A while back I stumbled across a site that has all 3 games in the Krynn/Dragonlance series released in the early 90's. I had the original games but they got lost over time. It's been a cool trip down memory lane playing them.
Part I--Champions of Krynn
Part 2--Death Knights of Krynn
Part 3--The Dark Queen of Krynn
Haven't tried it in Windows 10, but they work in Windows 7, and as far as I can tell, I think it only creates a save file on your hard drive to save your progress, and you play the game on the web page. You can bring characters from part 1 to part 2, but not to part 3. Unfortunately, they require a password of sorts that you have to get out of the books that came with the games, but fortunately those are available online as well:
Champions of Krynn Journal
Death Knights of Krynn Journal
Death Knights of Krynn Rule Book--saving in certain places will ask for a word from the rule book instead of the journal
The Dark Queen of Krynn Journal
The Dark Queen of Krynn Rule Book
I don't have the Rule Book for the first game, but they're all fairly similar, so if you play and get to a point where it asks for a word from the rule book, you can try using one of the other ones instead. The first two allow you customize every part of your character's icon, but in the 3rd one you can only pick from pre-created ones; however, game play is better on the 3rd than than the first 2, but it's also much tougher in general. If you try them, I advise to save early and often, as they have frozen on me at times, and getting the site to reload the game takes a couple of tries occasionally. They definitely won't wow you with the graphics, but I think they got the most they could out of what was available to them. I have gotten all the way through all three of them, and have done the first 2 multiple times.
If anyone tries these, I'd love to hear how it goes and am willing to let you pick my brain.