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*** Celebration Thread *** (1 Viewer)

Joined the league in '98.NEVER had a repeat champ. (League started in '93)Lost 3 out of top 4 picks. (Mcnabb/Westy/Deuce)Made the Soooper Bowl the past 3 years.Won 2 consecutive. (1st time in league history)Both title teams included Trent Green, LJ, and Tony G.HOLLATCHABOY! :ptts:

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Ahead with 3 players (Brady, Dillon, Barnett) left to play. If I win, I cinch the championship. Opponent only Heap left and I'm up by 4.My team this year was:BradyBulgerDillonAndersonLJC BrownChambersWayneSmithWittenLloydS. GrahamPetersonBarnettCrowellM. WashingtonEdited to add: I am the official winner! 10 team league and I'm the only chick in the league. Yay me! I'm sure the guys are pretty pissed off right now. $$$$

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Ahead with 3 players (Brady, Dillon, Barnett) left to play. If I win, I cinch the championship. Opponent only Heap left and I'm up by 4.

My team this year was:






C Brown






S. Graham




M. Washington
Made it to the title game despite losing J. Walker, DJAX, and Bulger to injury. I am now in position to win the trophy for the 2nd time in 3 years, due to some very timely trades and some luck.I am down by 20 with Heap and the Balt D left, and my opponent has Givens left. Heap and the Balt D put up 80 points for me last week, so here's hoping for at least 40-50 outta them this week, which should be enough.My lineup:Hassleback, Portis, F. Taylor, Chambers, Glenn, Toomer (in for Harrison), Heap, Reed, Balt D.Opponent:Palmer, Alexander, Tiki, S. Moss (ouch!!!), Boldin, Givens, Gates, Wilkins, Cincy DTalk about a friggin barn-burner! May come down to one or two plays on Monday night, which is the way the championship game should be!!


Unless the NE D ends up scoring 35+ points, I'm headed for my first championship in my main money league.


Plummer, LJ, Anderson, Boldin, R. Williams, Gates, Rackers, Cinci.

Everyone came through today, except the Cinci D.
I'm in nearly the same position. NE D would need to score 30 points for me to lose. Otherwise, I get my first SB win! GB LJ.

This has been my most difficult year in FF. I started out with a great draft nabbing Alexander at 5 overall in a Yahoo winners league and then proceded to trade for the Culpepper experience, needless to say I lost my first 3 straight until finally coming up with 3 wins in a row. Then came the difficult part, I lost the next 2 and was siting at 3-5, luckily I was still in 8th place out of 10 and had a fighting chance with everyone elses record. Then it happened, things stared to go my way. My eighth round pick got the starting job and we have not lost since, his name Larry Johnson.Including playoffs which I am currently ahead 88-61 with him done and my NE D still to play in my championship game, I will of knocked off an 8 game win streak, including the playoffs, possibly my finest FF accomplishment. Good luck to everyone else who need something on Sunday of Monday and see you next year.

Incredible year. Last year I had a 9 game losing streak in what was my worst FF year in the 10 years I've played. This year I win out starting in week 8 for a 9 game winning streak to the title. LJ, LT, S Smith, Galloway, Housh, Palmer, Warner, Brees, Cooley, T. Jones, F. Taylor, Gado JAX DEF, PIT DEF all had a hand in my wins at one point or another. It's good to be back on top(3rd career title). GB FBGs and Merry Christmas to all and to all a good rout! :thumbup:

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Won 3 (one more on the line tonight) of my 4 primary money leagues... insane year for me :boxing:

2 conference 20-team redraft :thumbup: Chicago DT won it for me today

10-team keep 3 :thumbup: Kept LJ, Collins, SJax from last year

14-team dynasty :thumbup: Traded away Larry Johnson 6 weeks ago for Leftwich and shot at Reggie Bush; started Gore in his place :excited:

10-team high-scoring double-headers :ph34r: Still going on... will know tonight

Plummer, CJ, Graham were the common players on each team.

Carson PalmerTiki BarberRicky Williams (benched Portis)Santa Moss Jerry PorterDerrick Mason (benched McCardell)Jason WittenShayne GrahamCinnci D

My team seems weak by comparison. McNair (started over Plummer)L JohnsonR Moats (another bad start)HoltMouldsGonzalezFeeleyVikingsLuckily, my opponent started Kennison, R Johnson, and P Manning. I did score above the league average, though.

Weakest team by farQB - PlummerRB - DunnRB - C BrownWR/TE - C JohnsonWR/TE - CooleyWR/TE - Dal ClarkK - ScobeeD - DenverLooks like most of the winners drafted their QB late.

won in both my leagues this year.Team 1 (Lost one game all year) :boxing: qb: Drew Brees rb: Larry Johnsonrb: Shaun Alexanderrb: Corey Dillonwr: Tory Holtwr: Joey Gallowayte: Antonio Gatesk: ReedD: PatriotsTeam 2 :ph34r: qb: David Garrardqb: Jake Delhommerb: Larry Johnsonrb: Willie Parkerwr: Anquan Boldinwr: Bobby Engramte: Ben Troupek: Robbie Gouldd: Vikings

QB- Trent GreenRB- Tiki BarberRB- Julius JonesWR- T.J. HouzWR- Matt JonesWR- Atwaan Randle ElTE- Ben TroupeK- Adam VinateriDST- Da Bears

Yet another LJ owner who will win it all....AND NOW HERE'S THE STARTING ROSTER OF YOUR LEAGUE CHAMPIONSIP WINNING MCCALL WINTERSTORM!!!QB: Matt HasslebeckWR: Hines WardWR: Joe JureviciusWR: Reggie WayneRB: Shaun AlexanderRB: Larry JohnsonTE: Jerramy StevensK: Neil RackersDEF: New EnglandI did not do this on purpose but I did load up on Seahawks, well hey they are the #1 scoring O in the game though so I couldn't go wrong.

League 1:T. BradyS. SmithT. HoltR. WayneS. AlexanderT. BarberA. GatesN. RackersTampa BayLeague 2:J. PlummerS. SmithT. HoushmandzadehB. Engram (benched D. Bennett)T. JonesC. WilliamsT. HeapN. RackersPittsburghLost my top 3 picks in the second league (Priest, TO, and Westbrook) so I'm surprised I still won.

I really can't believe I won with this line up:M. HasselbeckR. Williams F. GoreR. Moss R. Brown S. Parker J. Shockey N. Rackers Bears

T. BradyM. HasselbeckT. JonesR. MoatsS. SmithC. JohnsonS. MossT. GonzalezS. GrahamBears Def.oh wait, I benched Moss to play Rod Smith so I need Brady to toss about 5 TDS tonight to win now. :rant: :ptts:

Team 1PalmerLJHicks :ph34r: Faulk BTW, FU VittS.SmithJ.SmithCooleyFeeleyCar. DTeam 2PeytonSAMoatsS.MossHoltR.MossHeapWilkinsGriffinPeppersE.JamesDa.WilliamsUrlacherBarnettBulluckJamesLucasR.WilliamsS.Taylor

My two different league winners....League 1............................League 2D. Brees............................C. PalmerC. Chambers......................S. SmithE. Moulds...........................Ma. ClaytonA. Johnson..........................A LelieS. Alexander.......................R. WilliamsT. Barber.............................T. BarberJ. Putzier.............................H. MillerZ. Crockett.............................C. DillonR. Gould................................P. DawsonCincy.......................................Cincy

In my 12 team, keep-2 league:QB: Farve->T Green (started Farve early in the year and Green late)RB: Priest->LJRB: Deuce->MMoore->Gado->MoatsWR: HoltWR: McCardellWR: J Smith (Engram in reserve)K: J BrownDEF: TBThe RB2 slot was a revolving door all year after Deuce went out andEngram saved my butt while Holt was out.ps. I heart Torry Holt. Dude is so damn consistent.pps. I was a firm believer in the Priest-then-LJ-in-the-5th-round theoryand it paid off in spades!ppps. I'm playing in another championship game right now that's too closeto call but I have the Priest/LJ handcuff in that league too and overcame theKevin Jones mega-bust.

this is probably the weekest team. i only started 1 of my top 5 draft picks the last 6 weeks of the season (Portis)McCown, JoshPortis, ClintonSmith, AntowainBranch, DeionFitzgerald, LarryToomer, AmaniCooley, ChrisElam, JasonPatriots

Carson PalmerCorey DillonRudi JohnsonTorry HoltSteve SmithJason WittenShayne GrahamSteel Curtain

Carson PalmerShaun AlexanderRudi JohnsonReggie WayneSantana MossPlaxico BurressRandy McMichaelRobbie GouldPittsburgh13-3 SB Champs

WCOFF SatelliteGarrard(Lost McNabb and Leftwitch)FosterT.FisherDroughns Had:Edge,LaMont,Greg Jones benched Santana MossAndre JohnsonJimmy Smith Chose to start Fisher over Antonio BryantCrumplerHanson(Benched Kaeding)PanthersScored 159This team may have been my best "coaching" job ever...

I won all 4! And let me say .... thank you for the boost of confidence all, and helping me realized that ... It is just me that is so damn good, so much better then everyone else, and man ... does it feel good. #### the draft strategy :D :bow: :thankyouthankyouverymuch:

I won all 4!

And let me say .... thank you for the boost of confidence all, and helping me realized that ...

It is just me that is so damn good, so much better then everyone else, and man ... does it feel good.

#### the draft strategy :D

:bow: :thankyouthankyouverymuch:
Wow, you post on a fantasy football message board...and you won your championships? Don't tell me that all of the leagues are super-competitive for huge money because that would just blow my freakin' mind! Good thing I post on fantasy football message boards too so I can also brag about my six Super Bowl titles...and I'm only in 4 leagues! Go figure!
I am in 5 Leagues, 3 of them are dynasty leagues (two in year one) and two redraft leagues.
so 3 of them don't refer to this post at all?

I made it to the super bowl in 4 out of 5 of the leagues

(The 5th league is a non traditional lineup, stsarting 2qb's, 3 rb's 3 wr's, 1 TE, 1 K, 1 D - with a 16 man roster).
3 RBs times 12 teams is 36 RBs yet 32 teams in NFL. I don't like that folks would have to start a backup RB. In my experience you're stuck starting a backup to cover a bye or somesuch but...you're stuck. Mandatory in your league, I wouldn't like that I don't think. Anyhow I would guess this is the reason you go RB heavy and anyone who doesn't in your league is drafting quite risky with that lineup requirement.

The stragegy you may ask. Draft All RB's, ALL the time. Any time there was a Running back available .... I Drafted him.
well cmon, there's always a RB available. You didn't draft 16 RBs did you?

MY logic was that all other positions are more expendable and less difficult to fill. So .....
you'd get eaten up in many leagues I've played in. (I'll get back to this)

RBS- I said that I wanted to draft 4-5 STUD rbs. and worry about other positions after. This position is the most valuable position, such a shallow pool of talent and so hard to trade (cheaply) for after the season starts, so I started drafting RB's in round 1, round 2, round 3.
read first sentence, read contradiction to follow:

I would try to use round 4 for Gates, but if he was not available I would draft another RB and do the same for round 5, look for RB's first. Then I converted to a VBD and would then look for the best value.

--WR's - there are always 15-20 good WR's to be had off of the waiver wire by week three that emerge or produce unexpectdly - So I worried little about grabbing WR's Early. Thinking that good WR's would still be in the draft late and tradable and this is the deepest position, and I figured it would be easy to play matchups, work the waiver wire to get production from my WR's. I was right!
See right here, to me you said "my leaguemates don't draft so well so there will be WRs available." To each his own but I'd bet alot of guys around here interpret this similarly.

TE's: Started off in the draft saying I would take Gates in Round 4, gonzo in round 5, and Witten in 7. Other then that ... I would wait. IN my opinion Gates is a must have. He can never be picked up too early and I do not mind spending a 4th round pick on him, at all ... ever. I grabbed him in 2 leagues and Witten in one, missed out on Gonzo (luckily) and both have produced well for me. THIS IS THE SECOND MOST VALUABLE POSITION. Especially considering that there are only 3-4 TE's that produce good and consistent #'s .... and they are must haves.
you're beating up your draft 4-5 RBs in a row theory here as Gates breaks the streak AGAIN Also your earlier statement about other positions not mattering so much as RBs well again, TE is more important than 4th RB to you(true but....not what ya said)

QB's - This has not been a good year for QB's. McNabb, Culpepper, Manning, the top three disappointed all over and I am glad that I waited till rounds 7 and later to grab guys like Hasselbeck, Palmer, or Eli Manning, Bledsoe.
This is common. For whatever reason there seems to be guys that like to take QBs early and guys that don't. Not many FFers seem to switch year to year.

Now dont get me wrong, the draft alone are not going to get you anywhere, but it is with understanding of how to manage my teams via the WW and Trading that I was able to Draft Heavy on RB's comfortably.
you said you couldn't trade easily in this league above. Regardless, I took this as "I know I should have drafted more at other positions but I thought I'd compensate for that with the WW after the draft." What a luxury! Most drafts I've been in depletes the WW "supply" temporarily.

This was my draft strategy and it worked well .... and I thought that I would share it with you. Injuries were less of a concern becuase RBs are the only position that is truly hard to fill, all other positions can be filled off of the WW (typically).
Thanks for sharing, I appreciate when folks here do.

I'm gonna skip elaborating on WRs as I said earlier. Lemme just say I just think it's not right to ignore any positions. Quickly, if you went 5 RBs in a row and played with guys adopting your theory and then me. I'd have my 2 RBs and Holt and Steve Smith and probably Boldin and Fitz too. I mean a pro bowl, no chance you can match me type WR corps. RB matchup well I got my two, I'd be fine matching up. Does that make sense?

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Who needs Deuce, Westbrook, or L. Jordan? 12 teams- HasselbeckMoatsCrockettC. JohnsonEngramD. MasonGonzalezGrahamPanthers

Have to chime in. Down 48 points after saturday's games with Mark Clayton, David Givens, Tom Brady & Corey Dillon yet to play and my opponent all done. He had the game of his life with galloway getting cheap points in OT, Glenn catching a late TD that probably shoulda never happened since Peppers blocked the kick earlier. And oh yeah, me leaving Evans, Parker & Garrard on the bench. Clayton did his thing last night so heading into MNF I was down 29+ points. The rest is history if you saw MNF, you know Dillon, Brady & Givens did their thing to give me a 7+ pt victory in a wildly high scoring championship game.Sure enough the title is mine.After losing these players to injury (drafted in these rds):1-Priest - all though LJ was waiting in the wings and this was my strategy all along.2-Westbrook3-TO5-BulgerGriese, Fergusonand through some constant trading and waiver moves, the team was able to win it all. Only a 3 loss season, a regular season points champion, division champion and now....League Champion. 3rd time in 5 years. And thanks to everyone at this forum and FBG. It is just good info to have and a good site to come in and get updates as to what is happening. Thanks and congrats to all the winners out there tonight!

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Well ... it started off as a "draft strategy thread" before the games started. Where I talked about the strategy that took me to the end in 4 out of 5 leagues. Then, after going 4 for 4, it only seemed logical to post an update on the 4 leagues that I went to the final games in- suggesting that the strategy actually does work. That is when I changed the title of the thread ... and it would seem, that is the only line you read. IF ya don't like it ... don't read it. Oh, and merry christmas ####### :D :lol:


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