuse. The second grand jury has decided to charge him with negligent child injury which is a lesser charge, though more in line with the evidence presented.

In other words, those that think he will get sent to jail for child abuse are completely ignorant of the facts. Whether you believe it's child abuse or not is irrelevant really at this point.
Yes, but the NFL can probably still suspend him indefinitely.

It's interesting that the first grand jury declined to indict Peterson -- it was the second that did.
There are a lot of very dumb people and very dumb laws in Texas. As evidenced by many things, but this in particular.
Imagine that, a group of people that disagree with the way you think. Barbarians, all of 'em.
On the subject of child abuse, I do find it barbaric. Without question.

Peterson estimated he swatted his son 10 to 15 times, but hes not sure because he doesnt ever count how many pops I give my kids.
Take a minute or two to act out "10 to 15" swats with a switch. Now imagine it's going down on a four year old's buttocks. For pushing another child.

Sorry, I-toughguys- that's messed up. And part of me mourns for Adrian's childhood...
That's just some F'd up stuff right there. I want to vomit right now.
Really surprised today's news has generated a debate about corporal punishment. Misses the issue. What AP inflicted was child abuse. Intent is irrelevant. Personal history is irrelevant. Culture is irrelevant. Those disturbing pictures reveal a severely abused 4-year-old child.
It's up to a Texas court to determine if it was child abuse. And I worked directly with kids for almost 10 years. I've seen victims of severe child abuse.

This looks like a parent who went too far in disciplining his 4 year old. And for that he will have to deal with the Texas legal system.

But all of the internet prosecutors and moral crusaders have already spoken in the SP so Peterson should be banned for life from the NFL and tarred and feathered based on reading a few paragraphs and viewing poor quality pictures online.
The only words I concentrated on were, paraphrasing, I did it and I feel bad about it. The pictures are of sufficient quality to reveal multiple switch marks on the arms and legs of a four year old child. These are enough I think for people to form opinions, and they've expressed those opinions. I believe you when you say you've seen far worse, and that makes me sad.

Derrick Borte ‏@derrickborte

After this week, it's hard to believe that people around the NFL thought Michael Sam would be a distraction.
I have no doubt in my mind that many of the same people who were the most disgusted by Michael Sam are among the biggest defenders of Ray Rice and Adrian Peterson.
Only you could ruin a train wreck of a thread like this. Congrats.
He not only admitted guilt in the text messages he did so in the police interview. Read the link.
He never admitted 'guilt' since he doesn't believe he was doing anything wrong at the time.
That's not how the legal system works. If I admit to poaching a deer but don't believe it's wrong or illegal, did I not admit guilt?

In any case public perception in Minnesota isn't going to be swayed by the legal case or what that first jury in Texas did. If the pictures and texts are verified he'll never play again for the Vikings. There's been outreach here from places where this is allegedly OK---consider this my outreach from the upper midwest.

I'm not surprised most of you have jumped to conclusions.

Look the marks are horrendous. Adrian Peterson is one of the strongest men on the planet. His handshakes are legendary. I think he can probably get the point across to his kids without a switch. He needs to scale back bigtime and the courts will decide his fate. I hope he can heal the scars and his relationship with his child. What probably started out as strong punishment has apparently (if the pictures are accurate) crossed the line from strict to abuse, and he will quite possibly face serous legal ramifications for that.

As an aside, We have reached a very scary point in society where the masses collectively "burn people at the stake" and demand justice. Instead of letting things come out, and letting the process work it's way through the courts, we have millions of self righteous internet-obsessed judges demanding instant justice for Peterson. Heck if a person comes out and says "I think be should only be suspended 4 games" than that person will get railroaded by half of twitter or this forum.

What's worse is now everyone is waiting on roger Goodell for some reason like he's the judge and jury of everything. Geez it's like the nfl world has handed over dictator rights to this guy. No wonder he's gotten arrogant. We can't allow the court system, or even his employer the Vikings to make a decision. We really don't even want to wait 2 days. We need our blood and we need it now. If this guy doesn't get suspended for life than it's a crime on humanity. We need the dictator to come down off his throne and boot AP out of the league.

I'm actually feeling sorry for RG because he's presiding over a league of rich entitled athletes who are spoiled rotten and now instead of being a commissioner of a football league, he has to make moral judgments and face a firestorm of inevitable controversy from all over the web if the punishment doesn't meet the satisfaction of the football world.

I'm about to check twitter for the first time in 2 hours and I can guarantee every fantasy football blogger and nfl blogger will be one upping each other with more moral outrage than the next, to show what a good person they are.

Get a grip guys. Let the process play out.

Derrick Borte ‏@derrickborte

After this week, it's hard to believe that people around the NFL thought Michael Sam would be a distraction.
I have no doubt in my mind that many of the same people who were the most disgusted by Michael Sam are among the biggest defenders of Ray Rice and Adrian Peterson.
There does appear to be sort of a common theme here. The one value LHUCKS brought to this board was articulating the common denominator. Granted, it was the only thing. But, he was spot on.

A particularly depressing aspect of this and the Ray Rice situations is that at least 90% of people's responses are emotional, thought-free reactions that inevitably come down on one extreme or the other, when the truth is somewhere in the middle. Unfortunately, that requires patience and thinking, which very few want to do.

What AP did to that boy is awful and tragic. It is also consistent with his upbringing and his faith (to be clear, those don't excuse it, but they provide context for understanding how it happened). The fact that he believes he is acting in the best long-term interest of his son is important, no matter how ill-informed that belief may be. That's different from him being pissed off about losing a game and taking it out on his kid. The NFL will do whatever is in its best financial interest, and if we're lucky that will align with what's best for AP Junior. Maybe a two to four-week suspension for AP while he goes to counseling to learn how to be a strong father without resorting to violence, especially at that level. States may disagree on whether corporal punishment is allowed, but there is still a line and this is clearly beyond it.
This is a great post. A couple of other thoughts I have:

- I'm actually glad to see that AP seems to care about his kids. I'm a little perplexed that he didn't seem to be be involved in the life of the child who died a year or two ago but he seems to care about his other kids. Hopefully he learns from this and finds the proper line for disciplining his children. I'd rather have that than the more common behavior in the AA community where the father is MIA.

- I've seen people in this thread comparing this to the Vick or Ray Rice cases. This is very different than both of those cases. This was a father trying to do what he felt was right and in the best interests of his child. Clearly he was wrong in his application of that principle but to compare this to either of those other cases is ridiculous IMO.
This is a HUGE assumption on your part and at this point we do not know this at all. Based on the severity of those photos, he might have started out that way and then lost his temper. Or he might have used the "discipline" thing as an excuse to sadistically abuse his son, as so many child abusers do. We don't know anything, and it's rather ludicrous of you, IMO, to just throw this assumption out there as if it were the truth.

Like you I'm going by the evidence that is out there. AP's discussions with the police are out there and I have read them. There isn't any evidence suggesting anything else. Why is it ok for you to continuously give the government the benefit of the doubt regardless of evidence that suggests they're lieing, but I can't take AP at his word? Do you have any evidence that what he did wasn't just a disciplinary action that was taken too far?
Just a bit too far? Cuts to the kids scrotum, among other areas, and you're justifying this because it kinda got a little outta hand, a little overzealous, whoops my bad?

I am just so disgusted and discouraged by some of the minority views in this country.
I haven't justified anything. I'm sorry I don't look at things as black and white and form my opinions within 5 minutes of hearing about a story like you and Tim. There are nuances and context to many incidents and I like to explore the entire story. AP doesn't have a history of violence that I'm aware of. If this was Michael Vick in this story my thoughts might be significantly different. To me this seems out of character so I'm giving the man some leeway at the moment. Thus far, this seems to me like someone who was brought up a certain way and is just doing things the way he was taught and believes worked for him. AP became a successful, rich man despite apparently having been beaten as a kid. So he believes that works. I'm not saying he's right, or justifying his actions in any way. But assuming that's his thought process I understand it. For him. Based upon his upbringing.

It's comments like yours and Tims that make it almost impossible to have hard, intelligent discussions about charged topics such as this. And that's unfortunate. And sad.
This is quite possibly the biggest load of bull#### you've ever written and that's truly saying something. What incredible chutzpah on your part to write that I form my opinions within 5 minutes, but that you look for nuances and context. Apparently you can't even remember what you wrote and what I wrote in this discussion, so let's review. You wrote:

This was a father trying to do what he thought was right and in the best interests of his child.

I wrote:

At this point we do not know this at all...we do not know anything.

So who is the one forming their opinion in the first 5 minutes, and who is the one looking for nuance and context?

And you're full of #### anyway. It probably took you 2 seconds to form your opinion. You formed it, because IMO you're just like all the other ridiculous etoughguys in this thread who think that the lack of corporal punishment is a sign of a weak society. Sure, if it turns out to be clearly abuse (as it certainly looks like right now) you'll backtrack and claim you never wrote that, just as you're already trying to do now. But anyone who reads you knows better.
Actually, you wrote:

You know what? Screw everyone that thinks this sort of thing is OK. It isn't. It was NEVER OK. Just because your dad thought so doesn't make it right. The fact that many of us (hopefully most of us) don't tolerate this sort of behavior is what's RIGHT about America.
And, in response to people who didn't immediately jump all over AP you wrote:

These posts are unbelievable. Worse than the worst of the Ray Rice posts. About as ugly as anything I've read in this forum.
And you didn't post my entire post but cherry picked one piece of it that doesn't totally represent the opinions I've expressed about this. But hey, that's typical Tim. As far as forming your opinion within 5 minutes, it's your M.O. in highly charged cases such as this.

Ok, without looking at any of the previous posts, I'll wager a guess that at least a half dozen of you think this is normal discipline because your ol' pappy did it to you.
If my pappy did it to me, he would have been picking his teeth up off the ground. I'm neither a supporter nor adamant opponent of corporal punishment. To each is own. However, if you hurt your kid enough to be indicted...you have effing problems.
At four, all you'd do is bleed all over him.

Look, I have no idea if Peterson is guilty or not. I do not mind in the slightest if somebody thinks that there isn't enough evidence yet to either convict him or even to suspend him. I might agree with that. I certainly believe that at this point the NFL suspending him is problematic at best. And we also don't know all the circumstances. If you want to defend Peterson based on these points, you're welcome to.

What I object to are the ones who are defending Peterson based on the notion that using a stick on a 4 year old child is somehow not child abuse. You're absolutely free to think that way, and I'm absolutely free to think that you're dead wrong, or crazy, or have sadistic tendencies yourself, or possibly all three.

A particularly depressing aspect of this and the Ray Rice situations is that at least 90% of people's responses are emotional, thought-free reactions that inevitably come down on one extreme or the other, when the truth is somewhere in the middle. Unfortunately, that requires patience and thinking, which very few want to do.

What AP did to that boy is awful and tragic. It is also consistent with his upbringing and his faith (to be clear, those don't excuse it, but they provide context for understanding how it happened). The fact that he believes he is acting in the best long-term interest of his son is important, no matter how ill-informed that belief may be. That's different from him being pissed off about losing a game and taking it out on his kid. The NFL will do whatever is in its best financial interest, and if we're lucky that will align with what's best for AP Junior. Maybe a two to four-week suspension for AP while he goes to counseling to learn how to be a strong father without resorting to violence, especially at that level. States may disagree on whether corporal punishment is allowed, but there is still a line and this is clearly beyond it.
This is a great post. A couple of other thoughts I have:

- I'm actually glad to see that AP seems to care about his kids. I'm a little perplexed that he didn't seem to be be involved in the life of the child who died a year or two ago but he seems to care about his other kids. Hopefully he learns from this and finds the proper line for disciplining his children. I'd rather have that than the more common behavior in the AA community where the father is MIA.

- I've seen people in this thread comparing this to the Vick or Ray Rice cases. This is very different than both of those cases. This was a father trying to do what he felt was right and in the best interests of his child. Clearly he was wrong in his application of that principle but to compare this to either of those other cases is ridiculous IMO.
This is a HUGE assumption on your part and at this point we do not know this at all. Based on the severity of those photos, he might have started out that way and then lost his temper. Or he might have used the "discipline" thing as an excuse to sadistically abuse his son, as so many child abusers do. We don't know anything, and it's rather ludicrous of you, IMO, to just throw this assumption out there as if it were the truth.

Like you I'm going by the evidence that is out there. AP's discussions with the police are out there and I have read them. There isn't any evidence suggesting anything else. Why is it ok for you to continuously give the government the benefit of the doubt regardless of evidence that suggests they're lieing, but I can't take AP at his word? Do you have any evidence that what he did wasn't just a disciplinary action that was taken too far?
Just a bit too far? Cuts to the kids scrotum, among other areas, and you're justifying this because it kinda got a little outta hand, a little overzealous, whoops my bad?

I am just so disgusted and discouraged by some of the minority views in this country.
I haven't justified anything. I'm sorry I don't look at things as black and white and form my opinions within 5 minutes of hearing about a story like you and Tim. There are nuances and context to many incidents and I like to explore the entire story. AP doesn't have a history of violence that I'm aware of. If this was Michael Vick in this story my thoughts might be significantly different. To me this seems out of character so I'm giving the man some leeway at the moment. Thus far, this seems to me like someone who was brought up a certain way and is just doing things the way he was taught and believes worked for him. AP became a successful, rich man despite apparently having been beaten as a kid. So he believes that works. I'm not saying he's right, or justifying his actions in any way. But assuming that's his thought process I understand it. For him. Based upon his upbringing.

It's comments like yours and Tims that make it almost impossible to have hard, intelligent discussions about charged topics such as this. And that's unfortunate. And sad.
This is quite possibly the biggest load of bull#### you've ever written and that's truly saying something. What incredible chutzpah on your part to write that I form my opinions within 5 minutes, but that you look for nuances and context. Apparently you can't even remember what you wrote and what I wrote in this discussion, so let's review. You wrote:

This was a father trying to do what he thought was right and in the best interests of his child.

I wrote:

At this point we do not know this at all...we do not know anything.

So who is the one forming their opinion in the first 5 minutes, and who is the one looking for nuance and context?

And you're full of #### anyway. It probably took you 2 seconds to form your opinion. You formed it, because IMO you're just like all the other ridiculous etoughguys in this thread who think that the lack of corporal punishment is a sign of a weak society. Sure, if it turns out to be clearly abuse (as it certainly looks like right now) you'll backtrack and claim you never wrote that, just as you're already trying to do now. But anyone who reads you knows better.
Actually, you wrote:

You know what? Screw everyone that thinks this sort of thing is OK. It isn't. It was NEVER OK. Just because your dad thought so doesn't make it right. The fact that many of us (hopefully most of us) don't tolerate this sort of behavior is what's RIGHT about America.
And, in response to people who didn't immediately jump all over AP you wrote:

These posts are unbelievable. Worse than the worst of the Ray Rice posts. About as ugly as anything I've read in this forum.
And you didn't post my entire post but cherry picked one piece of it that doesn't totally represent the opinions I've expressed about this. But hey, that's typical Tim. As far as forming your opinion within 5 minutes, it's your M.O. in highly charged cases such as this.
What I wrote in both instances had nothing to do with the guilt or innocence of Adrian Peterson. And actually they were based on opinions I've held for decades. But that's a nuanced idea, which despite your claims to the contrary I don't expect you to understand.

The thing with Rice was there was no remorse after he hit and KO'd her, the video showed that. With AD theres text messages to the mother with him explaining how bad he felt but he was just doing what his experiences taught him was right.
The text messages are enough to hang him. Are we even reading the same thing? "Normal whooping"?
the phraseology of "normal whooping" is irrelevant. corporal punishment is legal in texas. he's not going to get in trouble for what he terms it lol.
No, he described the 10-15 lashes and the injuries to the buttocks as a "normal whooping". And this is illegal in Texas, hence the indictment. Not to mention the text about nailing the kid's "nuts".

Obviously a lot of people are in fantasy football induced denial. He's toast. I don't live where this is allegedly OK but I did live in Minnesota and there's no way this will be tolerated if those texts and photos are real. If they are real suspension length is irrelevant, he'll never play for the Vikings again.
You obviously have no idea how the legal system works.

I'm not surprised most of you have jumped to conclusions.

Look the marks are horrendous. Adrian Peterson is one of the strongest men on the planet. His handshakes are legendary. I think he can probably get the point across to his kids without a switch. He needs to scale back bigtime and the courts will decide his fate. I hope he can heal the scars and his relationship with his child. What probably started out as strong punishment has apparently (if the pictures are accurate) crossed the line from strict to abuse, and he will quite possibly face serous legal ramifications for that.

As an aside, We have reached a very scary point in society where the masses collectively "burn people at the stake" and demand justice. Instead of letting things come out, and letting the process work it's way through the courts, we have millions of self righteous internet-obsessed judges demanding instant justice for Peterson. Heck if a person comes out and says "I think be should only be suspended 4 games" than that person will get railroaded by half of twitter or this forum.

What's worse is now everyone is waiting on roger Goodell for some reason like he's the judge and jury of everything. Geez it's like the nfl world has handed over dictator rights to this guy. No wonder he's gotten arrogant. We can't allow the court system, or even his employer the Vikings to make a decision. We really don't even want to wait 2 days. We need our blood and we need it now. If this guy doesn't get suspended for life than it's a crime on humanity. We need the dictator to come down off his throne and boot AP out of the league.

I'm actually feeling sorry for RG because he's presiding over a league of rich entitled athletes who are spoiled rotten and now instead of being a commissioner of a football league, he has to make moral judgments and face a firestorm of inevitable controversy from all over the web if the punishment doesn't meet the satisfaction of the football world.

I'm about to check twitter for the first time in 2 hours and I can guarantee every fantasy football blogger and nfl blogger will be one upping each other with more moral outrage than the next, to show what a good person they are.

Get a grip guys. Let the process play out.
:goodposting: I agree with much of what you wrote here.

This whole Rice fiasco is completely blowing up. Now they have to suspend AP for a LONG time.

I am taking a stance that AP is just stupid here, not evil. He over did it. It's not right. He should be severely punished. But he needs to run and his family needs the same.

The NFL has some work to do in building a system to deal with this.

I'm not surprised most of you have jumped to conclusions.

Look the marks are horrendous. Adrian Peterson is one of the strongest men on the planet. His handshakes are legendary. I think he can probably get the point across to his kids without a switch. He needs to scale back bigtime and the courts will decide his fate. I hope he can heal the scars and his relationship with his child. What probably started out as strong punishment has apparently (if the pictures are accurate) crossed the line from strict to abuse, and he will quite possibly face serous legal ramifications for that.

As an aside, We have reached a very scary point in society where the masses collectively "burn people at the stake" and demand justice. Instead of letting things come out, and letting the process work it's way through the courts, we have millions of self righteous internet-obsessed judges demanding instant justice for Peterson. Heck if a person comes out and says "I think be should only be suspended 4 games" than that person will get railroaded by half of twitter or this forum.

What's worse is now everyone is waiting on roger Goodell for some reason like he's the judge and jury of everything. Geez it's like the nfl world has handed over dictator rights to this guy. No wonder he's gotten arrogant. We can't allow the court system, or even his employer the Vikings to make a decision. We really don't even want to wait 2 days. We need our blood and we need it now. If this guy doesn't get suspended for life than it's a crime on humanity. We need the dictator to come down off his throne and boot AP out of the league.

I'm actually feeling sorry for RG because he's presiding over a league of rich entitled athletes who are spoiled rotten and now instead of being a commissioner of a football league, he has to make moral judgments and face a firestorm of inevitable controversy from all over the web if the punishment doesn't meet the satisfaction of the football world.

I'm about to check twitter for the first time in 2 hours and I can guarantee every fantasy football blogger and nfl blogger will be one upping each other with more moral outrage than the next, to show what a good person they are.

Get a grip guys. Let the process play out.
Roger Goddell works for 32 rich and entitled men and is one himself. He's a grown man that understood the job description when he took the position. You feel sorry for him now that he is failing to live up to his duties?
He not only admitted guilt in the text messages he did so in the police interview. Read the link.
He never admitted 'guilt' since he doesn't believe he was doing anything wrong at the time.
That's not how the legal system works. If I admit to poaching a deer but don't believe it's wrong or illegal, did I not admit guilt?

In any case public perception in Minnesota isn't going to be swayed by the legal case or what that first jury in Texas did. If the pictures and texts are verified he'll never play again for the Vikings. There's been outreach here from places where this is allegedly OK---consider this my outreach from the upper midwest.
Yeah, really no idea whatsoever.

I'm not surprised most of you have jumped to conclusions.

Look the marks are horrendous. Adrian Peterson is one of the strongest men on the planet. His handshakes are legendary. I think he can probably get the point across to his kids without a switch. He needs to scale back bigtime and the courts will decide his fate. I hope he can heal the scars and his relationship with his child. What probably started out as strong punishment has apparently (if the pictures are accurate) crossed the line from strict to abuse, and he will quite possibly face serous legal ramifications for that.

As an aside, We have reached a very scary point in society where the masses collectively "burn people at the stake" and demand justice. Instead of letting things come out, and letting the process work it's way through the courts, we have millions of self righteous internet-obsessed judges demanding instant justice for Peterson. Heck if a person comes out and says "I think be should only be suspended 4 games" than that person will get railroaded by half of twitter or this forum.

What's worse is now everyone is waiting on roger Goodell for some reason like he's the judge and jury of everything. Geez it's like the nfl world has handed over dictator rights to this guy. No wonder he's gotten arrogant. We can't allow the court system, or even his employer the Vikings to make a decision. We really don't even want to wait 2 days. We need our blood and we need it now. If this guy doesn't get suspended for life than it's a crime on humanity. We need the dictator to come down off his throne and boot AP out of the league.

I'm actually feeling sorry for RG because he's presiding over a league of rich entitled athletes who are spoiled rotten and now instead of being a commissioner of a football league, he has to make moral judgments and face a firestorm of inevitable controversy from all over the web if the punishment doesn't meet the satisfaction of the football world.

I'm about to check twitter for the first time in 2 hours and I can guarantee every fantasy football blogger and nfl blogger will be one upping each other with more moral outrage than the next, to show what a good person they are.

Get a grip guys. Let the process play out.
Roger Goddell works for 32 rich and entitled men and is one himself. He's a grown man that understood the job description when he took the position. You feel sorry for him now that he is failing to live up to his duties?
:lmao: the internet is funny

I'm not surprised most of you have jumped to conclusions.

Look the marks are horrendous. Adrian Peterson is one of the strongest men on the planet. His handshakes are legendary. I think he can probably get the point across to his kids without a switch. He needs to scale back bigtime and the courts will decide his fate. I hope he can heal the scars and his relationship with his child. What probably started out as strong punishment has apparently (if the pictures are accurate) crossed the line from strict to abuse, and he will quite possibly face serous legal ramifications for that.

As an aside, We have reached a very scary point in society where the masses collectively "burn people at the stake" and demand justice. Instead of letting things come out, and letting the process work it's way through the courts, we have millions of self righteous internet-obsessed judges demanding instant justice for Peterson. Heck if a person comes out and says "I think be should only be suspended 4 games" than that person will get railroaded by half of twitter or this forum.

What's worse is now everyone is waiting on roger Goodell for some reason like he's the judge and jury of everything. Geez it's like the nfl world has handed over dictator rights to this guy. No wonder he's gotten arrogant. We can't allow the court system, or even his employer the Vikings to make a decision. We really don't even want to wait 2 days. We need our blood and we need it now. If this guy doesn't get suspended for life than it's a crime on humanity. We need the dictator to come down off his throne and boot AP out of the league.

I'm actually feeling sorry for RG because he's presiding over a league of rich entitled athletes who are spoiled rotten and now instead of being a commissioner of a football league, he has to make moral judgments and face a firestorm of inevitable controversy from all over the web if the punishment doesn't meet the satisfaction of the football world.

I'm about to check twitter for the first time in 2 hours and I can guarantee every fantasy football blogger and nfl blogger will be one upping each other with more moral outrage than the next, to show what a good person they are.

Get a grip guys. Let the process play out.
I agree with just about everything except for feeling sorry for Goodell. For $44 million I'll gladly take the headache.

But the other stuff is spot on. Everyone here chanting, "burn him at the stake" based on 30 seconds of what they've seen on the internet.

This whole Rice fiasco is completely blowing up. Now they have to suspend AP for a LONG time.

I am taking a stance that AP is just stupid here, not evil. He over did it. It's not right. He should be severely punished. But he needs to run and his family needs the same.

The NFL has some work to do in building a system to deal with this.
because he's chasing them?


This whole Rice fiasco is completely blowing up. Now they have to suspend AP for a LONG time.

I am taking a stance that AP is just stupid here, not evil. He over did it. It's not right. He should be severely punished. But he needs to run and his family needs the same.

The NFL has some work to do in building a system to deal with this.
Let's allow the man to have his day in court before sentencing him to a lifetime ban because of internet reports and pictures. The NFL doesn't have to do anything right now.

I'll never admit that it is perfect but let's at least try to live out the rules we've put together over centuries. Ignoring them to appease the masses is a contributor to downfall.
"The masses" are where the rules come from. The concept of a "reasonable person" is an extremely important one in the legal system, and part of how society changes is that what reasonable people (or "the masses", as you call them) changes over time.

At one point reasonable people thought it was terrible for blacks and whites to marry. For many years after reasonable people thought it was terrible for gays to marry. Society's opinions on these things is what changed them.

And it's pretty clear that there's no societal benefit to parents beating up on their children, and reasonable people now agree with that sentiment.

I used to wonder how the Ravens thought it was a good idea to have PR flacks pushing Rice's wife's apology for her role in getting knocked out, but now they seem pretty unremarkable.

Derrick Borte ‏@derrickborte

After this week, it's hard to believe that people around the NFL thought Michael Sam would be a distraction.
I have no doubt in my mind that many of the same people who were the most disgusted by Michael Sam are among the biggest defenders of Ray Rice and Adrian Peterson.
No tolerance for intolerant people, sprinkled with a bit of prejudgment of prejudiced people. Love it.

I'm not surprised most of you have jumped to conclusions.

Look the marks are horrendous. Adrian Peterson is one of the strongest men on the planet. His handshakes are legendary. I think he can probably get the point across to his kids without a switch. He needs to scale back bigtime and the courts will decide his fate. I hope he can heal the scars and his relationship with his child. What probably started out as strong punishment has apparently (if the pictures are accurate) crossed the line from strict to abuse, and he will quite possibly face serous legal ramifications for that.

As an aside, We have reached a very scary point in society where the masses collectively "burn people at the stake" and demand justice. Instead of letting things come out, and letting the process work it's way through the courts, we have millions of self righteous internet-obsessed judges demanding instant justice for Peterson. Heck if a person comes out and says "I think be should only be suspended 4 games" than that person will get railroaded by half of twitter or this forum.

What's worse is now everyone is waiting on roger Goodell for some reason like he's the judge and jury of everything. Geez it's like the nfl world has handed over dictator rights to this guy. No wonder he's gotten arrogant. We can't allow the court system, or even his employer the Vikings to make a decision. We really don't even want to wait 2 days. We need our blood and we need it now. If this guy doesn't get suspended for life than it's a crime on humanity. We need the dictator to come down off his throne and boot AP out of the league.

I'm actually feeling sorry for RG because he's presiding over a league of rich entitled athletes who are spoiled rotten and now instead of being a commissioner of a football league, he has to make moral judgments and face a firestorm of inevitable controversy from all over the web if the punishment doesn't meet the satisfaction of the football world.

I'm about to check twitter for the first time in 2 hours and I can guarantee every fantasy football blogger and nfl blogger will be one upping each other with more moral outrage than the next, to show what a good person they are.

Get a grip guys. Let the process play out.
I agree with just about everything except for feeling sorry for Goodell. For $44 million I'll gladly take the headache.

But the other stuff is spot on. Everyone here chanting, "burn him at the stake" based on 30 seconds of what they've seen on the internet.
Yeah I don't expect anyone to feel sorry for Goodell. But my point is that the man is in a different world than he was when he took over. He's the judge and jury and he's not qualified for that.

But maybe you are right. For 44 mill a year, id probably be ok!

This whole Rice fiasco is completely blowing up. Now they have to suspend AP for a LONG time.

I am taking a stance that AP is just stupid here, not evil. He over did it. It's not right. He should be severely punished. But he needs to run and his family needs the same.

The NFL has some work to do in building a system to deal with this.
Let's allow the man to have his day in court before sentencing him to a lifetime ban because of internet reports and pictures. The NFL doesn't have to do anything right now.
No, buts lets pretend the day isn't coming. Goodell is screwed either way. No suspension and he gets bashed, indefinite suspension and he'd get bashed again. He is in the spotlight now because of the mishandled Ray Rice case. All eyes are on Goodell and this is a no win situation.

I'm not surprised most of you have jumped to conclusions.

Look the marks are horrendous. Adrian Peterson is one of the strongest men on the planet. His handshakes are legendary. I think he can probably get the point across to his kids without a switch. He needs to scale back bigtime and the courts will decide his fate. I hope he can heal the scars and his relationship with his child. What probably started out as strong punishment has apparently (if the pictures are accurate) crossed the line from strict to abuse, and he will quite possibly face serous legal ramifications for that.

As an aside, We have reached a very scary point in society where the masses collectively "burn people at the stake" and demand justice. Instead of letting things come out, and letting the process work it's way through the courts, we have millions of self righteous internet-obsessed judges demanding instant justice for Peterson. Heck if a person comes out and says "I think be should only be suspended 4 games" than that person will get railroaded by half of twitter or this forum.

What's worse is now everyone is waiting on roger Goodell for some reason like he's the judge and jury of everything. Geez it's like the nfl world has handed over dictator rights to this guy. No wonder he's gotten arrogant. We can't allow the court system, or even his employer the Vikings to make a decision. We really don't even want to wait 2 days. We need our blood and we need it now. If this guy doesn't get suspended for life than it's a crime on humanity. We need the dictator to come down off his throne and boot AP out of the league.

I'm actually feeling sorry for RG because he's presiding over a league of rich entitled athletes who are spoiled rotten and now instead of being a commissioner of a football league, he has to make moral judgments and face a firestorm of inevitable controversy from all over the web if the punishment doesn't meet the satisfaction of the football world.

I'm about to check twitter for the first time in 2 hours and I can guarantee every fantasy football blogger and nfl blogger will be one upping each other with more moral outrage than the next, to show what a good person they are.

Get a grip guys. Let the process play out.
Roger Goddell works for 32 rich and entitled men and is one himself. He's a grown man that understood the job description when he took the position. You feel sorry for him now that he is failing to live up to his duties?
:lmao: the internet is funny
That we can agree on. :highfive:
I'm not surprised most of you have jumped to conclusions.

Look the marks are horrendous. Adrian Peterson is one of the strongest men on the planet. His handshakes are legendary. I think he can probably get the point across to his kids without a switch. He needs to scale back bigtime and the courts will decide his fate. I hope he can heal the scars and his relationship with his child. What probably started out as strong punishment has apparently (if the pictures are accurate) crossed the line from strict to abuse, and he will quite possibly face serous legal ramifications for that.

As an aside, We have reached a very scary point in society where the masses collectively "burn people at the stake" and demand justice. Instead of letting things come out, and letting the process work it's way through the courts, we have millions of self righteous internet-obsessed judges demanding instant justice for Peterson. Heck if a person comes out and says "I think be should only be suspended 4 games" than that person will get railroaded by half of twitter or this forum.

What's worse is now everyone is waiting on roger Goodell for some reason like he's the judge and jury of everything. Geez it's like the nfl world has handed over dictator rights to this guy. No wonder he's gotten arrogant. We can't allow the court system, or even his employer the Vikings to make a decision. We really don't even want to wait 2 days. We need our blood and we need it now. If this guy doesn't get suspended for life than it's a crime on humanity. We need the dictator to come down off his throne and boot AP out of the league.

I'm actually feeling sorry for RG because he's presiding over a league of rich entitled athletes who are spoiled rotten and now instead of being a commissioner of a football league, he has to make moral judgments and face a firestorm of inevitable controversy from all over the web if the punishment doesn't meet the satisfaction of the football world.

I'm about to check twitter for the first time in 2 hours and I can guarantee every fantasy football blogger and nfl blogger will be one upping each other with more moral outrage than the next, to show what a good person they are.

Get a grip guys. Let the process play out.
I agree with just about everything except for feeling sorry for Goodell. For $44 million I'll gladly take the headache.

But the other stuff is spot on. Everyone here chanting, "burn him at the stake" based on 30 seconds of what they've seen on the internet.
Yeah I don't expect anyone to feel sorry for Goodell. But my point is that the man is in a different world than he was when he took over. He's the judge and jury and he's not qualified for that.

But maybe you are right. For 44 mill a year, id probably be ok!
Touche. But he could easily agree to a system where he doesn't have to be judge and jury.

He wanted this and now it's blowing up in his face b/c it's become more than he ever thought.

Why are people saying "let the process play out?" Nobody here can stop the process from playing out. Nobody here is a judge who can sentence Peterson to anything. Nobody is moving to suspend a process they don't control.

Are you suggesting we're not allowed to have opinions until a jury tells us we're allowed to have one? Are you suggesting we can't form opinions after seeing photographs (taken a week later, btw) and reading the texts? Even his attorney's statement sets him up for a "hey, my dad did it to me" defense.

Are you suggesting we should be robots and not have any thoughts on this? We should file it away as "needs more information" and un-see those photos? Assuming they're not doctored, it's wrong to have an opinion before it "plays out?"

I think Peterson deserves every right and privilege given to a person accused of something. I am also disgusted by what I saw done to a four year old. Why can't we hold both positions at the same time?

Derrick Borte ‏@derrickborte

After this week, it's hard to believe that people around the NFL thought Michael Sam would be a distraction.
I have no doubt in my mind that many of the same people who were the most disgusted by Michael Sam are among the biggest defenders of Ray Rice and Adrian Peterson.
:lmao: You love grouping and labeling.
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@RapSheet: Arrest of Adrian Peterson (reported by @MarkBermanFox26) stems from the disciplining of a son with a switch, source says. Hes been indicted
They would have buried my dad if that was the case.

At least I got to pick out the switch back in the day
I survived child abuse by todays wussy standards and I was never beaten this bad even around 12 or so. The difference was this kid was 4 years old. He can barely understand instructions. Some people aren't meant to be parents and Peterson is one of them. One dead boy he never met and now a kid who looks like a character from Roots?

Idk pics didn't bother me that much. I know kids young but there's nothing wrong with setting a strong example of discipline from a young age. Just means you have to do it less as the kid gets older since a statement was made early on.
Would you hit your wife with a stick until she bled?
Situation isn't comparable. A grown woman already has set moral standards and values. She is who she is as a person. A child can still be influenced by such punishment.

I'll never admit that it is perfect but let's at least try to live out the rules we've put together over centuries. Ignoring them to appease the masses is a contributor to downfall.
"The masses" are where the rules come from. The concept of a "reasonable person" is an extremely important one in the legal system, and part of how society changes is that what reasonable people (or "the masses", as you call them) changes over time.

At one point reasonable people thought it was terrible for blacks and whites to marry. For many years after reasonable people thought it was terrible for gays to marry. Society's opinions on these things is what changed them.

And it's pretty clear that there's no societal benefit to parents beating up on their children, and reasonable people now agree with that sentiment.
Unfortunately humans make emotional knee jerk reactions. Social media and the internet today eliminate the cool off period where we would normally re-evaluate the situation and modify our initial emotional reaction. This is due to the immediate affirmation we perceive by seeing everyone else's immediate emotional reaction. This false validation causes us to not consider any re-evaluation as we have already been validated.

This is the danger we, as a species, must come to terms with regarding social media and the internet. The internet has opened up a myriad of new paradigms for us, some good, some bad. We need time to adjust and we, obviously, haven't done that yet. I only hope we can before we consume ourselves in hatred and vitriol.

Just a general question about the two cases.

Does anyone feel like the relative popularity of the two players will influence the NFL's decision in any way, or the public's perception of the incidents?

I could be totally off base with my assertion, which is that AP is generally more well liked and admired than Ray Rice.

I'll never admit that it is perfect but let's at least try to live out the rules we've put together over centuries. Ignoring them to appease the masses is a contributor to downfall.
"The masses" are where the rules come from. The concept of a "reasonable person" is an extremely important one in the legal system, and part of how society changes is that what reasonable people (or "the masses", as you call them) changes over time.

At one point reasonable people thought it was terrible for blacks and whites to marry. For many years after reasonable people thought it was terrible for gays to marry. Society's opinions on these things is what changed them.

And it's pretty clear that there's no societal benefit to parents beating up on their children, and reasonable people now agree with that sentiment.
And amendments to our Constitution are made by "the masses" as well. The 5th Amendment includes due process, when that is ratified or amended, I'll stop defending the Constitution.

I'm not defending AP. I don't want to get in to the semantics of your last sentence or the appeal to emotion that is included. I do appreciate the the first paragraph, shedding light on the masses. The masses can be a bane or a boon, my opinion is that they are becoming a bane. The Constitution, as it stands, is a contributor and supporter of that opinion.

Just reading the TMZ article - and wherever you fall on the "whooping" part of the spectrum... why the hell did he shove leaves in the kid's mouth?

4:10 PM PT -- According to the police report, the child told authorities he had also been hit by a belt and there were "a lot of belts in daddy's closet."

The child also said AP had put leaves in his mouth when he was being struck and that his pants were down.

Just a general question about the two cases.

Does anyone feel like the relative popularity of the two players will influence the NFL's decision in any way, or the public's perception of the incidents?

I could be totally off base with my assertion, which is that AP is generally more well liked and admired than Ray Rice.
On the point of admiration...absolutely people loved AP. Guy has a million kids but looks after them all...even if some may disagree with new methods of his being revealed.

But AP unlike Ray was never best friends with an alleged accomplice in a murder. Befriending Ray Lewis didn't help Ray's public perception.

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Why are people saying "let the process play out?" Nobody here can stop the process from playing out. Nobody here is a judge who can sentence Peterson to anything. Nobody is moving to suspend a process they don't control.

Are you suggesting we're not allowed to have opinions until a jury tells us we're allowed to have one? Are you suggesting we can't form opinions after seeing photographs (taken a week later, btw) and reading the texts? Even his attorney's statement sets him up for a "hey, my dad did it to me" defense.

Are you suggesting we should be robots and not have any thoughts on this? We should file it away as "needs more information" and un-see those photos? Assuming they're not doctored, it's wrong to have an opinion before it "plays out?"

I think Peterson deserves every right and privilege given to a person accused of something. I am also disgusted by what I saw done to a four year old. Why can't we hold both positions at the same time?
I don't think anyone is saying that we can't be disgusted with his actions. I know I am. But I've read people already wondering when the nfl is going to act....which is ridiculous

I'll never admit that it is perfect but let's at least try to live out the rules we've put together over centuries. Ignoring them to appease the masses is a contributor to downfall.
"The masses" are where the rules come from. The concept of a "reasonable person" is an extremely important one in the legal system, and part of how society changes is that what reasonable people (or "the masses", as you call them) changes over time.

At one point reasonable people thought it was terrible for blacks and whites to marry. For many years after reasonable people thought it was terrible for gays to marry. Society's opinions on these things is what changed them.

And it's pretty clear that there's no societal benefit to parents beating up on their children, and reasonable people now agree with that sentiment.
Unfortunately humans make emotional knee jerk reactions. Social media and the internet today eliminate the cool off period where we would normally re-evaluate the situation and modify our initial emotional reaction. This is due to the immediate affirmation we perceive by seeing everyone else's immediate emotional reaction. This false validation causes us to not consider any re-evaluation as we have already been validated.

This is the danger we, as a species, must come to terms with regarding social media and the internet. The internet has opened up a myriad of new paradigms for us, some good, some bad. We need time to adjust and we, obviously, haven't done that yet. I only hope we can before we consume ourselves in hatred and vitriol.
Sad but true. Too often we mistakenly assume pride in our personal values require the denouncement of disparate perspectives.

I think people need to ask themself when they go about vomiting their opinions all over the internet: "Do I actually want people to understand my point of view? Or do I just want to be heard?" I think the people that pound their chests in proud declaration of their so-called morals will find it difficult to accomplish the former.

Just a general question about the two cases.

Does anyone feel like the relative popularity of the two players will influence the NFL's decision in any way, or the public's perception of the incidents?

I could be totally off base with my assertion, which is that AP is generally more well liked and admired than Ray Rice.
On the point of admiration...absolutely people loved AP. Guy has a million kids but looks after them all...even if some may disagree with new methods of his being revealed.

But AP unlike Ray was never best friends with an alleged accomplice in a murder. Befriending Ray Lewis didn't help Ray's public perception.

Because he refuses to wear a "Jimmy" doesn't make him father of the year. Also paying court ordered payments makes him normal to me. He gets no points for this from me. Also as soon as I head the childs age the argument on corporal punishment ends for me too. Like I said in a previous post I have been punched with a fist in the face from a parent(once). Kicked in the ### chased with broom, slapped etc etc. I don't ever recall being beaten when blood was drawn even at 12+.
In a way, seems similar to Vick's situation. Peterson is basically going to say, "I didn't know it was wrong."
AP basically already said as much. It was the way he was raised.
I was raised the same way and I know not to do that to a 4 year old. Christ 4 year olds can barely formulate any coherent thoughts beyond simple ideas. Peterson never seemed an intellectual type to me but now he sounds like Forrest Gump...

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Idk pics didn't bother me that much. I know kids young but there's nothing wrong with setting a strong example of discipline from a young age. Just means you have to do it less as the kid gets older since a statement was made early on.
Would you hit your wife with a stick until she bled?
Situation isn't comparable. A grown woman already has set moral standards and values. She is who she is as a person. A child can still be influenced by such punishment.
And pray tell what that influence would be?

Idk pics didn't bother me that much. I know kids young but there's nothing wrong with setting a strong example of discipline from a young age. Just means you have to do it less as the kid gets older since a statement was made early on.
Would you hit your wife with a stick until she bled?
Situation isn't comparable. A grown woman already has set moral standards and values. She is who she is as a person. A child can still be influenced by such punishment.
And pray tell what that influence would be?
Not that I didnt know it would happen, but almost everyone in here would get an F is this was debate class.


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