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Best time of year to do Dynast Draft (1 Viewer)


I have commished a league for three years now with my friends and roomates, each year we redraft and out of the 10 members usually two change. At the end of this year we decided that about 6 of us want to start a money dynasty league. Nothing expensive, just like 25 bucks each, with all the money being paid out. We have been using free websites for our leagues. So two questions for you...1. What is a cheap site to host a dynasty league2. What time of the year is best to do a dynasty draft.Thanks-

I have commished a league for three years now with my friends and roomates, each year we redraft and out of the 10 members usually two change. At the end of this year we decided that about 6 of us want to start a money dynasty league. Nothing expensive, just like 25 bucks each, with all the money being paid out. We have been using free websites for our leagues. So two questions for you...

1. What is a cheap site to host a dynasty league

2. What time of the year is best to do a dynasty draft.

1. MFL2. Three options:

a) February - just after the Super Bowl in a sports lull.

b) May - just before the NFL draft.

c) July - just after the NFL draft.

I like February, though there's some uncertainty involved.

Thanks,I was pretty sure MFL would be suggested. Since it will be a dynasty league we will be doing seperate Pro and Rookie drafts, for this reason I think it would be best to wait till just after the rookie draft to do our drafts. Then everyone will know more or less the starters for the rea NFL teams. Or we could do the Pro draft in Feburary, then the rookie draft after the NFl draft. Any one that does a seperate Pro and Rookie draft if you could post how your league did its inital draft, I would appreciate it. Thanks-


I was pretty sure MFL would be suggested.

Since it will be a dynasty league we will be doing seperate Pro and Rookie drafts, for this reason I think it would be best to wait till just after the rookie draft to do our drafts. Then  everyone will know more or less the starters for the rea NFL teams.

Or we could do the Pro draft in Feburary, then the rookie draft after the NFl draft. Any one that does a seperate Pro and Rookie draft if you could post how your league did its inital draft, I would appreciate it.

For the 2 dynasty leagues I commish, for the initial drafts, we did our veteran draft ASAP, and our rookie draft in May. Then starting in year 2, we do our rookie draft in May every year. While I think it is important to know player situations, and that is the reason we have the rookie draft after the NFL draft, I disagree with those that like to have it in August. That takes knowing a rookie's situation to an extreme. Having a little uncertainty is good, but having the draft before the NFL draft is too much uncertainty.
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I was pretty sure MFL would be suggested.

Since it will be a dynasty league we will be doing seperate Pro and Rookie drafts, for this reason I think it would be best to wait till just after the rookie draft to do our drafts. Then  everyone will know more or less the starters for the rea NFL teams.

Or we could do the Pro draft in Feburary, then the rookie draft after the NFl draft. Any one that does a seperate Pro and Rookie draft if you could post how your league did its inital draft, I would appreciate it.

For the 2 dynasty leagues I commish, for the initial drafts, we did our veteran draft ASAP, and our rookie draft in May. Then starting in year 2, we do our rookie draft in May every year. While I think it is important to know player situations, and that is the reason we have the rookie draft after the NFL draft, I disagree with those that like to have it in August. That takes knowing a rookie's situation to an extreme. Having a little uncertainty is good, but having the draft before the NFL draft is too much uncertainty.
That's how it's done in Zealots as well - vet startup draft in February, rookie draft about a week after the NFL draft.
Feburary is way too soon to start in my opinion. Al ot of guys get bored once the Super Bowl is over and try to have these early drafts to extend the season. Bad idea. Way too much happens during the off season to have any kind of meaningful draft before training camps open.Have your initial draft in August and be open for both vets and rookies. After the first year, have your rookie draft in June, July....

Thanks guys, As much as I want to draft and start putting my team together, I think I agree with those that say its better to wait until at least march for the initial draft. Then do the rookie draft a week or so after the real rookie draft.

One thing I can say with Reggie out this year and all the hype that I would want to have the last pick in the vet draft. I would be inclined to bunch them together in the end which takes out what I consider an advantage for the last team picking in vet and 1st in rookie usually.


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