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Survivor Season 42: Starts Wednesday March 9, 2022 (3 Viewers)

offdee said:
Yeah, I think when they cast her they assumed she’d be a lovable fan favorite.  But quickly realized she’s just annoying and grates on peoples nerves.  I can’t imagine all the cringe worthy nonsense of her left in the editing cutting floor.

And I love when she always goes back to “reminds me of when I was a kid and people treated me different and didn’t include me, whine, whine, whine”.  Ummm, you’re still a kid and YES you’re annoying.   She’s like “being emotional can be an asset” as she’s begging for rice.  The one dude probably just volunteered to sit out so she’d shut up already. 

I literally hit pause on my TV when they started showing her pouting about being "on the bottom" and told my wife "watch this.....this is where she is going to start saying something about this is the way its been my whole life because I am different".....ding ding ding, what do I win....

not sure exactly how to say this all PC.....but with the obvious intentional move by the show to "diversify" the cast and almost going out of their way to find the social "outcasts at home" portion of the population....almost every single one of them is going to pretty much have the same spin on their own sob story....I'm sure we are going to see several more bonding sessions being dumped at tribal so they can all say something like "I know exactly how player X feels cause it's been that way my whole life too"....

i'd much rather watch the "outcasts" that seem to be annoying everyone for being "too pc" than a cast of "beautiful" people with zero personality in a clear attempt to court the instagram/tik tok thirsty crowd.
Why can't they mix it up....half outcasts and half beautiful people.  Seems like that would be the best drama anyways and then at least there is some eye candy.

Why can't they mix it up....half outcasts and half beautiful people.  Seems like that would be the best drama anyways and then at least there is some eye candy.
the pendulum... it swings back and forth.

we had 36, 37 seasons of MTV's Real World version of Survivor casting.  it finally started to swing back towards normal people the last couple. 

i'd bet it settles somewhere nearer the middle (leaning more beautiful people) in future seasons.

that said, it's a gameshow. it should be cast for people who can do well at the game, regardless of appearance. i don't care if Steve from Wausaukee has 4 teeth and a beer gut if he can snake his way through the game and do well. 

i appreciate a good looking woman and all, but if she's just an empty airhead with no impact on the game other than wearing a bikini.... i've got the entirety of the internet for that.

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the pendulum... it swings back and forth.

we had 36, 37 seasons of MTV's Real World version of Survivor casting.  it finally started to swing back towards normal people the last couple. 

i'd bet it settles somewhere nearer the middle (leaning more beautiful people) in future seasons.

that said, it's a gameshow. it should be cast for people who can do well at the game, regardless of appearance. i don't care if Steve from Wausaukee has 4 teeth and a beer gut if he can snake his way through the game and do well. 

i appreciate a good looking woman and all, but if she's just an empty airhead with no impact on the game other than wearing a bikini.... i've got the entirety of the internet for that.
I agree with this.

I do think this group is particularly inept physically, even while they're amazing game-players strategically. I kind of like the physicality that Aussie and older US versions required to do well, and find it lacking here.

the pendulum... it swings back and forth.

we had 36, 37 seasons of MTV's Real World version of Survivor casting.  it finally started to swing back towards normal people the last couple. 

i'd bet it settles somewhere nearer the middle (leaning more beautiful people) in future seasons.

that said, it's a gameshow. it should be cast for people who can do well at the game, regardless of appearance. i don't care if Steve from Wausaukee has 4 teeth and a beer gut if he can snake his way through the game and do well. 

i appreciate a good looking woman and all, but if she's just an empty airhead with no impact on the game other than wearing a bikini.... i've got the entirety of the internet for that.
this...I think we can all agree the show is trying to keep up with being woke so it has swung in that direction... since the show has started it has been one of the more popular shows.....so in all the previous seasons they must have been doing something right with the makeup of the cast right...?

I get the swing in this direction, it makes sense in keeping up with the times from a marketing point of view and reflection of the world social experiment the game claims to be....its just that now a bunch of the players who have always considered themselves on the outside looking in will pretty much have the same story....so while their may be some initial bonding.....their story isn't going to earn them any extra sympathy in some cases...they are preaching to the choir...but we may just have to keep hearing them every time one of them feels left out or "not included" in a plan....

I too don't care about appearance, I like to see great game play... period....it does kind of suck that the importance of the physical part of the game has been minimized somewhat by this swing in the pendulum....there is not as much importance of what you do at camp, working, shelter, fishing, gathering, etc..and now since there aren't as many players with "physical skills"....if you do have them, you become an immediate target...."physical skills" have always been seen somewhat as a threat, but at least there were usually several others in the same boat.....now the physical players are in the minority before the season even starts and you stick out like a sore thumb....there is probably some correlation there with lack of bikini airheads and dumb jocks....

we have one player with like 4 different types of idols/advantages at this point, thats just way over the top....bring back old school survivor...at least a little bit

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I agree with this.

I do think this group is particularly inept physically, even while they're amazing game-players strategically. I kind of like the physicality that Aussie and older US versions required to do well, and find it lacking here.
Whereas I care very little about the physicality, but I didn’t start watching until season 30. The nice thing about the show is, it can appeal to many different people for many different reasons. 

Pip's Invitation said:
Whereas I care very little about the physicality, but I didn’t start watching until season 30. The nice thing about the show is, it can appeal to many different people for many different reasons. 
absolutely... and I like that the strategic game play is so high here and that it's evolved into a game where you don't have to be the strongest/fastest/most agile to win challenges or the game as a whole. I like that it's a mix... just feels like the is cast swayed too far away from people with any physical capablities for my liking.

I enjoy seeing the challenge beasts like Jonathan as much as I like seeing the game-playing social people like Omar. somebody upthread had a nice post talking about how strategic this group is- they're all making moves and not just following along one or two alphas. I just wish it was as equally spread with physical players, so it's not just Jonathan crushing everything (or the blonde woman everybody wants to expel)

mr. furley said:
i appreciate a good looking woman and all, but if she's just an empty airhead with no impact on the game other than wearing a bikini.... i've got the entirety of the internet for that.
Link please...

You can't say it seems to be subconscious racist, and then say it wasn't me calling you racist, just that subconsciously you might be voting black people out.

And then cry saying, I don't want people at home to think I survived because I called them racist, which I wasn't. :wall:

You can't say it seems to be subconscious racist, and then say it wasn't me calling you racist, just that subconsciously you might be voting black people out.

And then cry saying, I don't want people at home to think I survived because I called them racist, which I wasn't. :wall:

That whole discussion was stupid. Guess they should have voted out the Muslim, Asian guy, or Hispanic guy so they wouldn't be racists.

So tired of the race card... Rocks was playing a crap game.  And, interestingly, both Drea and Rocks voted against Chanelle last week.  Bunch of hypocrites with a ready excuse.  ####.

so you guys don't think they have a point at all? 
How many black people got voted out before jury?   I honestly don’t remember.  But its very convenient to just focus on the two sitting in front of you. Only one person wins, so all races likely get voted out eventually. 

so you guys don't think they have a point at all? 
Of course not.  Neither person on the jury had any kind of social game going.

ETA: And Rocks pitch of a men's alliance demonstrated a complete inability to read the room.

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How many black people got voted out before jury?   I honestly don’t remember.  But its very convenient to just focus on the two sitting in front of you. Only one person wins, so all races likely get voted out eventually. 
As I said, Drea and Rocks helped vote out Chanelle last week.

Rocks didn't have a social game and also got caught randomly in a small group of 5 where anything can happen.   Whipping out the race card was pathetic.

so you guys don't think they have a point at all? 
They have an objective point, which has no relevance to the current season. Rocks Roy and Chanelle were, and Marianne is, absolutely terrible. Not just bad, terrible. Social game zeroes, islands of one due to their personalities. As DropKick mentioned, both Rocks and Drea voted Chanelle, because she was terrible.

If there is a complaint, it should be with casting decisions. Maybe even historic casting decisions. I had similar thoughts when Big Brother had the Cook Out, which sadly is remembered for race - which is an absolute shame because 3 or 4 of those players were tactical superstars who could have won on merits of being excellent players, in ANY season. Before then, you got your seasonal DaVonne as race representation. 

Yeah....last week 2 black contestants contribute to voting out a 3rd black contestant...."just playing Survivor"

1 Asian guy, 1 hispanic guy,  a Muslim guy and one white guy vote out the no-social game black guy who overplayed his hand and tried to build an alliance that wasn't there.....now its subconscious racism. 

Ok then.

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I mean....of the 10 contestants left going into tonight, only 4 of them were white (and only one of those 4 were on the tribe that voted out the black guy...and apparently Mike is half hispanic as well)

Agree with all the comments above, just terrible to assume racism is why you are voted out. You are annoying or bad at the game, doesn’t matter what your race is…good job Jonathan biting his tongue after his first words, you can tell he wanted to say more but he was in a no win situation 

Agree with all the comments above, just terrible to assume racism is why you are voted out. You are annoying or bad at the game, doesn’t matter what your race is…good job Jonathan biting his tongue after his first words, you can tell he wanted to say more but he was in a no win situation 

With the way the editing works (and how long TC is before they do that editing) we dont know how much else he really said. And of course, the discourse on twitter is "Of course the white guy with dread locks is ignorant about the issues facing black women".

Now, I think there's a pretty good chance Jonathan didn't write his doctoral dissertation on the social issues faced by the black women of America, but now he's branded as a racists simply for asking if someone thinks he is racist.

Lyndsay should’ve gone for the shot in the dark as well since her vote didn’t matter either.  Would’ve been the ultimate screw job had she gone home with Tori knowing the votes were going her way.

Lyndsay should’ve gone for the shot in the dark as well since her vote didn’t matter either.  Would’ve been the ultimate screw job had she gone home with Tori knowing the votes were going her way.
Yeah I was thinking the same. What did she have to loose? They all said they were voting Tori anyhow so her vote didn’t matter. Might as well do whatever you can to counter the chance Tori gets a save

Look, Lydia or Karen, whatever her name is… the white lady who didn’t go home… she has the correct perspective on this. The black women weren’t calling any individual racist. But when confronted with two black faces on the jury they were triggered and only wanted there not to be a third. And they spent their idols to avoid it. I don’t see the controversy.  

The big guys trying to get an alliance with Omar and Hai was so bad it was great. I mean we get to see all the editing but seriously how bad are these dudes at reading people :lol:

I have a hard time following what Marriane is talking about I didn't get her reasoning for burning her idol. I think the strategy players are eyeing her for their final group in any case so probably doesn't matter.

I can see the point that the other black woman was making in a larger sense of course but doesn't apply to how this show has played out. Buff guy's point was also valid. As hamfisted as they producers are with these storylines that was a pretty decent convo I thought.

They seem to be teasing Buff guy will be in trouble next episode but perhaps it's Omar, he's the best player I think and the others who have any clue can see it.

I have a hard time following what Marriane is talking about I didn't get her reasoning for burning her idol. I think the strategy players are eyeing her for their final group in any case so probably doesn't matter.
I don't think anybody ever really follows what Maryanne is talking about.  And I can't believe Jeff at the end of her rant said "wow, really powerful stuff".  Now she thinks that her blabbering has some kind of effect on people which will make it worse (if that's possible).

I assume Maryanne saw a black woman making a stand, and as a black woman herself, felt like she NEEDED to be involved in that spotlight and just joined in on the idol giving.  I'm guessing in her crazy head she thought...well if the other black girl is safe, all these other racists on my tribe will just vote me out then because I'm black!

Also take a shot whenever Maryanne ends a rant with "that sucks!"  :drunk:

"You are being aggressive" - Jonathan

Drea and Maryanne like myself have watched survivor(and other reality shows) and seen sometimes where black contestants get perceived as "Aggressive" or "Deceitful" or an outsider or something else that often leads to them getting voted off many times early.  That's not saying they are being voted off because the other contestants are racist and Drea and Maryanne did not say that. 

Those in this thread saying "but the other contestants weren't white" or "this black contestant voted for another black contestant" that doesnt matter.  You can hold bias even if you are black or a POC.  You can function in a system with bias even if you are a person impacted by said system. You can have subconscious bias if you are black and maryanne even used herself as an example that she too has them.

They weren't saying the others were racists, just that bias' could have led to whats happening or them being perceived as being "aggressive" or in some other negative way which might lead to them leaving so they didn't want to chance it.  Yet Jonathan took it as if that was calling him a racist which interestingly enough was kind of the same reaction as many in this thread had. Which i also get and understand.  That comment effectively proved Drea's point though.  That doesn't mean however that was the reason they were targeted or that all the black contestants were voted out because of bias.  But to be honest we all live every day and have bias' and act on them. They don't have to even be racial bias'.

Also, note Drea didnt want to go there about this topic.  She answered "i don't know" many times when asked how she felt or what it meant that rocksroy was there until likely she had to go there.

Good episode and for those that hate the woke, its these situations which make a discussion point for many families and imo its important regardless of how you took it or whether you liked it or not. 


I'm guessing in her crazy head she thought...well if the other black girl is safe, all these other racists on my tribe will just vote me out then because I'm black!
i dont think she thought this.  I think she just wanted to back up her fellow black contestant.  I also dont think she should have burned it and that will come back to bite here.

How many saves are in the shot in the dark? Seems odd no one has gotten a save yet
It’s a 16.7% chance each time. It doesn’t get better each time someone pulls it.

Also, I thought it was ridiculous that they let Tori do the shot in the dark and not also let Lindsay. Lindsay had no need to vote either as it was 4 to 1. Imagine if Tori got saved. Jeff even said Lindsay’s going home but in that situation both of them would have done the shot in the darks.

It was really dumb to not actually just go through with the booting, idol call and shot in the shot in the dark because it actually changed what could have happened. I was glad Tori wasn’t safe because Lindsay would have been screwed over a bit or at least not given a chance to save herself.

i dont think she thought this.  I think she just wanted to back up her fellow black contestant.  I also dont think she should have burned it and that will come back to bite here.
Big time. Drea was legit in trouble and she sensed it but she got Maryanne to play hers when she had no reason to and that hurt her or actually hurt Drea who was planning to steal hers.

Look, Lydia or Karen, whatever her name is… the white lady who didn’t go home… she has the correct perspective on this. The black women weren’t calling any individual racist. But when confronted with two black faces on the jury they were triggered and only wanted there not to be a third. And they spent their idols to avoid it. I don’t see the controversy.  
I don’t really either, it’s how they felt. I did think it was humorous that Maryanne was talking about Omar being the only Muslim and yet she had no idea that he spearheaded Rocks getting out.

I can see people not fully getting it because we as viewers could see Rocks and Chanelle were out due to game play. Rocks “telling” people how to vote is one of the cardinal sins on Survivor and Chanelle played extremely untrustworthy.

i dont think she thought this.  I think she just wanted to back up her fellow black contestant.  I also dont think she should have burned it and that will come back to bite here.
How was playing her idol backing up her fellow black contestant?  To me, it was trying to steal some of the spotlight off of her and a "look at me" moment for Maryanne.

It doesn't matter anyways, they are just gonna drag Maryanne to the finish line as she's an easy win against.   If it was Maryanne and someone else sitting there at the end, the other one could literally just sit back at the speech moments and let Maryanne blabber and dig her grave with annoyance and overtalking.

Yeah I was thinking the same. What did she have to loose? They all said they were voting Tori anyhow so her vote didn’t matter. Might as well do whatever you can to counter the chance Tori gets a save
You can only use the shot in the dark once during the game. I'm sure that Lyndsay could have used her shot in the dark, too, but didn't want to burn it on the 1-in-6 chance that Tori hit. 

Also, I have no idea what would have happened if everyone wound up with immunity, if they both hit.

You can only use the shot in the dark once during the game. I'm sure that Lyndsay could have used her shot in the dark, too, but didn't want to burn it on the 1-in-6 chance that Tori hit. 

Also, I have no idea what would have happened if everyone wound up with immunity, if they both hit.
Ah, I didn’t realize it was a one time use. Now I get why Lindsay didn’t use hers. I thought it was just a lose your vote type of thing. If you are saved does it reload?

Lyndsay should’ve gone for the shot in the dark as well since her vote didn’t matter either.  Would’ve been the ultimate screw job had she gone home with Tori knowing the votes were going her way.
I'm just glad Tori got voted out. Did you see it when she did her sneering eye roll flutter that looked like her eyes were rolling into the back of her head? It would've been something had they gotten stuck like that.

How was playing her idol backing up her fellow black contestant?  To me, it was trying to steal some of the spotlight off of her and a "look at me" moment for Maryanne.

It doesn't matter anyways, they are just gonna drag Maryanne to the finish line as she's an easy win against.   If it was Maryanne and someone else sitting there at the end, the other one could literally just sit back at the speech moments and let Maryanne blabber and dig her grave with annoyance and overtalking.
Maryanne was saying that she didn't want "America" saying that she and Drea played the race card to stay safe for tribal. She knew that after the conversation, there was no way that the others would pivot to her and risk get called racist for voting her out. But she used the idol to make it perfectly clear that she wasn't trying to benefit from the race conversation that Drea had started. It really wasn't about strategy or gameplay at all, but the conversation that America would be having after the show.

I thought it was the most insightful and nuanced thing that Maryanne had said all season, by a lot.


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