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Commander in Cheat (2 Viewers)

Joe Mammy

I just finished reading this. I had read Reilly's "Who's Your Caddy?" years ago and reread the chapter about Trump when he was elected. I also saw him interviewed on Morning Joe last week.

I had a hard time putting it down as every page was entertaining with the big guy's funny exploits related to golf. But after awhile you just feel like you need a bath to wash off all of the amazingly crazy and crooked events that surround DJT. Fake historic monuments on his courses, 3700 lawsuits, no regards for the environment when knocking down trees (or adding them), fake plaques and trophys in the clubhouses, he actually disproves Trump's claim to have 18 club championships- it goes on and on.

When Reilly was a golf columnist for SI Trump invited him to play at one of his clubs. As he introduced him to other club members, he'd say "This is Rick, he's the president of Sports Illustrated." And, "this is Rick, he's the publisher of Sports Illustrated." Reilly said he felt so uncomfortable he didn't want to shake hands and later asked DJT why he lied about his position at SI? "It sounds better."

Later at dinner he overheard a guest ask Melania where she is from? "Slovenia", she replied. DJT quickly interrupted and said, "Say Austria, sounds better."

One thing is for sure, I doubt Rick Reilly will have any more golf invites from DJT. 

Commander in Cheat

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Whatever Trump Is Playing, It Isn’t Golf

The sport means a lot to Trump—which hasn’t stopped him from cheating outrageously at it.


6:00 AM ET

He cheats. He lies. He kicks. And not just his ball — yours, too. He props up a 2.8 handicap that’s faker than WrestleMania 35. He wins tournaments he never even played in. He wins tournaments that weren’t even held.

He drives his golf cart on greens. He drives it on tee boxes. He never, ever walks, even on the courses he owns that have banned carts (Trump Turnberry.)

He always hits first, never mind who won the last hole, and then jumps in his Super Mario Kart with his caddy and peels off before you’ve even hit, the better to be 150 yards ahead of you so the two of them can foozle, fudge, and foot-wedge in private.

If Trump will cheat to win $20 from his friends, is it that much further to believe he’d cheat to lower his taxes, win an election, sway an investigation?

If Trump will lie and say one of his courses is worth $50 million while at the same time suing the local tax board for valuing it at more than $2 million—we feel you, Ossining, New York—is it that much further to think he might lie about his taxes, his fixer, his affairs?

Politics: Trump thinks climate change is a hoax.

Golf: Except in Ireland, where his lawyers petitioned to have a 2,000-foot sea wall to fight the “rising sea levels” caused “by climate change.” How do we know? Those exact words are in the petition.

Politics: Trump won’t release his taxes.

Golf: If the House ever gets his returns, they should start with his golf write-offs. For instance, did you know Trump keeps eight goats in a pen on his Trump Bedminster course to get an $80,000 farm tax credit?


Rick Reilly is another guy who went way off the deep end with the election of President Trump.  Full Keith Olbermann territory here.

Funny/sad story around Trump’s golf came from Mike Turico.

Turico was playing golf with DJT and hit what he thought was his best shot in a long time. 3 wood Into the green I believe. As he got up to the green he couldn’t find his ball. Looked around and he was surprised when he found it 30 yards off the green in a trap.

A few holes later Trump’s caddy came up to Turico and told him that Trump got up to the green and threw Turico’s ball into the trap.

:lol:  what a doosh.
That story is in the book too. The sad thing is Trump was competing against Tirico and his partner. Tirico still went and paid his lost bet.

That story is in the book too. The sad thing is Trump was competing against Tirico and his partner. Tirico still went and paid his lost bet.
Eeeesh. So bad.

Trump claiming he is carrying a 2 handicap is so Trump - no one believes this yet he is so convinced it’s true just because he tells you.

It doesn’t matter but it is just pathetic.

Rick Reilly is another guy who went way off the deep end with the election of President Trump.  Full Keith Olbermann territory here.
This is what I'm talking about. You think Rick Reilly (!), author of Missing Links and other great golf books, has written a book full of lies and about the President of the US no less?

Can't remember who said it but it's definitely true: there are some people in this country for whom "very fine people on both sides," "####hole countries" and the family separation policy were acceptable but cheating at golf is simply too much

It's not a lot of people of course, but the fact that they exist is amusing and disturbing.

Reilley’s new book aside, there are numerous accounts from public figures who’ve played with Trump and have recounted his casual relationship with the RoG. 

Reilley’s new book aside, there are numerous accounts from public figures who’ve played with Trump and have recounted his casual relationship with the RoG. 
Trump's friends say he cheats. They also say he is a huge liar and lies about everything even ridiculously small things. That's just Donny they say but he's fun to hang around with. And that's his friends. 

Rick Reilly is another guy who went way off the deep end with the election of President Trump.  Full Keith Olbermann territory here.
This is what I'm talking about. You think Rick Reilly (!), author of Missing Links and other great golf books, has written a book full of lies and about the President of the US no less?
Note that Widbil did not actually claim that anything Reilly wrote was untrue.

That's what all the Trump fans think.
The fact that he criticized the Dear Leader is all the evidence you need that he has gone off the deep end.

For the record, Reilly went "off the deep end" years ago, not in terms of politics but in terms of being a fresh voice on sports. In his early days at SI he was both an excellent reporter as well as a really talented writer, but by the time he left for ESPN he had become almost a parody of the hack sportswriter. I remember there were some issues between him and Bill Simmons when he first got to ESPN; it seemed like at the source of the tension was the fact that Reilly's time had clearly passed.

I read the excerpt in The Atlantic, which was amusing enough. But I can't imagine buying the book to read a couple hundred pages telling me what I already know in a voice that reads like it was preserved in amber back in 1988.

Note that Widbil did not actually claim that anything Reilly wrote was untrue.
That's a fair point. My though reverted to, hey it must be objectionable because (supposedly) Reilly must be making it up. - The idea it's true and that Reilly shouldn't talk about it is even harder to fathom.

Note that Widbil did not actually claim that anything Reilly wrote was untrue.
That's a fair point. My though reverted to, hey it must be objectionable because (supposedly) Reilly must be making it up. - The idea it's true and that Reilly shouldn't talk about it is even harder to fathom.
Widbil's only criticism is that Reilly has gone "off the deep end".

Widbil's only evidence of this is the fact that Reilly has criticized Trump.

Widbil's only criticism is that Reilly has gone "off the deep end".

Widbil's only evidence of this is the fact that Reilly has criticized Trump.
Trump supporters are like the parents of a child who gets in trouble at school and blames the teachers and guidance counselor.  All objectivity is lost.  You're attacking their child and they're going to throw down, right or wrong.   

Why would this blow anyone's mind? Almost every politician uses their connections to make money in one way or another. This was considered to be an tolerable, if unsavory practice, for as long as this country has been around. It wasn't until recently that Republicans attempted to use it as a talking point to differentiate Hillary from Trump -- under the mistaken impression that Trump himself had never used the same tactics.

But now that it has become clear that Trump himself not only uses the same tactics, but openly exploits them while in office (to a level that Bill and Hillary Clinton never dreamed of), then the book you cited has become quaint and obsolete.

Also, none of this has anything to do with the fact that Trump cheats at golf. Perhaps you meant to post it in SiD's Emoluments thread?

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They didn't vote for him because he was an honest golfer, they voted for him because he was an outsider that will drain the swamp!

(and hire the best people, build a wall Mexico will pay for, implement the best healthcare ever and lock her up)

I agree with Stealthy. Any politician who uses the office to enrich themselves should be voted out at the earliest opportunity!

Gee...another "Trump is a bad man" thread!!!!

The way he cheats at golf is like sociopath stuff.  He has a faster golf cart so he can race up to his ball to fix his lie and apparently mess with his opponents ball. He thinks he has championships at every one of his courses :lol:

Everyone knows his golf claims are lies yet he insists to tell them.

If you play and even half this stuff is true it's very funny, weird, and sad.

The way he cheats at golf is like sociopath stuff.  He has a faster golf cart so he can race up to his ball to fix his lie and apparently mess with his opponents ball. He thinks he has championships at every one of his courses :lol:

Everyone knows his golf claims are lies yet he insists to tell them.

If you play and even half this stuff is true it's very funny, weird, and sad.
I would never play golf with someone like that again.  

Wouldn't vote for him either.   😜

The litany of Trump's failures as a human being does get tiresome. Unfortunately those who support him have foisted him into a position that makes all those failings, and documenting every...single...one an integral part of the governance of our country at the highest level. So the next time you feel put upon because someone is bringing yet another example of Trump's low character to our attention, thank those that voted for him, making him impossible for the rest of us to ignore, as we'd much rather do.

The way he cheats at golf is like sociopath stuff.  He has a faster golf cart so he can race up to his ball to fix his lie and apparently mess with his opponents ball. He thinks he has championships at every one of his courses :lol:

Everyone knows his golf claims are lies yet he insists to tell them.

If you play and even half this stuff is true it's very funny, weird, and sad.
He's so petty.  Constantly lying about easily verifiable stuff and cheating because he is too afraid to lose.  He has no problem being a total fraud as long as he can project an image that he is not.

I wonder if he makes his caddy sign an NDA.

He's so petty.  Constantly lying about easily verifiable stuff and cheating because he is too afraid to lose.  He has no problem being a total fraud as long as he can project an image that he is not.

I wonder if he makes his caddy sign an NDA.
Yup. Whatever personality disorder that he has is so off the charts and honestly I understand why - the dude got elected President with this going on. Talk about affirmation. 

I'm waiting for the twitter attack that is sure to come from DJT and what Reilly's nickname will be. This book really hits him in the gut on his favorite pastime. You can tell Reilly is ready for it though because near the end of the book after proving the pres 2.4 handi is BS he tosses out a formal challenge to play a match for $100K. He even tweeted it:

"As long as we both had rules officials with us and you don't get to use one of your cheating caddies… You game?"

The litany of Trump's failures as a human being does get tiresome. Unfortunately those who support him have foisted him into a position that makes all those failings, and documenting every...single...one an integral part of the governance of our country at the highest level. So the next time you feel put upon because someone is bringing yet another example of Trump's low character to our attention, thank those that voted for him, making him impossible for the rest of us to ignore, as we'd much rather do.
Seems to me there are a lot of people that don’t want to ignore Trump. 

Seems to me there are a lot of people that don’t want to ignore Trump. 
I'd been ignoring DJT and his antics for a long time as he was located (for the most part) in another city, in another state. The last 2+ years? He's been making himself unignorable each and every single day. So, while I'd really like to continue ignoring him, I cannot. He's deplorable. And many other horrible things I apparently must refrain from calling him even though he is the most prominently public figure ever. Your theory is flawed.

I'd been ignoring DJT and his antics for a long time as he was located (for the most part) in another city, in another state. The last 2+ years? He's been making himself unignorable each and every single day. So, while I'd really like to continue ignoring him, I cannot. He's deplorable. And many other horrible things I apparently must refrain from calling him even though he is the most prominently public figure ever. Your theory is flawed.
I don’t think it’s flawed. It’s not one or the other. There are some that choose not to ignore him. There are others like yourself. 

I'm waiting for the twitter attack that is sure to come from DJT and what Reilly's nickname will be. This book really hits him in the gut on his favorite pastime. You can tell Reilly is ready for it though because near the end of the book after proving the pres 2.4 handi is BS he tosses out a formal challenge to play a match for $100K. He even tweeted it:

"As long as we both had rules officials with us and you don't get to use one of your cheating caddies… You game?"
He'll take him up on the challenge as soon as his audit is finished.

Seems to me there are a lot of people that don’t want to ignore Trump. 
You are posting in a Politics subforum of a Fantasy Football forum. Think you are in the wrong spot if you want to talk about ignoring the antics of the President.

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You are posting in a Politics sub forum of a Fantasy Football subfourm. Think you are in the wrong spot if you want to talk about ignoring the antics of the President.
Correct, there are posters here that don’t want to ignore him, thus posting here. No worries. 


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