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***Chicago Bears Thread*** A dynasty begins... (2 Viewers)

Alshon Jeffery?
Different situation. Alshon was one of our few homegrown stars and the #1 wr on the team. Pace let him walk and signed a bunch of injury-prone guys in his place.  

I wasn't against the McPhee signing when he was signed. I think it was worth the risk. Same with Alshon because his injuries were never severe. I am against him signing a large group of players that were cheap because they had been injured a lot.  

If he nails these drafts, none of that will matter, though. 

A big part of the problem with Bears injuries, is that they play on the crappiest field in the NFL. Its amazing the NFL hasn't stepped in at some point. Dozens of players, both Bears and visitors alike, complain about it every year, and yet nothing happens.

I don't have any stats in front of me, but I'd be willing to bet more knee/ankle/foot injuries occur on that field than any other in the NFL. 

travdogg said:
A big part of the problem with Bears injuries, is that they play on the crappiest field in the NFL. Its amazing the NFL hasn't stepped in at some point. Dozens of players, both Bears and visitors alike, complain about it every year, and yet nothing happens.

I don't have any stats in front of me, but I'd be willing to bet more knee/ankle/foot injuries occur on that field than any other in the NFL. 
It certainly seems like they have the biggest field issues. I'm not sure why. They replace the sod plenty of times. I wonder if it has to do with it still being real sod and not artificial. 

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It's certainly seems like they have the biggest field issues. I'm not sure why. They replace the sod plenty of times. I wonder if it has to do with it still being real sod and not artificial. 
That's it. There's no reason for them not to go to the rubber ball stuff now. Seems like common sense. 

So far in training camp:

Floyd is over 250lbs and looking like a beast. Dominating everyone

White has shown very little so far. Not a good look so far

Glennon has looked like everyone thought Glennon would look. Not a star but pretty solid. Good stop-gap. Still don't see him holding off Trubisky all season 

Trubisky has flashed big play ability but obviously still a rookie.  Promising 

Tight end group looks deep. Shaheen looks good. Wouldn't shock anyone to see Miller not make the final cuts. Also, Brown has looked very solid

Tannery Gentry making a big splash. Lots of big plays but against the 3s. Big chemistry with Trubisky 

Sanchez sucks

Shaw has no chance at making the team

Long not playing much and still recovering. Sitton has been out due to birth of his child 

Outside of Demps, the safeties have looked terrible. However, Eddie Jackson looks like he could push for starting position early 

McPhee out with other knee now for a while. Has to be his last year in Chicago. Very disappointing with the injuries. 

Prince looking like the best cb by far on roster. Fuller had a good last couple days but still not a lock to make team

Cohen looks dynamite but hasnt been in live tackling yet

Hearing some good things from camp.  The secondary sounds like they are doing well.  White had a really good day today and was said that he had a good day on Monday as well.  Shaheen has been impressive catching and blocking.

Giants fan here. How is my guy Cruz looked so far in training camp?

Also checking in on a couple NC State Alum. Glennon and Willie Young. How are they doing?

What's the TE situation, a podcast I listen to was speculating that Miller could be cut .
Sounds like Miller could be cut or some kind of trade bait. Not sure on what trade value he has. Shaheen has looked great and I'm guessing Sims will be the other guy for sure. 

Sounds like Miller could be cut or some kind of trade bait. Not sure on what trade value he has. Shaheen has looked great and I'm guessing Sims will be the other guy for sure. 
What's your guess on who starts?  Sims has great efficiency metrics. 

Red zone is where Shaheen will be getting looks. Huge target, great hands and mismatch. 
With the athleticism he has he really can be used anytime.  Sounds like he's catching anything thrown near him.  If he can continue that then it's just a matter of being a stout blocker which it seems he's done well with so far.

Sounds like Miller could be cut or some kind of trade bait. Not sure on what trade value he has. Shaheen has looked great and I'm guessing Sims will be the other guy for sure. 
Panthers will take another productive TE if you want to gift wrap another

Panthers will take another productive TE if you want to gift wrap another
As long as they're willing to give the Bears something for him it sounds good to me.  Trading for an aging, injury prone TE doesn't sound like a smart move but I've seen worse moves.

Well, looks like the same Bears team from last year. Yay!  It won't change until Fox and Loggains are gone. Was so obvious after last season. 

If they keep Sanchez in there past halftime, which sounds like something am idiot like Fox would do, it will be just more of the same 

I was pumped Glennon was out and we finally get to see Trubisky.... and Mark Sanchez comes in instead.  :mellow:
Trubisky has been running with the 3s so I expected Sanchez coming in second. But then Fox said before the game the 2s would play into the 4th.  Regular numb nuts thing Fox does. Trubisky better come in early 3rd.

flapgreen said:
Trubisky has been running with the 3s so I expected Sanchez coming in second. But then Fox said before the game the 2s would play into the 4th.  Regular numb nuts thing Fox does. Trubisky better come in early 3rd.
Fox knows holding Trubisky out of the game until late is the only way to keep butts in the seats. 

There are some things in the world you just know when you see it and, dang, it is OBVIOUS the Bears are just a poor team.  

I don't claim to know anything about Trubisky but he is either looking at almost no type of coverage that requires any thought or he is processing his reads much quicker than I'd expect a guy to in his first game.

Nice drive rookie

Defense looked good and has been improving every year. Offense still blows and Fox and Loggains are morons. I think 6 wins is possible 

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