I don't get the big deal on the no-holding call. Let's play this out as if holding was called. After the play, you are down by 3, 0:04 left, and about to receive a free kick. Or, you can accept the holding penalty - 1/2 the distance to the goal line, replay 4th down. There's still 0:04 left. Punter will take the snap, run around for 0:04, and game is over - no chance for a return.
I do think this is a loophole that the league should address - resetting the clock on accepted penalties.
Resetting the clock makes sense...Agree that, penalty or not, the game situation doesn't change. The bigger issue is
how do you not call such blatant penalties? There is a clear tendency to keep the flags in the pocket in the play-offs and more so in the SB. What's a penalty in week 5 should be a penalty now.
IMO, Crabtree was interfered with. I'm sure 49er fans agree while Raven fans don't think so. Reed may have been offside as well - it would have been nice to get a replay from a better angle. Ironically, by not wanting to impact the game, they impact the game.
Not crying for the 49ers. But, in the grand scheme of things, should they officiate differently in the biggest game of the season?