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Trent Cole is a worthless thug (2 Viewers)

"thug rapper move"? lol
You obviously don't know rappers. I stayed in a beautiful $350/night resort hotel one weekend. Ordered a spa day for my wife, room service. Very nice weekend planned.Little did we know there was a basketball tourney in town that week and at least 100 rappers converged on the place. They stayed up all night cussing and shouting vile things in the hallways. We complained to the staff and they were basically too scared to do anything.

My wife walked out in the morning to go to the spa. I was sleeping. There were a few of them in the hallway. One of them was Jim Jones. They said things to her I wouldn't repeat anywhere. She objected and they threatened to kill her.

My $350/night romantic weekend turned into a nightmare.

Yea thug rapper.
past borderline. You are just being racist.Note i still have no idea what trent cole did, but it doesn't excuse your ignorance vis a vis 'thug rappers'.


killed more people with his thuggishness than all the rappers you fear combined
pretty ignorant, classless and borderline racist to link a any deplorable move with being a 'thug' or pulling a 'thug rapper' move.
:goodposting: x100The NFL has some bad apples, but Trent Cole would be the last one I would call a "rapper thug" Andy Reid once said, "Trent Cole is the only player to walk into my office crying and begging to never be benched during a game again."

I love Cole. I don't know many guys that'll get up and bag a monster booner and then go get a couple sacks later that day. Trent Cole is almost more redneck than the OP....almost

Trent Cole Outdoors

"thug rapper move"? lol
You obviously don't know rappers. I stayed in a beautiful $350/night resort hotel one weekend. Ordered a spa day for my wife, room service. Very nice weekend planned.Little did we know there was a basketball tourney in town that week and at least 100 rappers converged on the place. They stayed up all night cussing and shouting vile things in the hallways. We complained to the staff and they were basically too scared to do anything.

My wife walked out in the morning to go to the spa. I was sleeping. There were a few of them in the hallway. One of them was Jim Jones. They said things to her I wouldn't repeat anywhere. She objected and they threatened to kill her.

My $350/night romantic weekend turned into a nightmare.

Yea thug rapper.
And one of these people was Trent Cole? Yeah, black folks are scary.
There are white rappers. My wife is black BTW.
If I remember right, Trent Cole used to be a Seattle Seahawk. Could be some type of agenda, revenge. Too bad. The Hawks really had something special brewing.
Trent Cole was never a seahawk.

"Thug rapper" really, how discriminating could you be? There's pushing and shoving after every play, I've seen Okung do some things this year too. I'm sure it was back and forth all game.
Sorry, but "Hardcore Pop Singer" just doesn't have the same type of ring to it. Blame Suge knight... :mellow:

If I remember right, Trent Cole used to be a Seattle Seahawk. Could be some type of agenda, revenge. Too bad. The Hawks really had something special brewing.
Trent Cole was never a seahawk.

"Thug rapper" really, how discriminating could you be? There's pushing and shoving after every play, I've seen Okung do some things this year too. I'm sure it was back and forth all game.
Sorry, but "Hardcore Pop Singer" just doesn't have the same type of ring to it. Blame Suge knight... :mellow:
For what Vanilla Ice?
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"thug rapper move"? lol
You obviously don't know rappers. I stayed in a beautiful $350/night resort hotel one weekend. Ordered a spa day for my wife, room service. Very nice weekend planned.Little did we know there was a basketball tourney in town that week and at least 100 rappers converged on the place. They stayed up all night cussing and shouting vile things in the hallways. We complained to the staff and they were basically too scared to do anything.

My wife walked out in the morning to go to the spa. I was sleeping. There were a few of them in the hallway. One of them was Jim Jones. They said things to her I wouldn't repeat anywhere. She objected and they threatened to kill her.

My $350/night romantic weekend turned into a nightmare.

Yea thug rapper.
And one of these people was Trent Cole? Yeah, black folks are scary.
There are white rappers. My wife is black BTW.
forgot about that... :lmao:
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FWIW, the OP has provided plenty of eyewitness accounts that it was a BS move by Cole. The sideways video only seems to show part of the play, and it's hard to tell where it happpened in the context of the whistle. The play will probably be reviewed again, and appropriate action taken by the league (if necessary).

The rest of the posts about gangsta rap are unfortunate. Hey, I don't care for gangsta rappers or their music either. :shrug: Doesn't make me racist to say so, but it does if I connotate it to how someone plays football on the field.

pretty ignorant, classless and borderline racist to link a any deplorable move with being a 'thug' or pulling a 'thug rapper' move.
Im confused... Racist against what race???? I still don't recall him stating anything about the race of these thug rappers?? For all you know, Jim Jones' crew could be Latino or white, so now it seems like you are the racist for jumping to the conclusion that just because it was a negative stereotype that he MUST have been insulting a specific race. If there was a stand up fist fight in football and someone said it was like a sleesy hockey fight, and continued to say how hockey players are thugs for going after guys and fighting them for the sake of getting applause, I dont think you would have any replies about that being a racist against white people even though the majority of hockey players are white.

Stop trying to make things what they aren't, its a waste of time.

pretty ignorant, classless and borderline racist to link a any deplorable move with being a 'thug' or pulling a 'thug rapper' move.
Im confused... Racist against what race???? I still don't recall him stating anything about the race of these thug rappers?? For all you know, Jim Jones' crew could be Latino or white, so now it seems like you are the racist for jumping to the conclusion that just because it was a negative stereotype that he MUST have been insulting a specific race. If there was a stand up fist fight in football and someone said it was like a sleesy hockey fight, and continued to say how hockey players are thugs for going after guys and fighting them for the sake of getting applause, I dont think you would have any replies about that being a racist against white people even though the majority of hockey players are white.

Stop trying to make things what they aren't, its a waste of time.
I think you got lost on your way here. I think what you're looking for is this "forum"
Last I checked its the National Football League not the Mixed Martial Arts.What he did to Okung should bring a fine and suspension. It was simply one of the worst things I've witnessed in a pro football game ever...period.I have absolutely no respect for this thug I personally think he belongs in a prison or a mental institution.The ultimate punk a** loser move from a classless idiot.
He should share a cell with Suh, good posting
Gif with a slightly better look. Would've been ippon in a judo contest. Unnecessary after-the-whistle move, to be sure. Not sure if it will lead to a suspension, but it wouldn't be out of line. The hyperbole in this thread is crazy, though.
I'd say it was more of a jiu-jitsu move than a thug rapper move. Nothing wrong with tossing someone when they're riding your back for 8-10 yards after the play ends.

Gif with a slightly better look. Would've been ippon in a judo contest. Unnecessary after-the-whistle move, to be sure. Not sure if it will lead to a suspension, but it wouldn't be out of line. The hyperbole in this thread is crazy, though.
I'd say it was more of a jiu-jitsu move than a thug rapper move. Nothing wrong with tossing someone when they're riding your back for 8-10 yards after the play ends.
All thug rappers practice jiu-jitsu making it a "thug rapper move". Try to keep up.
Okung was holding and deserved to be tossed.
:goodposting:I watched that whole game and this is the first I've heard of this. Sounds like some sour grapes because he's out for the year. Guess what Seattle, you weren't going anywhere anyway. Enjoy the offseason just like the Eagles. And to the OP, get over it dude. There's times on here where people jump to racism too quick but I think its justifiable in calling you a racist. Trent cole is not a thug. If anything he acts more in line with a redneck since he likes to hunt, fish, etc. He's the farthest thing from a "thug rapper punk."
pretty ignorant, classless and borderline racist to link a any deplorable move with being a 'thug' or pulling a 'thug rapper' move.
Im confused... Racist against what race???? I still don't recall him stating anything about the race of these thug rappers?? For all you know, Jim Jones' crew could be Latino or white, so now it seems like you are the racist for jumping to the conclusion that just because it was a negative stereotype that he MUST have been insulting a specific race. If there was a stand up fist fight in football and someone said it was like a sleesy hockey fight, and continued to say how hockey players are thugs for going after guys and fighting them for the sake of getting applause, I dont think you would have any replies about that being a racist against white people even though the majority of hockey players are white.

Stop trying to make things what they aren't, its a waste of time.
Don't be obtuse. You know exactly what race this this racist was talking about when he said thugs rapper move, same as when he described the hundred rappers that showed up to the resort. How did he know they were rappers? Were they handing out CDs?Hopefully he can find a nice Klan picnic in Kentucky next time for his romantic getaway.

Either way, thug rappers had nothing to do with Okung getting hurt while holding Cole.

Gif with a slightly better look. Would've been ippon in a judo contest. Unnecessary after-the-whistle move, to be sure. Not sure if it will lead to a suspension, but it wouldn't be out of line. The hyperbole in this thread is crazy, though.
I'd say it was more of a jiu-jitsu move than a thug rapper move. Nothing wrong with tossing someone when they're riding your back for 8-10 yards after the play ends.
All thug rappers practice jiu-jitsu making it a "thug rapper move". Try to keep up.
If you all are gonna get technical, it neither a thug rapper move nor a jiu-jitsu move. It's a one arm judo throw that most rappers learn to get street cred. :yes:
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Okung was holding and deserved to be tossed.
:goodposting:I watched that whole game and this is the first I've heard of this. Sounds like some sour grapes because he's out for the year. Guess what Seattle, you weren't going anywhere anyway. Enjoy the offseason just like the Eagles. And to the OP, get over it dude. There's times on here where people jump to racism too quick but I think its justifiable in calling you a racist. Trent cole is not a thug. If anything he acts more in line with a redneck since he likes to hunt, fish, etc. He's the farthest thing from a "thug rapper punk."
... using a derogatory term (redneck) and a stereotype (hunt/fish) to counter your perception of the op's use of a derogatory term/statement ... :potkettle: WELL DONE!! :rolleyes:
Okung was holding and deserved to be tossed.
No, he wasn't really. He had his hands inside the whole play until Cole spun around to go towards the right side. That's not holding. And the play was clearly over even before the whistles blew and then he body flipped Okung as they were sounding. That's not an acceptable football move that I am aware of at any point in a game, before, during or after the whistle. And it's definitely not a deserved move because of holding (whether he was or not). Classless move in a game that was long over that's caused a long term injury. Anyone defending it is trash.
http://oi39.tinypic.com/nmgvsy.jpgAfter seeing the above .GIF, looks like it was more of a case of Okung getting what he deserved than Cole being a worthless thug.
I was at the game, and this GIF does it no justice. The reason why it appears Okung is holding, is because Cole has one of Okung's arms wrapped up. If this GIF was taken from the opposite angle, facing Cole, you would see Cole deliberately grabs Okungs arm with both hands and wrenches it up and down, and then flips him. All of this was 3-4 seconds after the play was dead. It was a cheapshot plain and simple. You can call it wussification all you want, but it was BS and will impact Okung much longer than most think. Okung will be lucky if he is back for training camp next year.
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Biased article from the Seattle Times. Okung should have released when Cole had his back to him. Instead, Okung held on the play with his right hand to slow Cole down on the pursuit. Had Okung released when Cole had body position in pursuit of the play, we would not be having this discussion. Just bad luck for Okung he tore his pectoral. Next time I am sure he will not put himself in that position.
What position would that be? It's common for players to play through the whistle, and some back-and-forth is expected, but late holding by Okung does not merit that kind of reaction at all. It's not simply bad luck, or "next time he'll know better". Players shouldn't expect to be slammed to the ground if they hold another slightly after the play.
You can take your position and I will take mine. Okung was out of position and holding. If he was not holding, he would not have been tossed.
Out of position? Cole was pushed back to the left side while the play was run to the right. The play was over, Okung let up and Cole grabbed his arm and flipped him, which has no basis in any NFL training camps as a useful football move. So I guess according to some here that anyone that thinks they're being held can grab an arm and Judo flip the other player? Trash.
pretty ignorant, classless and borderline racist to link a any deplorable move with being a 'thug' or pulling a 'thug rapper' move.
:goodposting: x100The NFL has some bad apples, but Trent Cole would be the last one I would call a "rapper thug" Andy Reid once said, "Trent Cole is the only player to walk into my office crying and begging to never be benched during a game again."

I love Cole. I don't know many guys that'll get up and bag a monster booner and then go get a couple sacks later that day. Trent Cole is almost more redneck than the OP....almost

Trent Cole Outdoors
You're half right. Thug was a word that perfectly describes this play long before rap was even conceived. Calling it a thug move isn't racist or classless or ignorant, because that's what it was. The thug rapper part I'll agree with.
Suh got two games for an unecessary violent act that did not lead to an injury. Cole's move was not only unecessary but also caused a season ending injury if not a longer lasting injury that could stay with Okung mcu longer, yet the talk is merely about a fine for the action and folks on an Eagles message board are defending the action as warranted. Time to see how serious the NFL is about protecting ALL players and eliminating dirty play. Suspend him with the length of suspension tied to the severity of the injury occurred on the dirty play..
Still whining about Suh huh?Lets see the differences.Cole has no history of personal foul calls. Suh had something like 8 this season.Cole was going right up til the whistle while being held. Did not keep going that long after the whistle and stomp a guy while he was down.Cole's did not happen in front of a huge national television audience in a feature game. Want to compare ratings for that gave compared to Packers/Lions?It was a hip toss to a guy who was still holding him after he went by.Should it have been flagged? Probably.Should he be fined? Yes.Suspended? Maybe a game.
"thug rapper move"? lol
You obviously don't know rappers. I stayed in a beautiful $350/night resort hotel one weekend. Ordered a spa day for my wife, room service. Very nice weekend planned.Little did we know there was a basketball tourney in town that week and at least 100 rappers converged on the place. They stayed up all night cussing and shouting vile things in the hallways. We complained to the staff and they were basically too scared to do anything.My wife walked out in the morning to go to the spa. I was sleeping. There were a few of them in the hallway. One of them was Jim Jones. They said things to her I wouldn't repeat anywhere. She objected and they threatened to kill her.My $350/night romantic weekend turned into a nightmare.Yea thug rapper.
Did she run into Eddie Murphy in the elevator?
Biased article from the Seattle Times. Okung should have released when Cole had his back to him. Instead, Okung held on the play with his right hand to slow Cole down on the pursuit. Had Okung released when Cole had body position in pursuit of the play, we would not be having this discussion. Just bad luck for Okung he tore his pectoral. Next time I am sure he will not put himself in that position.
What position would that be? It's common for players to play through the whistle, and some back-and-forth is expected, but late holding by Okung does not merit that kind of reaction at all. It's not simply bad luck, or "next time he'll know better". Players shouldn't expect to be slammed to the ground if they hold another slightly after the play.
You can take your position and I will take mine. Okung was out of position and holding. If he was not holding, he would not have been tossed.
Out of position? Cole was pushed back to the left side while the play was run to the right. The play was over, Okung let up and Cole grabbed his arm and flipped him, which has no basis in any NFL training camps as a useful football move. So I guess according to some here that anyone that thinks they're being held can grab an arm and Judo flip the other player? Trash.
Okung did not really let up.And yes, he was out of position behind the guy he was holding.

That said, it was very unnecessary and should have been flagged, fined, and probably a 1 gamer based on not having the history that Suh did.

Well, that GIF makes it look like Okung was trying to "mount" him. I would have thrown him too. I mean, if I had more upper arm strength than a 12 year old girl.
Cole had a hold of Okung's arm the entire time and was pulling him. Play was over, ##### move.
Yes...defenders while chasing guys often want extra weight so they grab the Olineman and pull them.SEriously?

Here's a much better video of the whole play. What it shows makes the play seem a lot more on the dirty side. In the sideways video you can hear the whistle blowing as Cole flips Okung, but what it doesn't show is that that is the second round of whistles. The flip is way after the play is originally ruled dead. Okung is the LT, #76. After watching this, I don't see how anyone can defend Cole's flip, which as I said doesn't belong in the game in the first place. I don't know Cole's history but you can pull a thug move without being a thug in general. It was a late, unnecessary and costly move of frustration which Cole should be punished for. Hopefully some Seahawks remember this next time they line up against him.
Well, that GIF makes it look like Okung was trying to "mount" him. I would have thrown him too. I mean, if I had more upper arm strength than a 12 year old girl.
Cole had a hold of Okung's arm the entire time and was pulling him. Play was over, ##### move.
Yes...defenders while chasing guys often want extra weight so they grab the Olineman and pull them.SEriously?
The play was over and even if it wasn't, Cole was out of the play and Okung was letting up. SEriously. HTH.
Here's a much better video of the whole play. What it shows makes the play seem a lot more on the dirty side. In the sideways video you can hear the whistle blowing as Cole flips Okung, but what it doesn't show is that that is the second round of whistles. The flip is way after the play is originally ruled dead. Okung is the LT, #76. After watching this, I don't see how anyone can defend Cole's flip, which as I said doesn't belong in the game in the first place. I don't know Cole's history but you can pull a thug move without being a thug in general. It was a late, unnecessary and costly move of frustration which Cole should be punished for. Hopefully some Seahawks remember this next time they line up against him.
Not a "thug" move.Bad yes...as I said, fine and 1 game based on him not having a history.

And still...Okung brought on action himself by continuing to hold after the whistle.

The play was over and even if it wasn't, Cole was out of the play and Okung was letting up. SEriously. HTH.
I agree the play was over, which is why Okung should have quit holding Cole as he was.Cole was not holding his arm and pulling him along as you claimed.I agree it was unnecessary and should be fined and a 1 game suspension.Still pales in comparison to stomping a guy who was on the ground.
Well, that GIF makes it look like Okung was trying to "mount" him. I would have thrown him too. I mean, if I had more upper arm strength than a 12 year old girl.
Cole had a hold of Okung's arm the entire time and was pulling him. Play was over, ##### move.
Yes...defenders while chasing guys often want extra weight so they grab the Olineman and pull them.SEriously?
Cole DID pull Okung, well after the play. Go back and watch the actual play instead of relying on the GIF and you will see there was no holding, and that Cole deliberately turned his back to Cole while wrenching on his arm. That whole GIF above is several seconds after the play is dead. The people that are saying Cole was trying to chase down the play, or that Okung was out of position and/or holding are basing this off of a four second clip, and are incorrect.

Here's a much better video of the whole play. What it shows makes the play seem a lot more on the dirty side. In the sideways video you can hear the whistle blowing as Cole flips Okung, but what it doesn't show is that that is the second round of whistles. The flip is way after the play is originally ruled dead. Okung is the LT, #76. After watching this, I don't see how anyone can defend Cole's flip, which as I said doesn't belong in the game in the first place. I don't know Cole's history but you can pull a thug move without being a thug in general. It was a late, unnecessary and costly move of frustration which Cole should be punished for. Hopefully some Seahawks remember this next time they line up against him.
Not a "thug" move.Bad yes...as I said, fine and 1 game based on him not having a history.

And still...Okung brought on action himself by continuing to hold after the whistle.
SEriously? Even if he was, which we can debate, you think flipping a dude over your hip is a reasonable action to a little bit of holding on (if there even was). SEriously?And yes, an unnecessary and violent move is easily a "thug" move. SEriously.

The play was over and even if it wasn't, Cole was out of the play and Okung was letting up. SEriously. HTH.
I agree the play was over, which is why Okung should have quit holding Cole as he was.Cole was not holding his arm and pulling him along as you claimed.

I agree it was unnecessary and should be fined and a 1 game suspension.

Still pales in comparison to stomping a guy who was on the ground.
Yes, he was. That's how he flipped him, well after the whistle.
Well, that GIF makes it look like Okung was trying to "mount" him. I would have thrown him too. I mean, if I had more upper arm strength than a 12 year old girl.
Cole had a hold of Okung's arm the entire time and was pulling him. Play was over, ##### move.
Yes...defenders while chasing guys often want extra weight so they grab the Olineman and pull them.SEriously?
Cole DID pull Okung, well after the play. Go back and watch the actual play instead of relying on the GIF and you will see there was no holding, and that Cole deliberately turned his back to Cole while wrenching on his arm. That whole GIF above is several seconds after the play is dead. The people that are saying Cole was trying to chase down the play, or that Okung was out of position and/or holding are basing this off of a four second clip, and are incorrect.
I have watched it...nothing was several "seconds" after the play was dead. Its almost instantaneous as a whistle, whistle...flip.And yes...Okung was holding. Based on the videos posted above...not just the gif.

He deliberately turned his back during a play so that he could flip a guy seconds later? Really?

Do you people even think before you type?

Here's a much better video of the whole play. What it shows makes the play seem a lot more on the dirty side. In the sideways video you can hear the whistle blowing as Cole flips Okung, but what it doesn't show is that that is the second round of whistles. The flip is way after the play is originally ruled dead. Okung is the LT, #76. After watching this, I don't see how anyone can defend Cole's flip, which as I said doesn't belong in the game in the first place. I don't know Cole's history but you can pull a thug move without being a thug in general. It was a late, unnecessary and costly move of frustration which Cole should be punished for. Hopefully some Seahawks remember this next time they line up against him.
Not a "thug" move.Bad yes...as I said, fine and 1 game based on him not having a history.

And still...Okung brought on action himself by continuing to hold after the whistle.
SEriously? Even if he was, which we can debate, you think flipping a dude over your hip is a reasonable action to a little bit of holding on (if there even was). SEriously?And yes, an unnecessary and violent move is easily a "thug" move. SEriously.
I believe several times I said it was unnecessary and should be fined and a 1 game suspension. So no, I don't think I have inferred that I think it was reasonable.
The play was over and even if it wasn't, Cole was out of the play and Okung was letting up. SEriously. HTH.
I agree the play was over, which is why Okung should have quit holding Cole as he was.Cole was not holding his arm and pulling him along as you claimed.

I agree it was unnecessary and should be fined and a 1 game suspension.

Still pales in comparison to stomping a guy who was on the ground.
Yes, he was. That's how he flipped him, well after the whistle.
Yes, he grabbed it and flipped him...he was not holding it and pulling him across the field prior to this. He was being held from behind by Okung...and pulled the hip toss...and yes, it was after the whistle as I have stated.
Well, that GIF makes it look like Okung was trying to "mount" him. I would have thrown him too. I mean, if I had more upper arm strength than a 12 year old girl.
Cole had a hold of Okung's arm the entire time and was pulling him. Play was over, ##### move.
Yes...defenders while chasing guys often want extra weight so they grab the Olineman and pull them.SEriously?
Cole DID pull Okung, well after the play. Go back and watch the actual play instead of relying on the GIF and you will see there was no holding, and that Cole deliberately turned his back to Cole while wrenching on his arm. That whole GIF above is several seconds after the play is dead. The people that are saying Cole was trying to chase down the play, or that Okung was out of position and/or holding are basing this off of a four second clip, and are incorrect.
I have watched it...nothing was several "seconds" after the play was dead. Its almost instantaneous as a whistle, whistle...flip.And yes...Okung was holding. Based on the videos posted above...not just the gif.

He deliberately turned his back during a play so that he could flip a guy seconds later? Really?

Do you people even think before you type?
It's simultaneous to the second set of whistles, it's well after the first whistles and Cole is way away from the play.

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