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Another killing at the hands of the Police (1 Viewer)

It really isn’t that difficult. Peaceful protestors are the ones who match but don’t commit acts of violence.  
By definition, yes, but I’m sure there are some who go with good intentions of being peaceful, yet get swept up into the madness and riot. Probably a pretty small percentage, but again it’s impossible to really know, since none of us can get in the heads of others to know what are their true intentions, so it’s all just speculation. 

A Detroit pastor was on TV last night saying the police need to change their style but also called on the communities to help the police change by stop committing crimes. Stop robbing stores and assaulting  people so hopefully we don`t need to even call the police.  Lets all work together to make our streets safer.  People were nodding and clapping so I guess it was well received.

Minneapolis Park Police (who you can see in the George Floyd videos responded to request for backup from MPD officers) announced they're considering:

  1. Changing their name from "Park Police" to "Park Rangers"
  2. Redesign their uniforms green ranger uniforms to distinguish them from MPD
  3. Stop assisting MPD on support calls.
Well stated:

"This is an awful man, waving a book he hasn’t read, in front of a church he doesn’t attend, invoking laws he doesn’t understand, against fellow Americans he sees as enemies, wielding a military he dodged serving, to protect power he gained via accepting foreign interference..."

On a positive note, I saw this touching article on CNN.

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Well stated:

"This is an awful man, waving a book he hasn’t read, in front of a church he doesn’t attend, invoking laws he doesn’t understand, against fellow Americans he sees as enemies, wielding a military he dodged serving, to protect power he gained via accepting foreign interference..."
That part could have been left out...

Seriously, we’d rather bicker about curfews than make a single comment on this?  Not trying to shut down debate, and lord knows that I’m as guilty of arguing about minutiae as anyone, but this is the type of thing that will actually help us heal and get to a better place in this country. 
Please keep posting stuff like this, it's what we so desperately need. If this keeps up we might be able to put the "United" back in U.S.A.

Here's a great shot from Portland yesterday: https://mobile.twitter.com/DanMcKATU/status/1268004907119816704

Despite Donald's flaccid attempt at looking like a tough guy (apparently the church was Ivanka's idea but they didn't think about what to say so he just stood there holding it upside down  :lmao: ), D.C. had its largest protests yet yesterday, with thousands ignoring the curfew and governors refusing Il Douché's calls for more police/National Guard. Donald's Palace Guard mostly just stood and watched (apparently the unmarked guys were from the Bureau of Prisons?) or tried to blow people away with helicopters. 

Esper and Gen. Milley are getting a ton of crap for participating in Trump's church-gassing stunt and now they're saying they didn't know it was coming. Good to know that the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Secretary of Defense are willing to admit the Commander in Chief lied to them to get his propaganda material. That Trump stain ain't gonna wash out so easily, though.

It seems when the right protests we are unable to separate the peaceful protesters from even one act of violence which may have resulted.  The whole group is widely condemned and labeled white supremists. 

When the left protests and cities burn, people get killed, massive looting and vandelism occurs we want to separate the violence from the protest and entertain massive conspiracy theories which blame outside entities.  

It is ridiculous how much perspective changes how events are spun.  Yes, we absolutely have a good idea which groups are responsible.  Yes, there  are instigators and crazy people who participate.  But by in large, the violence is overwhelmingly on the shoulders of those who are protesting and angry about police brutality.   The schtick we just don't know is non-sense.  

It seems when the right protests we are unable to separate the peaceful protesters from even one act of violence which may have resulted.  The whole group is widely condemned and labeled white supremists. 

When the left protests and cities burn, people get killed, massive looting and vandelism occurs we want to separate the violence from the protest and entertain massive conspiracy theories which blame outside entities.  

It is ridiculous how much perspective changes how events are spun.  Yes, we absolutely have a good idea which groups are responsible.  Yes, there  are instigators and crazy people who participate.  But by in large, the violence is overwhelmingly on the shoulders of those who are protesting and angry about police brutality.   The schtick we just don't know is non-sense.  
Then  I guess all eagles fans are all guilty and every other sports team that wins or loses and ends in rioting.

Any peaceful protestor that stays out past curfew is complicit, providing cover for the anarchists.  Protest, be heard and then go home. 
i don't think you get to dictate the terms of how people protest.  Thats not how it works.  If people only protest in ways that please you, did their message really come across?  Based on the Kaepernick situation, I think not.

The initial question asked why should we use tear gas and force to police this curfew, but other curfew is an encroachment on freedom? Your reply was this conduct is different because it causes harm to others, which JMHO misses the point of the covid curfew. Both curfews sought to protect society from a threat. It's not as complicated of a question as you're making it.
:lol:   No it wasn't.  It was about people being outraged with people gathering, unless it is to riot, then it's ok.  I didn't bring up the curfew strawman.  

i don't think you get to dictate the terms of how people protest.  Thats not how it works.  If people only protest in ways that please you, did their message really come across?  Based on the Kaepernick situation, I think not.
No not me.  The government.  We have laws about all kinds of stuff, despite what anarchist want, including protests.

Maybe there's a difference between protesting against "white supremists" and homicide by police and protesting for them?
This is what I think...he is trying to normalize white supremacists protesting with protests against police violence

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i don't think you get to dictate the terms of how people protest.  Thats not how it works.  If people only protest in ways that please you, did their message really come across?  Based on the Kaepernick situation, I think not.
Agreed. It's a difficult time because I understand the viewpoint that this is a disconcerting level of protesting, which has been accompanied by looting and violence, as we are are trying to wind down a health pandemic.

Time for actual solutions, and less unrest nationwide IMO. I support the cause of the protests, but the volume and outcomes have been tough to watch because we really don't need this right now on top of everything else.

So I remind myself that the terms of the protesting is the point in some ways and hope it winds down.

I don't know what you read but you have honestly got to be kidding me.  
100% serious.  And if the Eagle fans were considered left-wing, the media (NYT, CNN, ABC, NBC) would be questioning if the act of violence was really caused by Redskin fans.  

This is what I think...he is trying to normalize white supremacists protesting with protests against police violence
This is EXACTLY what I am referring to.  You view protests from the right as "white supremacists" protesting because one guy has a sign.  That is the problem with perspective.  You see only what you want to see, and if you want to belittle and marginalize a group you do it by calling them "white supremacists" and don't really need any evidence. 

i don't think you get to dictate the terms of how people protest.  Thats not how it works.  If people only protest in ways that please you, did their message really come across?  Based on the Kaepernick situation, I think not.
When public safety is at stake, don't you think peaceful protestors should abide by the rules?  If they don't, they are aiding and abetting. 

Agreed. It's a difficult time because I understand the viewpoint that this is a disconcerting level of protesting, which has been accompanied by looting and violence, as we are are trying to wind down a health pandemic.

Time for actual solutions, and less unrest nationwide IMO. I support the cause of the protests, but the volume and outcomes have been tough to watch because we really don't need this right now on top of everything else.

So I remind myself that the terms of the protesting is the point in some ways and hope it winds down.
The country (and the world) are uniting against Donald Trump and his whiny, beta-man attempts at authoritarianism. There were more protests and less looting yesterday than any day yet, and they'll be bigger yet today. The only way anything meaningful gets done is when we keep up the pressure. Don't forget that the 1968 Civil Rights Act came after a whole summer of protests.

Also don't forget that the "conservatives" on the Supreme Court gutted the 1965 Voting Rights Act a few years ago so the minority vote could be legally suppressed once again.

Our work is not done. Not by a long shot.

This is EXACTLY what I am referring to.  You view protests from the right as "white supremacists" protesting because one guy has a sign.  That is the problem with perspective.  You see only what you want to see, and if you want to belittle and marginalize a group you do it by calling them "white supremacists" and don't really need any evidence. 
What protests are you talking about? If it’s Charlottesville, it most certainly was a white supremacist rally. If we’re talking the COVID protests, I don’t think anyone is talking them white supremacists but feel free to point me towards the people making that argument.

i don't think you get to dictate the terms of how people protest.  Thats not how it works.  If people only protest in ways that please you, did their message really come across?  Based on the Kaepernick situation, I think not.
One takeaway people should have from the last ~6 years of BLM protesting is that, to some, there will never be an acceptable form of protest. Not kneeling during an anthem, not marching down the streets with signs and chants, not making an encampment outside a police precinct that killed someone, not blocking freeways with peaceful assembly. All have been decried as "divisive" etc. It's really saddening that the thing that seems to have finally, maybe turned a corner toward drastic responses to legitimate grievances (at least in Twin Cities) is violence, looting, and burning. 

They’re peacefully breaking the law, and willing to risk punishment for it, the way Martin Luther King Jr was willing to be arrested in Selma and Birmingham. But they are no way complicit for violent crimes that are committed against their wishes and without their consent. 
Exactly...that is what is called civil disobedience.

When public safety is at stake, don't you think peaceful protestors should abide by the rules?  If they don't, they are aiding and abetting. 
Who's safety was at stake when Trump gassed St. John's?

Republicans used to be the party of law and order. Now it's the party of no laws for Trump and orders for those that oppose him. 

Those still making excuses for Trump are quickly running out of excuses for themselves. The desperation and inanity of these arguments is quite sad and pathetic, but that's what you get when they get called out for defending the indefensible.

The thing is, it’s difficult to know what’s what in that regard. Some think all legit protesters are peaceful and the rioters are all paid agitators. And others think the rioters are the alleged peaceful protesters. It’s impossible for anyone to really know how much overlap there is. But political agendas must rule the day!!!!
Speaking from on the ground experience in Portland, I’d say more than 95% of the protesters are peaceful and are not looking to riot or cause friction. I was the PDX Portland protest last night and there were thousands and thousands of people protesting peacefully marching across the city and ending up downtown to hear speakers and activists. I’ll post some of my videos from last night.

David Frum @davidfrum 24m

Just returned from a foot tour of White House area. Huge police presence. Security perimeter north of the White House has been extended to I Street - and extended in a way that seems almost intentionally menacing: shoulder to shoulder riot police.

Here, for example, is 16th & Eye Street (photo at link)

Vermont Avenue and Eye Street (photo at link)

Police are carrying guns that fire paint pellets or tear gas (sorry - pepper balls! crucial!)

Even at 10 am, it was already warming into a hot day in DC. Police are standing in beating sun, drawn into ready formation, facing ... nobody and nothing in particular.

We walked south on 15th Street. (Good news, lobbyists: Joe's Stone Crab is safe.) - (photo at link)

(To reader who asked: yes, the police are from Bureau of Prisons. They carried BOP gear and insignia. And - no disrespect - they didn't have soldierly bearing.)

Son of a #####. I just dropped my daughter off to go into protest with a friend.  God dammit. Looks like I'm going to have to take ANOTHER day off of work to chaperone (for the record, her friend's dad will be with them; but . . . she's my baby girl, so would feel more comfortable being there).

By definition, yes, but I’m sure there are some who go with good intentions of being peaceful, yet get swept up into the madness and riot. Probably a pretty small percentage, but again it’s impossible to really know, since none of us can get in the heads of others to know what are their true intentions, so it’s all just speculation. 
I'm pretty sure we can use the 99:1 rule...it's a little better than the 80:20 rule.  I appreciate the desire not to generalize, but here it seems rather appropriate.  Most logical assumptions based on actions will get you 99% accuracy.  I'm good with that.

What protests are you talking about? If it’s Charlottesville, it most certainly was a white supremacist rally. If we’re talking the COVID protests, I don’t think anyone is talking them white supremacists but feel free to point me towards the people making that argument.
It is a tactic that is commonly used in the media to seek out the most extremist person at a right-wing rally and try to characterize the whole group in those terms.  

It is a tactic that is commonly used in the media to seek out the most extremist person at a right-wing rally and try to characterize the whole group in those terms.  


Oh, sorry. For some reason your post made me shout that out loud.

Looks like Obama is going to address the nation this evening.

Question for political guys, is this unusual from a former president?  I’ve actually been a bit surprised that he’s been so quiet.  He had one article I saw on Medium, but he’s a pretty big figure in the world...
I think it's highly unusual for former Presidents to speak up  on political matters, but there is a vacuum of leadership at the moment that is also unprecedented in a perilous moment in our nation's history (which is why President Bush spoke up yesterday). I doubt he's literally hiding in a bunker, but the only things Trump has said have been on Twitter or after gassing peaceful protesters so he could say he supports peaceful protests.

I never thought I'd say thank God for George W. Bush but I just did. We need this.

This is EXACTLY what I am referring to.  You view protests from the right as "white supremacists" protesting because one guy has a sign.  That is the problem with perspective.  You see only what you want to see, and if you want to belittle and marginalize a group you do it by calling them "white supremacists" and don't really need any evidence. 

It seems when the right protests we are unable to separate the peaceful protesters from even one act of violence which may have resulted.  The whole group is widely condemned and labeled white supremists. 

When the left protests and cities burn, people get killed, massive looting and vandelism occurs we want to separate the violence from the protest and entertain massive conspiracy theories which blame outside entities.  

It is ridiculous how much perspective changes how events are spun.  Yes, we absolutely have a good idea which groups are responsible.  Yes, there  are instigators and crazy people who participate.  But by in large, the violence is overwhelmingly on the shoulders of those who are protesting and angry about police brutality.   The schtick we just don't know is non-sense.  
What protests are you referring to when you make statements like this?

It is a tactic that is commonly used in the media to seek out the most extremist person at a right-wing rally and try to characterize the whole group in those terms.  
When...when has that happened jon.  Be specific...cite it please.  Rather than this generalization of media and the left doing so.

I think it's highly unusual for former Presidents to speak up  on political matters, but there is a vacuum of leadership at the moment that is also unprecedented in a perilous moment in our nation's history (which is why President Bush spoke up yesterday). I doubt he's literally hiding in a bunker, but the only things Trump has said have been on Twitter or after gassing peaceful protesters so he could say he supports peaceful protests.

I never thought I'd say thank God for George W. Bush but I just did. We need this.

The fact that he's also the first black President also gives him some moral authority to speak now.

What protests are you talking about? If it’s Charlottesville, it most certainly was a white supremacist rally. If we’re talking the COVID protests, I don’t think anyone is talking them white supremacists but feel free to point me towards the people making that argument.
It is a tactic that is commonly used in the media to seek out the most extremist person at a right-wing rally and try to characterize the whole group in those terms.  
Doesn't answer the question....what protests have we seen the yield the behavior you are describing?  And when you say "we" in this forum, it reads as if you're talking about this forum.  I'd like to know who you're talking about or events you're talking about where this forum has behaved that way.....tia

It is a tactic that is commonly used in the media to seek out the most extremist person at a right-wing rally and try to characterize the whole group in those terms.  
It's a tough job because it's hard to figure out who is the "most extremist" person in a sea of them.

I learned yesterday that we still have military bases named after Confederate generals. For a force that is 40% black. When there were protests about taking down statues of Robert E. Lee, are you arguing that those on the pro-statue side (or the "right-wing" to use your terminology) aren't extremists? 

Trump says he went to White House bunker for 'inspection,'

President Trump denied that he was taken to an underground White House bunker during tumultuous protests in Washington D.C. this past weekend and pushed back on criticism of his walk Monday to the historic St. John's Episcopal Church.

In an interview Wednesday on the "Brian Kilmeade Show," the president said that the mainstream media was to blame for both narratives.

"Well, it was a false report. I wasn't [there]. I went down during the day and I was there for a tiny little short period of time and it was much more for an inspection," he remarked.


When public safety is at stake, don't you think peaceful protestors should abide by the rules?  If they don't, they are aiding and abetting. 
well, sure.  Ideally, protests are heard and if the protestors gripe is legitimate, a substantial change is made.

What do you suggest happen for something that has been on-going for at least 6 years w/o no meaningful change?  What happens when peaceful protests are ineffective?

See how ridiculous the tactic is.  Trump is just doing exactly what the media has been doing for decades.  I am glad we can agree how ridiculous it is.  
Trump, the AG, many posters on this thread...some others who claim all the violence was because of left wing people?

Also...it is a ridiculous tactic...one I don't believe has been done by the media as much as you claim.

For a completely contrarian view, it feels like the police are more the rioters than 99.99% of the protesters. They are rioting with disproportionate aggression as a way to "punish" those that are not respecting their authority. Every time you see a news crew targeted or someone just standing there doing nothing get shot with a rubber bullet or tear gas canister it is angry flailing that people are not calling them sir and averting their eyes in deference. They are 3 year olds throwing a tantrum, only with weapons and a history of getting their way from throwing tantrums in the past. 

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Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison has a press conference coming soon for details on any potential additional charges against the other 3 officers involved in George Floyd's death. No rumors yet on whether there will or won't be more charges.

Well stated:

"This is an awful man, waving a book he hasn’t read, in front of a church he doesn’t attend, invoking laws he doesn’t understand, against fellow Americans he sees as enemies, wielding a military he dodged serving, to protect power he gained via accepting foreign interference..."

On a positive note, I saw this touching article on CNN.
I’ll be honest, I don’t care for it. I think religious institutions have a right to be furious that the President used the church as a prop the way he did, but this statement is clearly political rather than spiritual. If someone representing a religious body is commenting publicly, I think it would be best to express anger and address the inappropriateness and exactly why it was such a wrong thing to do rather than attack him in a political way. Doing it the way it was done actually costs him credibility IMO.

I think it's highly unusual for former Presidents to speak up  on political matters, but there is a vacuum of leadership at the moment that is also unprecedented in a perilous moment in our nation's history (which is why President Bush spoke up yesterday). I doubt he's literally hiding in a bunker, but the only things Trump has said have been on Twitter or after gassing peaceful protesters so he could say he supports peaceful protests.

I never thought I'd say thank God for George W. Bush but I just did. We need this.
I deleted my post because the twitter announcement wasn't quite accurate. He's going to host a virtual town hall with others where he will speak about it publicly.  

But he's not going to "address the nation" in the way that we may think of when we use those words.  


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