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2019-20 NBA Thread: new forum, same great taste (3 Viewers)

If the Suns win out, they will be 34-39.

If POR and SAS  go 1-1, they will be 34-40 and 32-39 respectively.  So won't wouldn't PHX be the 9 then?  And Memphis is running on fumes now.
Yes but I don't see Portland losing.  Best chance is for Memphis to lose both.  I think Phoenix will go 8-0 in bubble.

I thought I read Memphis clinched a spot in the play-in series. 

nevermind: guess not 

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JMO The peak time/max return was when he was still on his rookie deal. They'll still get a lot from someone that sees Simmons as a guy you can build around. Perhaps you can if you put 4 shooters around him. Which isn't what Brand's tried to do with that roster.

They've got to do something with that roster. Sixers are quickly finding out why there's many people that aren't as high on Simmons as others. He's got to be "The Guy" with the ball in his hands to be effective. Why people like me would much much much much much much much much rather have the Ingrams/Tatums/MPJs to build around than Simmons.

Never have, Never will believe you can win a title with Ben Simmons as "the guy". Simmons hasn't shown much in the way of improvement at all. In the area everyone and their mother knows he must improve on drastically to be a star. It's worse NOT EVEN ATTEMPTING.
You won't get an argument from me on Simmons. I've been 100% against Ben since the 76ers and the fans started the whole tank for Ben and said from day 1 he's not worth it. When that draft happened the 76ers were built better for Ingram at the time. I honestly would've thought given his relationship with Lebron that LAL would try and pull off a trade for Ben this past offseason. That roster has a ton of issues. I know people love to blame Brett Brown but Brett is only coaching what's given to him. I like the guy, not saying he's a Pop by any means but I'd take him over Boylen 7 days a week and twice on Sundays. Seems to get along with the players and from what a former co worker who was neighbors with the guy, seems like a really good person in general. They really overpaid both Harris and Horford who might just be untrade-able at this point . 

Ben's other issues is when the team isn't playing to his strength's defensively his lack of defense shows. I've repeatedly brought up how bad defensively this guy was in college. The big steals and blocks he had was because teams offensively weren't scared to go after him. With the Sixers one of the better things they've done is team defense and surrounding Ben with a system and players to make up for his defenciancies in that department. His jumper we all have been over but I remember from the Ben fans the excuse was Lebron didn't have one when he got into the league and People said the same about John Wall. Well it's been almost 5 yrs and he still hasn't really attempted to fix that issue. 

Another issue is his availability. How many games has been Missed since coming into the league? We have to be totally somewhere given he missed his first season the entire year almost 2 yrs of his pro career on the sideline and in rehab. Now I don't know if that's an issue do to his size and not having strength in certain areas he should bulk up or he's just one of those guys that is really fragile. You aren't valuable to your team if you are always hurt. The final issue is more observation then fact but I've noticed Ben's attitude on the court and body languange lacks motivation and is just going through the motions. Doesn't seem to enjoy himself out there and has a just don't care attitude as long as I get my stats. But everyone knows the Ben trade talk is moot because unless the 76ers fire Brett Brown Ben isn't going anywhere anytime soon 

DJackson10 said:
I know people will make fun of this but at this point I think the Sixers need to start at least entertaining offers on Ben. He has yet to play a full season and it's becoming more obvious that he and Joel cannot coexist on the floor together with contrasting playing styles. The Sixers really messed up too to build around Joel and Ben when they overpaid Horford and Tobias Harris. The Cavs' have a ton of picks and even with Kevin Porter Jr off the table they got Garland at PG who'd be great for Philly, Cedi Osman and a ton of picks the Sixers could use to build around Joel and possible another FA. If they can dump Horford on someone even better. Ben's trade value if he can't stay healthy is gonna go way down soon and most everyone has seen his deficiencies on defense 

Cavs' want Ben Simmons this offseason Believe they can have an enticing package for Philly
Not against it but I'd be worried about Brand making the trade. I feel like it would be Barkley 2.0 leaving the sixers DOA for another 5-10 years. 

It's a shame the Suns likely miss the playoffs after playing so well in the bubble.
Hopeful they find a way to sneak in.

 Cam Johnson/Bridges are a real nice pairing at the forward spots. Both can defend many positions and both can stick the open 3. James Jones was spot on grabbing Cam Johnson. Thought it was a horrendous reach like everyone else but he's going to be a really good role player at a minimum. I guess if there's anyone that knows a good role player it'd be James Jones. Bridges is very quickly emerging as one of the best perimeter defenders in the league.

And would likely get Oubre back if they reached the playoffs.


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Dame just pulls up from near halfcourt for 3 and hits rim and it bounces 10 feet in the air then goes in?  ok.

This is next level.

Not against it but I'd be worried about Brand making the trade. I feel like it would be Barkley 2.0 leaving the sixers DOA for another 5-10 years. 
I'd honestly be hessistaint of any GM for the 76ers making moves in the last 20 yrs. Non of them has really done anything earth shattering. Hinkie made the well duh you'd be dumb not to pick that guy decision with Joel Embiid. King destroyed a good nuclueus who went to the playoffs but refused to trade Iverson too late, Can't really remember the guys after King till Hinkie as non of them were impressive, Colangelo had some head scratchers and Brand's worst decisions was signing both Harris and Horford to those deals while letting JJ Reddick go

I'd honestly be hessistaint of any GM for the 76ers making moves in the last 20 yrs. Non of them has really done anything earth shattering. Hinkie made the well duh you'd be dumb not to pick that guy decision with Joel Embiid. King destroyed a good nuclueus who went to the playoffs but refused to trade Iverson too late, Can't really remember the guys after King till Hinkie as non of them were impressive, Colangelo had some head scratchers and Brand's worst decisions was signing both Harris and Horford to those deals while letting JJ Reddick go
bruh give it up.  you're obsessed with this.

bruh give it up.  you're obsessed with this.
Not really I'm just sick and tired of all the kool aid drinkers who thought it would work. Ben was never great in college and continues to prove me right on a regular bases on issues I was worried about with him. What happened once we get ben and Good all the top guys will come to Philly? They used the 76ers as a Stalking horse. KD/Lebron/Leonard, even  Jimmy Butler didn't even want to stay so what did the Sixers do? Get desperate and pay a B level player A Max level money and overpaid for an aging Stretch 4/5 who doesn't fit their system while allowing their best shooter leave in FA in Reddick. Ben and Joel can't stay healthy. You're back to maybe being good enough to get to the 2nd round and thats it with this group. All that tanking to end up where they started to begin with. Sounds really productive. Why do you think Colangelo wanted to trade for a top guy and hope to extend them? I'll tell ya a short story I've told repeatedly as many of the things he said came true. 

I was at the Sac/Philly game behind the basket (Closes to the 76ers bench) last game of the 15/16 first Half of the season (Year Ben was drafted that summer). A guy who worked for the 76ers (not sure what role he was with the team) talking to a season ticket holder it looked like. Not sure if the two were friends (Fan looked way too old to be a friend so maybe a client) but the Sixers staffer was giving some juicy insider info I've shared on here in the past and elsewhere. The talk turned into the Nerlens Noel for either ATL's PG Jeff Teague or Dennis Schroader. The fan asked about it. The Sixers guy said Jerry Colangelo before officially becoming the 76ers GM used his contacts and role in USMB Org to go around and ask some of the top guys some opinions (mostly about the 76ers) about attraction to destination, what it'd take for them to go to certain places, who'd they want to play with etc. During this experiment Jerry Colangelo realized the only way he was gonna attract a Lebron/KD etc to Philly was through trading for an established player already (Possible someone a club knew they'd lose in FA and wanted something back for them, disgruntled star, etc) who would resign with the team and help recruit the top dawgs. Colangelo knew he had assets in terms of Picks and other goodies a team might want for a guy. He knew he had a plethora of Big Men as well. In the end the Big Men issue probably hurt them more then helped. As you can see none of these guys saw Philly as an attractive destination. 

1. They didn't trust the owners even though some really liked Brett Brown

2. They didn't see how playing in Philly would help them given the roster at the time built wasn't really made to compete now even with a star player on it. 

3. Most of the players were talking about going to others teams who these guys wanted to play with friends wise

4. Players didn't trust Harris to the point some former players on other teams were talking so poorly about the team that it turned guys off. 

5. Some of the players felt wrong going to a team who intentionally lost games as blatantly as they did. 

6. Many players believed Hinkies actions towards agents and owners was directly related to his employers and owners and didn't feel comfortable playing for a team who condoned those actions. 

7. Many read the caldron story of Embiid and Brett Brown not getting along at first and ownership/plus Hinkie undermining Brown's plan with EMbiid for rehab. How could you play for a club who's own owners undermine the coach?  

The ownership really doesn't care about titles just that they can get fans to believe a project. All the promises were just PR stunts to get fans to buy tickets and they ate it up. Harris cares more about the Devils then he cares about the 76ers. The Sixers are just a fun little side project for him. He's already making bank with 18% ownership of English Premier League Club Crystal Palace and the revenue shares of the EPL league. 

Not really I'm just sick and tired of all the kool aid drinkers who thought it would work. Ben was never great in college and continues to prove me right on a regular bases on issues I was worried about with him. What happened once we get ben and Good all the top guys will come to Philly? They used the 76ers as a Stalking horse. KD/Lebron/Leonard, even  Jimmy Butler didn't even want to stay so what did the Sixers do? Get desperate and pay a B level player A Max level money and overpaid for an aging Stretch 4/5 who doesn't fit their system while allowing their best shooter leave in FA in Reddick. Ben and Joel can't stay healthy. You're back to maybe being good enough to get to the 2nd round and thats it with this group. All that tanking to end up where they started to begin with. Sounds really productive. Why do you think Colangelo wanted to trade for a top guy and hope to extend them? I'll tell ya a short story I've told repeatedly as many of the things he said came true. 

I was at the Sac/Philly game behind the basket (Closes to the 76ers bench) last game of the 15/16 first Half of the season (Year Ben was drafted that summer). A guy who worked for the 76ers (not sure what role he was with the team) talking to a season ticket holder it looked like. Not sure if the two were friends (Fan looked way too old to be a friend so maybe a client) but the Sixers staffer was giving some juicy insider info I've shared on here in the past and elsewhere. The talk turned into the Nerlens Noel for either ATL's PG Jeff Teague or Dennis Schroader. The fan asked about it. The Sixers guy said Jerry Colangelo before officially becoming the 76ers GM used his contacts and role in USMB Org to go around and ask some of the top guys some opinions (mostly about the 76ers) about attraction to destination, what it'd take for them to go to certain places, who'd they want to play with etc. During this experiment Jerry Colangelo realized the only way he was gonna attract a Lebron/KD etc to Philly was through trading for an established player already (Possible someone a club knew they'd lose in FA and wanted something back for them, disgruntled star, etc) who would resign with the team and help recruit the top dawgs. Colangelo knew he had assets in terms of Picks and other goodies a team might want for a guy. He knew he had a plethora of Big Men as well. In the end the Big Men issue probably hurt them more then helped. As you can see none of these guys saw Philly as an attractive destination. 

1. They didn't trust the owners even though some really liked Brett Brown

2. They didn't see how playing in Philly would help them given the roster at the time built wasn't really made to compete now even with a star player on it. 

3. Most of the players were talking about going to others teams who these guys wanted to play with friends wise

4. Players didn't trust Harris to the point some former players on other teams were talking so poorly about the team that it turned guys off. 

5. Some of the players felt wrong going to a team who intentionally lost games as blatantly as they did. 

6. Many players believed Hinkies actions towards agents and owners was directly related to his employers and owners and didn't feel comfortable playing for a team who condoned those actions. 

7. Many read the caldron story of Embiid and Brett Brown not getting along at first and ownership/plus Hinkie undermining Brown's plan with EMbiid for rehab. How could you play for a club who's own owners undermine the coach?  

The ownership really doesn't care about titles just that they can get fans to believe a project. All the promises were just PR stunts to get fans to buy tickets and they ate it up. Harris cares more about the Devils then he cares about the 76ers. The Sixers are just a fun little side project for him. He's already making bank with 18% ownership of English Premier League Club Crystal Palace and the revenue shares of the EPL league. 
Dude zero people read that.  The season is on right now and it's awesome, focus on that.  You spend a concerning amount of time writing long messages about a team you don't like.

So they're opening up the bubble to "guests" (with certain limitations/rules, which I'm sure will be stretched to the limit)

They are sooooo gonna screw this thing up.

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Its a players league and the players aren't good with not having sex for 3 months. That's basically what this has come down to.

So they're opening up the bubble to "guests" (with certain limitations/rules, which I'm sure will be stretched to the limit)

They are sooooo gonna screw this thing up.
They all have to quarantine for a week upon arrival and it’s only when they are down to the final 8 teams. Will be less people than there are now. Doesn’t seem like a big deal at all. Guys want to see their wives, kids and side pieces. 

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They all have to quarantine for a week upon arrival and it’s only when they are down to the final 8 teams. Will be less people than there are now. Doesn’t seem like a big deal at all. Guys want to see their wives, kids and side pieces. 
I get that. But after the last few months, I am just so skeptical that something like this will work out. It just seems like SOMEONE will do SOMETHING to botch this somehow.

I get that. But after the last few months, I am just so skeptical that something like this will work out. It just seems like SOMEONE will do SOMETHING to botch this somehow.
It’ll be fine. Nba and nhl have this down. They aren’t going to let something ruin this. It’s unreasonable to expect people to go to late October without seeing their wives and kids. 

I get that. But after the last few months, I am just so skeptical that something like this will work out. It just seems like SOMEONE will do SOMETHING to botch this somehow.
As the NBA prepares for the arrival of team guests into the bubble for the start of the conference semifinals this month, the league is requiring players to provide proof of "long-standing relationships" with non-family members, according to a memo obtained by ESPN.

The NBA and National Basketball Players Association negotiated terms that preclude players from hosting guests who would be deemed as wholly casual in nature, including "known by the player only through social media or an intermediary," according to the memo.

Those without "an established pre-existing, personal and known relationship" won't be allowed into the bubble, where each second-round playoff team has been allocated 17 hotel rooms for guests. The earliest guests could clear the quarantine process and join players is Aug. 31, according to the memo.
The number of people at that point won't be that big of a deal.  I think that the NBA had the whole thing gamed out well.

It also doesn't matter if this ends up crashing the whole thing. There wouldn't be anything to fall apart if the league didn't allow this because the players would have never agreed to it.

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Matchups Are Set!

No. 1 Milwaukee Bucks vs. No. 8 Orlando Magic
No. 2 Toronto Raptors vs. No. 7 Brooklyn Nets
No. 3 Boston Celtics vs. No. 6 Philadelphia 76ers
No. 4/5 Indiana Pacers vs. No. 4/5 Miami Heat

No. 1 LA Lakers vs. No. 8 TBA
No. 2 LA Clippers vs. No. 7 Dallas Mavericks
No. 3 Denver Nuggets vs. No. 6 Utah Jazz
No. 4/5 OKC Thunder vs. No. 4/5 Houston Rockets

Bucks over Magic in 4
Raptors over Nets in 5
Celtics over Sixers in 6 :(
Heat over Pacers in 6

Lakers over Blazers in 6
Clippers over Mavs in 7
Nuggets over Jazz in 5
Rockets over Thunder in 7

Deamon said:
Bucks over Magic in 4
Raptors over Nets in 5
Celtics over Sixers in 6 :(
Heat over Pacers in 6

Lakers over Blazers in 6
Clippers over Mavs in 7
Nuggets over Jazz in 5
Rockets over Thunder in 7
I feel like Blazers are perfect team to upset the Lakers. 

Agree. Hence why they push them to 6 games. 

With the worst defense in the history of sports, I'm not so sure they'll be able to stop LA though over a full series, let alone a game. 
It's not that the Blazers play BAD defense, it's more that they play NO defense.

Craig_MiamiFL said:
OKC vs. Houston Round 1 :excited:  


reports, sources say Russell Westbrook is expected to minimally miss the start of Houston's first-round series with his strained right quad muscle. Westbrook's return will depend upon how he responds to treatment.

Quality 1st round match ups in the West.
Ya the East round 1 looks lame, west looks amazing.

I think the opposite in round 2.  I think Round 2 in the east both series' go 6/7 games.  In the west, they go 5/6 games with the LA teams just rolling through Houston/Okc/Denver/Utah.


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