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A Gallon of Milk a Day for 20 Days. (1 Viewer)


About 6 months ago, I weighed 110 - 115 lbs and was completely fed up with weighing that much. So I went to Walmart and bout 60 cans of ravioli (Chef Boyardee). After consuming all that ravioli, I ballooned up to about 130 lbs but began to experience chest pains from the excessive sodium content.

Since then, I've lost like 4 - 5 lbs and only weigh about 126 lbs right now. Again, I am sick of looking in the mirror and seeing a skinny beta-male in the mirror. So after a little deliberating I decided to go on the GOMAD diet:


The GOMAD diet stands for a Gallon of Milk a Day. When compounded with the proper lifting, it can allegedly help you gain 25 lbs in 25 days. I figure, there's only about 20+ days left to 2013. If this diet works, I could potentially enter 2014 weighing a stout 150 lbs!

So yeah, here's day 1, I will be drinking chocolate milk.

Wish me luck fellas. :)

Did something like this in high school. I was always tall and skinny. Over the winter of my senior year, drank 1 gallon - 1.5 gallons of whole milk a day combined with a lot of lifting and I put on a lot of good muscle weight

If this diet works, I could potentially enter 2014 weighing a stout 150 lbs!

So yeah, here's day 1, I will be drinking chocolate milk.
Chocolate Milk is definitely the way to go if you want to pack on QUALITY pounds. :thumbup:

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I'm not an expert by any stretch, buy wouldn't mixing in protein shakes help? What happens after you are done with the diet? Will the weight stay on? It isn't super healthy to drink that much milk either.

Closest to this I ever came was back in my college days betting a guy I could down a gallon of milk faster than he could. We each got a gallon of whole milk, and both were about 3/4 of the way through it in about 55 minutes. I was considering chugging the last bit to say I could do it in an hour, but he puked and I won the money. I'm not sure it's humanly possible to do it, though.

I weighed 135 after my freshman year of college. I tried to gain weight and had no luck. I finally started drinking Ensure, 2-3 a day, and combined with working out, gained 10 lbs. :thumbup:

I now weigh 185, try to find time to work out, and eat salads regularly trying to lose weight with absolutely no success. :wall:

The world is a cruel, cruel place.

The thing that I found to be most effective in weight gain is complete apathy toward cardio or any physical activity coupled with wanton disregard for nutrition and portion control. Couple that with decreased testosterone as I have grown older and well, lets just say I have been extremely successful at putting and keeping weight on.

When is the conversion from beta to alpha complete? When you start throwing around that 150lbs like a bawse?
It begins when I weigh more than the average female my age, lol.From there, I need to work on my six-pack and just start seducing women.

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All y'all gonna feel silly when I'm ripped, rich, and have a bolstering stock portfolio. ;)
Going to invest in local dairies or just open your own? I think you will get better growth results if you do half milk and hal soymilk, get all kinds of swoll!Schlzm

So I went to Walmart and bout 60 cans of ravioli (Chef Boyardee). After consuming all that ravioli, I ballooned up to about 130 lbs but began to experience chest pains from the excessive sodium content.
Oh come on! No one is this dumb.

Make sure you do it right. I've seen people drink milk throughout the day and think they're going to get swole. They don't. You need to get the whole gallon in you first thing in the morning so your body has enough time to turn the lactose into muscles. If you wake up at 6 am, for example, aim to drink the whole gallon by 7, or your just wasting your time.

I used to drink a lot of milk growing up rarely do anymore...dairy just isn't that good for you especially when it's packing so much sugar. Not to mention, you'll also look very bloated if you consume this much. I'd rather stay lean and maintain my 6 pack.

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Ball Son Urchin said:
Guy gets a promotion and immediately plans on blowing all of his money on milk.
Early money was pouring in on him blowing his boss after the promotion. :shrug:
Not going to get a lot of weight gain from 2oz of liquid protein. Well, at least not physical weight. I'd have to image the emotional weight that comes with that is postyesque.

I did this with raw, in-pasteurized milk. A little more expensive, but you don't get the side effects if you have a sensitive gut.

Worked wonders.

Closest to this I ever came was back in my college days betting a guy I could down a gallon of milk faster than he could. We each got a gallon of whole milk, and both were about 3/4 of the way through it in about 55 minutes. I was considering chugging the last bit to say I could do it in an hour, but he puked and I won the money. I'm not sure it's humanly possible to do it, though.
Probably not possible to chug a gallon of milk in one hour.

Water, yes, with proper strategy.

All y'all gonna feel silly when I'm ripped, rich, and have a bolstering stock portfolio. ;)
Going to invest in local dairies or just open your own? I think you will get better growth results if you do half milk and hal soymilk, get all kinds of swoll!Schlzm
Soy is the devil!
drinking a half a gallon of soy milk a day will help you grow some sweet man boobs



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