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Are Aliens Visiting Us? (1 Viewer)

Absolutely crazy stuff no matter which way it goes. If it’s real, holy ****. If it’s fake, holy ****.

Apparently the guy who "found" the bodies is a known alien hoaxer. The bodies seem to have been debunked back in 2021. Mostly a jumble of random animal bones.
Yeah, I saw that too. And I’m certainly not weighing in on the authenticity of it. But the Mexican government, including their naval surgeon General did deep dive analysis on them, and they still presented it in front of Congress, with that surgeon general testifying to its authenticity. That’s part of what makes it a holy **** if it’s fake.
Absolutely crazy stuff no matter which way it goes. If it’s real, holy ****. If it’s fake, holy ****.

Apparently the guy who "found" the bodies is a known alien hoaxer. The bodies seem to have been debunked back in 2021. Mostly a jumble of random animal bones.
Yeah, I saw that too. And I’m certainly not weighing in on the authenticity of it. But the Mexican government, including their naval surgeon General did deep dive analysis on them, and they still presented it in front of Congress, with that surgeon general testifying to its authenticity. That’s part of what makes it a holy **** if it’s fake.

The congressman is apparently Mexico's version of Lauren Boebert or something? Just a crazy dude. Maybe trying to distract from the cartels, who knows.

But their President just claimed he found an elf, so there's that.
Absolutely crazy stuff no matter which way it goes. If it’s real, holy ****. If it’s fake, holy ****.

Apparently the guy who "found" the bodies is a known alien hoaxer. The bodies seem to have been debunked back in 2021. Mostly a jumble of random animal bones.
Yeah, I saw that too. And I’m certainly not weighing in on the authenticity of it. But the Mexican government, including their naval surgeon General did deep dive analysis on them, and they still presented it in front of Congress, with that surgeon general testifying to its authenticity. That’s part of what makes it a holy **** if it’s fake.

The congressman is apparently Mexico's version of Lauren Boebert or something? Just a crazy dude. Maybe trying to distract from the cartels, who knows.

But their President just claimed he found an elf, so there's that.
Lol. All fair. But my point still stands. If Boebert called a congressional hearing and presented fake alien bodies as real, it would be a holy **** moment.
Absolutely crazy stuff no matter which way it goes. If it’s real, holy ****. If it’s fake, holy ****.

Apparently the guy who "found" the bodies is a known alien hoaxer. The bodies seem to have been debunked back in 2021. Mostly a jumble of random animal bones.
I got kind of suspicious when they started showing us the fossilized remains of chupacabras and jackelopes that the aliens had supposedly been hunting for sustenance.
Absolutely crazy stuff no matter which way it goes. If it’s real, holy ****. If it’s fake, holy ****.
It’s fake, so holy ****
You don’t think a Government of a major Country holding a Congressional Hearing for the world to see putting up fake alien body’s and presenting them as real isn’t a holy **** moment. OK, 👍
This might cause me to lose trust in the Mexican government.
Ryan Graves on the Mexican shenanigans …..”After the U.S. Congressional UFO hearing, I accepted an invitation to testify before the Mexican Congress hoping to keep up the momentum of government interest in pilot experiences with UAP. Unfortunately, yesterday’s demonstration was a huge step backwards for this issue. My testimony centered on sharing my experience and the UAP reports I hear from commercial and military aircrew through ASA’s witness program. I will continue to raise awareness of UAP as an urgent matter of aerospace safety, national security, and science, but I am deeply disappointed by this unsubstantiated stunt. “
Absolutely crazy stuff no matter which way it goes. If it’s real, holy ****. If it’s fake, holy ****.
It’s fake, so holy ****
You don’t think a Government of a major Country holding a Congressional Hearing for the world to see putting up fake alien body’s and presenting them as real isn’t a holy **** moment. OK, 👍
This might cause me to lose trust in the Mexican government.
Well ****. If you can’t trust them WHO can you trust?
Absolutely crazy stuff no matter which way it goes. If it’s real, holy ****. If it’s fake, holy ****.

Apparently the guy who "found" the bodies is a known alien hoaxer. The bodies seem to have been debunked back in 2021. Mostly a jumble of random animal bones.
Yeah, I saw that too. And I’m certainly not weighing in on the authenticity of it. But the Mexican government, including their naval surgeon General did deep dive analysis on them, and they still presented it in front of Congress, with that surgeon general testifying to its authenticity. That’s part of what makes it a holy **** if it’s fake.

The congressman is apparently Mexico's version of Lauren Boebert or something? Just a crazy dude. Maybe trying to distract from the cartels, who knows.

But their President just claimed he found an elf, so there's that.
Lol. All fair. But my point still stands. If Boebert called a congressional hearing and presented fake alien bodies as real, it would be a holy **** moment.

And if Joe Biden held a press conference to claim he captured a leprechaun in the White House's backyard, we'd be having a holy **** moment too
Absolutely crazy stuff no matter which way it goes. If it’s real, holy ****. If it’s fake, holy ****.

Apparently the guy who "found" the bodies is a known alien hoaxer. The bodies seem to have been debunked back in 2021. Mostly a jumble of random animal bones.
Yeah, I saw that too. And I’m certainly not weighing in on the authenticity of it. But the Mexican government, including their naval surgeon General did deep dive analysis on them, and they still presented it in front of Congress, with that surgeon general testifying to its authenticity. That’s part of what makes it a holy **** if it’s fake.

The congressman is apparently Mexico's version of Lauren Boebert or something? Just a crazy dude. Maybe trying to distract from the cartels, who knows.

But their President just claimed he found an elf, so there's that.
Lol. All fair. But my point still stands. If Boebert called a congressional hearing and presented fake alien bodies as real, it would be a holy **** moment.

And if Joe Biden held a press conference to claim he captured a leprechaun in the White House's backyard, we'd be having a holy **** moment too
Absolutely crazy stuff no matter which way it goes. If it’s real, holy ****. If it’s fake, holy ****.

Apparently the guy who "found" the bodies is a known alien hoaxer. The bodies seem to have been debunked back in 2021. Mostly a jumble of random animal bones.
The people who want to believe that aliens exist should be the most upset about this because it hurts the legitimacy of any honest actors.
I don't remember where I read/heard this, but it's always stuck with me.

"We'd have to be incredibly ignorant to believe there's no other intelligent life in the universe, and even more arrogant to think they'd come all the way just to see us."
I’ve read The Three-body Problem. I don’t think we should really want to be found.
The alien bodies segment of the Mexican UFO hearing was a paid promotion for @YourMotherGaia.

The streaming site funded the same exact stunt with Russian scientists in 2017.

This was done without the knowledge of speakers attending in good faith.

That’s a serious problem.
For what it's worth, NASA said no to alien visiting our rock.
That's not quite what they said. They didn't confirm that aliens weren't visiting Earth. They stated that there is no evidence to confirm that they are. Small, but significant difference in their statement vs. yours.
The distraction served its purpose.

Of course the Mexican thing was fake. BS story planted to discredit anyone trying to tell the real truth.

Love it. I'm going with this theory.

Yeah that’s not what I was saying at all but super on brand for you.

It’s crazy, I used to be the jerk around here. I treated everybody awful and was smarmy and rude. But then I grew up.

What in the world is going on with all you guys? Seems like y’all are regressing.
The distraction served its purpose.

Of course the Mexican thing was fake. BS story planted to discredit anyone trying to tell the real truth.

Love it. I'm going with this theory.

Yeah that’s not what I was saying at all but super on brand for you.

It’s crazy, I used to be the jerk around here. I treated everybody awful and was smarmy and rude. But then I grew up.

What in the world is going on with all you guys? Seems like y’all are regressing.
I apologize for using your post to joke about conspiracy theories.
Is there life on other planets? Absolutely.
We will find life the one place we were explicitly told not to land.

James Webb just found a mic drop level of evidence for life in our solar system. I'll give the crowd two guesses as to where. Massive news.

Absolutely crazy stuff no matter which way it goes. If it’s real, holy ****. If it’s fake, holy ****.

Apparently the guy who "found" the bodies is a known alien hoaxer. The bodies seem to have been debunked back in 2021. Mostly a jumble of random animal bones.
Yeah, I saw that too. And I’m certainly not weighing in on the authenticity of it. But the Mexican government, including their naval surgeon General did deep dive analysis on them, and they still presented it in front of Congress, with that surgeon general testifying to its authenticity. That’s part of what makes it a holy **** if it’s fake.

The congressman is apparently Mexico's version of Lauren Boebert or something? Just a crazy dude. Maybe trying to distract from the cartels, who knows.

But their President just claimed he found an elf, so there's that.
Lol. All fair. But my point still stands. If Boebert called a congressional hearing and presented fake alien bodies as real, it would be a holy **** moment.

And if Joe Biden held a press conference to claim he captured a leprechaun in the White House's backyard, we'd be having a holy **** moment too

Did they ever catch that leprechaun down in Alabama? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1ljOcl39PQ
Absolutely crazy stuff no matter which way it goes. If it’s real, holy ****. If it’s fake, holy ****.

Apparently the guy who "found" the bodies is a known alien hoaxer. The bodies seem to have been debunked back in 2021. Mostly a jumble of random animal bones.
Yeah, I saw that too. And I’m certainly not weighing in on the authenticity of it. But the Mexican government, including their naval surgeon General did deep dive analysis on them, and they still presented it in front of Congress, with that surgeon general testifying to its authenticity. That’s part of what makes it a holy **** if it’s fake.
Never underestimate the allure of people with "credentials" of craving attention.
Absolutely crazy stuff no matter which way it goes. If it’s real, holy ****. If it’s fake, holy ****.
It’s fake, so holy ****
You don’t think a Government of a major Country holding a Congressional Hearing for the world to see putting up fake alien body’s and presenting them as real isn’t a holy **** moment. OK, 👍
I trust the competency of the Mexican government about as much as I trust my son to make his bed in the morning.
I present evidence of extraterrestrial life, like real evidence, and all of you are in the knitting circle here talking about leprechauns in Alabama. :lmao:
It's an interesting article! But that's not really what it says. It's more like: carbon is available in a form that is one of the pre-requisites for life.
New thought for me.
Aliens crashing here, despite their superior technology, is kinda like when your teenage kid takes the car for a joyride and crashes it into a tree in someone's backyard cause they're too stupid to use the technology correctly.
Crashed aliens = delinquent alien idiot kids.
New thought for me.
Aliens crashing here, despite their superior technology, is kinda like when your teenage kid takes the car for a joyride and crashes it into a tree in someone's backyard cause they're too stupid to use the technology correctly.
Crashed aliens = delinquent alien idiot kids.
Well, we (humans) had 6 failed missions to Mars before we even had a successful flyby. We also had 6 failed lander missions to Mars before the first successful landing (Viking 1).
New thought for me.
Aliens crashing here, despite their superior technology, is kinda like when your teenage kid takes the car for a joyride and crashes it into a tree in someone's backyard cause they're too stupid to use the technology correctly.
Crashed aliens = delinquent alien idiot kids.
Well, we (humans) had 6 failed missions to Mars before we even had a successful flyby. We also had 6 failed lander missions to Mars before the first successful landing (Viking 1).
True, but Mars isn't very far away compared to other planets where beings could come from. So, their tech is far superior. But, every group of living beings has their idiots.
My theory and I am standing by it is aliens are us, coming back to visit after hundreds--maybe thousands of years. Due to climate and other factors, this is what humans have evolved into.

They could even be like tourists groups coming back in time to see what their past ancestors looked and acted like.
My theory and I am standing by it is aliens are us, coming back to visit after hundreds--maybe thousands of years. Due to climate and other factors, this is what humans have evolved into.

They could even be like tourists groups coming back in time to see what their past ancestors looked and acted like.
This is my far the least likely scenario IMO
The universe is 13.8 billion years old and it took another 4 billion or so years for our planets to form. It then took almost 4 billion years from the first single cell organism to evolve into humans. That's a third of the age of the entire universe not even accounting for the time it takes planets to form AND things had to go incredibly lucky during that 4 billion years to not wipe us out and make everything start over again.

The universe is certainly big enough for those conditions to be replicated, but I think the theory that we are the first ones or one of the few first ones in the universe is likely. We're the Sci-Fi trope ancient race of lifeforms that will end up leaving our tech all over the galaxy for later civilizations to find and fight over.
I would be interested in their method to travel a few light years, let alone 10's/100's/1000's/...light years, to reach our solar system.

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