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Aging Men: what I do to feel better and younger (comment, critique, question, flame away) (1 Viewer)

@Otis if you do nothing else start each day with a 2 tbsp shot of Apple Cider Vinegar with Mother.  (I add it to my lunch smoothie).  It’s disgusting, but I can’t believe how much my cravings for junk and just overall reduced appetite since I’ve started it about a month ago.  

I have my morning Monster, my healthy lunch smoothie and a handful of peanut butter filled pretzels as I walk to the gym. I seriously don’t really crave more than that throughout the day, and at 7pm I’m still not overly hungry for dinner. Will be different for everyone but it’s almost weird that I can pinpoint this appetite change to exactly when I started adding the ACV to my smoothie. 

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Cosmetic dentistry, such as veneers, can really improve your looks - why stop at just whitening?
I did Invisalign 2 yrs ago so have perfectly straight natural chiclets now.  Just have to wear the trays when I sleep to keep them in place. I’m s teeth grinder when I sleep so the night trays have actually helped with that too.  Like a very thin clear mouth guard…like what you see hanging out of Steph Curry’s mouth half the game. 

They do work like crunches work in that they help define your abs.   The abs under your layer of fat.  It’s not a weight loss device, so if you have great defined abs but they’re hiding under a layer of fat then you won’t visually see any of the results until you lose the belly fat 
But I suppose regardless of the belly fat issue, there would be health benefits to having a strengthened core, right? And this would help that?  And I could just throw it on while sitting at my computer working a few days a week in my home office?

Is there a make or model you’d recommend?

Cosmetic dentistry, such as veneers, can really improve your looks - why stop at just whitening?
I’ve actually wondered about this, since I have some discoloration from various fillings etc that have aged differently. Why do veneers cost?  What is that process?  Are there any down sides other than money?  Do you have super awesome unrotting teeth forever?

W/mother?  What is that? 
IT'S THE MOTHER BABY!!!!! It's the secret sauce, the mo in the jo, it's spicy meatball that makes it THE MOTHER####ING MOTHER!!!  :excited:

“the mother” is an unrefined, unpasteurized, unfiltered version of apple cider vinegar. It’s full of gut-friendly probiotics called acetic acid bacteria. This particular bacteria is said to help act as a remedy for a wide range of things
Or this  :rolleyes:

@Otis if you do nothing else start each day with a 2 tbsp shot of Apple Cider Vinegar with Mother.  (I add it to my lunch smoothie).  It’s disgusting, but I can’t believe how much my cravings for junk and just overall reduced appetite since I’ve started it about a month ago.  

I have my morning Monster, my healthy lunch smoothie and a handful of peanut butter filled pretzels as I walk to the gym. I seriously don’t really crave more than that throughout the day, and at 7pm I’m still not overly hungry for dinner. Will be different for everyone but it’s almost weird that I can pinpoint this appetite change to exactly when I started adding the ACV to my smoothie. 
why not the pills if the shot is terrible?  Same effect?

But I suppose regardless of the belly fat issue, there would be health benefits to having a strengthened core, right? And this would help that?  And I could just throw it on while sitting at my computer working a few days a week in my home office?

Is there a make or model you’d recommend?
Yep, and that’s the beauty of it…it stimulates the equivalent of crunches for 30 mins. But you just wear it while you go about normal life.  It’s recommended to do once per day x 5 days per week so I just do it after my post workout night shower M-F.  It’s easily forgotten so for me good to kind of have it as part of a daily routine. 

Thr Flex Belt is the original and best IMO 

why not the pills if the shot is terrible?  Same effect?
So I tried the full 2 tbsp of the liquid in my smoothie and it changed the flavor too much.  But when I use 1 tbsp its not detectable so I go with that. 

Then to make up for the other 1 tbsp I take this daily supplement which has 500mg of ACV in it.  Other guys on here pushed Turmeric and Ginger for great joint and digestive health so this has it all. 

But, I would assume all liquid is probably the best due to "the Mother" part of that. Not sure if that's part of pills or not...and if it is probably not the same I'm guessing.

Turmeric Curcumin Supplement with Ginger & Apple Cider Vinegar (120 Count), BioPerine Black Pepper, Tumeric & Ginger, 95% Curcuminoids & Joint Supplement, Antioxidant Tumeric Supplements Capsules


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I’ve actually wondered about this, since I have some discoloration from various fillings etc that have aged differently. Why do veneers cost?  What is that process?  Are there any down sides other than money?  Do you have super awesome unrotting teeth forever?
So if you just put the veneers over your regular teeth it doesn’t look good….horse teeth-ish.   The right way is to literally shave down each tooth to pointy stubs where you look like Uncle Cletus from Alabama, and then apply the veneer pieces to each stub for a more natural look. 

Its actually not good for your teeth health because it removes most of your natural tooth so they are more susceptible to decay and gum issues quicker. They say you gotta get them redone every 10 yrs (like boob jobs for women). So all these 20 yr olds flying to Turkey to get it done as a quick fix are in for a world of hurt in there 30s-50s. 

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Damn man, good job.  So, almost 4 days of putting absolutely nothing in your body.  I assume just water?
ACV with water and potassium
Diet Dr Pepper

Other than that, nothing.


Man. Anything that requires regular injections sure feels like overkill and unnecessarily risky (unless prescribed by a MD, e.g., you’re a diabetic). 

So, just to make it clear, I am getting the injections from a certified MD. (and to reiterate...they are short/tiny needle injections into your butt...not into a vein),  I'm not just doing personal research and ordering needles online.   And I totally understand my MD is the equivalent of a Chiropractor in terms of a "Doctor" but it's still professional guidance and review.

I pay $255 per month to get the initial blood panel to determine where my levels needed improvement and a plan setup. (for me it was Vitamin D, Vitamin B12 and Testosterone).  Then I get all the injectables I need every 4 wks where they can adjust if something not feeling right.   I started off doing 180ml of Testosterone once per week and we've since adjusted it to 100ml twice per week for better results for me  (200ml per week is the max she recommends).

Then every 3 months I do a new blood panel to see how things are looking and if any adjustments need to be made.  My last panel showed something with my liver function was slightly under so she suggested to add Silymarin Milk Thistle to my supplements which I just got off Amazon.

They also have this crazy Body Scan machine which measures all kinds of body fat and lean muscle percentages in every limb of your body and tells you what your caloric metabolic rate is so if you're a calorie counter you can figure out calories per day that's below your rate and pounds will shed off if you need that.

After doing all this for 10 months...

- Testosterone went from 375 to 778 presently (800 is optimal)

- I actually gained 0.9 lbs (presently 210lbs at 6'2")

- But, my Body Fat mass has decreased 6.6 lbs

- And my Lean body mass has increased 7.5 lbs

- After all this it says for "perfection" I should still try to lose another 7.5lbs of body fat mass based on my body composition...so still work to do.

- My Metabolic caloric rate as increased by 74 calories which means my metabolism is speeding up (presently at 2,056 calories per day...if take in less than that I'll lose weight without doing any exercise)

- My Total Body Water has increased by 5.5 lbs (126.8lbs of my total 210 lbs is water...kind of interesting)

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Damn man, good job.  So, almost 4 days of putting absolutely nothing in your body.  I assume just water?
FWIW... reading that optimal fasting durations for weight loss and autography is around 36-48 hours.  90+ hours is tough... not because I was truly hungry, but my brain kept telling me I wanted food.  Think I'm going to try to do 2-48 hour fasts per month (in addition to daily IF) and see how that goes.

i’m 46, everything hurts all the time but i’m not gonna stop golfing or drinking yet. i have about a year till i can smoke weed/eat edibles and i can’t wait for that

i’m 46, everything hurts all the time but i’m not gonna stop golfing or drinking yet. i have about a year till i can smoke weed/eat edibles and i can’t wait for that
Outside of golfing do you do anything for exercise? Do you stretch daily? 

Outside of golfing do you do anything for exercise? Do you stretch daily? 
yeah, i try and get an hour in a day on a bike but i miss surfing, snowboarding and to a certain extent running. 7 knee surgeries at this point in my life just sucks, i really wish i would have skipped intramural soccer and basketball as an adult 

yeah, i try and get an hour in a day on a bike but i miss surfing, snowboarding and to a certain extent running. 7 knee surgeries at this point in my life just sucks, i really wish i would have skipped intramural soccer and basketball as an adult 
Makes sense.

It sounds to me like an extensive daily stretching routine would really make a positive difference for you.  Not sure if you stretch much before the bike?

I did Invisalign 2 yrs ago so have perfectly straight natural chiclets now.  Just have to wear the trays when I sleep to keep them in place. I’m s teeth grinder when I sleep so the night trays have actually helped with that too.  Like a very thin clear mouth guard…like what you see hanging out of Steph Curry’s mouth half the game. 
Invisalign during the pandemic would have been great and far easier. I wore mine a lot but harder when traveling, face to face meetings etc before the pandemic. So my teeth improved but not perfectly straight. 

Invisalign during the pandemic would have been great and far easier. I wore mine a lot but harder when traveling, face to face meetings etc before the pandemic. So my teeth improved but not perfectly straight. 
I actually did it before the Pandemic but yes, the pandemic timing for teeth work would've been perfect timing.    I still wore mine during work and meetings...nobody ever noticed (kind of the point of Invisalign).   Did you feel like your speech was changed with it in?  (some have a lisp, but usually adjusts after a couple weeks)

Anybody start the Kegling exercises regularly since reading this?   I've been doing them every single day for 29 weeks (approx 7 months) and man can I keep that muscle squeezed for an eternity now!   I remember when I first started, keeping squeezed for even 2 seconds was uncomfortable.   My kegel muscle is absolutely shredded.

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Anybody start the Kegling exercises regularly since reading this?   I've been doing them every single day for 29 weeks (approx 7 months) and man can I keep that muscle squeezed for an eternity now!   I remember when I first started, keeping squeezed for even 2 seconds was uncomfortable.   My kegel muscle is absolutely shredded.

Anybody start the Kegling exercises regularly since reading this?   I've been doing them every single day for 29 weeks (approx 7 months) and man can I keep that muscle squeezed for an eternity now!   I remember when I first started, keeping squeezed for even 2 seconds was uncomfortable.   My kegel muscle is absolutely shredded.

I was pretty consistently but have slacked off this past week.  Back to it.

offdee said:
Anybody start the Kegling exercises regularly since reading this?   I've been doing them every single day for 29 weeks (approx 7 months) and man can I keep that muscle squeezed for an eternity now!   I remember when I first started, keeping squeezed for even 2 seconds was uncomfortable.   My kegel muscle is absolutely shredded.
🙂 Funny how the eggplant 🙂 emoji gets turned into a smiley face.

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I hope everyone’s kegel muscle is perfect after this board shutdown. What else did you have to do with that extra 8 hrs per day?
I hope everyone’s kegel muscle is perfect after this board shutdown. What else did you have to do with that extra 8 hrs per day?
I lurked over at FFToday, and to be perfectly honest, I would have been better served flexing my sphincter muscles because that place is a joke.
MONDAY 24 weeks completed (started 1/5/22)

- Testosterone, Vitamins & Anastrozole ½ pill

- Kegel exercises

- Positive Manifestation (15 mins, thinking/reading)

- Workout (weights)

- Flex Belt (abs)

- Teeth Whitening

- Facial Smoothing (Gua Sha & Facia Blaster)

- Ipamorelin shot for lean and muscle (8pm)


- Kegel exercises

- Positive Manifestation (15 mins, thinking/reading)

- Workout (cardio only)

- Flex Belt (abs)

- Facial Smoothing (Gua Sha & Facia Blaster)

- Ipamorelin shot for lean & muscle (8pm)


- Kegel exercises

- Positive Manifestation (15 mins, thinking/reading)

- Workout (weights)

- Flex Belt (abs)

- Facial Smoothing (Gua Sha & Facia Blaster)

- Ipamorelin shot for lean & muscle (8pm)


- Testosterone & Anastrozole ½ pill

- Kegel exercises

- Positive Manifestation (15 mins, thinking/reading)

- Workout (cardio only)

- Flex Belt (abs)

- Facial Smoothing (Gua Sha & Facia Blaster)

- Ipamorelin shot for lean & muscle (8pm)


- Kegel exercises

- Positive Manifestation (15 mins, thinking/reading)

- Workout (weights)

- Flex Belt (abs)

- Teeth Whitening

- Facial Smoothing (Gua Sha & Facia Blaster)

- Ipamorelin shot for lean & muscle (8pm)


- Gonadorelin shot

- Kegel exercises

- Positive Manifestation (15 mins, thinking/reading)

- Stretch

- Facial Smoothing (Gua Sha & Facia Blaster)

- ** NO Ipamorelin shot today **


- Gonadorelin shot

- Kegel exercises

- Positive Manifestation (15 mins, thinking/reading)

- Stretch

- Facial Smoothing (Gua Sha & Facia Blaster)

- Derma Roller Face with serums ** do every other week **

- ** NO Ipamorelin shot today **

I just finished 33 weeks (basically 8 months) of doing all of the above. Missed a few things here and there but usually get them all by week's end.

I feel like a completely different guy in the best way possible.
At what point is being active, eating >80% healthy, lifting weights a couple times each week, sleeping decently, proper hygiene, good water consumption throughout the day, getting moderate sunlight daily, an hour of exercise daily plus walking, and some sort of mental stimulation not sufficient?

I’m 46, take no supplements, no kegel exercises, facial smoothing, etc. I think I’m doing fine; doctors are always impressed with my labs.
I might be missing something but some of the stuff y’all are doing seems unnecessary.
At what point is being active, eating >80% healthy, lifting weights a couple times each week, sleeping decently, proper hygiene, good water consumption throughout the day, getting moderate sunlight daily, an hour of exercise daily plus walking, and some sort of mental stimulation not sufficient?

I’m 46, take no supplements, no kegel exercises, facial smoothing, etc. I think I’m doing fine; doctors are always impressed with my labs.
I might be missing something but some of the stuff y’all are doing seems unnecessary.
Do all that + minimize mind-altering substances, and you’re doing better 95% of the population. You’ll save a bunch of time and money, too.
At what point is being active, eating >80% healthy, lifting weights a couple times each week, sleeping decently, proper hygiene, good water consumption throughout the day, getting moderate sunlight daily, an hour of exercise daily plus walking, and some sort of mental stimulation not sufficient?

I’m 46, take no supplements, no kegel exercises, facial smoothing, etc. I think I’m doing fine; doctors are always impressed with my labs.
I might be missing something but some of the stuff y’all are doing seems unnecessary.
Do all that + minimize mind-altering substances, and you’re doing better 95% of the population. You’ll save a bunch of time and money, too.
What fun is that?
I’m still a fed, and supposedly subject to testing. So I’m limited to alcohol. :banned:
At what point is being active, eating >80% healthy, lifting weights a couple times each week, sleeping decently, proper hygiene, good water consumption throughout the day, getting moderate sunlight daily, an hour of exercise daily plus walking, and some sort of mental stimulation not sufficient?

I’m 46, take no supplements, no kegel exercises, facial smoothing, etc. I think I’m doing fine; doctors are always impressed with my labs.
I might be missing something but some of the stuff y’all are doing seems unnecessary.
Do all that + minimize mind-altering substances, and you’re doing better 95% of the population. You’ll save a bunch of time and money, too.
What fun is that?
I’m still a fed, and supposedly subject to testing. So I’m limited to alcohol. :banned:
Meh, I’d rather be coherent when my body is fully functioning. I’ll escape from reality when I’m too old to do fun stuff. I‘ve already warned my wife: psychedelics are on the menu once things start breaking down.

I think Hunter S. Thompson had the right idea about skidding to his deathbed, but only after maximizing the delay before the slide.
Went to a work event the other day on the campus of the local community college. As I was walking back to my car, a young woman walked up to me and asked about the location of something on campus. I said, "I'm sorry, I don't go here," and as I walked away I realized that was the dumbest possible response. I'm pretty sure she was not under the impression that the balding 49-year-old dude in a sport coat was a college student.

(I don't know if this is the right thread for that story, but I had to post it somewhere)
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not sure the average age is here, but i am high 30's and pairing L-Tyrosine with Super B Complex. Toss in a coffee and its a game changer. Mood up, energy up, everything up (y)
Went to a work event the other day on the campus of the local community college. As I was walking back to my car, a young woman walked up to me and asked about the location of something on campus. I said, "I'm sorry, I don't go here," and as I walked away I realized that was the dumbest possible response. I'm pretty sure she was not under the impression that the balding 49-year-old dude in a sport coat was a college student.

(I don't know if this is the right thread for that story, but I had to post it somewhere)

Aging men thread for guys that have lost all game....seems to fit.

She may have thought you were a professor and needed to "work" for a grade. What was her offdee scale rating?
Went to a work event the other day on the campus of the local community college. As I was walking back to my car, a young woman walked up to me and asked about the location of something on campus. I said, "I'm sorry, I don't go here," and as I walked away I realized that was the dumbest possible response. I'm pretty sure she was not under the impression that the balding 49-year-old dude in a sport coat was a college student.

(I don't know if this is the right thread for that story, but I had to post it somewhere)

Aging men thread for guys that have lost all game....seems to fit.

She may have thought you were a professor and needed to "work" for a grade. What was her offdee scale rating?
I'm not familiar with that scale in particular, but I would say she was an 8 or 9 by most standard measures. That was actually running through my head as she approached, which maybe explains my hare-brained response (but probably doesn't).

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