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2006 KK Addicts *Official* Thread (1 Viewer)

Keys Myaths

Hey all...this is the thread we'll use for most of the offseason for our redraft. Right now, here's who's in (payment status in parentheses...either none, payment negotiated...for those who have told me how/when they'll pay, or PAID). I'll update these as they come. Remember, just a deposit is fine for now, I just wanted to lock the league down.

League Members:

nWo (PAID)

Moonlight (PAID)

Walter (PAID)

Doctor Detroit (PAID)

Keys (PAID)

Scerpico22 (PAID)

Bradf35 (DEPOSIT)

BlueOnion (DEPOSIT)

Torew (PAID)

Hickbones (payment negotiated)

1-2-many (PAID)

Ffjunk (PAID)

Proposed Constitutional Amendments:

1. Increase the number of WRs to 3.

1b. ---IF PASSES, vote on increasing roster size by 1.

2. Missed Field Goals -5 points (0-39 yards), -4 points (40-49 yards), -3 points (50+ yards) and -1 for missed extra points. I like that Kickers get penalized more for shorter FG's that should be automatic for them.

3. 1 point per reception across the board.

4. DEF scoring-

Points allowed:

27 - 33 (-2)

34 - 40 (-4)

41 - 99 (-6)

total Yards allowed:

300 - 399 (-2)

400 - 449 (-4)

450 - 499 (-6)

500 - 999 (-8)

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My name is Lombaowski, I'm originally from Detroit and I know nothing about fantasy football. Please don't feel I will prepare for the draft and you'll be able to get the guy you want on the turn because I'll be drunk. I'm taking Fred Taylor with my first pick and Greg Jones right behind him. Thanks for having me.

My name is Lombaowski, I'm originally from Detroit and I know nothing about fantasy football. Please don't feel I will prepare for the draft and you'll be able to get the guy you want on the turn because I'll be drunk. I'm taking Fred Taylor with my first pick and Greg Jones right behind him. Thanks for having me.
Remember, 1% of everyone's league fees is going toward the "Get Lomba drunk during the draft" fund.Money very well spent.

hey fellas. Dan hereI'm into fantasy football... sometimes a little too much. I've been a top 3 team in every one of my leagues the last 8 years. It's been a lot of fun and I'm looking forward to a competative league.I'm commish in a league with 9 others I went to high school with or know through people I went to high school with. We've had the league for 8 years now. I'm from the Milwaukee area in Wisconsin but don't think I'll be taking Favre with my #1 pick. I'm looking forward to another season of domination

Have I ever actually introduced myself to all of you?My name is Matt (Matthew, whatever), I'm a 23 year old MBA student at Mizzou. I was a television anchor/reporter for 3 years (yes, since I was 19) before coming to the MBA program.FF wise, I've been playing since I was 12, winning championships in paid leagues 4 out of the last 6 years. But, I'm an awful drafter. Seriously. So, I'm trying something completely radical this year, and you guys get to be a part of that experiment. If KM finishes last this year, you'll know why. :)

My name is Lombaowski, I'm originally from Detroit SO know nothing about professional football.  Please don't feel I will prepare for the draft and you'll be able to get the guy you want on the turn because I'll be drunk.  I'm taking Fred Taylor with my first pick and Greg Jones right behind him.  Thanks for having me.
Fixed. ;) Guess that means Kevin Jones will be your 1st round pick next season? I had that stiff on two of my 3 teams this year. :cry:

Sorry Lom - couldn't resist. Thanks for all your help this season!

Happy New Year!


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Hey guys,My name's Brad. I'm 22 and a pre-pharmacy student at Marshall University from Huntington, WV. lol, and no i won't be taking Moss or Pennington in the first round. This is my fourth competitive year in fantasy football. I'm playing in my third straight superbowl this weekend. I won my first year and lost last year. Brad

Hey guys,

My name's Brad. I'm 22 and a pre-pharmacy student at Marshall University from Huntington, WV. lol, and no i won't be taking Moss or Pennington in the first round. This is my fourth competitive year in fantasy football. I'm playing in my third straight superbowl this weekend. I won my first year and lost last year.

That's what's so great about being from Mizzou.There's nobody to draft.

By the way, the first draft of the constitution will be sent out tomorrow via PM.Please look it over, and if I omitted something, please let me know, and tear it apart inside this thread.That way, when the voting starts (when everyone's paid up), then we can get a lot of votes done quickly.

Sean ,aka 1-2-many a fantasy sport addict, I'll confess and say fantasy Baseball is my favorite, everyday action and pitching changes. I cut back this year though and only have 2 fantasy basketball teams, and 2 fantasy hockey teams. last year it was 4 and 4.I think I will bring an active player to the table and look forward to to getting to knowing you all...

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Sean ,aka 1-2-many a fantasy sport addict, I'll confess and say fantasy Baseball is my favorite, everyday action and pitching changes. I cut back this year though and only have 2 fantasy basketball teams, and 2 fantasy hockey teams. last year it was 4 and 4.I think I will bring an active player to the table and look forward to to getting to knowing you all...
And this guy is my darkhorse to win the league...you heard it here, first.His teams that's he's shown over the course of the year have been pretty scary.

Chris here... fantasy sports addict like 1-2-many and may have to agree with him on the baseball everyday fix thing...31 years old and founded a league 16 years ago that I've been playing with my 12 high school buddies since..it's like a religion to all of us...most of my fantasy life in football has been spent in dynasty leagues (see signature), so this re-draft stuff is going to be a refreshing change for me.Looking forward to talking a little smack and getting to know everyone better...

Chris here... fantasy sports addict like 1-2-many and may have to agree with him on the baseball everyday fix thing...31 years old and founded a league 16 years ago that I've been playing with my 12 high school buddies since..it's like a religion to all of us...most of my fantasy life in football has been spent in dynasty leagues (see signature), so this re-draft stuff is going to be a refreshing change for me.

Looking forward to talking a little smack and getting to know everyone better...
Oh yeah, almost forgot to mention that walter is just a screen name taken from the movie "The Big Lebowski".... the greatest movie ever made. :thumbup:
Chris here... fantasy sports addict like 1-2-many and may have to agree with him on the baseball everyday fix thing...31 years old and founded a league 16 years ago that I've been playing with my 12 high school buddies since..it's like a religion to all of us...most of my fantasy life in football has been spent in dynasty leagues (see signature), so this re-draft stuff is going to be a refreshing change for me.

Looking forward to talking a little smack and getting to know everyone better...
Oh yeah, almost forgot to mention that walter is just a screen name taken from the movie "The Big Lebowski".... the greatest movie ever made. :thumbup:
You know, I've never seen that movie.Sad. And I was a huge bowler at one time.

By the way, your status is updated. :)

Here's the league constitution draft to pour over. Look for two things.

1: Nominations for changes to the rules. That's the main focus of our offseason.

2: Did I forget something? If I did, please let me know, and I'll add a generic rule to cover it (then we can vote on whatever later).

Anyway, without further ado...

KK Addicts Draft Constitution:


• Live Draft, Date TBD

• 16 Rounds, with 120 seconds between picks.

• Draft robot enabled - picks are made automatically for teams that let the clock expire.

Player Pool: AFC and NFC Players.

Positions: 1 QB, 2 RB, 2 WR, 1 TE, 1 K and 1 D/ST.


• Lineup deadline is 5 minutes before gametime for each player.

• Owners may set lineups.

• Add/drops are handled by a waivers process.

Waivers are handled from a worst-to-first order based on the current league standings.

• The waivers process runs on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

• Dropped players remain on waivers for at least 1 day(s).

• Trades are subject to commissioner approval only. Trades will only be disallowed for collusion (or highly suspected collusion). Commissioner’s decision is final.

• No trades can be made after the trade deadline of 11:59 PM ET 11/18/06.

• Owners may make trades of draft picks and players in the preseason.

Schedule: Playoffs start in Week 15 and last for 2 weeks.


League Entry Fee: $65

Add Fee: $0

Trade Per-Player Fee: $0

Trade Flat Fee: $0

Scoring: Head-to-Head, Points Based System.

Scoring based on total stats each period.

Scoring for Offensive Categories

FG - Field Goals 3 points (0-39 yards)

4 points (40-49 yards)

5 points (50+ yards)

FL - Fumble Lost, Including ST plays -2 points

Pa2P - Passing Two-point Conversion 2 points

PaInt - Passing Interception -2 points

PaTD - Passing TD 4 points

PaYd - Passing Yards 0+ PaYds = 1 point for every 20 PaYds

Re2P - Receiving Two-point Conversion 2 points

ReTD - Receiving TD 6 points

ReYd - Receiving Yards 0+ ReYds = 1 point for every 10 ReYds

Ru2P - Rushing Two-point Conversion 2 points

RuTD - Rushing TD 6 points

RuYd - Rushing Yards 0+ RuYds = 1 point for every 10 RuYds

XP - Extra Points 1 point

Scoring for Defensive Categories

DFR - Defensive/ST Fumble Recovered (ID/DT/DST) 2 points

DTD - Total Defensive and Special Teams TD 6 points

Int - Interceptions 2 points

PA - Points Against, Total Points Scored 0 - 6 PA = 8 points

7 - 13 PA = 6 points

14 - 20 PA = 4 points

21 - 27 PA = 2 points

SACK - Sack 1 point

STY - Safety 2 points

YDS - Yards Allowed 0 - 49 YDSs = 12 points

50 - 99 YDSs = 10 points

100 - 149 YDSs = 8 points

150 - 199 YDSs = 6 points

200 - 249 YDSs = 4 points

250 - 299 YDSs = 2 points

Regular Season:

We will have 3 four team divisions. Those divisions will be based on draft order, which will be determined randomly before the draft.

Those divisions will be:


1st pick

4th pick

7th pick

10th pick


2nd pick

5th pick

8th pick

11th pick


3rd pick

6th pick

9th pick

12th pick


Week 15

1st seed vs. 4th seed

2nd seed vs. 3rd seed

Week 16

Winners play: Championship Game

Losers play: Consolation Game

Three Division winners

One Wild Card

Division Title determined by:

1) Record (percentage)

2) Head to Head - Played

3) Division Record

4) Head to Head - All

6) Points

7) Coin toss

Wild Card determined by:

1) Record (percentage)

2) Head to Head - Played

3) Head to Head - All

4) Points

5) Coin toss

Seeding Tie Breaker

1) Record (percentage)

2) Head to Head - Played

3) Head to Head - All

4) Points

5) Coin toss

Wild Card is the fourth seed

Multiple Team Tie Breaker

Follow tie breaker procedure in order until a team is eliminated then start the procedure again.

Playoff Game Tie Breaker

Top 8 active players' scores

Top 7 active players' scores

Top 6 active playres' scores

Top 5 active players' scores

Top 4 active players' scores

Top 3 active players' scores

Top 2 active players' scores

Top 1 active players' scores

Top 6 resreve players' scores

Top 5 reserve players' scores

Top 4 reserve players' scores

Top 3 reserve players' scores

Top 2 reserve players' scores

Top 1 reserve players' scores

Coin Toss.


Entry Fee - $65 = $780

Web site cost = $120.

Total Prize Pool: $660

1st + $377.14

2nd + $188.57

3rd + $94.28

Commissioner keeps $0.01 due to rounding error. If one of you wants to vote on this, fine, but I reserve my right to laugh at you!

In cases of controversy over scoring, our league agrees to abide by statistical decisions made by the NFL reflected in the boxscores on NFL.com.

League Pick'em:

• The league does not use the League Pick'em


Any one of these rules can be changed from 1/1/06 until 8/1/06 through a request from one of the owners. Then, a vote will take place. A minimum of 5 voters is required for any rule change, and the rule change will pass with a majority vote.

Collusion is defined (but not limited to) the following:

A trade designed to help one team, but not another.

Using the add/drop system to set an unreasonable amount of players on waivers in order to hurt another owner.

Intentionally setting a sub-par lineup to gain any type of advantage for yourself or another owner.

Collusion is punishable at the commissioner’s discretion, anything from a point deduction in an upcoming week (for very minor cases) to banishment from the league.

Draft picks for subsequent years will be determined by random draw.

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I don't care what you guys come up with rules and scoring and everything, I only have one request, that we have the draft on a sunday afternoon, I bartend at a golf club for a living and Saturdays are out of the question, I could do Mondays and Tuesdays, but most of you won't be able to that.

I don't care what you guys come up with rules and scoring and everything, I only have one request, that we have the draft on a sunday afternoon, I bartend at a golf club for a living and Saturdays are out of the question, I could do Mondays and Tuesdays, but most of you won't be able to that.
I think that's a good idea.We're a bunch of FF addicts...surely we'll all have some Sunday afternoon free.

Keys Count me in just in case you didn't get my reply. If you can send me an address I will get a money order out for my dues. Looking forward to this league! I have to get back to work so I will get back on later. Thanks!


Count me in just in case you didn't get my reply. If you can send me an address I will get a money order out for my dues. Looking forward to this league! I have to get back to work so I will get back on later.

Hey everyone,Dude responded almost immediately when Neal had to leave...major props are due here.

Welcome, man.

Question,"Positions: QB, RB, WR, TE, K and DST", is that all positions or are there for example 1qb, 2rb, 3wr,1te etc, and are there bench spots???? And is DST mean Team deffense?

Question,"Positions: QB, RB, WR, TE, K and DST", is that all positions or are there for example 1qb, 2rb, 3wr,1te etc, and are there bench spots???? And is DST mean Team deffense?
I'll add that.DST=Defense/Special Teams

There will be 2 WRs and 2 RBs initially...you guys can vote on whatever once that opens.

Question,"Positions: QB, RB, WR, TE, K and DST", is that all positions or are there for example 1qb, 2rb, 3wr,1te etc, and are there bench spots????  And is DST mean Team deffense?
I'll add that.DST=Defense/Special Teams

There will be 2 WRs and 2 RBs initially...you guys can vote on whatever once that opens.
Right on I was like only 4 offensive players?..........Sorry I am a big question asker lmfao :hophead:
Question,"Positions: QB, RB, WR, TE, K and DST", is that all positions or are there for example 1qb, 2rb, 3wr,1te etc, and are there bench spots???? And is DST mean Team deffense?
I'll add that.DST=Defense/Special Teams

There will be 2 WRs and 2 RBs initially...you guys can vote on whatever once that opens.
Right on I was like only 4 offensive players?..........Sorry I am a big question asker lmfao :hophead:
It's fine. I need to know what I'm missing! :)
My name is Lombaowski, I'm originally from Detroit and I know nothing about fantasy football.  Please don't feel I will prepare for the draft and you'll be able to get the guy you want on the turn because I'll be drunk.  I'm taking Fred Taylor with my first pick and Greg Jones right behind him.  Thanks for having me.
Thanks to Torew for getting his poop in a group and joining us. I've played for twelve or thirteen years I think and it becomes almost a 2nd job to me beginning in late July. :bag: I finished grad school a few years ago (I gave up video games not fantasy football :nerd: or gambling for grad school) and now I just work for a living as a regional news director overseas. I try to play in three money leagues per year but I had seven additional teams this year as well and some got left for the dogs.

Next year I'm down to three (I might have to play in one additional) and that is it. I'm dedicated to spending more time in the fall of 2006 updating my Olivia Del Rio movie collection and learning French. Possibly my final objective is to co-star in Olivia's (French speaker) next movie although the initial goals were always independent of one another. Ok that's way too much info.... :ph34r:

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I am really looking forward to this league with all of you. I have started and maintained my own league for the last 10 years, but have never been the bride always the bridesmaid :wall: , in most years. But has been a lot of fun. This last year we ended up with 24 teams and had to seperate into 2 leagues during the year. Boy what a challege that was, but it worked out! Anyway I reside in Plano, Texas which is just north of Dallas. We have been using CBSSportlines website for the last 6 years and have really liked it! This will be 3 paid leagues for me in 2006. As for myself I am 49 and work for American Airlines. The constitution looks great. My only concern will be the draft day. We have our drafts on Sundays as well in my other 2 leagues but usually starting in the mornings. This year they will be on Aug 27th, starting at 10am usually finishes by 3pm we all get together for it this is the big league and Sept 3rd but not sure of this start time but seems to go pretty fast.I am going to draft both DEN RB's and both KC RB's this year to make my life he@@ again! Not to mention LT so he can get hurt again during the playoffs :rant: Once again glad to be aboard and Happy New Year to all!

I am really looking forward to this league with all of you. I have started and maintained my own league for the last 10 years, but have never been the bride always the bridesmaid :wall: , in most years. But has been a lot of fun. This last year we ended up with 24 teams and had to seperate into 2 leagues during the year. Boy what a challege that was, but it worked out! Anyway I reside in Plano, Texas which is just north of Dallas. We have been using CBSSportlines website for the last 6 years and have really liked it! This will be 3 paid leagues for me in 2006. As for myself I am 49 and work for American Airlines.

The constitution looks great. My only concern will be the draft day. We have our drafts on Sundays as well in my other 2 leagues but usually starting in the mornings. This year they will be on Aug 27th, starting at 10am usually finishes by 3pm we all get together for it this is the big league and Sept 3rd but not sure of this start time but seems to go pretty fast.

I am going to draft both DEN RB's and both KC RB's this year to make my life he@@ again! Not to mention LT so he can get hurt again during the playoffs :rant:

Once again glad to be aboard and Happy New Year to all!
Draft day will not be something we'll vote on...once everyone's paid, that should be the first thing we do. Finding either: A date that works for all of us...or doing a slow draft. I'd obviously rather do the first.
I am really looking forward to this league with all of you. I have started and maintained my own league for the last 10 years, but have never been the bride always the bridesmaid :wall: , in most years. But has been a lot of fun. This last year we ended up with 24 teams and had to seperate into 2 leagues during the year. Boy what a challege that was, but it worked out! Anyway I reside in Plano, Texas which is just north of Dallas. We have been using CBSSportlines website for the last 6 years and have really liked it! This will be 3 paid leagues for me in 2006. As for myself I am 49 and work for American Airlines.

The constitution looks great. My only concern will be the draft day. We have our drafts on Sundays as well in my other 2 leagues but usually starting in the mornings. This year they will be on Aug 27th, starting at 10am usually finishes by 3pm we all get together for it this is the big league and Sept 3rd but not sure of this start time but seems to go pretty fast.

I am going to draft both DEN RB's and both KC RB's this year to make my life he@@ again! Not to mention LT so he can get hurt again during the playoffs :rant:

Once again glad to be aboard and Happy New Year to all!
American Airlines? Got any good deals for a family of 5 from Boston to Fla? I have 9 y/o triplets who like to fly except one gets air sick :X . We usually get 4 seats together and send him to the back with an unsuspecting passenger :D
GREETINGS EVERYONE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!avid Dynasty leaguer here ... been playing fantasy football for ... mmmm about 13 years .... couple championships here and there .. and ALOT of good memories... cant wait guys .. and as for the draft .. i am all for option 1 .. draft day .. those snail drafts get so boring and always seem to get HUNG up somehow

Option 1 also. Does anyone else here work Sundays? I work a rotating shift and unfortunately I'm working almost every Sunday in August either day or night. Looks like a vacation day for me on one of those.

Obviously, GoRoute is the only one that hasn't negotiated with me how he'll pay. I'm going to give him until Monday (reasonable amount of time), then I'll e-mail him with some sort of deadline to at least tell me what he wants to do.I know reecepieces is chomping at the bit, so I want to make this as efficient as possible.And I just talked to Sportsline, the site will be up in early July. We'll basically work from here until then.

I am really looking forward to this league with all of you.  I have started and maintained my own league for the last 10 years, but have never been the bride always the bridesmaid :wall: , in most years.  But has been a lot of fun.  This last year we ended up with 24 teams and had to seperate into 2 leagues during the year.  Boy what a challege that was, but it worked out!  Anyway I reside in Plano, Texas which is just north of Dallas.  We have been using CBSSportlines website for the last 6 years and have really liked it!  This will be 3 paid leagues for me in 2006.  As for myself I am 49 and work for American Airlines. 

The constitution looks great.  My only concern will be the draft day.  We have our drafts on Sundays as well in my other 2 leagues but usually starting in the mornings.  This year they will be on Aug 27th, starting at 10am usually finishes by 3pm we all get together for it this is the big league and Sept 3rd but not sure of this start time but seems to go pretty fast.

I am going to draft both DEN RB's and both KC RB's this year to make my life he@@ again!  Not to mention LT so he can get hurt again during the playoffs :rant:

Once again glad to be aboard and Happy New Year to all!
American Airlines? Got any good deals for a family of 5 from Boston to Fla? I have 9 y/o triplets who like to fly except one gets air sick :X . We usually get 4 seats together and send him to the back with an unsuspecting passenger :D
WOW! Triplets! My cousin has triplets. I have 2 girls 6 & 4 and they are enough to handle. Anyway, to be honest your best bet is to go through travelocity or expedia to look for the deals (start at least a month out) and then go direct to that airlines website as they will usually will beat it but some times they don't because they only offer so many seats at a lower fare. I won't lie I get great deals for my immediate family but I purchase tickits the same way as I mentioned above for my mother-in-law when she visits. I can get a reduced ticket for her but the savings that I would get doesn't offset not having a confirmed seat and maybe not even making the flight due to the reduced flying all the airlines are doing because of extremely high fuel cost, since mother-in-laws are not concerned immediate family.

Obviously, GoRoute is the only one that hasn't negotiated with me how he'll pay. I'm going to give him until Monday (reasonable amount of time), then I'll e-mail him with some sort of deadline to at least tell me what he wants to do.

I know reecepieces is chomping at the bit, so I want to make this as efficient as possible.

And I just talked to Sportsline, the site will be up in early July. We'll basically work from here until then.
KeysSounds great! I know how reecepieces is feeling I was the same way.

Also I recieved your e-mail with your address and will be sending my fees out Monday. I use Fed Ex so should I wave the signature?

WOW! Triplets! My cousin has triplets. I have 2 girls 6 & 4 and they are enough to handle.

Anyway, to be honest your best bet is to go through travelocity or expedia to look for the deals (start at least a month out) and then go direct to that airlines website as they will usually will beat it but some times they don't because they only offer so many seats at a lower fare. I won't lie I get great deals for my immediate family but I purchase tickits the same way as I mentioned above for my mother-in-law when she visits. I can get a reduced ticket for her but the savings that I would get doesn't offset not having a confirmed seat and maybe not even making the flight due to the reduced flying all the airlines are doing because of extremely high fuel cost, since mother-in-laws are not concerned immediate family.

Just kidding about looking for a deal through you. We do fly America all the time though. Great service and rates. Got to be ready for when the flights become available because they do go fast. Last April we booked through expedia-not to fond of them though-and we took a bump offered by American. Get this, they gave us vouchers for 5 tickets at $400 a ticket-total of $2000 ;) !! We only paid $200 per ticket non stop flights. Already have February booked on them, $180- direct flight for 5 tickets and with vouchers no tax. So we still have over $1000 to spend. If I'm guessing right they should be offering April roundtrips from Boston to West palm soon. American doesn't fly direct to west palm from Boston but they do around school vacations. So I'll be waiting for the flights to come on. I'd reccommend American to anyone. :thumbup:

Obviously, GoRoute is the only one that hasn't negotiated with me how he'll pay. I'm going to give him until Monday (reasonable amount of time), then I'll e-mail him with some sort of deadline to at least tell me what he wants to do.

I know reecepieces is chomping at the bit, so I want to make this as efficient as possible.

And I just talked to Sportsline, the site will be up in early July. We'll basically work from here until then.
KeysSounds great! I know how reecepieces is feeling I was the same way.

Also I recieved your e-mail with your address and will be sending my fees out Monday. I use Fed Ex so should I wave the signature?
Yes.I'm a busy Keys when I get back, and I really doubt anyone's going to be interested in that package outside my door (when it obviously has nothing in it...). That should be fine.

While we're waiting for all the money to sort itself out...what do you say we tackle the mundane issue of *naming* the league?KK Addicts was my initial name, but let's see what you guys want. Then, once everything's done money-wise, we'll actually have something to vote on.Any suggestions?

While we're waiting for all the money to sort itself out...what do you say we tackle the mundane issue of *naming* the league?

KK Addicts was my initial name, but let's see what you guys want. Then, once everything's done money-wise, we'll actually have something to vote on.

Any suggestions?
League of Broncos Fans???? lmfao JK but really go Broncos
Option 1 also. Does anyone else here work Sundays? I work a rotating shift and unfortunately I'm working almost every Sunday in August either day or night. Looks like a vacation day for me on one of those.
Yeah, I live in Shanghai, China so I am 14 hours ahead of the central time zone in the US. Sunday's your time will be Monday my time. Sorry....
Option 1 also. Does anyone else here work Sundays? I work a rotating shift and unfortunately I'm working almost every Sunday in August either day or night. Looks like a vacation day for me on one of those.
Yeah, I live in Shanghai, China so I am 14 hours ahead of the central time zone in the US. Sunday's your time will be Monday my time. Sorry....
Yipe.Alrighty. :) What days of the week *do* work for everyone?

Option 1 also.  Does anyone else here work Sundays? I work a rotating shift and unfortunately I'm working almost every Sunday in August either day or night.  Looks like a vacation day for me on one of those.
Yeah, I live in Shanghai, China so I am 14 hours ahead of the central time zone in the US. Sunday's your time will be Monday my time. Sorry....
Yipe.Alrighty. :) What days of the week *do* work for everyone?
Like I said before my shift rotates and I work 6 out of 8 weekends-either 1 day or night or multiple times on weekends. I know this is not the norm so I'll go wherever everyone wants.Keys, did you put me in a league of Bronco Fans? :rant: !!!!

Maybe I might get some payback to that bet. Let's see how Cincy does.

Option 1 also.  Does anyone else here work Sundays? I work a rotating shift and unfortunately I'm working almost every Sunday in August either day or night.  Looks like a vacation day for me on one of those.
Yeah, I live in Shanghai, China so I am 14 hours ahead of the central time zone in the US. Sunday's your time will be Monday my time. Sorry....
Yipe.Alrighty. :) What days of the week *do* work for everyone?
Like I said before my shift rotates and I work 6 out of 8 weekends-either 1 day or night or multiple times on weekends. I know this is not the norm so I'll go wherever everyone wants.Keys, did you put me in a league of Bronco Fans? :rant: !!!!

Maybe I might get some payback to that bet. Let's see how Cincy does.
You might get your chance, I think Shannon Sharpe is still there to call for the national gaurd though .......lol.... actually I like your chances going into the game Pats are on fire.... and gave the broncos a run for their money the first time with a unhealthy team, should be a good game.....I hope I hear a lot of............ in........com.........plete!!!!!!!!
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my vote / or idea would be to have 3 or 4 starting Wr .rather than just 2

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my vote / or idea

would be to have 3 or 4 starting Wr .rather than just 2
I'll start the list in the first post.By the way, to all that were waiting for me to get back to Missouri...I'm here. You can send a check now...and 1-2 many, thanks for the e-mail.

And our last one gets an e-mail tomorrow, he'll have until next week to respond (sound reasonable?), then we'll give his spot to reecepieces.

Keys Welcome back. Mine went out yesterday and you should see it tomorrow. Fed Ex 2dayAlso as far as the draft day goes I'm ok on any day except for the 2 days mentioned previously and actually those 2 days I should be available for a evening/night draft. League name what ever you guys come up with. 2006 KK Addicts is good with me.Sounds more than fair as far as the last spot goes. It sounds like reecepieces seems more interested, though. my :2cents: But alas I have been wrong before and will be again! Lastly I look for NE, CAR, SEA & IND to advance. I am rooting for SEA to take it all. My parents are good friends with Holmgren.


Welcome back. Mine went out yesterday and you should see it tomorrow. Fed Ex 2day

Also as far as the draft day goes I'm ok on any day except for the 2 days mentioned previously and actually those 2 days I should be available for a evening/night draft.

League name what ever you guys come up with. 2006 KK Addicts is good with me.

Sounds more than fair as far as the last spot goes. It sounds like reecepieces seems more interested, though. my :2cents: But alas I have been wrong before and will be again!

Lastly I look for NE, CAR, SEA & IND to advance. I am rooting for SEA to take it all. My parents are good friends with Holmgren.
Go Broncos, first of all.Secondly, I figured it was fair, too. I just sent an e-mail to GoRoute, and I'm about to PM reecepieces to tell him of the situation as well.

I actually have a job interview today and tomorrow, but I'll pick that package up from outside my door tomorrow afternoon. I don't see it being a problem, especially with where I live. My neighbors are pretty cool.


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