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Best $100 you've spent (1 Viewer)

Captain Cranks

This is mine

It helped me move into and out of a two bedroom apartment by myself.  Now it's great for groceries, yard work, and whatever else I want to save my energy and back on. 

What's yours? 

Captain Cranks said:
This is mine

It helped me move into and out of a two bedroom apartment by myself.  Now it's great for groceries, yard work, and whatever else I want to save my energy and back on. 

What's yours? 
Looks like it would be good for a tailgate, too!!

play yard for when my kid was between like 6 months and 2 years old.  Bought a few of them so it would stretch around most of our main area upstairs so he had plenty of room to roam, and we didn't have to go chasing him or worry about him getting into anything he wasn't supposed to. 

Slightly higher (I think it was $120), but it was an inflatable bounce house. Our younger kids love it, especially when other young kids come over.

Pressure washer.  Saved so much money over the past 10 years cleaning off car rims, rock retaining walls, slate patio, concrete driveway, brick on house, etc, etc.

Probably freezer from Costco that I put in my basement.  Pretty good for storing extra steaks, frozen pizzas, body parts, and ice cream.

Off the top of my head, I bought some crappy Fender acoustic guitar at a second hand music store for $100. It had a couple of dings, some glitter glued to it, but it seemed to play well and I wanted something to have at the lake house to play. Space in the car is valuable  when headed up there with 3-4 people for a long weekend and my normal guitar and case just takes up too much of it, so this was a solution to that problem. 7-8 years later and I adore the thing.  Taking into consideration the bang for buck, it plays and sounds great. Its the first thing I grab when I walk in the door. I'm  probably holding it back a bit because I still haven't changed the strings, but that's almost become part of the shtick behind it.  

My sous vide.  Got in on a kickstarter for the Anova mini for $80.  They got behind in production and told me I could upgrade to the bigger/better Bluetooth model (~$150 value).  I got that and the ground shorted out on it so they had me sent it back for a replacement.  Replacement got lost by USPS so they sent me a second.  Both the "lost" one and the replacement arrived on the same day.  I called and offered to send one back but they said they couldn't take it back since they couldn't guarantee it was not used on food.  Told me to keep it.  So now I have two $150 Anova's for $80!

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I purely loooove mallards, (an old gamblers' term for $100 bills). I was regularly known to say that the 3 most beautiful things in the world were tall blondes, Secretariat & mallards. When i played cards for a living, i carried a choking roll of em. After a big win, it became my reward to myself to look for someone over their head in the shops or streets of Reno and present them a snappy mallard. First time happened by accident - in a convenience store line, a young lady with a babe on her hip was attempting a one-handed search for the extra dough the checker required for diapers. I'd often paid tabs under similar circumstances, but giving her a Benjy and telling her to get her baby sumn nice just felt so good, i did Random Acts of Kindness from then on to celebrate a win.

When i moved to NM and the indian casinos wouldnt allow employees to bet on the sports displayed on bigscreens throughout the poker room, we'd bet RAKs and it became a thing between employees and customers and led to over 5figs a yr going to charities & individuals.

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Was trying to think of things I use everyday. Bose Soundsport Headphones were first thing that came to mind but they were slightly more.

These sunglasses are great. Use them pretty much everyday even in cloudy Seattle. Have a few pairs with different color lenses for different activities  :nerd:

Have an old ipod Shuffle Don't think they make them anymore. Was definitely under a hundred at the time. Thing is amazing for workouts, battery lasts forever, indestructible.

I purely loooove mallards, (an old gamblers' term for $100 bills). I was regularly known to say that the 3 most beautiful things in the world were tall blondes, Secretariat & mallards. When i played cards for a living, i carried a choking roll of em. After a big win, it became my reward to myself to look for someone over their head in the shops or streets of Reno and present them a snappy mallard. First time happened by accident - in a convenience store line, a young lady with a babe on her hip was attempting a one-handed search for the extra dough the checker required for diapers. I'd often paid tabs under similar circumstances, but giving her a Benjy and telling her to get her baby sumn nice just felt so good, i did Random Acts of Kindness from then on to celebrate a win.

When i moved to NM and the indian casinos wouldnt allow employees to bet on the sports displayed on bigscreens throughout the poker room, we'd bet RAKs and it became a thing between employees and customers and led to over 5figs a yr going to charities & individuals.
I was just going to post a horse racing $100 winning bet but your story is much better.

Have an old ipod Shuffle Don't think they make them anymore. Was definitely under a hundred at the time. Thing is amazing for workouts, battery lasts forever, indestructible.
Had two of these 2GB bad boys, both purchased refurbished about 10 years ago for $20 each.  Echoing your sentiment of awesome battery life and indestructible...until they both took a crap within weeks of each other late last year.  Sad times on the workout front.  :sadbanana:

Had two of these 2GB bad boys, both purchased refurbished about 10 years ago for $20 each.  Echoing your sentiment of awesome battery life and indestructible...until they both took a crap within weeks of each other late last year.  Sad times on the workout front.  :sadbanana:
I have put 2 through the washing machine :lol:

Co-pay on wife's hospital stay for our first born.  Man, wish they had insurance like that nowadays.  

Captain Cranks said:
This is mine

It helped me move into and out of a two bedroom apartment by myself.  Now it's great for groceries, yard work, and whatever else I want to save my energy and back on. 

What's yours? 
Mine helped with moving too.

I still use it all the time.  Moving boxes between the detached garage and the house, large appliances that need moving every now and then, etc.  Awesome house hold item to have.

Q-tips for the past 25 years. They are so worth the extra few cents versus the off brand and the daily satisfaction I get from deep Q-tipping is glorious. I know it’s dangerous, but I live like there is no tomorrow.

i adopted my current beagle on a senior discount for $100- from the rescue group. can’t get much more value for the money than that imo.

Electric toothbrush for $50. I'm kicking myself for waiting so long to switch from manual to electric. My dental checkups have gone significantly better since I made the switch. I expect if I had done it earlier I could have saved a lot in dental work.

Close second would be upgrading my laptop hard drive to SSD for about $70.

One is definitely my Masterbuilt electric smoker. Got it on Black Friday for $99 a couple years ago. I use the crap out of it and have smoked fish, ribs, chicken, pork, steaks, eggs, oysters...the list goes on and on. I couldn't imagine not having it. 

Had two of these 2GB bad boys, both purchased refurbished about 10 years ago for $20 each.  Echoing your sentiment of awesome battery life and indestructible...until they both took a crap within weeks of each other late last year.  Sad times on the workout front.  :sadbanana:
YUP - I left one of these outside in a three day rainstrom. Took it in, put it in rice... wa la.... I bought one used for $20. 

Best $100  - like an earlier poster - what I paid for the dog - going on 10 years ago.  They only wanted $70 (?) to cover the shots. It was the holidays so I gave the nice older lady a crisp $100 bill.  Of course the dog is a  pain at times and has required vet appointments etc, but the amount of love that dog has given this family is not measurable. 

I bought a Dragon Touch tablet. A ten-inch tablet that was less than a hundred bucks that I've read 77 books on in the last four years, including textbooks, while simultaneously using the elliptical machine at the gym. It got blood, sweat and tears all over it but since it's super cheap-o I don't hesitate to throw it in my gym bag without worry, and it serves its only purpose. I never would have logged so many hours reading OR exercising, but by combining the two it's become an activity that has benefited me beyond measure.

Prop bet on the Super Bowl halftime show a decade ago. First song in the set paid 30 to 1. My friend just so happened to be a producer for the company that put together halftime. He texted me the set list a week before the game. Had 3k more in my account before the 4th quarter. 

Plus he also texted me the length of the recorded backing track that was going to be used for the national anthem, and how many planes were going to be in the air force flyover. And any other prop bet that he knew ahead of time. 

Got this bounce house, gently used, for $100 on Craigslist before my oldest's 3rd birthday party, rather than trying to rent one. Big hit at that party, he used it himself plenty of times before outgrowing it, and then we used it many more times for birthdays and play dates for the next two kids. Then passed it to my niece who's getting a few more years out of it. 


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