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Almost certain I will take next year off from FF (1 Viewer)

Frank Black

I have had a successful FF season. In 1 league, I lost in the playoffs last week, and in the other, I am playing in the Superbowl this week. I realize with each passing day this week that I am really not that excited about playing in the Superbowl, even though I believe I have a very good shot at winning. This summarizes my lack of excitement almost all season long. I am 99% certain that it's time to take a break. Maybe a year off will restore the excitement for FF that I once had. Has anyone decided to take a year off?

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I have thought about it many times, but it does help pass the time during the baseball offseason...

Wasn't this same thread started about a month ago?
Yes and no, the previous month's thread was about people who were thinking about taking a year off. This thread is more oriented for those who have made a final decision to take a year off, or who are close to making the final decision to take a year off. Keeper/dynasty leagues in particular are looking now to owners regarding next year's committments. It's one thing to think about leaving, but another thing to actually do it.
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I have had a successful FF season. In 1 league, I lost in the playoffs last week, and in the other, I am playing in the Superbowl this week. I realize with each passing day this week that I am really not that excited about playing in the Superbowl, even though I believe I have a very good shot at winning. This summarizes my lack of excitement almost all season long. I am 99% certain that it's time to take a break. Maybe a year off will restore the excitement for FF that I once had.

Has anyone decided to take a year off?
I've tried! Believe me I've tried! But I just can't do it. In my two keeper leagues, I don't want my league mates to have any of my players. And in my redraft league, I like my team name and just can't let go. As you can tell, I am an addict and I will make up any excuse to get my fix, even when I know it is not good for me!
Good luck Frank, and I hope to see you playing in 2007.Having said that, I must keep playing. My therapist said that fantasy football is what keeps me out of jail, off drugs, and from killing someone. No fantasy football would also mean that I would have to spend more time with my evil wife, f-that. I would also have to actually interact with people face to face, f-that, I hate people.

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Why don't you just play in ONE league next year so you don't get burnt out on it. IMHO, if you play in more than one league it's not as fun because you'll usually have some conflict of interest between the various teams. Like on team will have Favre and the other will have the Ravens defense, or something like that.

i took a year off after about 7 years in a league. it helped me be a fan again. i moved last year, so i haven't found a league yet. it's ok though. i'm not in a hurry.

I'm leaving all of my money leagues. Too high of stakes and too much pressure. This is the first year I haven't made the playoffs in any league. Last weekend I rediscovered football. What a joy!! :banned:

I am the one.

2005 is my trial season without fantasy football.

It was extremely painful for the last two weeks of the preseason (draft time).

Without my own "team" of players to cheer for, it was awkward to watch the first games of the regular season.

I had felt the urge to take a year off for a few years, but never had the guts to try it until 2005. An evaluation of the experience will occur at the end of the season.

One benefit is I can imagine SA would have dropped to me with the 4th pick, then LJ in round 2, Steve Smith in the 3rd, Carson Palmer in the 4th . . .

Will I come back in 2006? The decision has not been made yet.

Was the experiment worth it? YES

(Here is a link to my 2005 preseason post)


I have had a successful FF season. In 1 league, I lost in the playoffs last week, and in the other, I am playing in the Superbowl this week. I realize with each passing day this week that I am really not that excited about playing in the Superbowl, even though I believe I have a very good shot at winning. This summarizes my lack of excitement almost all season long. I am 99% certain that it's time to take a break. Maybe a year off will restore the excitement for FF that I once had.

Has anyone decided to take a year off?
Just go then. Nobdy really cares...
I'll likely back it off a little in terms of league participation. I'm proud to be in a Zealots league and doing well, and I'm in a no starting lineups league with college friends, so that takes no real time. However, my style of money play turns out to be contary to most people's feelings. I even managed to anger a bunch of guys around here that i have a great deal of respect for as knowledgable football fans, which was never my intention. I've come to realize that my "win at all costs" attitude doesn't jive well with trying to have a good time with iFriends.Colin

I have had a successful FF season. In 1 league, I lost in the playoffs last week, and in the other, I am playing in the Superbowl this week. I realize with each passing day this week that I am really not that excited about playing in the Superbowl, even though I believe I have a very good shot at winning. This summarizes my lack of excitement almost all season long. I am 99% certain that it's time to take a break. Maybe a year off will restore the excitement for FF that I once had.

Has anyone decided to take a year off?
Ricky Williams has a tent for sale, you might get it for a resonable price. :bye:
I have had a successful FF season. In 1 league, I lost in the playoffs last week, and in the other, I am playing in the Superbowl this week. I realize with each passing day this week that I am really not that excited about playing in the Superbowl, even though I believe I have a very good shot at winning. This summarizes my lack of excitement almost all season long. I am 99% certain that it's time to take a break. Maybe a year off will restore the excitement for FF that I once had.

Has anyone decided to take a year off?
Just go then. Nobdy really cares...
Please don't speak for others. This time of year, I think there are a lot of folks experiencing fantasy burnout and are interested in this topic.
Been there, done that. After winning 7 Championships over the last 6 years, including 3 in a row in one league and making it to the Championship game in all 3 leagues last year, winning 2 of them, I decided to take a year off this year. I quit all the leagues except one. This weekend I'm playing in the Championship game. If I win, it's 4 in a row. :yawn: Honestly, it was a good break. Win or lose this week, I'm going be in 2 leagues next year. It was a nice year off. I'm recharged and ready to make some more money. :football:

I've mulled it over, on and off, for most of the season. Last year, I went down to just one league. This year I went back to an old redraft league I left back in 2000, just to see if I could get some of the old spark back. It hasn't worked out quite like I thought, but it's been OK.I wouldn't call it burnout, I just wonder what it would be like to watch a football game again and not concern myself with the fantasy implications. Fantasy football used to be an escape, but that was before I had kids, a mortgage, career, local office position, yada yada yada. I would walk away for a year, but I can't. I'm fortunate enough to be in the SB in both leagues, and with the money I've already won I can't just walk away...regardless of how this weekend goes. I've always believed you never take the money and run, especially in a league you just joined (or rejoined, as it were).Besides, I would go absolutely nuts in July when the Senate is out of session and I have some real time on my hands. :D

I have had a successful FF season.  In 1 league, I lost in the playoffs last week, and in the other, I am playing in the Superbowl this week.  I realize with each passing day this week that I am really not that excited about playing in the Superbowl, even though I believe I have a very good shot at winning.  This summarizes my lack of excitement almost all season long.  I am 99% certain that it's time to take a break.  Maybe a year off will restore the excitement for FF that I once had. 

Has anyone decided to take a year off?
Just go then. Nobdy really cares...
Take you own advice, Deez. Don't leave a pizzy little post, JUST LEAVE!For the rest of you -- to leave is a personal decision. For me, FFL has been a great way to stay in touch with my fraternity brothers and some old friends. Heck, I even started a FFL league for my nephews/in-laws -- they love it and

family get togethers are heightened with smack talk, trade talk and game watchin!

(FYI, FFL is all my nephews talk about now. They all got cards and jersies this year and they are now into knowing the position players, not just the fantasy players. I think that beats the heck out of Pokeman any day!)

Bottom line: if you aren't having fun, something isn't right. Take a break, clear your head and make the necessary adjustments.

Maybe the offseason will be enough for you...maybe it won't. Don't give up a dynasty team or anything until you are ABOLUTELY sure you aren't going to play in 2006.

Good luck to everyone....except Deez.

Frank...just do what Rog and I did...take the year off without leaving. I know 2006 will look better for us with SA or LT.Hate to see you go...there's something to be said for cornholing and competing against your iFriends.

Good luck Frank, and I hope to see you playing in 2007.

Having said that, I must keep playing. My therapist said that fantasy football is what keeps me out of jail, off drugs, and from killing someone. No fantasy football would also mean that I would have to spend more time with my evil wife, f-that. I would also have to actually interact with people face to face, f-that, I hate people.
I'm with ya brother, except for the wife part she may read this and then I'll be f-ed. On second thought throw the wife part in.
I have had a successful FF season. In 1 league, I lost in the playoffs last week, and in the other, I am playing in the Superbowl this week. I realize with each passing day this week that I am really not that excited about playing in the Superbowl, even though I believe I have a very good shot at winning. This summarizes my lack of excitement almost all season long. I am 99% certain that it's time to take a break. Maybe a year off will restore the excitement for FF that I once had.

Has anyone decided to take a year off?
Get the hell out then if you have no interest. You won't be missed. :bye:
I have had a successful FF season. In 1 league, I lost in the playoffs last week, and in the other, I am playing in the Superbowl this week. I realize with each passing day this week that I am really not that excited about playing in the Superbowl, even though I believe I have a very good shot at winning. This summarizes my lack of excitement almost all season long. I am 99% certain that it's time to take a break. Maybe a year off will restore the excitement for FF that I once had.

Has anyone decided to take a year off?
Get the hell out then if you have no interest. You won't be missed. :bye:
Get lost, jagoff.
The only reason I would do it is to start enjoying NFL games for what they are. Now I could care less who wins as long as my guys are scoring. I don`t even follow the playoff race much. It really has tainted me as a fan. I saw many people cheering when Priest got his brains scrambled because they had Larry Johnson on their roster. I may have cheered myself if I had LJ.

I have had a successful FF season. In 1 league, I lost in the playoffs last week, and in the other, I am playing in the Superbowl this week. I realize with each passing day this week that I am really not that excited about playing in the Superbowl, even though I believe I have a very good shot at winning. This summarizes my lack of excitement almost all season long. I am 99% certain that it's time to take a break. Maybe a year off will restore the excitement for FF that I once had.

Has anyone decided to take a year off?
I'll give you my bank account number next year so you can deposit your league fees directly into it and save all the hassle...
Fantasty Football just makes football alot better to watch. Some of guys saying I really got to enjoy football from quitting. I'm sorry I really don't care if teams other then my favorite win or unless it helps my favorite team. I could careless if a team like Atlanta makes the playoffs or not. Also fantasy football gives fans of very bad teams like Houston, Detriot, San Fran and Green Bay something to cheer for and helps them to still enjoy the football season instead of jumping of the closest bridge. It can be frustrating at times when you get knocked out of the playoffs by some dud who has one big game that week. I will never quit but to each there own.

I have had a successful FF season. In 1 league, I lost in the playoffs last week, and in the other, I am playing in the Superbowl this week. I realize with each passing day this week that I am really not that excited about playing in the Superbowl, even though I believe I have a very good shot at winning. This summarizes my lack of excitement almost all season long. I am 99% certain that it's time to take a break. Maybe a year off will restore the excitement for FF that I once had.

Has anyone decided to take a year off?
Just go then. Nobdy really cares...
Please don't speak for others. This time of year, I think there are a lot of folks experiencing fantasy burnout and are interested in this topic.
After reading this thread, I can see a lot of people deserve to be on ignore.
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I pretty much took this season off... 2 dynasty leagues and 2 redrafts, only 1 money league :yawn: . Killed my Sunday Ticket contract a few weeks before the season started. If the networks have good games on, I'll watch them. If the Saints are on, I'll do some yard work. The past 4 years I was glued to the TV from 10am to 11pm. All you have to do is cut back and do some other stuff on Sundays.

I'll likely back it off a little in terms of league participation. I'm proud to be in a Zealots league and doing well, and I'm in a no starting lineups league with college friends, so that takes no real time. However, my style of money play turns out to be contary to most people's feelings. I even managed to anger a bunch of guys around here that i have a great deal of respect for as knowledgable football fans, which was never my intention. I've come to realize that my "win at all costs" attitude doesn't jive well with trying to have a good time with iFriends.

Apology accepted. Hardcore Commish.
There's a 50-50 chance that I'll take 2006 off, at least in terms of my local league. After 14 years, that's gotten a little humdrum and I find myself gravitating more towards things that require week to week predicting, like the FFTOC.

If I do this, however, I will seriously miss our league's auction. Seriously.

I think the thing to remember is to keep your inner fan in mind. Set your lineups...read your Footballguys emails...make educated decisions...Then set your lineups, and turn off your computer. Forget who you are starting...forget who you are playing...and enjoy the day and root for your favorite team.I've found that this makes football what it used to be...extremely enjoyable and a privilege that only lasts 21 weeks out of the year. (17 if your a Browns fan. Sorry, had to do it.) Remember what got you started in fantasy football to begin with...your love of watching the game.

Two years ago, I reached the point where losing sucked royally and winning seemed like no big deal. The law of diminishing returns was taking over and it took all of the fun out of it. I even won the last league I played in that year (thanks to Favre's Monday night performance the day after his father died). So, I took last year off. It did not bother me at all. So, I took this year off, too. It still does not bother me. At this point, I have no desire to ever play again. I enjoy watching football for the action and enjoyment and fantasy football had taken a lot of that away. It is back now.

Two years ago, I reached the point where losing sucked royally and winning seemed like no big deal. The law of diminishing returns was taking over and it took all of the fun out of it. I even won the last league I played in that year (thanks to Favre's Monday night performance the day after his father died).

So, I took last year off. It did not bother me at all. So, I took this year off, too. It still does not bother me. At this point, I have no desire to ever play again. I enjoy watching football for the action and enjoyment and fantasy football had taken a lot of that away. It is back now.
So you didn't participate in fantasy football for the past 2 years BUT you still post messages on a fantasy football message board?That does not make sense to me.

Two years ago, I reached the point where losing sucked royally and winning seemed like no big deal. The law of diminishing returns was taking over and it took all of the fun out of it. I even won the last league I played in that year (thanks to Favre's Monday night performance the day after his father died).

So, I took last year off. It did not bother me at all. So, I took this year off, too. It still does not bother me. At this point, I have no desire to ever play again. I enjoy watching football for the action and enjoyment and fantasy football had taken a lot of that away. It is back now.
So you didn't participate in fantasy football for the past 2 years BUT you still post messages on a fantasy football message board?That does not make sense to me.
There is plenty of regular NFL talk here, in case you hadn't noticed. I almost never post in threads just pertaining to fantasy football.
Two years ago, I reached the point where losing sucked royally and winning seemed like no big deal.  The law of diminishing returns was taking over and it took all of the fun out of it.  I even won the last league I played in that year (thanks to Favre's Monday night performance the day after his father died).

So, I took last year off.  It did not bother me at all.  So, I took this year off, too.  It still does not bother me.  At this point, I have no desire to ever play again.  I enjoy watching football for the action and enjoyment and fantasy football had taken a lot of that away.  It is back now.
So you didn't participate in fantasy football for the past 2 years BUT you still post messages on a fantasy football message board?That does not make sense to me.
There is plenty of regular NFL talk here, in case you hadn't noticed. I almost never post in threads just pertaining to fantasy football.
Gotcha. I was just curious.
I took last year off and it renewed my interest in just watching football games, and noting worrying about who scored, etc.Now that i am back and playing FF i actually enjoy it more, i just watch the games for the love of watching the games and trust that my players will do well, because thats why i drafted who i drafted. The break was refreshing and made me realize i am a big FF :nerd:and i love it!

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I just won my 1st FBG championship in FBGL V, and I realize more than ever that I am resolved to take next year off. It has been great kicking it with you guys during the last few years. You guys, including the moderators and messageboard members are 2nd to none!!!

I just won my 1st FBG championship in FBGL V, and I realize more than ever that I am resolved to take next year off. It has been great kicking it with you guys during the last few years. You guys, including the moderators and messageboard members are 2nd to none!!!
Way to go Frank. If you do take off a year, sit back and relax. Are you going to take off from "The Reunion" as well?

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