The Super Bowl was after a 2 week break for many years, then when the bye weeks started to happen, the season grew a bit longer.When the Super Bowl started to creep out of January and into February, some thought it was too late in the year. So they went with one week off.That was a mistake, but it persisted.The reason it was a mistake is because the first of the two weeks is half prep for the game and half getting distracted by the logistics of going to the Super Bowl.Each team has to make their own arrangements for the Super Bowl (which seems a bit dumb to me - the league should intervene and help out for the NFC and AFC teams, whomever they may be). Players are distracted by ticket requests, accommodations for friends and family, all sorts of things associated with getting ready to go to the Big Game.With only 1 week before the Super Bowl, it is terrible. Now you have 4 teams making plans, not 2, and 2 won't ever get to use those plans. To make matters worse, they are distracted for the week of the NFC or AFC Championship Game, so they can't pour 100% of their effort into the game.Additionally, 2 weeks allows for players to rest / heal up for the game and also make a few appearances on the NFL's behalf.