I use APD exclusively at my draft. This exact same format the last few years. A couple of things I have learned is that people are blinded by success and failure in fantasy football. There are some people who will never take Fred Taylor again because he burned them a few years ago. Also some people that will draft Michael Vick too high because they had him during his good year. This pretty much takes all of that out of drafting.Also, if you do an averge cheatsheet of internet rankings, which I have done in the past, you find that you can pretty much get widely varying opinions from "experts" on almost every player. Translation: no one knows what the hell is going to happen. So if I have a rod for Tatum Bell, I can find ten other people who think he is going to suck. And who am I to think that I know anymore about the NFL than internet fantasy football experts? They spend alot more time on it than I do. And they all have differing opinoins as well.Point is, anyone could suck and anyone could have a breakout year. The ADPs give me safe picks that have the best chance at success without knowing the future. Is that the funnest way to do it? No. But at the end of every draft I like my team because I know I didn't take any flyers that could ruin my season.