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Anarchy random thought (1 Viewer)


I've only played one year in the Anarchy leagues, but really enjoyed it. I do appreciate the amount of work required for what amounts to a free set of leagues. Thanks.

I was a bit distressed in the original welcome back post, that it was almost shuttered. I suggest this hoping it won't add too much work, and might make it more fun for long time entries and keep people coming back. I don't understand exactly what I'm suggesting so if its a veto based on workload alone no worries.

My thought was that was include a year over year element. One of the things that makes dynasty leagues so popular. Basically the anarchy's are combined ia sense. Depending on how you place in your individual league you advance, stay, or move down in leagues. Off the cuff, top 6 move up, mid 4 stay, bottom 6 move down in league numbers. This can be refined of course. After all this is done teams not returning are removed and everyone moves up as needed.

This would add an element of the 'cream' or lucky, moving up and fighting harder competition. League one champ being the real champion.

I realize this would require that we arbitrarily annoint leagues rankings, but you need to start somewhere. Lower numbers are better leagues.

I say this being in league 6 and 9. Also this might need to limit one team per person which is a hurdle.

In any case thought I would toss this out for discussion as its been on my mind since last year.

I think this is a great suggestion and I have talked to David about how he was doing this last year. The funny thing is David a pretty whimsical person.

If you really want to get something done I recommend flattery, bribes and any other form of sucking up you can think of. These things seem to motivate him. Your best bet might be to offer to do all of the administrative tasks that would be required to carry out your idea. This of course may come into direct conflict with the stark fist of removal! But you never know unless you try.

The thing to keep in mind here is that league 2 is The league of champions. When you are the sheot you can't really go any higher than that and league 2 is stacked high and wide. Not for the meek of heart or someone without a good set of galoshes.

Sorry Joe

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Up until this year, there always was a sense of advancement. Things were set up (loosely) like soccer in England. Those that played well (ie won a league) moved up. Those that did terrible (mostly) dropped out and the newbies were sent off to the new leagues only.

That was logistically more feasible when there were fewer leagues. What people don't realize is the PITA it is to move players around from league to league. I have to copy the data from Team 1 in LEAGUE X after wiping out the team data for Team 7 in LEAGUE Y (names, passwords, pictures, contact info, settings, preferences, etc.). Many times, that information is outdated, and I would have to have multiple windows open from all different leagues to set up a league. Then, of course, people would drop out, or never make any draft picks, or worse . . . make 5 picks and then quit, or not show up for 3 days and want to make 5 picks at once.

THIS YEAR, things changed in that I opted to just fill slots from whomever was available, as anything that moved things along was beneficial. I did almost pack all the leagues in this year because of my now former FBG staff status. Over the years, even though the Anarchy Leagues were independent from FBG and even though I did not get paid anything to run them, it at least there was synergy in running the leagues as I got paid for other things to do with the site. Part of me did not want to further promote FBG and take up GOBS of time to put all the leagues together anymore.

I liken it to a job where you get paid salary and if you have to work overtime, you have to work overtime. But when you don't get the salary and are still expected to work overtime, suddenly it's not quite as alluring. And with the new boards having such limited PM capacity, it's hard to communicate with people when your in box is always full and you don't get messages or vice versa.

I am not adverse to making changes in the league structure or the league assignments, it may just be someone else that may have to do all the leg work. I always looked at these leagues as a fun alternate to the more mundane leagues where you start very similar rosters and the same core group of players are in every league. But in leagues like these, you actually have to play the #100 WR or the #40 TE. That to me is more interesting. Anyone can figure out who the top guys at each position will probably be. But who will jump from WR80 to WR40 is where the fun is at. Add in the bonus points from trying to decipher playoff teams in July, and it just gets even more intriguing.

I would suggest people post ideas all season long in this thread and we can review them in more detail before next season (or in the off season).

My biggest WTF issue is when a league gets 3 or 4 guys that never wants to draft in a timely manner. Making teams miss a pick destroys the balance in the league. Force feeding them a player only serves to piss them off. Letting them stay on the clock for 12 hours only infuriates the other owners. There is no good answer to that one. Always open to suggestions on how to deal with and/or avoid that situation.

The MFL draft page shows the average time each takes to pick. I'd pull the slowpokes out of each league, and if they want in agan, put them in a league together. Then post the links to the previous year's draft, and tell potential replacements that they are expected to keep up with the pace, by checking the draft regularly and making a list for the system to use.

My biggest WTF issue is when a league gets 3 or 4 guys that never wants to draft in a timely manner. Making teams miss a pick destroys the balance in the league. Force feeding them a player only serves to piss them off. Letting them stay on the clock for 12 hours only infuriates the other owners. There is no good answer to that one. Always open to suggestions on how to deal with and/or avoid that situation.
The MFL draft page shows the average time each takes to pick. I'd pull the slowpokes out of each league, and if they want in agan, put them in a league together. Then post the links to the previous year's draft, and tell potential replacements that they are expected to keep up with the pace, by checking the draft regularly and making a list for the system to use.

My biggest WTF issue is when a league gets 3 or 4 guys that never wants to draft in a timely manner. Making teams miss a pick destroys the balance in the league. Force feeding them a player only serves to piss them off. Letting them stay on the clock for 12 hours only infuriates the other owners. There is no good answer to that one. Always open to suggestions on how to deal with and/or avoid that situation.
Only thing with that idea is that the teams who are OTC overnight kinda get screwed. Even 1 night of a normal 8-hour sleep will totally mess up your timer in a 18 round draft.

DY...I know everybody already says it....but thanks...please don't stop doing these....and I am willing to help prep/mangage these as needed


1. Moving up/down: This league is based on total points. Keep it simple. The highest 16 scores from the previous year, no matter what league, get put in League 1. Next 16 in League 2, etc. Noobs fill in the bottom leagues as needed.

2. League of Champions: I would continue to have this as a bonus league for all League Champs. They would still play in whatever league they get assigned by their performance in the previous year, but if they had ever won a league, they would always be in this league. It wouldn't have to be League 2. It would be the "last league" yet most revered. The league everybody wants to be in. You may eventually have to have more then one League of Champions if more then 16 champs participate. I would maybe limit this to champions of like Leagues 1-5 or something. Kicking a bunch of noob ### in League 10 under this format, may not really classify you as a "champion".

The goal is to try and be in the highest possible league each year. So if yo kick ### one year and end up in League 1 only to see yourself #### the bed the next year, you may fall from League 1 to League 5, but if you kick some butt that year against other "League 5 level competition" you could find yourself back up in League 1 the following year.

3. Missed picks: If a pick is missed the draft continues and when the owner returns he gets to pick a PK. If they miss another pick, same thing, when he returns he gets to pick a PK. Miss another pick, they get a DST. Miss a 4th pick, you get your last DST assigned. Miss a 5th...you're gonzo.

So yeah you might miss your 4th round pick and end up with a PK, but at least you don't screw up the draft for everybody else, and at least you get "something", and you won't be snagging somebody's 6th round WR sleeper as your 4th round makeup pick. I realize "things come up" and picks get missed for good reasons, but if you know what the procedure is ahead of time you deal with it and move on....or don't play if you don't like it...how awesome would it to be to still end up winning and having to have taken a PK in the 4th round....?

For those that say, "no way I would take a PK in the 4th round"....well.....check in or do a pre draft list...or better yet....set it up on the site so you get a text alert when you are up....and exchange cell numbers with those around you so maybe they can post for you if you are in a jam....

It is my understanding that we should all still be PM'ing on FBG, the next guy up to let them know they are OTC....not sure this is happening too much this year....I see problems ahead if we don't take the time to communicate.....

when you sign up for these, you are in a sense making an unwritten committment to 15 other guys to be an active participant....common courtesy is essential....


Can you not set it so that if a team misses 2/3 picks it sets them to auto for the rest of the draft
The issue with that is that auto draft will take the highest remaining player based on ADP. In prior years, that included players that were injured, players that were released, players that may have retired, or in this case a player like Aaron Hernandez, and that can muck up the balance of the teams.

Would really like to avoid what happened to hug dog this year. He's been an active participant for years, and one of his league mates emailed me saying he had texted hug dog and that he was out this year. Of course, I filled his spot with someone else and now hug dog is peeved that he got kicked out of his league and is not interested in joining a lower league. That's partly my fault for setting a league draft time and then caving when so many people wanted to get started right away instead of waiting a few days to make sure everyone was settled in.

1. Moving up/down: This league is based on total points. Keep it simple. The highest 16 scores from the previous year, no matter what league, get put in League 1. Next 16 in League 2, etc. Noobs fill in the bottom leagues as needed.
Not sure I like this option. Some leagues end up being easier than others due to the experience level of the people in the league. So Leagues 1 + 2 will usually have lower scores for the top teams as most everyone has a clue and good players and sleepers won't fall very far.

Not sure someone newer should be rewarded for scoring a ton of points in an easier league. One year I took the last team in a new league (under a different team name) and scored a zillion points. But in leagues 1 & 2, I have not been able to score at will.

Another option would be taking the Top 4 from each league and moving them up a league the following year and moving the bottom 4 down each year.

Forgot to mention that logistical setting up every league rosters and contact information each year would take a huge chunk of time. It would not be as bad if the league start times were staggered across a month or 6 weeks, but most people don't want to wait. It also would be unfair to the teams that drafted early, as they could be stuck with players that got hurt or cut while others could pick up free agents that got signed to new teams.

3. Missed picks: If a pick is missed the draft continues and when the owner returns he gets to pick a PK. If they miss another pick, same thing, when he returns he gets to pick a PK. Miss another pick, they get a DST. Miss a 4th pick, you get your last DST assigned. Miss a 5th...you're gonzo.

So yeah you might miss your 4th round pick and end up with a PK, but at least you don't screw up the draft for everybody else, and at least you get "something", and you won't be snagging somebody's 6th round WR sleeper as your 4th round makeup pick. I realize "things come up" and picks get missed for good reasons, but if you know what the procedure is ahead of time you deal with it and move on....or don't play if you don't like it...how awesome would it to be to still end up winning and having to have taken a PK in the 4th round....?

For those that say, "no way I would take a PK in the 4th round"....well.....check in or do a pre draft list...or better yet....set it up on the site so you get a text alert when you are up....and exchange cell numbers with those around you so maybe they can post for you if you are in a jam....
I've tried every way possible to handle missed picks. Penalizing teams that missed picks often resulted in that owner quitting mid draft. Then what? Who wants to take over a team that someone else started drafting and then got penalized with a 4th round kicker?

Similarly, I used to let people that missed picks email me either their pick or a replacement pick. However, since I can't babysit 10 leagues 24/7, on occasion someone would email their pick and I was not online and a dozen other picks or auto picks were made. Of course, the guy that they wanted went in those dozen picks. So then what? I could either roll back the draft to that point (bad idea) or make the owner take another replacement pick.

Similarly, some owners end up not following the roster requirements and end up drafting players they can't roster. Well, what should be done when that player ultimately gets thrown back in to the player pool? Should all the teams that picked after the illegal pick have the chance to draft him? What happens if an entire round already passed and he lands in someone else's lap?

Forgot to mention that logistical setting up every league rosters and contact information each year would take a huge chunk of time. It would not be as bad if the league start times were staggered across a month or 6 weeks, but most people don't want to wait. It also would be unfair to the teams that drafted early, as they could be stuck with players that got hurt or cut while others could pick up free agents that got signed to new teams.
While I certainly appreciate the time you take doing this, it is not exactly necessary. People can take the 5 minutes to set their own info up when they get the PM letting them know the draft is starting. I would just say set the team names and emails and let everyone take care of the rest themselves. Would be infinitely easier on you, I would think.

Forgot to mention that logistical setting up every league rosters and contact information each year would take a huge chunk of time. It would not be as bad if the league start times were staggered across a month or 6 weeks, but most people don't want to wait. It also would be unfair to the teams that drafted early, as they could be stuck with players that got hurt or cut while others could pick up free agents that got signed to new teams.
While I certainly appreciate the time you take doing this, it is not exactly necessary. People can take the 5 minutes to set their own info up when they get the PM letting them know the draft is starting. I would just say set the team names and emails and let everyone take care of the rest themselves. Would be infinitely easier on you, I would think.
Already happened this year that the contact info was not wiped out, someone texted that person that they were on the clock, that person responded that they were not participating, so I replaced that owner. Except the real owner did not want to be replaced, and by the time we figured it out the draft was already a few rounds old.


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