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Best landing spot for John Harbaugh (1 Viewer)


IF the Ravens continue their current, this season and the past six, level of pedestrian play their is a good chance Harbs is out in Baltimore.  He is a very good coach and still plenty young enough that he can fit all manner of team dynamics be it young but not yet developed team, team with most of the pieces but lacking focus and leadership, etc.  So where would you go if you were him and if the job is there?  I go with the Browns or Cowboys but think the Browns might actually be the better job.

I'd stay far way for Arizona though, that team seems like its a dumpster fire not yet ready to burn out.

I don't necessarily think he'll be out of BAL -- isn't DeCastro (current ###'t GM) the one that's taking over for Ozzie -- I'd have to think they have a good working relationship.

He is on thin ice and both he and Flacco are bearing the brunt of the ire of fans and sports media alike.  Sometime a message gets stale and while I personally think he is a very good coach who hasnt always had the horses to compete the rumblings of change have increased recently.

Green Bay.  Well actually I'd be happy with anyone with a clue in GB but Harbaugh would be a nice step up from McCarthy.

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I say the Broncos. Vance Joseph will be fired at the end of this season, along with most (if not all) of his coaching staff.

Rileyrott said:
I say the Broncos. Vance Joseph will be fired at the end of this season, along with most (if not all) of his coaching staff.
hmm, hadnt thought of this but it does sound like a good fit.  Front office, outside of Elways qb snafus, owuld offer a good support system and there are some players on the team.  Could work.

The Ravens should give him a year with Lamar Jackson before firing him, IMO.
Jackson is a complete project so dont think there will be success right out of the gate with him which puts Harbaugh in limbo once again; may as well cut ties now, probably best for both sides.

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Jobs likely (or will be) available: CLE, DAL, NYJ, DEN, TB

Might be opening up: GB, ARI, WAS.

I believe Harbaugh’s daughter is a junior in HS.  Solely from the POV of family man, I could see him doing TV for at least a year while his daughter finishes up unless WAS opens up.  Then I think he considers that option.

The plum job this offseason looks to be CLE, followed by NYJ.  I think the others have warts on them.  If GB opens up though, that’s different...

More I think about it, Dallas is less than ideal because of the 800 lb gorilla, ie,. Jerr Jones.  Dont know how any coach could work with him standing over their shoulder and Harbaugh has always been his own man so dont think that works with him

Could he survive with Jerry Jones in Dallas?  

:tebow: Not sure their personalities would meld without some form of Dom/Sub role! ?

More I think about it, Dallas is less than ideal because of the 800 lb gorilla, ie,. Jerr Jones.  Dont know how any coach could work with him standing over their shoulder and Harbaugh has always been his own man so dont think that works with him
Jerry tried parcells....i think he has to do something because garrett is terrible and re-tread lion coordinators are beyond awful.......then again harbaugh has marty freaking morhingwheg in balt.....sheesh

More I think about it, Dallas is less than ideal because of the 800 lb gorilla, ie,. Jerr Jones.  Dont know how any coach could work with him standing over their shoulder and Harbaugh has always been his own man so dont think that works with him
I don’t anticipate any coaching changes 

Could he survive with Jerry Jones in Dallas?  

:tebow: Not sure their personalities would meld without some form of Dom/Sub role! ?
Was just gonna mention this.  I really don't think he's a Jerry kind of guy at ALL.  Would be surprised if he ended up there.

Browns and Broncos make the most sense by far.  I could really picture him in Denver though.

If he's released before the season's over, I'd be surprised if Haslam isn't on the phone with him to talk about CLE.  With Baker at the helm and a solid GM and FO team navigating the draft, things are looking upwards by the lake.

If he's released before the season's over, I'd be surprised if Haslam isn't on the phone with him to talk about CLE.  With Baker at the helm and a solid GM and FO team navigating the draft, things are looking upwards by the lake.
Hell no. He's awful and would be a disaster for Mayfield.

Hell no. He's awful and would be a disaster for Mayfield.
Why's that?  He's been handcuffed to Flacco for his tenure, and Flacco isn't that good a player.  If he brings the right staff together, whose to say it's not a positive?

Maybe the Raiders could hire him to actually coach the team and just let Gruden stand on the sidelines and scowl.

Hell no. He's awful and would be a disaster for Mayfield.
He's not awful (you know I hate when you use such reductionist "analysis"). He's been a great coach at times and let's be honest; the talent in the roster, which he has never had any final say about, has been steadily declining. 

I will say that he has been mind-boggling (and stupidly IMO) loyal to Marty Morningwheg. There is no universe in which Joe Flacco should be anywhere near the top of the league in pass attempts particularly with the dearth of talent they have had in the receiving corps since Steve Smith hung up his cleats.

Flacco is better than a game manager but not by much. He certainly should never, ever, EVER be deployed as some kind of Brees type of "put the team on my shoulders" QB.

All that being said it is possible that he is going the Jeff Fisher(maybe Jon Gruden?) route of being staunchly set in his ways and unable to grow with the changing game. But I don't think  that is the case here.

What's the Harbaugh/Flacco relationship like?  Any chance they could be a package deal say to a place like Tampa that already has veteran offensive weapons in place?

Miami is definitely a possibility depending on how the rest of the season goes. Ross loves him a Harbaugh.

Elway will go hard after him. Elway is on thin ice here in Denver.. He was a god as a player, but there are a lot of people blaming him for the current state of the Broncos and they want his head. He hired VJ and to say this guy isn't qualified to run a high school team isn't far off. Elway's misses on drafting QBs speaks for itself. Elway needs to right this ship and that only comes with a NAME coach to do it. 

Why's that?  He's been handcuffed to Flacco for his tenure, and Flacco isn't that good a player.  If he brings the right staff together, whose to say it's not a positive?
Oh, I'd say the numerous 3rd and short, call a low %, deep sideline pass (usually around 20 yards) to Mike Wallace among others and watch Flacco throw a pass that is out of bounds, over the years. He's the coach. If I'm the coach and the OC calls that play, he won't ever call it again. The last time it actually worked because of defensive PI.

Maybe hit could be 4th and short in FG range needing a TD (or 2 at least once if I recall - they got both TDs later) and FG in the 4th Q and instead of using the automatic 3 (Justin Tucker) go for it, don't get it, score the TD later and then stand with his mouth open wondering what happened. He's done that one on at least 3 occasions in the past few years.

He's a moron.

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