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Braylon Edwards (1 Viewer)


Couple of quotes the other day from Braylon:

I’m not Paul Warfield, Webster Slaughter or Jim Brown. I’ve given my all to this city for four years, and I realize it will never be enough. I went to the Pro Bowl last year and resurrected this team from the darkness, and nobody cared.People in this town believe they are entitled to too much. They have been disrespectful to me and my family. I’ve gone out in public with my family and have had to deal with being called foul names. My parents have been called vulgar things at restaurants.My biggest problem is that I actually give a damn. I’m always rushing back from surgeries and injuries, never missing games or practices. But through this, I’ve learned how to overcome adversity. I’m also proud of how my foundation has taken off. I’ve been doing all this community service in Cleveland … my charity efforts will only be in Detroit from now on.
:wall:Can this Browns season please end already?!
Honestly, if Cleveland can't respect the person they have with Braylon, they should take a look at some of the thugs elsewhere.

Sure he's had a rough year, but if fans are attacking the dude's parents, he needs to speak out.

Honestly, if Cleveland can't respect the person they have with Braylon, they should take a look at some of the thugs elsewhere.Sure he's had a rough year, but if fans are attacking the dude's parents, he needs to speak out.
:thumbup: Booing at the stadium is one thing. Messing with he and his family off the field is not right. Unfortunately there are idiots in every city.
Couple of quotes the other day from Braylon:

I’m not Paul Warfield, Webster Slaughter or Jim Brown. I’ve given my all to this city for four years, and I realize it will never be enough. I went to the Pro Bowl last year and resurrected this team from the darkness, and nobody cared.

People in this town believe they are entitled to too much. They have been disrespectful to me and my family. I’ve gone out in public with my family and have had to deal with being called foul names. My parents have been called vulgar things at restaurants.

My biggest problem is that I actually give a damn. I’m always rushing back from surgeries and injuries, never missing games or practices. But through this, I’ve learned how to overcome adversity. I’m also proud of how my foundation has taken off. I’ve been doing all this community service in Cleveland … my charity efforts will only be in Detroit from now on.
:unsure: Can this Browns season please end already?!
Maybe his dad dropped the pen when signing the credit card receipt. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.....jkI agree, booing is one thing, attacking his familiy is another.

Couple of quotes the other day from Braylon:

I’m not Paul Warfield, Webster Slaughter or Jim Brown. I’ve given my all to this city for four years, and I realize it will never be enough. I went to the Pro Bowl last year and resurrected this team from the darkness, and nobody cared.

People in this town believe they are entitled to too much. They have been disrespectful to me and my family. I’ve gone out in public with my family and have had to deal with being called foul names. My parents have been called vulgar things at restaurants.

My biggest problem is that I actually give a damn. I’m always rushing back from surgeries and injuries, never missing games or practices. But through this, I’ve learned how to overcome adversity. I’m also proud of how my foundation has taken off. I’ve been doing all this community service in Cleveland … my charity efforts will only be in Detroit from now on.
Yes Braylon, EVERY Browns fan is to blame for this. And they're ALL Buckeyes fans who hate you b/c you went to Michigan. ;)

STHU :cry: baby!

and resurrected this team from the darkness
This bit is a little sounds a little ridiculous & is giving himself too much credit.Overall, I think he has a point. I'm embarrassed for the people at all levels of sports that somehow think they're so important to do something like harass someone's parents.So it sounds like he plans to re-sign in Cleveland huh? :goodposting:
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and resurrected this team from the darkness
This bit is a little sounds a little ridiculous & is giving himself too much credit.Overall, I think he has a point. I'm embarrassed for the people at all levels of sports that somehow think they're so important to do something like harass someone's parents.So it sounds like he plans to re-sign in Cleveland huh? :goodposting:
I don't abide the harrassment of parents either or even goofing on him in public, atleast not before he made that ridiculous comment. Now he's brought a lot of it down on himself. Very melodramatic, and pretty much offbase given that any real resurrection might have included a playoff appearance and probably two years with a winning season in a row. He is really trying to cover up his drop issues.
Crediting yourself with the resurrection of the team can only lead to people asking you what happened to your messionic powers this season. What a ####### thing to say.

However, having your family harassed in public is out-of-bounds. I have no problem with him being angry over that. But as for lumping the whole city into that, I seriously doubt he's going to find any NFL city where there won't be some ######tedness by disgruntled fans when the team is giving off this kind of stench.

I'd suggest he sign with Philly and then drop some passes.

I will say this about Edwards.

When he came to Michigan he was an immature problem kid, by the time he left he had grown up into a young man to be proud of regardless of football.

Edwards has had a rough year no doubt, but he has played with foot and shoulder injuries all year. No wonder some guys sit when they are hurt.

Braylon needs to set his expectations lower considering the city he plays in. Everyone in Cleveland walks around pissed off because.....well........they live in Cleveland!

Some of the stuff he said was over the top and silly but overall he's a good guy. Not just a good football player.....a good guy.

Cleveland has lost Sabbathia, and will soon lose Winslow, Braylon, and Lebron. Awesome.

I will say this about Edwards. When he came to Michigan he was an immature problem kid, by the time he left he had grown up into a young man to be proud of regardless of football.Edwards has had a rough year no doubt, but he has played with foot and shoulder injuries all year. No wonder some guys sit when they are hurt.
I seriously doubt he's going to find any NFL city where there won't be some ######tedness by disgruntled fans when the team is giving off this kind of stench. I'd suggest he sign with Philly and then drop some passes.
He should try Atlanta. People are either on the bandwagon once they make a deep playoff run (they may not even care at that point if they've been there before a la the Braves in the 90s) or don't care when it comes too their pro sports teams. :hophead: But seriously, other cities with fans that have a worse reputation doesn't really excuse the knuckleheads in another.
I will say this about Edwards.

When he came to Michigan he was an immature problem kid, by the time he left he had grown up into a young man to be proud of regardless of football.

Edwards has had a rough year no doubt, but he has played with foot and shoulder injuries all year. No wonder some guys sit when they are hurt.
Agree completely. Unfortunately we hear more about players when they are doing bad stuff rather than the good stuff...didn't Braylon pay for a young fan's family to fly in for the kid's funeral a couple of years ago?All accounts he is a good human being. Deplorable that he, and his family, is being verbally attacked off the field.

I totally understand how Braylon could get to that point of frustration, but unfortunately for him, sharing that publicly will only make it worse...

I totally understand how Braylon could get to that point of frustration, but unfortunately for him, sharing that publicly will only make it worse...
Agreed.However, he would not be at that point if he would just catch the ball routinely.The crux of the matter is not the Cleveland fans, it's his lack of hands.
Trade the bum!!!

Too bad for Cleveland he didn't make his displeasure known a couple months ago, when they could have traded him to Dallas (instead of Roy Williams going there)

I'd love to see him in Tennessee, but that is unlikely.

Chase Stuart said:
I agree with Braylon's main point, but one of these things is not like the other.
:thumbup: Webster Slaughter? :excited:
:lmao: Seriously. Somewhere in America Webster is looking up from his paper and going "Huh?".
:lol:Seriously though, if Braylon's goal is to get out of Cleveland, then he's doing a fine job moving that process along. But does he honestly believe that thing will be better elsewhere? Other NFL cities don't take kindly to underperformers. There's also #######s in every city.If his goal is to get more respect and have the fans cut him some slack... pissing off the fans even more isn't going to help, surprise surprise.Either way he kind of strikes me as a grade-A moron. Plus, the Browns PR department isn't freaking helping.
Chase Stuart said:
I agree with Braylon's main point, but one of these things is not like the other.
:kicksrock: Webster Slaughter? :lmao:
:lmao: Seriously. Somewhere in America Webster is looking up from his paper and going "Huh?".
:lol:Seriously though, if Braylon's goal is to get out of Cleveland, then he's doing a fine job moving that process along. But does he honestly believe that thing will be better elsewhere? Other NFL cities don't take kindly to underperformers. There's also #######s in every city.If his goal is to get more respect and have the fans cut him some slack... pissing off the fans even more isn't going to help, surprise surprise.Either way he kind of strikes me as a grade-A moron. Plus, the Browns PR department isn't freaking helping.
Yes he honestly believes things would be better elsewhere, and yes he's correct. We are talking about the Cleveland Browns, correct? The team's a joke from the top down.
Just listened to the whine fest in its entirety on local radio.

Grow a pair.

And I am officially tired of the term, it is what it is. I kid you not he must have said that phrase two dozen times in the 5 minute interview. We got it the first 23 times Braylon, if you don't have anything to say saying nothing will make you look less dumb than if you repeat yourself over and over and over and over and over and over again.

I'm sure Braylon's comments about taking his charitable efforts to a different city will make all of this better.

Hopefully he's upset enough to catch a td or 2 this Sunday...

P.S. I know that's asking a lot as the Browns haven't scored a td in weeks.

damaged goods.

no one in any city will care about Braylon till he stops trying to protect himself and starts catching the football again.

and resurrected this team from the darkness
This bit is a little sounds a little ridiculous & is giving himself too much credit.Overall, I think he has a point. I'm embarrassed for the people at all levels of sports that somehow think they're so important to do something like harass someone's parents.

So it sounds like he plans to re-sign in Cleveland huh? :lmao:
I don't abide the harrassment of parents either or even goofing on him in public, atleast not before he made that ridiculous comment. Now he's brought a lot of it down on himself. Very melodramatic, and pretty much offbase given that any real resurrection might have included a playoff appearance and probably two years with a winning season in a row. He is really trying to cover up his drop issues.
Maybe I'm naive, but it sounds to me like he's trying to un-cover his loathe for Cleveland.
and resurrected this team from the darkness
This bit is a little sounds a little ridiculous & is giving himself too much credit.Overall, I think he has a point. I'm embarrassed for the people at all levels of sports that somehow think they're so important to do something like harass someone's parents.

So it sounds like he plans to re-sign in Cleveland huh? :excited:
I don't abide the harrassment of parents either or even goofing on him in public, atleast not before he made that ridiculous comment. Now he's brought a lot of it down on himself. Very melodramatic, and pretty much offbase given that any real resurrection might have included a playoff appearance and probably two years with a winning season in a row. He is really trying to cover up his drop issues.
Maybe I'm naive, but it sounds to me like he's trying to un-cover his loathe for Cleveland.
I am not a Browns fan, but I think they have every right to boo a player of his caliber for sucking as much as he has this year. The drops have been ugly and gamebreaking. How dare he talk about a ressurection when he hasn't contributed toward anything in Cleveland with the way the team is performing.
and resurrected this team from the darkness
This bit is a little sounds a little ridiculous & is giving himself too much credit.Overall, I think he has a point. I'm embarrassed for the people at all levels of sports that somehow think they're so important to do something like harass someone's parents.

So it sounds like he plans to re-sign in Cleveland huh? :thumbup:
I don't abide the harrassment of parents either or even goofing on him in public, atleast not before he made that ridiculous comment. Now he's brought a lot of it down on himself. Very melodramatic, and pretty much offbase given that any real resurrection might have included a playoff appearance and probably two years with a winning season in a row. He is really trying to cover up his drop issues.
Maybe I'm naive, but it sounds to me like he's trying to un-cover his loathe for Cleveland.
I am not a Browns fan, but I think they have every right to boo a player of his caliber for sucking as much as he has this year. The drops have been ugly and gamebreaking. How dare he talk about a ressurection when he hasn't contributed toward anything in Cleveland with the way the team is performing.
There is a major difference between booing and harassing. Braylon has always done a remarkable job considering the lack of quality QB play on that team. Last year was the aberration with Anderson just basically throwing the ball up for grabs on every other play. No surprise he came back to earth this year.
Couple of quotes the other day from Braylon:

I’m not Paul Warfield, Webster Slaughter or Jim Brown. I’ve given my all to this city for four years, and I realize it will never be enough. I went to the Pro Bowl last year and resurrected this team from the darkness, and nobody cared.

People in this town believe they are entitled to too much. They have been disrespectful to me and my family. I’ve gone out in public with my family and have had to deal with being called foul names. My parents have been called vulgar things at restaurants.

My biggest problem is that I actually give a damn. I’m always rushing back from surgeries and injuries, never missing games or practices. But through this, I’ve learned how to overcome adversity. I’m also proud of how my foundation has taken off. I’ve been doing all this community service in Cleveland … my charity efforts will only be in Detroit from now on.
That statement puts you on the same level as them, Braylon. :rant:
Couple of quotes the other day from Braylon:

I’m not Paul Warfield, Webster Slaughter or Jim Brown. I’ve given my all to this city for four years, and I realize it will never be enough. I went to the Pro Bowl last year and resurrected this team from the darkness, and nobody cared.People in this town believe they are entitled to too much. They have been disrespectful to me and my family. I’ve gone out in public with my family and have had to deal with being called foul names. My parents have been called vulgar things at restaurants.My biggest problem is that I actually give a damn. I’m always rushing back from surgeries and injuries, never missing games or practices. But through this, I’ve learned how to overcome adversity. I’m also proud of how my foundation has taken off. I’ve been doing all this community service in Cleveland … my charity efforts will only be in Detroit from now on.
:kicksrock:Can this Browns season please end already?!
he should be very,very upset because he was born with two good hands and for some reason he's failed to use them this year.

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