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Close the borders for 5 years. (1 Viewer)


Let's have a time-out for America for 5 years.

No new citizens.

You want to visit...ok, just don't think you'll live here.

Let's assimilate.

Is that wrong?

Maybe after that open up with some stricter guidelines.

Let's have a time-out for America for 5 years.

No new citizens.

You want to visit...ok, just don't think you'll live here.

Let's assimilate.

Is that wrong?

Maybe after that open up with some stricter guidelines.
as·sim·i·late ( P ) Pronunciation Key (-sm-lt)v. as·sim·i·lat·ed, as·sim·i·lat·ing, as·sim·i·lates

v. tr.


To consume and incorporate (nutrients) into the body after digestion.

To transform (food) into living tissue by the process of anabolism; metabolize constructively.

To incorporate and absorb into the mind: assimilate knowledge.

To make similar; cause to resemble.

Linguistics. To alter (a sound) by assimilation.

To absorb (immigrants or a culturally distinct group) into the prevailing culture.

Let's have a time-out for America for 5 years.

No new citizens.

You want to visit...ok, just don't think you'll live here.

Let's assimilate.

Is that wrong?

Maybe after that open up with some stricter guidelines.
as·sim·i·late ( P ) Pronunciation Key (-sm-lt)v. as·sim·i·lat·ed, as·sim·i·lat·ing, as·sim·i·lates

v. tr.


To consume and incorporate (nutrients) into the body after digestion.

To transform (food) into living tissue by the process of anabolism; metabolize constructively.

To incorporate and absorb into the mind: assimilate knowledge.

To make similar; cause to resemble.

Linguistics. To alter (a sound) by assimilation.

To absorb (immigrants or a culturally distinct group) into the prevailing culture.
I think you mean

sorry bro, everything seems "woosh" over your head.

If you don't want immigrants for 5 years then we're hardly "asorbing them into our prevailing culture"

Let's have a time-out for America for 5 years.

No new citizens.

You want to visit...ok, just don't think you'll live here.

Let's assimilate.

Is that wrong?

Maybe after that open up with some stricter guidelines.
I think we should make an exception for hot chicks. Thoughts?
I think you mean

sorry bro, everything seems "woosh" over your head.

If you don't want immigrants for 5 years then we're hardly "asorbing them into our prevailing culture"
sorry genius, but I'm saying to have the current immigrants assimilate to the prevailing culture. the "woosh" is clearly over your head.

I think you mean

sorry bro, everything seems "woosh" over your head.

If you don't want immigrants for 5 years then we're hardly "asorbing them into our prevailing culture"
sorry genius, but I'm saying to have the current immigrants assimilate to the prevailing culture. the "woosh" is clearly over your head.
could be, I'm really tired :bag:
I think you mean

sorry bro, everything seems "woosh" over your head.

If you don't want immigrants for 5 years then we're hardly "asorbing them into our prevailing culture"
sorry genius, but I'm saying to have the current immigrants assimilate to the prevailing culture. the "woosh" is clearly over your head.
Let's have a time-out for America for 5 years.

No new citizens.

You want to visit...ok, just don't think you'll live here.

Let's assimilate.

Is that wrong?

Maybe after that open up with some stricter guidelines.
Takes more than 5 years. It is usually second or third generations before immigrant populations begin to truly assimilate.
Let's have a time-out for America for 5 years.

No new citizens.

You want to visit...ok, just don't think you'll live here.

Let's assimilate.

Is that wrong?

Maybe after that open up with some stricter guidelines.
Takes more than 5 years. It is usually second or third generations before immigrant populations begin to truly assimilate.
I totally agree. But the thought of closing our borders for 20-30 years is preposterous...or is it?
Let's have a time-out for America for 5 years.

No new citizens.

You want to visit...ok, just don't think you'll live here.

Let's assimilate.

Is that wrong?

Maybe after that open up with some stricter guidelines.
Takes more than 5 years. It is usually second or third generations before immigrant populations begin to truly assimilate.
I totally agree. But the thought of closing our borders for 20-30 years is preposterous...or is it?
Is it deemed Constitutional? :popcorn:

Let's have a time-out for America for 5 years.

No new citizens.

You want to visit...ok, just don't think you'll live here.

Let's assimilate.

Is that wrong?

Maybe after that open up with some stricter guidelines.
Takes more than 5 years. It is usually second or third generations before immigrant populations begin to truly assimilate.
I totally agree. But the thought of closing our borders for 20-30 years is preposterous...or is it?
IIRC we have all but closed off legal immigration on multiple occasions in the past. I really think it is unneccesary and really not in our best interest long term. Without immigration we be like Europe an aging population that is not replenishing itself.
Last edited by a moderator:
Let's have a time-out for America for 5 years.

No new citizens.

You want to visit...ok, just don't think you'll live here.

Let's assimilate.

Is that wrong?

Maybe after that open up with some stricter guidelines.
Takes more than 5 years. It is usually second or third generations before immigrant populations begin to truly assimilate.
I totally agree. But the thought of closing our borders for 20-30 years is preposterous...or is it?
IIRC we have all but closed off legal immigration on multiple occasions in the past. I really think it is unneccesary and really not in our best interest long term. Without immigration we be like Europe an aging population that is not replenishing itself.
Procreation down?
Let's have a time-out for America for 5 years.

No new citizens.

You want to visit...ok, just don't think you'll live here.

Let's assimilate.

Is that wrong?

Maybe after that open up with some stricter guidelines.
Yes, it's wrong.
Last edited by a moderator:
Let's have a time-out for America for 5 years.

No new citizens.

You want to visit...ok, just don't think you'll live here.

Let's assimilate.

Is that wrong?

Maybe after that open up with some stricter guidelines.
I think we should make an exception for hot chicks. Thoughts?
This is correct. :yes:
Let's have a time-out for America for 5 years.

No new citizens.

You want to visit...ok, just don't think you'll live here.

Let's assimilate.

Is that wrong?

Maybe after that open up with some stricter guidelines.
Takes more than 5 years. It is usually second or third generations before immigrant populations begin to truly assimilate.
I totally agree. But the thought of closing our borders for 20-30 years is preposterous...or is it?
Is it deemed Constitutional? :popcorn:
The Constitution doesn't protect the "rights" of people in foreign coutries. :shrug:
Let's have a time-out for America for 5 years.

No new citizens.

You want to visit...ok, just don't think you'll live here.

Let's assimilate.

Is that wrong?

Maybe after that open up with some stricter guidelines.
Takes more than 5 years. It is usually second or third generations before immigrant populations begin to truly assimilate.
I totally agree. But the thought of closing our borders for 20-30 years is preposterous...or is it?
Is it deemed Constitutional? :popcorn:
The Constitution doesn't protect the "rights" of people in foreign coutries. :shrug:
This should go for unborn babies too, since the Constitution only protects citizens born in the United States.
Let's have a time-out for America for 5 years.

No new citizens.

You want to visit...ok, just don't think you'll live here.

Let's assimilate.

Is that wrong?

Maybe after that open up with some stricter guidelines.
Go to France, let us know when you get there.Then the rule can kick in. :lmao: :rolleyes: :thumbup: :popcorn:

Let's have a time-out for America for 5 years.

No new citizens.

You want to visit...ok, just don't think you'll live here.

Let's assimilate.

Is that wrong?

Maybe after that open up with some stricter guidelines.
Takes more than 5 years. It is usually second or third generations before immigrant populations begin to truly assimilate.
I totally agree. But the thought of closing our borders for 20-30 years is preposterous...or is it?
IIRC we have all but closed off legal immigration on multiple occasions in the past. I really think it is unneccesary and really not in our best interest long term. Without immigration we be like Europe an aging population that is not replenishing itself.
The reason we have so many illegal immigrants is that it takes an average of 15 months to get a resident VISA.The solution is simple:

1. Close the borders. We have the ability.

2. Start deporting illegals. This is what will take 5 years or longer.

3. Speed up the resident VISA process.

4. Amend the law to require a person born in the US to have at least one parent that is a legal US citizen.

Problem solved.

Let's have a time-out for America for 5 years.

No new citizens.

You want to visit...ok, just don't think you'll live here.

Let's assimilate.

Is that wrong?

Maybe after that open up with some stricter guidelines.
Takes more than 5 years. It is usually second or third generations before immigrant populations begin to truly assimilate.
I totally agree. But the thought of closing our borders for 20-30 years is preposterous...or is it?
IIRC we have all but closed off legal immigration on multiple occasions in the past. I really think it is unneccesary and really not in our best interest long term. Without immigration we be like Europe an aging population that is not replenishing itself.
The Red States are replenishing themselves just fine. It's the Blues that are not. However, self-replenishment isn't the problem: it is demographics. Even though we are producing enough progeny to grow the population (though slower than a few generations ago), it has not been at a constant rate. Hence, when the baby boomers retire, there is the likelyhood of a decrease in the workforce available at least the homegrown workforce). A reduction in the number of workers available could lead to recession (production decreases) or to a period of inflation (competition for workers drives up prices) or both.

Yep lock those borders and watch industry after industry crumble from increasing labor costs!

Sure fire way for any politician to lose his ###.

Yep lock those borders and watch industry after industry crumble from increasing labor costs!

Sure fire way for any politician to lose his ###.
Strawberries and avocados aren't what the nation is built on.
Let's have a time-out for America for 5 years.

No new citizens.

You want to visit...ok, just don't think you'll live here.

Let's assimilate.

Is that wrong?

Maybe after that open up with some stricter guidelines.
Takes more than 5 years. It is usually second or third generations before immigrant populations begin to truly assimilate.
But doesn't that refer to new immigrant populations?The last true "new" immigrant populations we had were the Vietnamese in the 70's and Iranians in the 80's. Otherwise, we're talking about more of the same people who should have an easier time since their countrymen should have already established themselves. Of course, we know that is not the case.

Let's have a time-out for America for 5 years.

No new citizens.

You want to visit...ok, just don't think you'll live here.

Let's assimilate.

Is that wrong?

Maybe after that open up with some stricter guidelines.
Takes more than 5 years. It is usually second or third generations before immigrant populations begin to truly assimilate.
I totally agree. But the thought of closing our borders for 20-30 years is preposterous...or is it?
Is it deemed Constitutional? :popcorn:
The Constitution doesn't protect the "rights" of people in foreign coutries. :shrug:
This should go for unborn babies too, since the Constitution only protects citizens born in the United States.
It also protects citizens born outside if the United States.
I think you mean

sorry bro, everything seems "woosh" over your head.

If you don't want immigrants for 5 years then we're hardly "asorbing them into our prevailing culture"
Absorbing immigrants into our culture is not an instantaneous process. If we didn't take any more immigrants in after today it would take quite some time before even 90% of them were assimilated. Just giving them their citizenship papers does not mean they are assimilated, at least not as far as my interpretation is concerned, YMMV.
Let's have a time-out for America for 5 years.

No new citizens.

You want to visit...ok, just don't think you'll live here.

Let's assimilate.

Is that wrong?

Maybe after that open up with some stricter guidelines.
Go to France, let us know when you get there.Then the rule can kick in. :lmao: :rolleyes: :thumbup: :popcorn:
What part of "no new citizens" don't you understand?
Let's have a time-out for America for 5 years.

No new citizens.

You want to visit...ok, just don't think you'll live here.

Let's assimilate.

Is that wrong?

Maybe after that open up with some stricter guidelines.
Go to France, let us know when you get there.Then the rule can kick in. :lmao: :rolleyes: :thumbup: :popcorn:
What part of "no new citizens" don't you understand?
\Chill, it was a joke.

What part of :lmao: , didn't you understand? :rolleyes:

:loco: :popcorn:

Yep lock those borders and watch industry after industry crumble from increasing labor costs!

Sure fire way for any politician to lose his ###.
Aren't we outsourcing most of our labor these days anyway?
Let's have a time-out for America for 5 years.

No new citizens.

You want to visit...ok, just don't think you'll live here.

Let's assimilate.

Is that wrong?

Maybe after that open up with some stricter guidelines.
Go to France, let us know when you get there.Then the rule can kick in. :lmao: :rolleyes: :thumbup: :popcorn:
What part of "no new citizens" don't you understand?
\Chill, it was a joke.
Yes, a bad one. Which is what I was pointing out.
Let's have a time-out for America for 5 years.

No new citizens.

You want to visit...ok, just don't think you'll live here.

Let's assimilate.

Is that wrong?

Maybe after that open up with some stricter guidelines.
Go to France, let us know when you get there.Then the rule can kick in. :lmao: :rolleyes: :thumbup: :popcorn:
What part of "no new citizens" don't you understand?
\Chill, it was a joke.
Yes, a bad one. Which is what I was pointing out.
Good looking out. :thumbup: :popcorn: FBG needs more like You. :thumbup: :popcorn: :yes:

Let's have a time-out for America for 5 years.

No new citizens.

You want to visit...ok, just don't think you'll live here.

Let's assimilate.

Is that wrong?

Maybe after that open up with some stricter guidelines.
Go to France, let us know when you get there.Then the rule can kick in. :lmao: :rolleyes: :thumbup: :popcorn:
What part of "no new citizens" don't you understand?
\Chill, it was a joke.
Yes, a bad one. Which is what I was pointing out.
Good looking out. :thumbup: :popcorn: FBG needs more like You. :thumbup: :popcorn: :yes:
You keep getting it wrong. The last thing FBGs needs is more like me.
Let's have a time-out for America for 5 years.

No new citizens.

You want to visit...ok, just don't think you'll live here.

Let's assimilate.

Is that wrong?

Maybe after that open up with some stricter guidelines.
Go to France, let us know when you get there.Then the rule can kick in. :lmao: :rolleyes: :thumbup: :popcorn:
What part of "no new citizens" don't you understand?
\Chill, it was a joke.
Yes, a bad one. Which is what I was pointing out.
Good looking out. :thumbup: :popcorn: FBG needs more like You. :thumbup: :popcorn: :yes:
You keep getting it wrong. The last thing FBGs needs is more like me.

I'm good with this. I would have thought a good time for this was when our unemployment was at 12%. Not enough jobs to go around, lets bring more people in.

I'm good with this. I would have thought a good time for this was when our unemployment was at 12%. Not enough jobs to go around, lets bring more people in.
Not sure how anyone thinks the solution to "lack of jobs" could be "turn away new consumers".


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