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Cowboys will finish 6-10 this year (1 Viewer)

Joe T

The 6 wins they get will all be due to the defense.

The offense is going to be in dissarray. My guess is T.O. blows up before game 5 and doesn't finish the year. The offensive line is in shambles. And the rest of the offense is mediocre at best.

Please don't overrate the cowboys this year. :hot:

I think TO will attempt to be a good soldier this year thus making Dallas a divisional contender. Although there is a potential of team crumbling any given week...(Birds Fan)

I think TO will attempt to be a good soldier this year thus making Dallas a divisional contender. Although there is a potential of team crumbling any given week...(Birds Fan)

I think TO will attempt to be a good soldier this year thus making Dallas a divisional contender. Although there is a potential of team crumbling any given week...(Birds Fan)

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I think TO will attempt to be a good soldier this year thus making Dallas a divisional contender. Although there is a potential of team crumbling any given week...(TigerFan)

The 6 wins they get will all be due to the defense.

The offense is going to be in dissarray. My guess is T.O. blows up before game 5 and doesn't finish the year. The offensive line is in shambles. And the rest of the offense is mediocre at best.

Please don't overrate the cowboys this year. :hot:
You are talking about 2007, right?In 2006, the Cowboys are no worse than 9-7 and a wildcard.

EDIT - If Bledsoe gets injured, all bets are off.

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Since I have a brother who is a Cowboys fan, I would love to see Dallas finish last every year. However, I gotta think TO will be on his best behavior because he's gonna want to stick it to Philly to show them what they're what their missing and just how valuable he is. With the other weapons on this offense and the great defense, I unfortunetly don't see Dallas winning less than 10 games this year.

I think TO will attempt to be a good soldier this year thus making Dallas a divisional contender. Although there is a potential of team crumbling any given week...(Birds Fan)

No way, Dallas will be Tops in there division this Year, then the Giants, then the Skins, then the Iggles. :D

The 6 wins they get will all be due to the defense.

The offense is going to be in dissarray.  My guess is T.O. blows up before game 5 and doesn't finish the year.  The offensive line is in shambles.  And the rest of the offense is mediocre at best.

Please don't overrate the cowboys this year. :hot:
You are talking about 2007, right?In 2006, the Cowboys are no worse than 9-7 and a wildcard.

EDIT - If Bledsoe gets injured, all bets are off.
The 6 wins they get will all be due to the defense.

The offense is going to be in dissarray. My guess is T.O. blows up before game 5 and doesn't finish the year. The offensive line is in shambles. And the rest of the offense is mediocre at best.

Please don't overrate the cowboys this year. :hot:
You are talking about 2007, right?In 2006, the Cowboys are no worse than 9-7 and a wildcard.

EDIT - If Bledsoe gets injured, all bets are off.
:shrug: I could have agreed with you if you meant 2007
I'm a Cards fan and not a big fan of TO. That said, your crazy! Only way this team is a below 500 would be due to a Bledsoe injury period. (birds fan)

-Mud out.

Reasons for an 11-5 season tied for division lead with Giants.

1. Coached by Parcells

2. Defense becoming solid

3. Only team in NFC East to add an actual difference maker this offseason.

4. Kicker problem seems to be fixed.

I'm a Cards fan and not a big fan of TO. That said, your crazy! Only way this team is a below 500 would be due to a Bledsoe injury period. (birds fan)

-Mud out.
I thought you were a (tiger fan)???
The 6 wins they get will all be due to the defense.

The offense is going to be in dissarray.  My guess is T.O. blows up before game 5 and doesn't finish the year.  The offensive line is in shambles.  And the rest of the offense is mediocre at best.

Please don't overrate the cowboys this year. :hot:
You are talking about 2007, right?In 2006, the Cowboys are no worse than 9-7 and a wildcard.

EDIT - If Bledsoe gets injured, all bets are off.
:goodposting: I agree. The defense alone should be good for 5-6 wins, and that offense will be improved over last year just because (if???) the o-line is healthy. The addition of TO turns them into a potential offensive powerhouse.

The keys to their offense will be Bledsoe staying healthy and the addition of talent to the o-line, in that order. If Bledsoe goes down, I think they miss the playoffs in that division.

Please do overrate the Cowboys this year.

Please do think they're Super Bowl contenders.

Please do think they're the cream of the NFC East.

Please do forget their fading, bad defense last year.

Please do forget they finished 3rd in a strong division last year.

Please do forget the other 3 teams in their division will be improved this year.

Please do believe Terrell Owens is a cure, not an ailment.

It'll make the season more enjoyable for us Skins, Giants, and Eagles fans.

Reasons for an 11-5 season tied for division lead with Giants.

1. Coached by Parcells

2. Defense becoming solid

3. Only team in NFC East to add an actual difference maker this offseason.

4. Kicker problem seems to be fixed.
Yeah, Vanderheadcase is cash money in the playoffs..... :no:
The 6 wins they get will all be due to the defense.

The offense is going to be in dissarray. My guess is T.O. blows up before game 5 and doesn't finish the year. The offensive line is in shambles. And the rest of the offense is mediocre at best.

Please don't overrate the cowboys this year. :hot:
Feel the hate............I am blown away by this stupidity. The Cowboys won 9 games last season with less.

Please do overrate the Cowboys this year.

Please do think they're Super Bowl contenders.

Please do think they're the cream of the NFC East.

Please do forget their fading, bad defense last year.

Please do forget they finished 3rd in a strong division last year.

Please do forget the other 3 teams in their division will be improved this year.

Please do believe Terrell Owens is a cure, not an ailment.

It'll make the season more enjoyable for us Skins, Giants, and Eagles fans.
DO keep dreaming if you are a fan of these teams. Of course you can't admit how much better the Cowboys will be this year....... :rolleyes:

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