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Culpepper for a 2nd rounder.... (1 Viewer)

MSNBC Article

The Minnesota Vikings have put quarterback Daunte Culpepper on the trading block after the quarterback asked for a $10 million raise, the Minneapolis Star Tribune reported Thursday.

The Baltimore Sun also said Thursday that the Baltimore Ravens are considering placing the franchise tag on running back Jamal Lewis and then trading him for Culpepper.

The Star Tribune said Culpepper asked for a raise three times during a six-week period, the latest on Jan. 31, when he met with owner Zygi Wilf, new head coach Brad Childress and vice president Rob Brzezinski. At that meeting, Culpepper asked that his salary be boosted from $8 million to $18 million for the 2006 season.

Wilf rejected the request of Culpepper, whose 2005 season was marred by a major injury to his right knee and then his alleged involvement with a party boat sex scandal. He has been charged with three misdemeanors in connection with the Oct. 6 incident on Lake Minnetonka.
That's my issue with PFT in a nutshell. Just because they post RUMOR on 9 out of 10 posts, doesn't all of the sudden make them a credible source. I loathe NOISE, which means I want clean new aggregation where the "sources" are known or quantified. PFT hides behind "our sources" way, way, WAYYYYYY too much.

As Bri wrote, if you "hit" on one out of ten "scoops", that's still far too close to being a web tabloid for my tastes.

To the PFT defenders...in all honesty, what utility does it serve you? Do you simply view it as entertaining reading and another news data point? If that's the case, I can understand it much in the same way I accept that lots of people buy Star, Us, People, National Enquirer, etc...
Sorry, but you're just sticking to your last-year opinion of them and defending it. They now have some major stories before mainstream media, more than they used to. If you don't like their writing style, fine. If you want to say you prefer not to read rumors and you want to wait until things are 'official', fine. But you are harming your credibility here by telling your readers ---- your readers who supply you with much good information in return for good information you supply to us ---- that they are not a worthwhile and steady source of NFL and fantasy information. Many of their rumors are based on inside information; you can see it in the results --- they break some considerably important stories, more so now than before, and a lot of people in the media and on this board are aware of that.

They're a legit NFL and fantasy information source; a good one in fact. Dislike does not change that. A spade is a spade.
Ahhh....so they have changed. I stopped reading them a year or two ago and at that time they were NOT a legitimate news source and they did NOT always apologize for their mistakes. This is going back to the NFLTalk days. Maybe they have matured now?Have they cleaned up the language? Almost every "anonymous source" had a mouth like a sailor on shore leave. It got old.
You havent read them in 2 years and youre bashing them? :lmao: Awesome.
This is the most complete article I've found yet, including information from various stories linked above.

Times Record News

Vikings reportedly seek to deal Culpepper


February 15, 2006

The Minnesota Vikings are gauging quarterback Daunte Culpepper's trade value around the NFL, a person with knowledge of the situation said Wednesday - confirming a decision triggered when Culpepper demanded that his 2006 compensation be more than doubled.

A well-connected website, www.profootballtalk.com, reported the Vikings are seeking a second-round draft pick for Culpepper, but that asking price could not be confirmed. A trade for so little compensation would conclude a stunning fall for Culpepper, 29, who put up MVP-caliber numbers as recently as 2004.

Baltimore, Miami, Oakland and the New York Jets are among those teams who are expected to pursue quarterbacks this offseason.

The Baltimore Sun reported the Ravens might be interested in placing their franchise tag on running back Jamal Lewis and then trading him for Culpepper.

Regardless, the Vikings now seem willing to jettison their franchise quarterback - and conceivably install Brad Johnson as their starter - following a six-week period in which Culpepper has attempted three times to seek an upgrade to his contract.

The last attempt occurred during a Jan. 31 meeting at the team's Winter Park facility, according to three people with knowledge of the situation.

Culpepper, who fired agent Mason Ashe last month, represented himself during a gathering that also included owner Zygi Wilf, other members of his ownership group, coach Brad Childress and Vice President of Football Operations Rob Brzezinski. Culpepper, according to two people with knowledge of the situation, asked that approximately $10 million be added to his contract this season - increasing his total 2006 compensation to a staggering $18 million.

Wilf angrily turned down Culpepper's request, and it is believed that no substantive communication has taken place since. The disagreement is the largest impetus for soliciting trade offers, but Culpepper might also be seeking a fresh start after suffering a major injury to his right knee and being charged with three misdemeanors in connection with an alleged Oct. 6 sex party on a cruise on Lake Minnetonka.

Culpepper, due a $6 million bonus on March 14, faces the task of learning Childress' west-coast offense while being unable to practice until summer at the earliest. A team taking Culpepper would have to view him as a starter for 2007 and consider playing time in 2006 a bonus.

Culpepper's contract, which Wilf upgraded last summer, calls for him to make $8 million during the 2006 league year. Culpepper contends the Vikings promised last summer to address his contract further after the 2005 season; the team has denied that claim.

Culpepper did not respond to an interview request, and team spokesman Bob Hagan said no team official would be available to discuss Culpepper's situation.

News surfaced at this time last year that the Vikings were shopping receiver Randy Moss, who ultimately was sent to Oakland for linebacker Napoleon Harris and two draft choices. No trade involving Culpepper could be finalized before March 3.

(Distributed by Scripps Howard News Service, www.shns.com.)
That's my issue with PFT in a nutshell. Just because they post RUMOR on 9 out of 10 posts, doesn't all of the sudden make them a credible source. I loathe NOISE, which means I want clean new aggregation where the "sources" are known or quantified. PFT hides behind "our sources" way, way, WAYYYYYY too much.

As Bri wrote, if you "hit" on one out of ten "scoops", that's still far too close to being a web tabloid for my tastes.

To the PFT defenders...in all honesty, what utility does it serve you? Do you simply view it as entertaining reading and another news data point? If that's the case, I can understand it much in the same way I accept that lots of people buy Star, Us, People, National Enquirer, etc...
Sorry, but you're just sticking to your last-year opinion of them and defending it. They now have some major stories before mainstream media, more than they used to. If you don't like their writing style, fine. If you want to say you prefer not to read rumors and you want to wait until things are 'official', fine. But you are harming your credibility here by telling your readers ---- your readers who supply you with much good information in return for good information you supply to us ---- that they are not a worthwhile and steady source of NFL and fantasy information. Many of their rumors are based on inside information; you can see it in the results --- they break some considerably important stories, more so now than before, and a lot of people in the media and on this board are aware of that.

They're a legit NFL and fantasy information source; a good one in fact. Dislike does not change that. A spade is a spade.
Ahhh....so they have changed. I stopped reading them a year or two ago and at that time they were NOT a legitimate news source and they did NOT always apologize for their mistakes. This is going back to the NFLTalk days. Maybe they have matured now?Have they cleaned up the language? Almost every "anonymous source" had a mouth like a sailor on shore leave. It got old.
You havent read them in 2 years and youre bashing them? :lmao: Awesome.
:rolleyes: I haven't started my grill with a short match in 2 years either, but I know I'm not missing anything. Are you ever not a condescending jackass?

Ahhh....so they have changed. I stopped reading them a year or two ago and at that time they were NOT a legitimate news source and they did NOT always apologize for their mistakes. This is going back to the NFLTalk days. Maybe they have matured now?

Have they cleaned up the language? Almost every "anonymous source" had a mouth like a sailor on shore leave. It got old.
They've changed considerably; gotten better noticeably since last year, just like Footballguys.com. But don't take my word, don't take anyone's word, just read them for a period of time. Thier language is cleaned up somewhat, but they still call people "turds" and such, so it's not for Sunday School. Personally all I care about is information.
Ahhh....so they have changed. I stopped reading them a year or two ago and at that time they were NOT a legitimate news source and they did NOT always apologize for their mistakes. This is going back to the NFLTalk days. Maybe they have matured now?

Have they cleaned up the language? Almost every "anonymous source" had a mouth like a sailor on shore leave. It got old.
They've changed considerably; gotten better noticeably since last year, just like Footballguys.com. But don't take my word, don't take anyone's word, just read them for a period of time. Thier language is cleaned up somewhat, but they still call people "turds" and such, so it's not for Sunday School. Personally all I care about is information.
Thanks for the intelligent reply. Diesel couldn't manage that.

Just to throw a little other information out here, I defend FBG with the same zeal that I do PFT on other boards.

FBG kinda has the same reputation amongst my peers in the rotisserie fantasy football industry, but Im proud of the product Dodds and Joe put out, and am personally proud to have contributed both to the site's and magazine's content. 

I guess I just like to defend my guys when I know others are wrong about them.  PFT is an excellent site, and should be a part of everyone's daily reading.  They state when they know something, they state when they THINK they know something, and they state when something is a rumor.  Just read the site critically and you'll be fine.
Hey diesel,Thanks for the support elsewhere, I'm not alone among the staff in knowing that our Shark Poolers and subscribers are immensely loyal.

Just out of curiosity though, what do you mean by "FBG kinda has the same reputation amongst my peers in the rotisserie fantasy football industry?" I don't see how we're analagous at all...either in focus, business model or industry positioning vis-a-vis the competition.
Credibility. Outside of this message board, FBG gets taken to task quite a bit.
Hmmmm....fair enough, I'll leave that one alone. But keeping in mind that the message board is a fractional subset of our subscriber base, and our annual retention rates are exemplary, I wonder how one defines "quite a bit."
Jason, as one writer to another, certainly you can admit that "accuracy" in your predictions/writing is a very very small part of your retention rate/reader satisfaction.I know Joe and I have discussed this on here before; people pay to read good writing that sounds informed. People don't pay for poorly written, well-informed information. I think the example we both used was Ian Allen at FFIndex.

FBG has some of the best "writers" in the business, and the FF tools it offers is certainly an order winner.

FBG perfectly caters to those who do this as a hobby, and not a profession.

However, to the people playing FF for highstakes, the more professional amongst us, FBG is hard to defend. As far as the weekly information goes regarding predicting performance, FBG's weekly matchup information and cheatsheets are pretty laughable, and those of us playing a rotisserie game, who all have years of experience of predicting weekly performance, its pretty hard to defend FBG.

Understand that it is a very small subset of the FF population I am referring to, but it is a very well educated base that should have major credibility with you.

But as I said before, I try to defend FBG, because despite this part of the service being..well, horrible...the things FBG offers in the preseason are worth paying for to most, and I appreciate the things FBG does to cater to the less experienced FF player.
Hey diesel, you're certainly entitled to your opinion...but considering how well FBG subscribers have done at the FFTOC and the WCOFF, I'm not sure you can point to any site that does it better. Maybe you want to contend that no site is accurate in a weekly predictive basis, but in terms of relative value? :no:
This is the most complete article I've found yet, including information from various stories linked above.

Times Record News

Vikings reportedly seek to deal Culpepper


February 15, 2006

The Minnesota Vikings are gauging quarterback Daunte Culpepper's trade value around the NFL, a person with knowledge of the situation said Wednesday - confirming a decision triggered when Culpepper demanded that his 2006 compensation be more than doubled.

A well-connected website, www.profootballtalk.com, reported the Vikings are seeking a second-round draft pick for Culpepper, but that asking price could not be confirmed. A trade for so little compensation would conclude a stunning fall for Culpepper, 29, who put up MVP-caliber numbers as recently as 2004.

Baltimore, Miami, Oakland and the New York Jets are among those teams who are expected to pursue quarterbacks this offseason.

The Baltimore Sun reported the Ravens might be interested in placing their franchise tag on running back Jamal Lewis and then trading him for Culpepper.

Regardless, the Vikings now seem willing to jettison their franchise quarterback - and conceivably install Brad Johnson as their starter - following a six-week period in which Culpepper has attempted three times to seek an upgrade to his contract.

The last attempt occurred during a Jan. 31 meeting at the team's Winter Park facility, according to three people with knowledge of the situation.

Culpepper, who fired agent Mason Ashe last month, represented himself during a gathering that also included owner Zygi Wilf, other members of his ownership group, coach Brad Childress and Vice President of Football Operations Rob Brzezinski. Culpepper, according to two people with knowledge of the situation, asked that approximately $10 million be added to his contract this season - increasing his total 2006 compensation to a staggering $18 million.

Wilf angrily turned down Culpepper's request, and it is believed that no substantive communication has taken place since. The disagreement is the largest impetus for soliciting trade offers, but Culpepper might also be seeking a fresh start after suffering a major injury to his right knee and being charged with three misdemeanors in connection with an alleged Oct. 6 sex party on a cruise on Lake Minnetonka.

Culpepper, due a $6 million bonus on March 14, faces the task of learning Childress' west-coast offense while being unable to practice until summer at the earliest. A team taking Culpepper would have to view him as a starter for 2007 and consider playing time in 2006 a bonus.

Culpepper's contract, which Wilf upgraded last summer, calls for him to make $8 million during the 2006 league year. Culpepper contends the Vikings promised last summer to address his contract further after the 2005 season; the team has denied that claim.

Culpepper did not respond to an interview request, and team spokesman Bob Hagan said no team official would be available to discuss Culpepper's situation.

News surfaced at this time last year that the Vikings were shopping receiver Randy Moss, who ultimately was sent to Oakland for linebacker Napoleon Harris and two draft choices. No trade involving Culpepper could be finalized before March 3.

(Distributed by Scripps Howard News Service, www.shns.com.)
What is really interesting is that this is the third souce to name profootballtalk.com as the source of the report, but we have not seen any independent reports confirming this rumor. PFT is either way out in front on this story (they posted it at 2:46 pm on 2/15/06) or they are way off base.
I think everyone is jumping off the Culp bandwagon too fast. Obviously having Moss makes any QB that much better, but I truly believe Culpepper has more than enough skill and ability along with experience to be a better than average QB in the league... by a decent margin.

Don't know where he will end up, but if he can get healthy, I'd expect good things from him. Might not be all of next year depending on the recovery, but I wouldnt mind having Culp on my team.

The Jets could certainly do worse, btw.
As one of the only people who never thought Culpepper was a top 3 QB like everyone else believed, I agree with you. I think that Culpepper is around QB #7-10 and I've always thought that.
Interesting case here: Do the Vikes want teams to know this so they just stay quiet on it? Or are they upset that their asking price is public (assuming it's correct) and they'll deny it?


Updated: Feb. 16, 2006, 3:33 PM ET

Culpepper says he's focusing on rehab, nothing elseESPN.com news services

Rumors abound that Daunte Culpepper wants out of Minnesota and that the Vikings might be willing to make that happen.

Daunte Culpepper


Minnesota Vikings



Att Comp Yds TD Int Rat

216 139 1395 6 12 72.0

On Thursday, the quarterback responded to the talk in an e-mail to ESPN's Andrea Kremer, saying he's focusing on his rehab and he refuses to waste his energy on the speculation.

"Because I am getting so many requests to comment about reported trade talks, I thought it best to make a clear statement that hopefully won't be misinterpreted. I have found over the years that 'people with knowledge of the situation' are usually the most ignorant, and 'anonymous sources' are usually synonymous with cowards who don't want to go on the record," Culpepper wrote.

"My position has been and continues to be that I am focusing on rehabilitating my knee so that I can come back and play the game I love at the highest level. Until I hear different from [Vikings owner Zygi Wilf] or the new 'triangle of authority' at the Vikings I plan on playing quarterback for Minnesota. Trying to delve into speculation, innuendo, rumor or anything else of this nature would be a waste of energy. I choose at this time to spend my energy on getting healthy."

The Star Tribune reported Thursday that the Vikings are gauging his trade value around the NFL.

A source told The Star Tribune that the Vikings began shopping Culpepper around the league after the quarterback asked that $10 million be added to his contract in 2006.

The newspaper reported that Wilf angrily turned down Culpepper's request and no substantive talks between the two sides has taken place since.

Culpepper, who is recovering from major knee surgery after tearing his anterior cruciate, medial collateral and posterior cruciate ligaments in a game against the Panthers on Oct. 30, parted ways with his longtime agent, Mason Ashe, last month.

Culpepper has been seldom seen around Minnesota since the injury, spending most of his time rehabilitating in his native Florida.

New coach Brad Childress, who was hired to replace the fired Mike Tice, tried to connect with Culpepper when they were both in town in January. But Childress had to settle for a 45-minute phone conversation, which he described as a "good flow on information back and forth" but declined to characterize the tone.

Further complicating Minnesota's offseason, Brad Johnson has also stressed his desire to remain a starter.

Wilf has said he plans to keep both of them. Due $6 million in bonuses in March, Culpepper is expected to be ready to participate in training camp -- but that's not a guarantee given the severity of his injury.
C-PEP :boxing: with the media!
LMAO at the jealousy accusation. I agree with Wood in that I view PFT just like a STAR or People or the World News or whatever. Anyone can take a social event like Brad and Jennifer breaking up and just grab any hint of 32 different rumors about why and put them on news stands. That's what those magazines do. And I mock my wife when she looks at them. PFT does the same thing for football. That's irresponsible journalism, in my opinion. And to be honest, I think that irresponsible journalism is a big problem in this country in general.

Therefore, I don't have any respect for sites like PFT.

One thing to pass along to the PFT guy(s) since you seem to be so fond of them: Once you become a "legitimate" news source, you have to actually apologize for your mistakes and/or face liable lawsuits in court. Happens to the trash tabloids all the time. Good luck with that.
The run a retraction EVERY time they say something that gets proven wrong that they stated WOULD happen.At the same time, you REALLY need to learn what the word "rumor" means.
I understand what rumor means. But again, I think rumors are a sign of irresponsible journalism and I think that is becoming a big problem in this country. Just my opinion. PFT and people like that (older Matt Drudge comes to mind in the political world) are hurting more than they're helping. Just one of my hot buttons. :shrug:
Who said it's journalism? They're not claiming to be ESPN. Have you seen the site. It's basically a gossip column, and it's clear they actually have some sources behind what they post.
LMAO at the jealousy accusation. I agree with Wood in that I view PFT just like a STAR or People or the World News or whatever. Anyone can take a social event like Brad and Jennifer breaking up and just grab any hint of 32 different rumors about why and put them on news stands. That's what those magazines do. And I mock my wife when she looks at them. PFT does the same thing for football. That's irresponsible journalism, in my opinion. And to be honest, I think that irresponsible journalism is a big problem in this country in general.

Therefore, I don't have any respect for sites like PFT.

One thing to pass along to the PFT guy(s) since you seem to be so fond of them: Once you become a "legitimate" news source, you have to actually apologize for your mistakes and/or face liable lawsuits in court. Happens to the trash tabloids all the time. Good luck with that.
The run a retraction EVERY time they say something that gets proven wrong that they stated WOULD happen.At the same time, you REALLY need to learn what the word "rumor" means.
I understand what rumor means. But again, I think rumors are a sign of irresponsible journalism and I think that is becoming a big problem in this country. Just my opinion. PFT and people like that (older Matt Drudge comes to mind in the political world) are hurting more than they're helping. Just one of my hot buttons. :shrug:
Who said it's journalism? They're not claiming to be ESPN. Have you seen the site. It's basically a gossip column, and it's clear they actually have some sources behind what they post.
You're behind in the conversation. I'll wait while you catch up.....

Trust me, I am SO going to pimp the following post *WHEN* a portion of it is proven to be true later this year--and trust me, it will. . .

"Rumors flying about free-agent-to-be Edgerrin James seem to indicate that James will either. . .

sign on with the Buffalo Bills or,

sign on with the Miami Dolphins or,

sign on with the New England Patriots or,

sign on with the New York Jets or,

sign on with the Baltimore Ravens or,

sign on with the Cincinnati Bengals or,

sign on with the Cleveland Browns or,

sign on with the Pittsburgh Steelers or,

sign on with the Dallas Cowboys or,

sign on with the New York Giants or,

sign on with the Philadelphia Eagles or,

sign on with the Washington Redskins or,

sign on with the Chicago Bears or,

sign on with the Detroit Lions or,

sign on with the Green Bay Packers or,

sign on with the Minnesota Vikings or,

sign on with the Atlanta Falcons or,

sign on with the Carolina Panthers or,

sign on with the New Orleans Saints or,

sign on with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers or,

sign on with the Arizona Cardinals or,

sign on with the St. Louis Rams or,

sign on with the San Francisco 49ers or,

sign on with the Seattle Seahawks or,

sign on with the Denver Broncos or,

sign on with the Kansas City Chiefs or,

sign on with the Oakland Raiders or,

sign on with the San Diego Chargers or,

sign on with the Houston Texans or,

sign on with the Jacksonville Jaguars or,

sign on with the Tennessee Titans or,

re-sign with the Indianapolis Colts."

I BROKE THIS STORY, SUCKERS!! Deal with it. And for the portions that were wrong, hey, I only said that it was a rumor.

I love this job. I should start my own website.

That's my issue with PFT in a nutshell. Just because they post RUMOR on 9 out of 10 posts, doesn't all of the sudden make them a credible source. I loathe NOISE, which means I want clean new aggregation where the "sources" are known or quantified. PFT hides behind "our sources" way, way, WAYYYYYY too much.

As Bri wrote, if you "hit" on one out of ten "scoops", that's still far too close to being a web tabloid for my tastes.

To the PFT defenders...in all honesty, what utility does it serve you? Do you simply view it as entertaining reading and another news data point? If that's the case, I can understand it much in the same way I accept that lots of people buy Star, Us, People, National Enquirer, etc...
Sorry, but you're just sticking to your last-year opinion of them and defending it. They now have some major stories before mainstream media, more than they used to. If you don't like their writing style, fine. If you want to say you prefer not to read rumors and you want to wait until things are 'official', fine. But you are harming your credibility here by telling your readers ---- your readers who supply you with much good information in return for good information you supply to us ---- that they are not a worthwhile and steady source of NFL and fantasy information. Many of their rumors are based on inside information; you can see it in the results --- they break some considerably important stories, more so now than before, and a lot of people in the media and on this board are aware of that.

They're a legit NFL and fantasy information source; a good one in fact. Dislike does not change that. A spade is a spade.
Ahhh....so they have changed. I stopped reading them a year or two ago and at that time they were NOT a legitimate news source and they did NOT always apologize for their mistakes. This is going back to the NFLTalk days. Maybe they have matured now?Have they cleaned up the language? Almost every "anonymous source" had a mouth like a sailor on shore leave. It got old.
You havent read them in 2 years and youre bashing them? :lmao: Awesome.
:rolleyes: I haven't started my grill with a short match in 2 years either, but I know I'm not missing anything. Are you ever not a condescending jackass?
Only when im dealing with people of any sort of intelligence.
This specific artiticle, they are strongly stating that the Viking ARE shopping Culpepper for a 2nd rounder and cite them breaking the Randy Moss trade scoop to back it up.
"scoop" to me is breaking one story. It's not posting 20 rumors and when one pans out taking credit for that. Just my opinion, I'm sure they're glad you like their site
:goodposting: That's my issue with PFT in a nutshell. Just because they post RUMOR on 9 out of 10 posts, doesn't all of the sudden make them a credible source.
Absolutely ridiculous to imply PFT has a 90% miss percentage on rumors. I'm not going to take half an afternoon to do your math for you, but then again I'm not the one putting math on the table. They are far more accurate than that.
This specific artiticle, they are strongly stating that the Viking ARE shopping Culpepper for a 2nd rounder and cite them breaking the Randy Moss trade scoop to back it up.
"scoop" to me is breaking one story. It's not posting 20 rumors and when one pans out taking credit for that. Just my opinion, I'm sure they're glad you like their site
:goodposting: That's my issue with PFT in a nutshell. Just because they post RUMOR on 9 out of 10 posts, doesn't all of the sudden make them a credible source.
Absolutely ridiculous to imply PFT has a 90% miss percentage on rumors. I'm not going to take half an afternoon to do your math for you, but then again I'm not the one putting math on the table. They are far more accurate than that.
I don't read the site any more. When I used to read it, I'd say that maybe they had a 70-80% miss on rumors. What do you think the percentage is now?
That's my issue with PFT in a nutshell. Just because they post RUMOR on 9 out of 10 posts, doesn't all of the sudden make them a credible source. I loathe NOISE, which means I want clean new aggregation where the "sources" are known or quantified. PFT hides behind "our sources" way, way, WAYYYYYY too much.

As Bri wrote, if you "hit" on one out of ten "scoops", that's still far too close to being a web tabloid for my tastes.

To the PFT defenders...in all honesty, what utility does it serve you? Do you simply view it as entertaining reading and another news data point? If that's the case, I can understand it much in the same way I accept that lots of people buy Star, Us, People, National Enquirer, etc...
Sorry, but you're just sticking to your last-year opinion of them and defending it. They now have some major stories before mainstream media, more than they used to. If you don't like their writing style, fine. If you want to say you prefer not to read rumors and you want to wait until things are 'official', fine. But you are harming your credibility here by telling your readers ---- your readers who supply you with much good information in return for good information you supply to us ---- that they are not a worthwhile and steady source of NFL and fantasy information. Many of their rumors are based on inside information; you can see it in the results --- they break some considerably important stories, more so now than before, and a lot of people in the media and on this board are aware of that.

They're a legit NFL and fantasy information source; a good one in fact. Dislike does not change that. A spade is a spade.
Ahhh....so they have changed. I stopped reading them a year or two ago and at that time they were NOT a legitimate news source and they did NOT always apologize for their mistakes. This is going back to the NFLTalk days. Maybe they have matured now?Have they cleaned up the language? Almost every "anonymous source" had a mouth like a sailor on shore leave. It got old.
You havent read them in 2 years and youre bashing them? :lmao: Awesome.
:rolleyes: I haven't started my grill with a short match in 2 years either, but I know I'm not missing anything. Are you ever not a condescending jackass?
Only when im dealing with people of any sort of intelligence.
All that and wit too?!? No wonder you like PFT so much.


Trust me, I am SO going to pimp the following post *WHEN* a portion of it is proven to be true later this year--and trust me, it will. . .

"Rumors flying about free-agent-to-be Edgerrin James seem to indicate that James will either. . .

sign on with the Buffalo Bills or,

sign on with the Miami Dolphins or,

sign on with the New England Patriots or,

sign on with the New York Jets or,

sign on with the Baltimore Ravens or,

sign on with the Cincinnati Bengals or,

sign on with the Cleveland Browns or,

sign on with the Pittsburgh Steelers or,

sign on with the Dallas Cowboys or,

sign on with the New York Giants or,

sign on with the Philadelphia Eagles or,

sign on with the Washington Redskins or,

sign on with the Chicago Bears or,

sign on with the Detroit Lions or,

sign on with the Green Bay Packers or,

sign on with the Minnesota Vikings or,

sign on with the Atlanta Falcons or,

sign on with the Carolina Panthers or,

sign on with the New Orleans Saints or,

sign on with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers or,

sign on with the Arizona Cardinals or,

sign on with the St. Louis Rams or,

sign on with the San Francisco 49ers or,

sign on with the Seattle Seahawks or,

sign on with the Denver Broncos or,

sign on with the Kansas City Chiefs or,

sign on with the Oakland Raiders or,

sign on with the San Diego Chargers or,

sign on with the Houston Texans or,

sign on with the Jacksonville Jaguars or,

sign on with the Tennessee Titans or,

re-sign with the Indianapolis Colts."

I BROKE THIS STORY, SUCKERS!! Deal with it. And for the portions that were wrong, hey, I only said that it was a rumor.

I love this job. I should start my own website.
Yeah, gee that's exactly what PFT does. You must be pretty bored to waste that much energy to come up with such a ludicrous depiction of PFT. Please tell me you didn't think this was humorous.
I don't read the site any more. When I used to read it, I'd say that maybe they had a 70-80% miss on rumors. What do you think the percentage is now?
I've never kept track, but I'd say they used to miss more than that. It seemed like they'd only get one inside bit of information on a story, and stretch it quite far into speculation, and not say it was speculation.What they seem to be doing this year is getting a more steady stream of information on stories, and posting those as they go along, labelled as either "source with the team", "several league sources", or just "our speculation based on these reports". And the stories advance bit by bit.

Made up, but to illustrate how their stories seem to advance this year:

"we're hearing the Vikings are unhappy with Culpepper"

"we're hearing Culpepper and Wilf clashed"

"we're hearing Culpepper is being offered for trade"

"we're hearing the price is a second round pick"

Beyond that, don't rely on me or my opinion. Read them every day between now and the draft, for example, and see what you think. You might find them useful, or might not. Your opinion of them would be more current.

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Back on subject....

KFNS here in Saint Louis reporting that Baltimore (Baltimore Sun being quoted?) is considering tagging Jamal Lewis and trading to Minnesota for Culpepper.

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I think everyone is jumping off the Culp bandwagon too fast. Obviously having Moss makes any QB that much better, but I truly believe Culpepper has more than enough skill and ability along with experience to be a better than average QB in the league... by a decent margin.
I disagree. Culpepper was so downright awful in 2005. Moss made him good, plain and simple. Given the injury, along with the contract, I can't see anyone wanting him.
I may have missed but I heard Dan Patrick give props to PFT today during his show. I was floored. What's with ESPN? It's seems like they are going out of their way to give credit. Like I said earlier, either they are simply hiding behind the site so they can report the rumor or they truely believe the site to be legit.

Yeah, gee that's exactly what PFT does. You must be pretty bored to waste that much energy to come up with such a ludicrous depiction of PFT. Please tell me you didn't think this was humorous.
Please tell me that what I posted won't, in part be correct. Claiming credit for "what sticks" and hiding behind "it was only a rumor" just doesn't do it for me, I guess. To each his own.Absolutely amazed at the level of defensiveness about PFT on this board. For example, if someone trashes a league-hosting site that I like, it's not like I get all defensive about it and go ape-#### defending them. If you like them, grand! What do you care if other people don't? I don't understand it, I guess, unless some people are being less than forthright about their connections to the site. . .

This specific artiticle, they are strongly stating that the Viking ARE shopping Culpepper for a 2nd rounder and cite them breaking the Randy Moss trade scoop to back it up.
"scoop" to me is breaking one story. It's not posting 20 rumors and when one pans out taking credit for that. Just my opinion, I'm sure they're glad you like their site
:goodposting: That's my issue with PFT in a nutshell. Just because they post RUMOR on 9 out of 10 posts, doesn't all of the sudden make them a credible source.
Absolutely ridiculous to imply PFT has a 90% miss percentage on rumors. I'm not going to take half an afternoon to do your math for you, but then again I'm not the one putting math on the table. They are far more accurate than that.
I don't read the site any more. When I used to read it, I'd say that maybe they had a 70-80% miss on rumors. What do you think the percentage is now?
First off, very, very rarely does PFT publish firm "x will occur" rumors, so I don't think it's fair to get into the business of assigning an accuracy percentage. Frankly, it's undermining what PFT does, which is essentially: (1) 80% providing humorous perspective to actual NFL news of the day and otherwise giving opinions that in no way/shape/form are claiming factual basis or insider foundation; (2) 19% attributing opinions/reaction/perspective to league/team insiders; and (3) 1%, every blue moon, break a Moby **** of a story, and when this happens, I've found PFT to be dead on, always. In my opinion, PFT has always been upfront about which of these it is doing. If a rumor has legs, they say so. If a rumor is pure conjecture, they admit it.As to the 19% that you seem to be taking issue with, PFT does often attribute opinions/reaction/perspective to team/league insiders. One cannot say that 90% of these are wrong, or even 70-80% for that matter. In fact, I find it hard to accept a person could claim 10% of them are wrong. Case in point, if PFT claims that some league insiders question whether Reggie Bush can be an effective load-carrying NFL runningback and he'll probably be drafted too high for what he is, there is simply no way to assign whether that is accurate or not; it is an "insider perspective" which one can agree with or discount entirely. Often times, such as reporting that Edwards is rumored to have interest in KC if Vermeil retires, these are provable as informed "rumors" in retrospect. But let's be serious, as you well know, suggesting John Doe is angling for a HC job, or that Executive X is making a power play within the organization, you can't say they were wrong just because the guy didn't get hired or didn't make a successful power play. To me it's pretty cynical to assume these sort of reports are made up.

But the bottom line IMHO is PFT is vastly underrated for what it is: A site that provides daily news w/links like a normal blog, while clearly putting forth great effort to add witty perspective and sometimes, every now and then, use it's connections to beat the big boys out of a story.

Thanks for the nice replies, fatness and BigJim. You've actually convinced me that I should start checking PFT out again. Thanks!

For what it's worth, I went back and read some of the rumor mills from 2003 and 2004 and remembered why I stopped reading their stuff. But it sounds like they've really changed.


Back on subject....

KFNS here in Saint Louis reporting that Baltimore (Baltimore Sun being quoted?) is considering tagging Jamal Lewis and trading to Minnesota for Culpepper.
Interesting. MIN under the old regime (ie. the personnel they have) and Childress don't seem like a smash-mouth running game combination that Jamal would need, but maybe things will change there? I do remember reading somewhere on this board that Childress was actually much more into the running game than Reid.
I may have missed but I heard Dan Patrick give props to PFT today during his show. I was floored. What's with ESPN? It's seems like they are going out of their way to give credit. Like I said earlier, either they are simply hiding behind the site so they can report the rumor or they truely believe the site to be legit.
As I said earlier, the guy at PFT used to work for ESPN, so he has a relationship with these guys. When he tells them he's got something, they trust him.
LMAO at the jealousy accusation. I agree with Wood in that I view PFT just like a STAR or People or the World News or whatever. Anyone can take a social event like Brad and Jennifer breaking up and just grab any hint of 32 different rumors about why and put them on news stands. That's what those magazines do. And I mock my wife when she looks at them. PFT does the same thing for football. That's irresponsible journalism, in my opinion. And to be honest, I think that irresponsible journalism is a big problem in this country in general.

Therefore, I don't have any respect for sites like PFT.

One thing to pass along to the PFT guy(s) since you seem to be so fond of them: Once you become a "legitimate" news source, you have to actually apologize for your mistakes and/or face liable lawsuits in court. Happens to the trash tabloids all the time. Good luck with that.
The run a retraction EVERY time they say something that gets proven wrong that they stated WOULD happen.At the same time, you REALLY need to learn what the word "rumor" means.
I understand what rumor means. But again, I think rumors are a sign of irresponsible journalism and I think that is becoming a big problem in this country. Just my opinion. PFT and people like that (older Matt Drudge comes to mind in the political world) are hurting more than they're helping. Just one of my hot buttons. :shrug:
Who said it's journalism? They're not claiming to be ESPN. Have you seen the site. It's basically a gossip column, and it's clear they actually have some sources behind what they post.
You're behind in the conversation. I'll wait while you catch up.....
Actually I'm not. You're the one who seems to be missing the boat. You obviously have some sort of axe to grind. So be it. Who cares? Just go piss all over someone else, because it's clear that's what you like to do best.
LMAO at the jealousy accusation. I agree with Wood in that I view PFT just like a STAR or People or the World News or whatever. Anyone can take a social event like Brad and Jennifer breaking up and just grab any hint of 32 different rumors about why and put them on news stands. That's what those magazines do. And I mock my wife when she looks at them. PFT does the same thing for football. That's irresponsible journalism, in my opinion. And to be honest, I think that irresponsible journalism is a big problem in this country in general.

Therefore, I don't have any respect for sites like PFT.

One thing to pass along to the PFT guy(s) since you seem to be so fond of them: Once you become a "legitimate" news source, you have to actually apologize for your mistakes and/or face liable lawsuits in court. Happens to the trash tabloids all the time. Good luck with that.
The run a retraction EVERY time they say something that gets proven wrong that they stated WOULD happen.At the same time, you REALLY need to learn what the word "rumor" means.
I understand what rumor means. But again, I think rumors are a sign of irresponsible journalism and I think that is becoming a big problem in this country. Just my opinion. PFT and people like that (older Matt Drudge comes to mind in the political world) are hurting more than they're helping. Just one of my hot buttons. :shrug:
Who said it's journalism? They're not claiming to be ESPN. Have you seen the site. It's basically a gossip column, and it's clear they actually have some sources behind what they post.
You're behind in the conversation. I'll wait while you catch up.....
Actually I'm not. You're the one who seems to be missing the boat. You obviously have some sort of axe to grind. So be it. Who cares? Just go piss all over someone else, because it's clear that's what you like to do best.
I can't imagine that the people reading your posts in this thread versus my posts in this thread would think I was the one who was "pissing all over someone". Grow up.
I may have missed but I heard Dan Patrick give props to PFT today during his show. I was floored. What's with ESPN? It's seems like they are going out of their way to give credit. Like I said earlier, either they are simply hiding behind the site so they can report the rumor or they truely believe the site to be legit.
As I said earlier, the guy at PFT used to work for ESPN, so he has a relationship with these guys. When he tells them he's got something, they trust him.
I understand that but why now? This guy's been running this site for a few years right? All of a sudden they thinks he's all that? Curious timing is all I'm saying.
I may have missed but I heard Dan Patrick give props to PFT today during his show. I was floored. What's with ESPN? It's seems like they are going out of their way to give credit. Like I said earlier, either they are simply hiding behind the site so they can report the rumor or they truely believe the site to be legit.
ESPN steals enough stories from them...its about time someone over there credited Florio.
I may have missed but I heard Dan Patrick give props to PFT today during his show. I was floored. What's with ESPN? It's seems like they are going out of their way to give credit. Like I said earlier, either they are simply hiding behind the site so they can report the rumor or they truely believe the site to be legit.
ESPN steals enough stories from them...its about time someone over there credited Florio.
Finally something is this thread I can agree with you on: I did notice back when I read the site that they thrashed Lenny P and there were a number of examples they gave where it was pretty obvious that Len had "taken" something that Mike broke first.
This specific artiticle, they are strongly stating that the Viking ARE shopping Culpepper for a 2nd rounder and cite them breaking the Randy Moss trade scoop to back it up.
"scoop" to me is breaking one story. It's not posting 20 rumors and when one pans out taking credit for that. Just my opinion, I'm sure they're glad you like their site
:goodposting: That's my issue with PFT in a nutshell. Just because they post RUMOR on 9 out of 10 posts, doesn't all of the sudden make them a credible source.
Absolutely ridiculous to imply PFT has a 90% miss percentage on rumors. I'm not going to take half an afternoon to do your math for you, but then again I'm not the one putting math on the table. They are far more accurate than that.
I don't read the site any more. When I used to read it, I'd say that maybe they had a 70-80% miss on rumors. What do you think the percentage is now?
Current miss rate: maybe 10%. Also note that many rumors can never be confirmed. Here's a challenge: the current PFT rumor mill goes back to Feb 9. I would like a PFT basher to go back and find an article that is incorrect or false that they did not print a retraction. Just for calculations sake, I counted 39 articles written, not including their one liner sections. If they truly have an 80% miss rate, we are looking at 31.2 incorrect articles. Of course, as I mentioned, some of them are pure opinion pieces that cannot be wrong. And of course, many things can never be proven to be incorrect.

LMAO at the jealousy accusation. I agree with Wood in that I view PFT just like a STAR or People or the World News or whatever. Anyone can take a social event like Brad and Jennifer breaking up and just grab any hint of 32 different rumors about why and put them on news stands. That's what those magazines do. And I mock my wife when she looks at them. PFT does the same thing for football. That's irresponsible journalism, in my opinion. And to be honest, I think that irresponsible journalism is a big problem in this country in general.

Therefore, I don't have any respect for sites like PFT.

One thing to pass along to the PFT guy(s) since you seem to be so fond of them: Once you become a "legitimate" news source, you have to actually apologize for your mistakes and/or face liable lawsuits in court. Happens to the trash tabloids all the time. Good luck with that.
The run a retraction EVERY time they say something that gets proven wrong that they stated WOULD happen.At the same time, you REALLY need to learn what the word "rumor" means.
I understand what rumor means. But again, I think rumors are a sign of irresponsible journalism and I think that is becoming a big problem in this country. Just my opinion. PFT and people like that (older Matt Drudge comes to mind in the political world) are hurting more than they're helping. Just one of my hot buttons. :shrug:
Who said it's journalism? They're not claiming to be ESPN. Have you seen the site. It's basically a gossip column, and it's clear they actually have some sources behind what they post.
You're behind in the conversation. I'll wait while you catch up.....
Actually I'm not. You're the one who seems to be missing the boat. You obviously have some sort of axe to grind. So be it. Who cares? Just go piss all over someone else, because it's clear that's what you like to do best.
I can't imagine that the people reading your posts in this thread versus my posts in this thread would think I was the one who was "pissing all over someone". Grow up.
Ah, the old standby for someone with nothing intelligible left to say. :thumbup:
John Clayton was just on Sportscenter, and said :

The relationship between Culpepper and the Vikings is extremely rocky.

The buyer's market this year will probably prevent them from getting what they think is fair for Culpepper.

Culpepper will be a Viking this year for that reason.

Did anyone else see it? I don't want to be paraphrasing him incorrectly.

John Clayton was just on Sportscenter, and said :

The relationship between Culpepper and the Vikings is extremely rocky.

The buyer's market this year will probably prevent them from getting what they think is fair for Culpepper.

Culpepper will be a Viking this year for that reason.

Did anyone else see it? I don't want to be paraphrasing him incorrectly.
Didnt see it, but that seems to be the consensus.
John Clayton was just on Sportscenter, and said :

The relationship between Culpepper and the Vikings is extremely rocky.

The buyer's market this year will probably prevent them from getting what they think is fair for Culpepper.

Culpepper will be a Viking this year for that reason.

Did anyone else see it? I don't want to be paraphrasing him incorrectly.
Didnt see it, but that seems to be the consensus.
It doesn't make sense to trade him now anyway. If they wait a year for him to be healthly he's easily worth a 1st round pick.
John Clayton was just on Sportscenter, and said :

The relationship between Culpepper and the Vikings is extremely rocky.

The buyer's market this year will probably prevent them from getting what they think is fair for Culpepper.

Culpepper will be a Viking this year for that reason.

Did anyone else see it? I don't want to be paraphrasing him incorrectly.
Didnt see it, but that seems to be the consensus.
It doesn't make sense to trade him now anyway. If they wait a year for him to be healthly he's easily worth a 1st round pick.
Youre overlooking the financial considerations. If they trade him now, they avoid his $6 mil roster bonus, his base salary, and his likely insane contract demands in 2007.
LMAO at the jealousy accusation. I agree with Wood in that I view PFT just like a STAR or People or the World News or whatever. Anyone can take a social event like Brad and Jennifer breaking up and just grab any hint of 32 different rumors about why and put them on news stands. That's what those magazines do. And I mock my wife when she looks at them. PFT does the same thing for football. That's irresponsible journalism, in my opinion. And to be honest, I think that irresponsible journalism is a big problem in this country in general.

Therefore, I don't have any respect for sites like PFT.

One thing to pass along to the PFT guy(s) since you seem to be so fond of them: Once you become a "legitimate" news source, you have to actually apologize for your mistakes and/or face liable lawsuits in court. Happens to the trash tabloids all the time. Good luck with that.
The run a retraction EVERY time they say something that gets proven wrong that they stated WOULD happen.At the same time, you REALLY need to learn what the word "rumor" means.
I understand what rumor means. But again, I think rumors are a sign of irresponsible journalism and I think that is becoming a big problem in this country. Just my opinion. PFT and people like that (older Matt Drudge comes to mind in the political world) are hurting more than they're helping. Just one of my hot buttons. :shrug:
Who said it's journalism? They're not claiming to be ESPN. Have you seen the site. It's basically a gossip column, and it's clear they actually have some sources behind what they post.
You're behind in the conversation. I'll wait while you catch up.....
Actually I'm not. You're the one who seems to be missing the boat. You obviously have some sort of axe to grind. So be it. Who cares? Just go piss all over someone else, because it's clear that's what you like to do best.
I can't imagine that the people reading your posts in this thread versus my posts in this thread would think I was the one who was "pissing all over someone". Grow up.
Ah, the old standby for someone with nothing intelligible left to say. :thumbup:
I think he's saying there's no need to pile on when he's already said he'd give the site another read.
More from PFT:


Smarting from a persistent refusal to increase his salary and faced with reports that the team that drafted him in 1999 is trying to trade him, quarterback Daunte Culpepper said on Thursday that he's not aware of any effort to trade him, and that he plans to play for the Vikings in 2006.

Culpepper, who represents himself (and who consequently has a big, dumb, and ugly client), sent the following e-mail to Sid Hartman of The Minneapolis Star Tribune:

"Because I am getting so many requests to comment about reported trade talks, I thought it best to make a clear statement that hopefully won't be misinterpreted. I have found over the years that 'people with knowledge of the situation' are usually the most ignorant, and 'anonymous sources' are usually synonymous with cowards who don't want to go on the record.

"My position has been and continues to be that I am focusing on rehabilitating my knee so that I can come back and play the game I love at the highest level. Until I hear different from Mr. Wilf or the new 'triangle of authority' at the Vikings I plan on playing quarterback for Minnesota.

"Trying to delve into speculation, innuendo, rumor or anything else of this nature would be a waste of energy. I choose at this time to spend my energy on getting healthy."

We don't know where to start, frankly. First of all, folks who talk off the record aren't "cowards." They're realists. Certain things can only be said only under an express condition of anonymity. Absent such promises, most folks simply wouldn't talk.

It's a common practice in all sorts of journalism -- and it's likewise common for the people who don't like the things that folks are saying under a necessary veil of secrecy to claim that the people who are talking are 'fraidy cats.

More importantly, how can Culpepper claim that he's focused on rehabilitating his knee when he's spent much of the last six weeks trying to get rewarded for the worst season of his career by squeezing even more money out of the team with which he's under contract through 2013? Or when he's been firing his agent and representing himself and popping in on the powers-that-be in an effort to parlay that Cade McNown passer rating into a $10 million raise?

We think that Culpepper chooses to ignore the report that the Vikings are shopping him for a second-round pick because he knows that guys who deserve (as he thinks he does) to be paid $18 million in 2006 will command far more than a second-round pick on the open market.

Daunte -- get yourself an agent, let him or her worry about the contractual issues, and focus all of your efforts on getting healthy. That's the best way to get paid and, more importantly, it's the best way to be wanted again by a team that might be realizing that it traded away the wrong guy in 2005.


We're feeling a little tingly tonight. And it's got nothing to do with the fumes from that Sugar Bowl couch still smoldering in the back yard.

Instead, we've suddenly realized that we're dangerously close to becoming a mainstream outlet for NFL news and information.

It started on Thursday morning, with a reference on ESPN Radio's Mike & Mike in the Morning. Then, we got a mention during ESPN's Around the Horn. Next up, Dan Patrick gave us a shout on SportsCenter. And finally Darren Horton of The NFL Network referred to the site on Total Access.

All of that pub flowed from our report regarding the Vikings' interest in trading Daunte Culpepper for a second-round draft pick.

Hopefully, there will be more to come in the future, since it's the best way for us to expand our audience (especially when the budget doesn't allow for advertising . . . or salaries).

For any of you who found us today for the first time, welcome. Make yourself at home. Take a look around. Check out nearly four years of archived stories, some of which actually came to fruition.

And please keep coming back. Every day. Because we'll be putting up new stuff -- every single day, usually multiple times per day -- unless and until the folks at the building and loan repossess our Commodore 64.

But the bottom line IMHO is PFT is vastly underrated for what it is: A site that provides daily news w/links like a normal blog, while clearly putting forth great effort to add witty perspective and sometimes, every now and then, use it's connections to beat the big boys out of a story.
So I went to PFT today for the first time in a while, to see all of this "witty" stuff I've been missing, since that was mentioned several times yesterday. Now I remember why I don't go there very often. Here's a sampling of today's side-splitters:[in reference to Duce Staley changing his insurance story] "The fact that he is telling multiple stories to different audiences is an invitation for the insurance company's fraud unit to shove the Hubble telescope up the thing that was parked on the Steelers' bench for most of the 2006 season."

Man, I'm dyin'. That's good stuff. :mellow:

To each his own. . . :shrug:

John Clayton was just on Sportscenter, and said :

The relationship between Culpepper and the Vikings is extremely rocky.

The buyer's market this year will probably prevent them from getting what they think is fair for Culpepper.

Culpepper will be a Viking this year for that reason.

Did anyone else see it? I don't want to be paraphrasing him incorrectly.
Didnt see it, but that seems to be the consensus.
It doesn't make sense to trade him now anyway. If they wait a year for him to be healthly he's easily worth a 1st round pick.
Youre overlooking the financial considerations. If they trade him now, they avoid his $6 mil roster bonus, his base salary, and his likely insane contract demands in 2007.
In March, Culpepper is due a $6 million roster bonus, and his base salary for 2006 is $2 million. His salary cap number is a team-high $9.421 million, according to NFL Players Association salary documents. The exact date Culpepper will receive the bonus is not known. But if the Vikings choose to release or trade him the NFL trading period begins on March 3 the team's accelerated salary cap charge would be about $5.6 million. That means the Vikings' net savings, for salary cap purposes, would be $2.4 million.
So in effect, trading CPep would amount to a 2nd round pick and $2.4 million cap savings. However, the cap isn't an issue for the Vikes and keeping him this year would let the team see if he can play like he did in 2004. At the worst they keep him for a year and then decide to trade him for at a minimum of a 1st round pick and only take about a $4M cap hit. Maybe trading him is a good idea, but this is the wrong time to do it.
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I see no way Culpepper plays for the Vikings' next season. We see a lot of smoke between the organization and Daunte and there must be some fire. Having a disgruntled employee (Daunte) during the new ownership\coaching staff's first year would be a terrible way to start.

I would be happy if Minnesota just released him, but if they can get something for him then I would pull the trigger. I do expect Minnesota to get a 2nd rounder for him. I still suspect Minnesota works out a trade with Baltimore, exchanging Daunte and Ray Lewis.

This Jamal Lewis stuff is for the birds.

This specific artiticle, they are strongly stating that the Viking ARE shopping Culpepper for a 2nd rounder and cite them breaking the Randy Moss trade scoop to back it up.
"scoop" to me is breaking one story. It's not posting 20 rumors and when one pans out taking credit for that. Just my opinion, I'm sure they're glad you like their site
:goodposting: That's my issue with PFT in a nutshell. Just because they post RUMOR on 9 out of 10 posts, doesn't all of the sudden make them a credible source.
Absolutely ridiculous to imply PFT has a 90% miss percentage on rumors. I'm not going to take half an afternoon to do your math for you, but then again I'm not the one putting math on the table. They are far more accurate than that.
I don't read the site any more. When I used to read it, I'd say that maybe they had a 70-80% miss on rumors. What do you think the percentage is now?
Current miss rate: maybe 10%. Also note that many rumors can never be confirmed. Here's a challenge: the current PFT rumor mill goes back to Feb 9. I would like a PFT basher to go back and find an article that is incorrect or false that they did not print a retraction. Just for calculations sake, I counted 39 articles written, not including their one liner sections. If they truly have an 80% miss rate, we are looking at 31.2 incorrect articles. Of course, as I mentioned, some of them are pure opinion pieces that cannot be wrong. And of course, many things can never be proven to be incorrect.
Last post on PFT. This is the kind of stuff I'm talking about:

POSTED 9:12 a.m. EDT, May 22, 2003


As Dolphins receiver Oronde Gadsden continues to search for his next NFL meal, at least one of his teammates is privately ripping the receiver and his agent, Michael Todd, for a contract strategy that has seen Gadsden's earning potential plummet over the past 12 months.

Last September, Gadsden turned down a multi-year offer from the Dolphins, which included a $750,000 signing bonus. The Fins were willing to make the investment in Gadsden even when he was playing with a wrist injury that ultimately knocked him out for the rest of the year (actually, he chose season-ending surgery after he rejected the Dolphins' contract offer).

But Gadsden and Todd opted instead to test the open market, where the veteran receiver got a few sniffs from teams like the Vikings and the Patriots, but nothing serious. Along the way, Gadsden's Miami teammates were urging him to accept an incentive-laden deal.

The Dolphins indeed remain interested, but for only the $530,000 one-year minimum, with incentives. Gadsden supposedly wants a signing bonus, too.

These developments have prompted Gadsden's teammate to question, "Who in the f--- is stupider, Gadsden or the agent? Can you say #######?"

I personally don't like my football news in that format. :shrug:

Sounds like they have grown up though. I'll check them out.

This specific artiticle, they are strongly stating that the Viking ARE shopping Culpepper for a 2nd rounder and cite them breaking the Randy Moss trade scoop to back it up.
"scoop" to me is breaking one story. It's not posting 20 rumors and when one pans out taking credit for that. Just my opinion, I'm sure they're glad you like their site
:goodposting: That's my issue with PFT in a nutshell. Just because they post RUMOR on 9 out of 10 posts, doesn't all of the sudden make them a credible source.
Absolutely ridiculous to imply PFT has a 90% miss percentage on rumors. I'm not going to take half an afternoon to do your math for you, but then again I'm not the one putting math on the table. They are far more accurate than that.
I don't read the site any more. When I used to read it, I'd say that maybe they had a 70-80% miss on rumors. What do you think the percentage is now?
Current miss rate: maybe 10%. Also note that many rumors can never be confirmed. Here's a challenge: the current PFT rumor mill goes back to Feb 9. I would like a PFT basher to go back and find an article that is incorrect or false that they did not print a retraction. Just for calculations sake, I counted 39 articles written, not including their one liner sections. If they truly have an 80% miss rate, we are looking at 31.2 incorrect articles. Of course, as I mentioned, some of them are pure opinion pieces that cannot be wrong. And of course, many things can never be proven to be incorrect.
Last post on PFT. This is the kind of stuff I'm talking about:

POSTED 9:12 a.m. EDT, May 22, 2003


As Dolphins receiver Oronde Gadsden continues to search for his next NFL meal, at least one of his teammates is privately ripping the receiver and his agent, Michael Todd, for a contract strategy that has seen Gadsden's earning potential plummet over the past 12 months.

Last September, Gadsden turned down a multi-year offer from the Dolphins, which included a $750,000 signing bonus. The Fins were willing to make the investment in Gadsden even when he was playing with a wrist injury that ultimately knocked him out for the rest of the year (actually, he chose season-ending surgery after he rejected the Dolphins' contract offer).

But Gadsden and Todd opted instead to test the open market, where the veteran receiver got a few sniffs from teams like the Vikings and the Patriots, but nothing serious. Along the way, Gadsden's Miami teammates were urging him to accept an incentive-laden deal.

The Dolphins indeed remain interested, but for only the $530,000 one-year minimum, with incentives. Gadsden supposedly wants a signing bonus, too.

These developments have prompted Gadsden's teammate to question, "Who in the f--- is stupider, Gadsden or the agent? Can you say #######?"

I personally don't like my football news in that format. :shrug:

Sounds like they have grown up though. I'll check them out.
PFT does have a different writing style. The frequently quote unnamed sources who use lots of cuss words. I actually thought they were accurate quotes. It's not hard for me to believe that in an industry dominated by men, you can't find people using swear words. Actually, when I first got into the work force in 1988, swearing was a lot more common. I was once in a meeting and a really good looking woman was "facilitating" the meeting. Once she left, one guy relaxed and said, "now we can talk like men."The other odd thing they do is make up nicknames for people such as Meathead for Mike Tice and Coach Chin for Bill Cowher. They used to call Daniel Snyder Snydenbrenner, but I think they stopped. I am not to fond of the nicknames, but that does not really change the information in the articles.

One final note, even though you comment on the format of the article, the information in it is probably still good and accurate. PFT does have topics they like to discuss, including players/agents who miss the free agency market, the guaranteed are real dollars of new contracts opposed to the numbers that are reported, CBA rules and ramifications,.

This specific artiticle, they are strongly stating that the Viking ARE shopping Culpepper for a 2nd rounder and cite them breaking the Randy Moss trade scoop to back it up.
"scoop" to me is breaking one story. It's not posting 20 rumors and when one pans out taking credit for that. Just my opinion, I'm sure they're glad you like their site
:goodposting: That's my issue with PFT in a nutshell. Just because they post RUMOR on 9 out of 10 posts, doesn't all of the sudden make them a credible source.
Absolutely ridiculous to imply PFT has a 90% miss percentage on rumors. I'm not going to take half an afternoon to do your math for you, but then again I'm not the one putting math on the table. They are far more accurate than that.
I don't read the site any more. When I used to read it, I'd say that maybe they had a 70-80% miss on rumors. What do you think the percentage is now?
Current miss rate: maybe 10%. Also note that many rumors can never be confirmed. Here's a challenge: the current PFT rumor mill goes back to Feb 9. I would like a PFT basher to go back and find an article that is incorrect or false that they did not print a retraction. Just for calculations sake, I counted 39 articles written, not including their one liner sections. If they truly have an 80% miss rate, we are looking at 31.2 incorrect articles. Of course, as I mentioned, some of them are pure opinion pieces that cannot be wrong. And of course, many things can never be proven to be incorrect.
Last post on PFT. This is the kind of stuff I'm talking about:

POSTED 9:12 a.m. EDT, May 22, 2003


As Dolphins receiver Oronde Gadsden continues to search for his next NFL meal, at least one of his teammates is privately ripping the receiver and his agent, Michael Todd, for a contract strategy that has seen Gadsden's earning potential plummet over the past 12 months.

Last September, Gadsden turned down a multi-year offer from the Dolphins, which included a $750,000 signing bonus. The Fins were willing to make the investment in Gadsden even when he was playing with a wrist injury that ultimately knocked him out for the rest of the year (actually, he chose season-ending surgery after he rejected the Dolphins' contract offer).

But Gadsden and Todd opted instead to test the open market, where the veteran receiver got a few sniffs from teams like the Vikings and the Patriots, but nothing serious. Along the way, Gadsden's Miami teammates were urging him to accept an incentive-laden deal.

The Dolphins indeed remain interested, but for only the $530,000 one-year minimum, with incentives. Gadsden supposedly wants a signing bonus, too.

These developments have prompted Gadsden's teammate to question, "Who in the f--- is stupider, Gadsden or the agent? Can you say #######?"

I personally don't like my football news in that format. :shrug:

Sounds like they have grown up though. I'll check them out.
If those are actual quotes from a teammate, how can that not be considered newsworthy? As another guy said, you may find the style abrasive but that doesn't mean he made up a quote and pawned it off on an imaginary teammate. It's the quote that's abrasive, not what PFT did with it.As to Pinequick's post, I'm not saying every blurb is Johnny Carson material. I'm sure I could find a comment a day that is as funny as a fart in orchestra hall. Same could be said for Mike/Mike or Dan Patrick. I'm not trying to get you to read it anyway... couldn't care less if you don't. It doesn't bear on the accuracy issue that is being discussed in this thread.


Trust me, I am SO going to pimp the following post *WHEN* a portion of it is proven to be true later this year--and trust me, it will. . .

"Rumors flying about free-agent-to-be Edgerrin James seem to indicate that James will either. . .

sign on with the Buffalo Bills or,

sign on with the Miami Dolphins or,

sign on with the New England Patriots or,

sign on with the New York Jets or,

sign on with the Baltimore Ravens or,

sign on with the Cincinnati Bengals or,

sign on with the Cleveland Browns or,

sign on with the Pittsburgh Steelers or,

sign on with the Dallas Cowboys or,

sign on with the New York Giants or,

sign on with the Philadelphia Eagles or,

sign on with the Washington Redskins or,

sign on with the Chicago Bears or,

sign on with the Detroit Lions or,

sign on with the Green Bay Packers or,

sign on with the Minnesota Vikings or,

sign on with the Atlanta Falcons or,

sign on with the Carolina Panthers or,

sign on with the New Orleans Saints or,

sign on with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers or,

sign on with the Arizona Cardinals or,

sign on with the St. Louis Rams or,

sign on with the San Francisco 49ers or,

sign on with the Seattle Seahawks or,

sign on with the Denver Broncos or,

sign on with the Kansas City Chiefs or,

sign on with the Oakland Raiders or,

sign on with the San Diego Chargers or,

sign on with the Houston Texans or,

sign on with the Jacksonville Jaguars or,

sign on with the Tennessee Titans or,

re-sign with the Indianapolis Colts."

I BROKE THIS STORY, SUCKERS!! Deal with it. And for the portions that were wrong, hey, I only said that it was a rumor.

I love this job. I should start my own website.
:goodposting: So, how do you think this affects his value for next season? Can he produce the same numbers there?

Last post on PFT.

This is the kind of stuff I'm talking about:

POSTED 9:12 a.m. EDT, May 22, 2003
Most recent post on PFT.This is the kind of stuff I'm talking about:

POSTED 8:51 a.m. EST; UPDATED 9:19 a.m. EST, February 17, 2006


If the Two Utes in New York ultimately choose to dump Chad Pennington, they'll apparently have some support in the locker room. Per Mark Cannizaro of The New York Post, two members of the team's offense believe that the team shot chop Chad from the roster.

"I think we should release him; he's too injury-prone," one player said.

"He's like an egg back there," said another player. "I mean, look at the ways he's gotten hurt. He hasn't even been hit that hard. The injuries have come from awkward hits and falls. I think we should just cut him."

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