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Auction Values (1 Viewer)

Can anyone recommend a good source on how to set auction values for players. I am going to be using a salary cap of 90+ million and want to know how to set what each player is worth.

Can anyone recommend a good source on how to set auction values for players. I am going to be using a salary cap of 90+ million and want to know how to set what each player is worth.
Start with Footballguys VBD app (free) or download the latest if you are a $ memberThis allows you to input your rules and scoring system and will give you a rough idea of at least the value of each player based on FBGs projected stats. You can either use the tool to tweak the stats or just take the $ values it gives and tweak manually.

Can anyone recommend a good source on how to set auction values for players. I am going to be using a salary cap of 90+ million and want to know how to set what each player is worth.
1 - Frankly, unless you have no life and REALLY get off on over-analysis of statistics, don't download VBD. :bulls-eye:2 - Unless you're going to be doing some really complex dynasty and/or HAFA-type setup, do not use a 90M cap. It sounds good in theory but in reality is just too "busy." Trust me, I tried to push this as commish and it was - thankfully - shot down. Just go with $100 or $200 cap (I suggest $100).

3 - Basically auction values tend to be real "top heavy," ie players near the top going really high (esp RBs - surprise) and mid-to-late players going really cheap.

4 - You could have debated these values even at the time last year, but these should give you a rough idea of player values/expected sale prices:


PS I'm not "pimping" this site per se, it's just an example...do a 'net search and you'll find more, including articles etc. In fact FBG may have some good stuff, really can't say either way. This is just one I remember from last year.

5 - You can do free mock drafts and set the cap however you want at fantasyauctioneer.com FYI. Can give you a feel for the whole thing.


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