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Ran a 10k in June (2 Viewers)

Ugh, forcast for my first half marathon on Sunday is rain (possibly thunderstorms) and 47 degrees.

Not sure how I'll gear up for this now, don't really have any running gear other than tshirts and shorts.

Any suggestions? Had a $0.88 poncho ready to roll but didn't expect it to be below 50.

May look for a breathable winbreaker type of thing, maybe I'll get luck and they'll have someting at the runner's expo tomorrow.
I'd prioritize a running cap to keep the eyes covered (and help keep the head warm somewhat) and some running gloves. I notice the cold in my hands/wrists, so I'll do gloves before a long-sleeve shirt. In some respects, the rain serves as a welcome distraction - you get caught up in battling the conditions and stop worrying about other things.Do well!!!
Come on now...it sucks and you know it.
Can't do anything about it, make the best of it (subject to change when I am running ankle deep in mud tomorrow) :thumbup:
did 3.46 miles today

mile 1 @ 8:42.71

mile 2 @ 8:42.63

mile 3 @ 9:55.13

The final .46 was a fast walk/cool down

I went out for 6 this morning and got almost 4 in when my leg started to cramp up. I slowed to a walk and was kind of stretching it out while walking. I finished the last two miles with a run/walk.

It was not actually all that bad. I did it at a 12:03 pace, and that was the pace I was averaging 3 months ago.

3.5 tomorrow.

What, no race reports yet??????

Country Music Marathon today. They cut us short due to weather so only 775 finished while 24,636 finished the half. I made the decision early on that I would do the half instead.

We arrived 45 minutes late, made it to the last shuttle and were the last 3 to cross the start line. My clock time put me around the #15000 finisher (2,400 place) which means I passed almost 10,000 runners. I'll tell you, running through and around that many runners makes for a challenging race. (lesson learned - Don't be late!)

Good race overall even if the lateral movements and getting stuck behind slower runners made it more difficult than it should have been, never being able to settle into a pace sucked.

Great job Prosopis - you obviously pushed yourself and next time mile 3 will be closer to the first 2. :lmao:

Darrin - way to HTFU and finish the 6!

My schedule called for 10 miles at 1/2 marathon pace + 20 seconds (so 8:21s) but I knew I wanted to shoot for 8:10s. The weather was perfect - 50s and completely overcast.

First 6 miles - 8:06s

Last 4 miles - 7:46s

Overall 10.01 miles in 1:19:47, 7:58s :goodposting:

That's a personal best time for 10 miles, beating my 1:19:59 PR at SoldierField in 2007.

I can't wait to see what I can do in a race...

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Hey, everybody. Not much going on here. Did an easy 4 yesterday at 8:30 pace, but it's a #######' monsoon here today, so I don't know if I'll get outside for my run or if I'll wuss out and go to the gym. Whatever.

Glad to see the Bucks beat the Hawks last night. Fear the deer! And I don't care if they've totally owned the Brewers so far this year; the Cubs still suck. :thumbdown:

wraith - Awesome 10-miler! :thumbup: :thumbup:

FUBAR - How the hell did you arrive 45 minutes late for a race?? :confused: Alarm not work or something? When I've got a race, I set 2-3 alarms, and if it's super important (like Boston), I even have a couple people call me to make sure I'm up.

Looking forward to hearing how tri-man and 2Young fare today. :popcorn:

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Looking forward to hearing how tri-man and 2Young fare today. :lmao:
CRUSHER Tri-Man smoked it running a 2:02, I bested last year's time by 6 minutes running a 2:19. I'll get a report done a little later, Tri-Man's will likely have to wait until later tonight when he gets back to Chicago. We are both dragging to say the least. Oh, and, Tri-Man, still VERY tall!
Ugh, forcast for my first half marathon on Sunday is rain (possibly thunderstorms) and 47 degrees.Not sure how I'll gear up for this now, don't really have any running gear other than tshirts and shorts.Any suggestions? Had a $0.88 poncho ready to roll but didn't expect it to be below 50.May look for a breathable winbreaker type of thing, maybe I'll get luck and they'll have someting at the runner's expo tomorrow.
Thanks for the advice guys. I grabbed an old rain slicker type thing out of the colset that I wouldn't mind tossing during the race. I also had a pir of cheap gloves ($2) and some Body Glide I got at the race expo the day before. Also stuck some bandaids to the nips.Got up around 5:45 and hopped in the shower to warm up my ankle a bit. Suited up and made some toast with some peanut butter, popped a couple tylenol, and downed it all with some Gatorade. It was only drizzling a bit at this point when I hopped in the car. When I got to the parking lot the rain was coming down alot heavier. Headed into the gym when people were gathering and warming up and got ready and ran into a friend was doing this alot longer than I and was shooting for 1:45. He mentioned he was going to go out and follow the 1:45 Garmin pace group and I figured maybe I should follow one of the groups. My last couple of weeks of training have been screwed up because of my ankle (think its tendonitis) so wasn't sure how I'd do. Was deciding between following the 1:55 group or going out with the 1:50 group and trying to hold on.Fortunately the rain was back to a drizzle at the start. The start was staged into three groups, Green then Yellow then Blue. I was in blue (2:00 or greater estimate) because I estimated my time before I had started training. I jumped up into the Yellow group and crossed the start about a minute after the gun. It was crazy! Never had run with so many people before and had trouble getting going and finding a pace. After a mile or so there was already a "hydration station" and people were veering in front of me to grab water like they had been stranded in the desert for days... after only a couple miles! After that I was annoyed and the big group had started to break up so I just floored it for an open spot. I tossed the slicker and gloves as I had warmed up and the cool misty rain actually seemed great to run in. I kept checking my pace on my Garmin to find a rhythm and it kept being faster than I had planned. Figured I'd just let my legs carry me though and see what happens. As the race went on, the crowd thinned out a bit more and I motivated myself by picking people to catch up to and pass, then another, then another.Was also pushing up and down the hills pretty good and making up ground there as I've been pretty good on those even back to High School. I figure the faster you go the faster its over with. At somewhere around 8-10 miles my legs were starting to feel the miles but I was also feeling the pull of the stadium and picked it up. I think my last mile or so were probably as fast as any others, need to figure out if I can break mile splits out of my Garmin data. Got into the stadium and did one pretty fast finishing lap and came in at 1:47:02.Was a great run and I was surprised and very happy with how I did and how I continued to push myself the whole 13.1.If I can figure out the splits I'll post them too.Thanks for all your help guys! Deciding between going for a full marathon in the fall and/or focusing on 5K's for a while after I give my ankle a few weeks off.
I think my last mile or so were probably as fast as any others, need to figure out if I can break mile splits out of my Garmin data. Got into the stadium and did one pretty fast finishing lap and came in at 1:47:02.Was a great run and I was surprised and very happy with how I did and how I continued to push myself the whole 13.1.If I can figure out the splits I'll post them too.
Great run - congratulations!!
Looking forward to hearing how tri-man and 2Young fare today. :bag:
CRUSHER Tri-Man smoked it running a 2:02, I bested last year's time by 6 minutes running a 2:19. I'll get a report done a little later, Tri-Man's will likely have to wait until later tonight when he gets back to Chicago. We are both dragging to say the least. Oh, and, Tri-Man, still VERY tall!
Very cool!!!!!!!
I think my last mile or so were probably as fast as any others, need to figure out if I can break mile splits out of my Garmin data. Got into the stadium and did one pretty fast finishing lap and came in at 1:47:02.Was a great run and I was surprised and very happy with how I did and how I continued to push myself the whole 13.1.If I can figure out the splits I'll post them too.
Great run - congratulations!!
Trail 1/2 Marathon Report:

First off, I been very lucky to get to run with a few folks in here (and look forward to doing it again) and I'll just say, if you have the chance, do it, you'll be happy you did!! GREAT to have Tri-Man visit with the family and I.

It poured rain pretty good last night, but, the course held the water pretty well and the racing gods smiled on us and kept the rain away for the entire race. We were able to get out there in plenty of time and they set off the groups by your pavement 10K time (weird for a trail race, I know). Tri-Man had already went ahead in an earlier wave and a buddy of mine and I started with the 8:00 to 8:30 10K crowd. It was a bit slow at first, but we fell in with a good crowd at right around 10 MM, including a 20 yr old girl from U of M who admitted to us that she'd been up drinking all night until 5 am, did not sleep and came right to the race. After hanging with us for a few miles, she asked "what kind of pace are you guys running?'". When I said 10 MM, she said something like "cool, see ya" and quickly ran out of sight. I'll have to work on some stalking (and get quicker so I can hang a little longer at least).

Really, through the first 8 miles, it was uneventful. Saw a couple of injured folks and kept pace, looking at the Garmin splits, right around 10s. Just past 8, there was one of the 2 BIG hills on the course. I am not sure why, but this one cooked my legs. While I recovered a bit to run a 10:07 in the 10th mile, the rest of the race became work and I let my buddy go on ahead. The next cooking was even worse. The entire 12th mile was a dirt climb and looking at the splits, it took a painful amount of time and made the downhill mile to the finish tough too ( :kicksrock: , I know). Busted out of the woods to run the last little bit quick and finished, took a deep breath and was fine. It cool to run for almost 2.5 hours and not really be winded, now if I could just get me legs to cooperate. Its crazy to think that the winner of the 1/2 ran it in 1:32, when you think that he was running on dirt and with this type of change in elevation on a twisty course.

While I am achy, I think I came through pretty well and can hopefully jump back in to training in the pool tomorrow.

FUBAR - How the hell did you arrive 45 minutes late for a race?? :kicksrock: Alarm not work or something? When I've got a race, I set 2-3 alarms, and if it's super important (like Boston), I even have a couple people call me to make sure I'm up.
I've ran this thing 5 times and never had a problem getting there leaving at 530. We always had an extra hour or so to work with. So this time we left at 6. Little did I realize that leaving 30 minutes later = 80 minutes in traffic.
Braved the wind and knocked out a solid 6-miler at 8:02 pace. Just kinda playing it by ear this week. I'll probably try to do something double-digit next Saturday.

2Young - Sounds like you guys had a great race. Congrats!!

Lehigh - Great race! Way to push yourself!!

2Y2BB Awesome job. I missed you last year at the Detroit Turkey trot but I'm sure our paths will cross. I'm looking forward to it. Congrats on the trail race. Question: do you find it easier on your legs to run on the trail?
2Y2BB Awesome job. I missed you last year at the Detroit Turkey trot but I'm sure our paths will cross. I'm looking forward to it. Congrats on the trail race. Question: do you find it easier on your legs to run on the trail?
In general, yes, my legs tend to recover better/faster and I feel less of the pounding effect. But, the hills tend to make the thighs and back more sore and I almost always trash out my feet. You should give the trails over at Stoney a run and see if you like it. Running Fit has a GREAT 5K/10K trail race on June 12th called Flirt With Dirt. I'll be doing the Motor City Triathlon the same day, or I'd be out there in a Heartbeat. We have made it a tradition to do the Highland Rugged Man the 1st weekend in November each year (this one is a ton more technical that The Flirt). I you are still thinking of doing X-Tri at Stoney, the next few weekends would be a great time to get a feel for the trails, even for a short trail run at the end of that one.
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2Y2BB Awesome job. I missed you last year at the Detroit Turkey trot but I'm sure our paths will cross. I'm looking forward to it. Congrats on the trail race. Question: do you find it easier on your legs to run on the trail?
In general, yes, my legs tend to recover better/faster and I feel less of the pounding effect. But, the hills tend to make the thighs and back more sore and I almost always trash out my feet. You should give the trails over at Stoney a run and see if you like it. Running Fit has a GREAT 5K/10K trail race on June 12th called Flirt With Dirt. I'll be doing the Motor City Triathlon the same day, or I'd be out there in a Heartbeat. We have made it a tradition to do the Highland Rugged Man the 1st weekend in November each year (this one is a ton more technical that The Flirt). I you are still thinking of doing X-Tri at Stoney, the next few weekends would be a great time to get a feel for the trails, even for a short trail run at the end of that one.
I did a 5k trail run last year at Stony which was fun. I'm not sure about the Xtri. I have not been in the pool at all this year so I may have to set my sites on a June date for my first Tri. Can't do the Highland rugged man since that's Iceman cometh weekend.
Anyone know how to get mile splits out of Garmin data?... can't seem to figure out how to do it on Garmin Training Center or Garmin Connect.

Anyone know how to get mile splits out of Garmin data?... can't seem to figure out how to do it on Garmin Training Center or Garmin Connect.
I may be the wrong guy to answer here but I think you have to set the watch to do the mile splits before you run. That is how I set mine. I have the 305.
Anyone know how to get mile splits out of Garmin data?... can't seem to figure out how to do it on Garmin Training Center or Garmin Connect.
I may be the wrong guy to answer here but I think you have to set the watch to do the mile splits before you run. That is how I set mine. I have the 305.
Download Topofusion. You can import your Garmin data track. From there go to Analysis->Lap Analysis and you can see your splits in any increment you so desire.I don't know how to do it in Garmin software.
2Young sure does have a wonderful family! My thanks to them for the hospitality and enjoyable day.

Race report: Our weekend theme seems to be race traffic (FUBAR; Lehigh). As 2Young noted, they sent us out in rather informal waves for the trail 1/2-marathon. I got in with the second group, which was pretty large. Knowing we started through a field and would soon have a brief stretch on a road, I didn't worry about the spacing. But we quickly were forced down to a single-lane dirt trail, and the queue backed up way too much. We were slowed, and even had to walk some steps as we waited for room to run. I wasn't going to monitor my pacing, but I peeked after mile 1 and saw 11 minutes. Ugh. I used the next few miles to aggressively 'fartlek' around slower runners, and averaged 8:40's. Clearly, I lost about 2 minutes in that first, crowded mile.

By the end, I had put together a 2:02 race (9:20/mile). But I came in 6th ...40 seconds out of 5th place and the 'podium.' Who knows if that first mile affected the outcome. The race was tough, but I came away pleased, particularly since I've been focused on my tri-training with not a lot of priority on the run. Two major hills, but a couple other nasty ones, too, and a lot of other undulation (and probably 80%+ was the single-lane trail with a fair number of roots and rocks). I was pleased that I could recover quickly during the early passing moves and after working through the hills. But I definitely was feeling it over the last 3-4 miles with some quad pain and just being tired out. I was also pleased with a strong push at the finish to overtake a guy who, it turns out, was in my age bracket.

2Young sure does have a wonderful family! My thanks to them for the hospitality and enjoyable day.Race report: Our weekend theme seems to be race traffic (FUBAR; Lehigh). As 2Young noted, they sent us out in rather informal waves for the trail 1/2-marathon. I got in with the second group, which was pretty large. Knowing we started through a field and would soon have a brief stretch on a road, I didn't worry about the spacing. But we quickly were forced down to a single-lane dirt trail, and the queue backed up way too much. We were slowed, and even had to walk some steps as we waited for room to run. I wasn't going to monitor my pacing, but I peeked after mile 1 and saw 11 minutes. Ugh. I used the next few miles to aggressively 'fartlek' around slower runners, and averaged 8:40's. Clearly, I lost about 2 minutes in that first, crowded mile. By the end, I had put together a 2:02 race (9:20/mile). But I came in 6th ...40 seconds out of 5th place and the 'podium.' Who knows if that first mile affected the outcome. The race was tough, but I came away pleased, particularly since I've been focused on my tri-training with not a lot of priority on the run. Two major hills, but a couple other nasty ones, too, and a lot of other undulation (and probably 80%+ was the single-lane trail with a fair number of roots and rocks). I was pleased that I could recover quickly during the early passing moves and after working through the hills. But I definitely was feeling it over the last 3-4 miles with some quad pain and just being tired out. I was also pleased with a strong push at the finish to overtake a guy who, it turns out, was in my age bracket.
Well done, GB! I'm not sure you overcome those early spacing issues - I remember having the same problem early in the 8k trail race we did, and that was only a couple hundred runners.
edit: I misread the data ...posted data shows I was 2 1/2 minutes out of 5th. Nevertheless ...

(and yes, wraith, as I watched the line stretch out that first mile, my mind flashed to the funky start to last year's trail race with you)

Not sure how I missed this thread all this time. I'm a "retired" runner (31:30 10K and 14:45 5K back in the day) and just run now to stay in shape. I also have helped coach some friends and acquaintances, and while I am far from knowing everything I would be more than happy to offer advice to anyone here. I'll be sure to check back here. Good luck to all of you

Not sure how I missed this thread all this time. I'm a "retired" runner (31:30 10K and 14:45 5K back in the day) and just run now to stay in shape. I also have helped coach some friends and acquaintances, and while I am far from knowing everything I would be more than happy to offer advice to anyone here. I'll be sure to check back here. Good luck to all of you
Welcome! Glad to have your input.
Not sure how I missed this thread all this time. I'm a "retired" runner (31:30 10K and 14:45 5K back in the day) and just run now to stay in shape. I also have helped coach some friends and acquaintances, and while I am far from knowing everything I would be more than happy to offer advice to anyone here. I'll be sure to check back here. Good luck to all of you
Sorry, bub. We only let fast runners in here.This is the FFA, after all. :hey:
Great races to all. And battling the rough weather to boot. Sounds like most made the best of it and put in some good time. Can't believe all the rain we are getting now. It would be nice to see the sun every once and awhile for the next week. I think I am going to be battling som rain for the Pig as well this weekend, but it is still pretty far away to know for sure.


Update for me: 4 easy miles on Saturday and then 8 easy miles yesterday. Usually I am going crazy through the taper, but this race is different. I am not nervous, not anxious at all, or not ecited but in a zen way I just "am". Maybe I feel I have put in the training and am ready or I don't know what to expect, but I just feel ready for the race no matter what occurs.

Well that is about as deep as I can get so until later.

Great races everyone, and congrats Wraith on the great 10-miler.

Last week was the best running week I've had yet. Did 25 miles in a week for the second time ever and feel really good. On Saturday, I got a little pumped and turned my 5-mile pace run into a time trial -- just wanted to see how fast I could go. Averaged 7:05 for the whole thing, which is really fast for me. Then followed it up with 8 easy miles yesterday.

Have a great week everyone!

Anyone know how to get mile splits out of Garmin data?... can't seem to figure out how to do it on Garmin Training Center or Garmin Connect.
I may be the wrong guy to answer here but I think you have to set the watch to do the mile splits before you run. That is how I set mine. I have the 305.
Download Topofusion. You can import your Garmin data track. From there go to Analysis->Lap Analysis and you can see your splits in any increment you so desire.I don't know how to do it in Garmin software.
Awesome! Thanks! I just tried the demo, is the full version worth it?
Great reports everyone!

My Report (short and sweet): 8K on Saturday. The weather was cool and damp, but the rain held off. There were 20,000+ people. I actually got lucky and found a parking spot about 3 blocks away....Nice! Goal time was 35:00 (about 7:02 pace).

Mile 1: I didn't want to start out too fast and had to navigate around other people. 7:15.

Mile 2: The crowd thinned out a bit, but there were two killer hills. My quads were burning. 7:14.

Mile 3: Things opened up more and I knew I needed to pick up the pace to reach my goal. 7:05.

Mile 4: I just kept pushing forward, passed a lot people. Not sure what my mile time was but I knew I needed to keep up the pace.

Mile 5: Again, I knew I needed to pick up the pace...so I did. The legs were on on fire, but I tried to block it out by focusing on picking people off. Not sure what that final mile was but I must have been about 6:45.

Final time: 35:14 (7:05). Very close to my goal...I'm happy!

Free beer at the end....no limit. Our group stayed until the clean-up crew told us it was time to leave. Went home, took an hour nap, then went out for dinner. My head still hurts today. :confused: I guess at 36 yrs old should know not to party like I'm 21.

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I think my last mile or so were probably as fast as any others, need to figure out if I can break mile splits out of my Garmin data. Got into the stadium and did one pretty fast finishing lap and came in at 1:47:02.Was a great run and I was surprised and very happy with how I did and how I continued to push myself the whole 13.1.If I can figure out the splits I'll post them too.
Holy crap, guess maybe I should have started out faster, a couple thousand people in my way didn't help though...
Lap	Distance	Moving Time	Speed	Climb	Loss	Elevation	Avg HR	Max HR1	1	0:08:38	6.9 mph	217.6	286.9	311.0	167 BPM	181 BPM2	2	0:08:25	7.1 mph	212.8	236.5	287.4	177 BPM	183 BPM3	3	0:08:09	7.4 mph	269.7	301.1	256.0	179 BPM	187 BPM4	4	0:08:12	7.3 mph	271.0	261.2	265.8	183 BPM	189 BPM5	5	0:08:03	7.5 mph	392.1	364.7	293.3	183 BPM	186 BPM6	6	0:08:01	7.5 mph	471.8	488.9	276.2	186 BPM	191 BPM7	7	0:08:18	7.2 mph	855.6	745.6	386.2	183 BPM	189 BPM8	8	0:08:10	7.3 mph	382.0	503.5	264.7	184 BPM	190 BPM9	9	0:08:12	7.3 mph	402.0	379.4	287.4	184 BPM	190 BPM10	10	0:07:52	7.6 mph	277.3	296.4	268.3	186 BPM	191 BPM11	11	0:07:54	7.6 mph	180.1	156.1	292.4	187 BPM	191 BPM12	12	0:07:56	7.6 mph	166.5	160.8	298.0	188 BPM	191 BPM13	13	0:07:42	7.8 mph	169.1	181.3	285.8	190 BPM	194 BPM14	13.21	0:01:30	8.4 mph	47.3	28.4	304.7	196 BPM	197 BPM
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Anyone know how to get mile splits out of Garmin data?... can't seem to figure out how to do it on Garmin Training Center or Garmin Connect.
I may be the wrong guy to answer here but I think you have to set the watch to do the mile splits before you run. That is how I set mine. I have the 305.
Download Topofusion. You can import your Garmin data track. From there go to Analysis->Lap Analysis and you can see your splits in any increment you so desire.I don't know how to do it in Garmin software.
Awesome! Thanks! I just tried the demo, is the full version worth it?
IMO, no. The demo version limits you to three files open at once and puts some "DEMO" signs over some of the terrain. It still has all other functionality (no time limitations) and I use it all the time. The limitations that it does have don't bother me.And killer runs Lehigh and Keggers!
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2Young sure does have a wonderful family! My thanks to them for the hospitality and enjoyable day.Race report: Our weekend theme seems to be race traffic (FUBAR; Lehigh). As 2Young noted, they sent us out in rather informal waves for the trail 1/2-marathon. I got in with the second group, which was pretty large. Knowing we started through a field and would soon have a brief stretch on a road, I didn't worry about the spacing. But we quickly were forced down to a single-lane dirt trail, and the queue backed up way too much. We were slowed, and even had to walk some steps as we waited for room to run. I wasn't going to monitor my pacing, but I peeked after mile 1 and saw 11 minutes. Ugh. I used the next few miles to aggressively 'fartlek' around slower runners, and averaged 8:40's. Clearly, I lost about 2 minutes in that first, crowded mile. By the end, I had put together a 2:02 race (9:20/mile). But I came in 6th ...40 seconds out of 5th place and the 'podium.' Who knows if that first mile affected the outcome. The race was tough, but I came away pleased, particularly since I've been focused on my tri-training with not a lot of priority on the run. Two major hills, but a couple other nasty ones, too, and a lot of other undulation (and probably 80%+ was the single-lane trail with a fair number of roots and rocks). I was pleased that I could recover quickly during the early passing moves and after working through the hills. But I definitely was feeling it over the last 3-4 miles with some quad pain and just being tired out. I was also pleased with a strong push at the finish to overtake a guy who, it turns out, was in my age bracket.
Great time Triman...Well done 2young
Keggers said:
Great reports everyone!My Report (short and sweet): 8K on Saturday. The weather was cool and damp, but the rain held off. There were 20,000+ people. I actually got lucky and found a parking spot about 3 blocks away....Nice! Goal time was 35:00 (about 7:02 pace).Mile 1: I didn't want to start out too fast and had to navigate around other people. 7:15.Mile 2: The crowd thinned out a bit, but there were two killer hills. My quads were burning. 7:14.Mile 3: Things opened up more and I knew I needed to pick up the pace to reach my goal. 7:05.Mile 4: I just kept pushing forward, passed a lot people. Not sure what my mile time was but I knew I needed to keep up the pace.Mile 5: Again, I knew I needed to pick up the pace...so I did. The legs were on on fire, but I tried to block it out by focusing on picking people off. Not sure what that final mile was but I must have been about 6:45.Final time: 35:14 (7:05). Very close to my goal...I'm happy! Free beer at the end....no limit. Our group stayed until the clean-up crew told us it was time to leave. Went home, took an hour nap, then went out for dinner. My head still hurts today. :thumbdown: I guess at 36 yrs old should know not to party like I'm 21.
Cool. We were there, too. Every year I keep telling myself I'm going to start running and will actually train for this. But then it sneaks up on me again and I'm totally unprepared. What can I say, I am not a runner. Anyway, I ran a 43 and my 11-year old ran a 42. I'm 51 with a partially torn ACL, arthritis in my left knee, two heart attacks, and a quad bypass. So, I guess I shouldn't be too bummed. Now, next year I'll do better :rolleyes: Pretty cool seeing nearly 21K people running :thumbup:
Saturday was my race of one day.

13.1 miles, 2:07:48, 148 HR, 1990 CAL, 9'44" pace

1 - 9'19", 140

2 - 8'48" , 134

3 - 9'19", 141

4 - 10'00", 147

5 - 9'20", 147

6 - 9'06", 140

6.55 - 11'17", 157 1/2 mile

6.55 - 1:01:55 at the half

7 - 8'57", 139 1/2 mile

8 - 10'17" , 150

9 - 9'57", 155

10 - 9'20", 148

11 - 10'26", 159

12 - 10'56", 159

13.1 - 9'54", 161

Ran the same course in January in 2:19:12, 10'38" pace, 145 HR, so I was almost a mile per minute faster but I think I was dealing with some snowy patches back then. The last two miles are more uphill than down but the slow pace was more due to soreness and having the proverbial fork stuck in me. No water or nutrition was probably beginning to take a toll.

Very hilly route on the parkway. From mile marker 7 to 9 it's a steady two mile climb that pretty much did me in. I need to pick out a route closer to home that's flatter and make a run at a sub 2 hour half. Once I can do that I'll start looking for a HIM event.

Sunday: Rode 35 miles on the bike including a 12 mile climb at 6% and a 3 mile mile climb at 9%.

Anyway, I ran a 43 and my 11-year old ran a 42 . I'm 51 with a partially torn ACL, arthritis in my left knee, two heart attacks, and a quad bypass. So, I guess I shouldn't be too bummed.
Awesomeness. Edited to clarify which part of the statement I find to be awesome...

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Keggers said:
Great reports everyone!

My Report (short and sweet): 8K on Saturday. The weather was cool and damp, but the rain held off. There were 20,000+ people. I actually got lucky and found a parking spot about 3 blocks away....Nice! Goal time was 35:00 (about 7:02 pace).

Mile 1: I didn't want to start out too fast and had to navigate around other people. 7:15.

Mile 2: The crowd thinned out a bit, but there were two killer hills. My quads were burning. 7:14.

Mile 3: Things opened up more and I knew I needed to pick up the pace to reach my goal. 7:05.

Mile 4: I just kept pushing forward, passed a lot people. Not sure what my mile time was but I knew I needed to keep up the pace.

Mile 5: Again, I knew I needed to pick up the pace...so I did. The legs were on on fire, but I tried to block it out by focusing on picking people off. Not sure what that final mile was but I must have been about 6:45.

Final time: 35:14 (7:05). Very close to my goal...I'm happy!

Free beer at the end....no limit. Our group stayed until the clean-up crew told us it was time to leave. Went home, took an hour nap, then went out for dinner. My head still hurts today. :goodposting: I guess at 36 yrs old should know not to party like I'm 21.
Cool. We were there, too. Every year I keep telling myself I'm going to start running and will actually train for this. But then it sneaks up on me again and I'm totally unprepared. What can I say, I am not a runner. Anyway, I ran a 43 and my 11-year old ran a 42. I'm 51 with a partially torn ACL, arthritis in my left knee, two heart attacks, and a quad bypass. So, I guess I shouldn't be too bummed. Now, next year I'll do better :)

Pretty cool seeing nearly 21K people running :thumbup:
We don't like excuses around these parts (kidding). Having said that, those are pretty impressive excuses! I wouldn't be bummed at all. Are you planning on any doing any other races in the area?
From the "Running Outside or Elliptical" Thread, thought there might be some interest here too...

Lehigh98 said:
Vrana said:
Lehigh98 said:
I just signed up for this earlier today...

Barefoot Running Clinic - Reservations Required

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Location - Holiday Inn, Buckingham Room

Speakers: Christopher McDougall, Author, Born to Run
Had been hearing more about it recently and wanted to find out more info.
Going to a barefoot clinic with Christopher McDougall is probably the best thing you can do if you are at all interested in barefooting. I highly recommend reading his book. Even if you aren't interested in running, it's one of the most inspirational books I've ever read. Chris is the biggest name in barefooting right now because of how successful his book has been.I'm extremely jealous of you, that clinic should be amazing.
This was actually pretty cool, Chris seems like a great guy. We met in the conference room and Chris talked for 5 mins or so and talked about how he could tell us all about barefoot runners through history and his experiences, etc but people would always ask him... "Great but how do you F###ing do it?" (He had a tendency to drop the F bomb a few times) So he basically said, "Take off your shoes and follow me". We headed out of the room, out of the hotel, and across a busy street in Allentown in our bare feet. We got over to an open (concrete, grass on the side) courtyard and he kind of went through his thoughts on how to do it, here's what I remember...

- Be quick, be light, be invisible (might have screwed one on those up)

- Shorter quicker strides, overextending and heel striking won't work barefoot

- You generate your forward motion (and how fast you go) by how far you lean forward, you basically lean to the point where you are falling forward and then move your feet ahead to stay upright.

- Think of your strides in terms of focusing on picking your feet up not striding ahead.

He lined people up in two long lines and then in groups of him + 6 (3 on either side) ran to show people how he does it and so they could try it too. He asked people what they noticed about his and others forms and made comments. Everyone went a couple more times with him evaluating and making comments. He then asked if anyone wanted to do it again and went a couple more times until everyone was comfortable. Then he answered some questions from the group and when it was all over stayed around for some pictures and to answer more questions.

There was a camera crew there the whole time and afterwards I asked them what they were recording it for because I knew a few people who couldn't make it and would be interested. :goodposting: Turns out the were from HBO Sports and they were recording it for a spot that I think they said would air on May 18th? Check your local listings and keep an eye out for a guy in a grey longsleeve Lehigh Valley Ironpigs T-shirt.

Here's a few pics I snapped on my iPhone for you...

Meeting Room

Walking through Allentown barefoot

Talking about technique

Getting ready for a practice run

Questions at the end
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Yesterday was 70 minutes on the bike trainer. I tried to stand in the pedals for 1 minute of every 10 and it was very hard on my quads. I don't know how some of you guys can do it through a whole commercial break!

Today was 2200 yds in the pool, including 2x 500s (10:05, 10:14), my longest so far this year. Started with a 200 (3:34) and ended with 3x 200 (4:07, 4:09, 4:21). Those last sets I was very tired but slowed my stroke enough to keep my breathing pretty regular (bi-lateral). I noticed my hips dropping quite a bit and I'm guessing it means I'm lifting my head too far when I breathe...


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