According to John Clayton this was not PED related. I'm no NFL substance abuse policy expert, so I'm going with what I'm reading from reporters who are paid to know and report to us. As I understand it, he was placed in the program because of a DUI arrest, which is part of league policy (this answers Moderated's question of players going out and drinking without worry -- the difference is they don't have a DUI on record). I'm not certain about this part, but I believe he had to enter the program because of the 0.24 arrest in June 2012 after being drafted but before starting his career. And since then he had to have tested positive twice to be suspended -- I think. I've never had an alcohol problem but have been close to those who have. It's not just a matter of thinking they can put one over on the NFL's testing as someone above said, or of not caring enough about his $10 mil guarantee, or anything like that. If you've ever had a bad habit you just can't break, however benign, maybe you can imagine combining that with the physical addiction that goes with it in the alcoholic's case. It's not that he doesn't want to stop, not that he thinks he can fool anyone... it's that when it comes down to it he is unable to make the right choice and he succumbs to his addiction. I really do feel sorry for addicts. From a fantasy and NFL perspective, however, it doesn't change the fact that he's on his way to becoming a washout if he cannot -- with help -- beat his addiction.