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Democrats need to wake the hell up (2 Viewers)

timschochet said:
I am terrified of another Trump term. I admit it. I think he is an existential threat to this country. 
During Trump’s first term he had guard rails: people around him who prevented him from acting on his worst instincts. If Trump is re-elected these will all be gone, and there will be nothing but yes men. I believe that, among other things, we will pull out of NATO and end our international commitments that we’ve had under every President since 1945. I believe that, domestically, there will be more violence and unrest than at any time since 1968. We may survive another Trump term (perhaps) but it won’t be a good time. 
I'm more pessimistic about a Trump second term than you are.  I think if Trump is reelected, he'll return to office with a very real mandate for authoritarianism -- unlike 2016, people voting in 2024 will know exactly what Trump is all about and what they're voting for.  In a strange sense, people will voted not to do traditional US-style democracy any more.  I'm not sure what comes next, but I'm fairly confident I won't like it relative to the status quo. 

Two news  headlines are currently running side by side: 
1. Sinema announces that, as much as he wants the voting rights bill (she’s a co-sponsor) she won’t agree to break the filibuster to get it. 

and, a few hours later….

2. Biden announces that the voting rights bill is a priority and he intends to get it passed before the end of the year. 

JFC. Unlike many people here I am a Biden fan. But this is sheer incompetence. Why the hell would he make these comments AFTER Sinema killed the deal? (Which we all knew she would along with Manchin. It’s no secret.) I just don’t get this. Stupid stupid stupid. 

I agree with this and will take it further...there is now a real ability for people to hate very quickly...for some people you can agree with them on 9 things but if you disagree with them on the 10th one, they can flip the hate switch very quickly (cancel culture excels at this)...there has always been forms of hate in this country (racism being the biggest) but those seemed to be more deep-seated/life-long/taught by your family in many cases so while despicable you usually knew the roots of it ...today there is a new form of hate and I'm not sure if it is due to a generation always getting trophies/not ever being told no/having their parents think they walk on water but the ability to go from 0-100 on the hate-meter is beyond unhealthy.
The tweaking and shifting of definitions in recent years is to blame for a lot of this IMO.  Labeling someone or something racist, for instance, used to require some heavy lifting as it is such a deplorable pejorative.  Now, if you disagree with a black athelete kneeling for the national anthem your opinion is either based in racism or you are simply a racist.  If you are not 100% in support of removing statues of founding fathers that owned slaves, you're a racist (or at least are supportive of racist views).  If you are pro-choice its due to you being a misogynist that wants to control women.  If you criticize a female politician-even if you make salient points-it due to your misogyny.  If you support Trump you are all the -isms rolled into one (I'll concede that this specific hyperbole has ratcheted down somewhat in recent times, with pundits recognizing that there are a wide array of reasons people voted for Trump and its not simply racism).  Wanting to stem illegal immigration is racist.  Voter ID is racist.  And on it goes.  

Obviously, a person that fancies themselves in good moral standing would never be friends with a racist and is perfectly fine with hating said racist.  To be clear conservatives are not immune to this-the Kaepernick saga is case in point with many on the right calling his supporters traitors.  But the left does this better than anyone.  They've redefined terms and broadened the reach of a wide variety of really nasty pejoratives to cover all manner of thought that conflicts with their worldview.  It frightens people to be painted with this brush so they play nice in public and on social media and don't speak their minds. 

So, I take major umbrage with the idea listed above that Republicans do "fear" better than anyone.  They are total ####### amatures compared to the far left woke brigade.  Its not even close. 

ETA: for reference, a recent Axios poll of young folks shows the following:

5% of Republicans stated they would not be friends with a Democrat.  37% of Democrats feel the same.

7% of Republicans would not shop at a business owend by a Democrat.  41% of Democrats would not do the same at a business owned by a Republican.

31% of Republicans would not date a Democrat.  71% of Democrats would not date a Republican.  71%!!!

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Two news  headlines are currently running side by side: 
1. Sinema announces that, as much as he wants the voting rights bill (she’s a co-sponsor) she won’t agree to break the filibuster to get it. 

and, a few hours later….

2. Biden announces that the voting rights bill is a priority and he intends to get it passed before the end of the year. 

JFC. Unlike many people here I am a Biden fan. But this is sheer incompetence. Why the hell would he make these comments AFTER Sinema killed the deal? (Which we all knew she would along with Manchin. It’s no secret.) I just don’t get this. Stupid stupid stupid. 
No one really thinks Biden has any idea of what is going on.  He seems completely oblivious to the world around him.  

timschochet said:
I am terrified of another Trump term. I admit it. I think he is an existential threat to this country. 
During Trump’s first term he had guard rails: people around him who prevented him from acting on his worst instincts. If Trump is re-elected these will all be gone, and there will be nothing but yes men. I believe that, among other things, we will pull out of NATO and end our international commitments that we’ve had under every President since 1945. I believe that, domestically, there will be more violence and unrest than at any time since 1968. We may survive another Trump term (perhaps) but it won’t be a good time. 
I am getting more terrified every day of three more years of Biden.  In AZ our boarders are being overrun with no end in sight.  Violence is out of control with guns, and people don’t respect the police any more.  I went to the grocery store to purchase dinner/meals for 8 people $600.00; ( 5 days of meals/food)bacon was 8.00 a pound, other prices are just as bad, oh yea I stoped and filled my truck up with gas $104.00.  Inflation is here to stay under Biden.  Even the Fed states inflation is not a short term problem.  IMO our relations with China and Russia are getting worst by the day.

I am getting more terrified every day of three more years of Biden.  In AZ our boarders are being overrun with no end in sight.  Violence is out of control with guns, and people don’t respect the police any more.  I went to the grocery store to purchase dinner/meals for 8 people $600.00; ( 5 days of meals/food)bacon was 8.00 a pound, other prices are just as bad, oh yea I stoped and filled my truck up with gas $104.00.  Inflation is here to stay under Biden.  Even the Fed states inflation is not a short term problem.  IMO our relations with China and Russia are getting worst by the day.

Psaki blames Big Meat for this....

I am getting more terrified every day of three more years of Biden.  In AZ our boarders are being overrun with no end in sight.  Violence is out of control with guns, and people don’t respect the police any more.  I went to the grocery store to purchase dinner/meals for 8 people $600.00; ( 5 days of meals/food)bacon was 8.00 a pound, other prices are just as bad, oh yea I stoped and filled my truck up with gas $104.00.  Inflation is here to stay under Biden.  Even the Fed states inflation is not a short term problem.  IMO our relations with China and Russia are getting worst by the day.

Yet somehow corporate profits are never part of the equation. 


I am getting more terrified every day of three more years of Biden.  In AZ our boarders are being overrun with no end in sight.  Violence is out of control with guns, and people don’t respect the police any more.  I went to the grocery store to purchase dinner/meals for 8 people $600.00; ( 5 days of meals/food)bacon was 8.00 a pound, other prices are just as bad, oh yea I stoped and filled my truck up with gas $104.00.  Inflation is here to stay under Biden.  Even the Fed states inflation is not a short term problem.  IMO our relations with China and Russia are getting worst by the day.
I’ve heard folks in Arizona complain about the borders being overrun for going on three decades now. No offense, but I think it’s a lot of crap. Whenever the economy is good you get a bunch of illegals crossing the border. When the economy slows down, they slow down. This hasn’t changed much; it’s been a steady rule nearly forever. And nearly forever, Arizona conservatives have complained about it. 

As for violence out of control and nobody respecting police, that had its peak after George Floyd in 2020. It certainly hasn’t gotten worse under Biden, so I don’t understand why you would blame him for that (I don’t blame Trump either.) 

Finally you wrote “inflation is here to stay under Biden”, which implies that inflation is here to stay because of Biden. If you believe that, you need to back it up. 

As for violence out of control and nobody respecting police, that had its peak after George Floyd in 2020. It certainly hasn’t gotten worse under Biden, so I don’t understand why you would blame him for that (I don’t blame Trump either.) 

I don't blame Biden or Trump for that, either.  I blame the politicians who were running the States where they allowed this to happen.  I blame the media for downplaying the riots and for sowing the seeds for it to continue.  

As for violence out of control and nobody respecting police, that had its peak after George Floyd in 2020. It certainly hasn’t gotten worse under Biden, so I don’t understand why you would blame him for that (I don’t blame Trump either.) 
Unfortunately for Biden, he's going to pay the price for democratic mayors letting crime get out of hand.  This isn't a "Biden thing" at all, but it's an issue within democratic circles and he's the democrat running for president, so it rubs off on him by association.

Two news  headlines are currently running side by side: 
1. Sinema announces that, as much as he wants the voting rights bill (she’s a co-sponsor) she won’t agree to break the filibuster to get it. 

and, a few hours later….

2. Biden announces that the voting rights bill is a priority and he intends to get it passed before the end of the year. 

JFC. Unlike many people here I am a Biden fan. But this is sheer incompetence. Why the hell would he make these comments AFTER Sinema killed the deal? (Which we all knew she would along with Manchin. It’s no secret.) I just don’t get this. Stupid stupid stupid. 
Sure but there’s still a segment of the population that live in Pollyanna land and think playing politics is never good.  I find myself visiting that land until I realize that we can’t really get much down while we are there.

As for violence out of control and nobody respecting police, that had its peak after George Floyd in 2020. It certainly hasn’t gotten worse under Biden, so I don’t understand why you would blame him for that (I don’t blame Trump either.) 
According to gun violence archive 14,516 Americans have died from guns/shootings  thru 9/15/21  that’s 1300 more than all of 2020, and is currently on pace for a 9+percent increase under Biden  So we will have to disagree that it has gotten worst under Biden, but the numbers support it is getting worst.

I’ve heard folks in Arizona complain about the borders being overrun for going on three decades now. No offense, but I think it’s a lot of crap. Whenever the economy is good you get a bunch of illegals crossing the border. When the economy slows down, they slow down. This hasn’t changed much; it’s been a steady rule nearly forever. And nearly forever, Arizona conservatives have complained about it. 
As someone who has a home in AZ, we will disagree on this.  I can tell you some of my close friends who are strong Dems can’t wait for midterms to vote out Kelly who supports Biden’s on immigration.  We leave this topic open pending upcoming elections, but I will take the over that Az turns back to red.  The ads are running hot and heavy on Tv where I am at on the failed immigration policy by the Dems.

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According to gun violence archive 14,516 Americans have died from guns/shootings  thru 9/15/21  that’s 1300 more than all of 2020, and is currently on pace for a 9+percent increase under Biden  So we will have to disagree that it has gotten worst under Biden, but the numbers support it is getting worst.
a) what should Biden have done in your opinion

b) 2020 --COVID -- think there's any correlation? 

I'm more pessimistic about a Trump second term than you are.  I think if Trump is reelected, he'll return to office with a very real mandate for authoritarianism -- unlike 2016, people voting in 2024 will know exactly what Trump is all about and what they're voting for.  In a strange sense, people will voted not to do traditional US-style democracy any more.  I'm not sure what comes next, but I'm fairly confident I won't like it relative to the status quo. 
Ivan, you just used "mandate" and "authoritarianism" in a paragraph that had nothing to do with what the current administration has been trying to do the past 6 months.  Amazing.  

According to gun violence archive 14,516 Americans have died from guns/shootings  thru 9/15/21  that’s 1300 more than all of 2020, and is currently on pace for a 9+percent increase under Biden  So we will have to disagree that it has gotten worst under Biden, but the numbers support it is getting worst.

Hopefully this will mean stricter gun laws but I'm not holding my breath that it will happen.  Just a nice talking point for the vast majority of people who have no interest in things changing.

According to gun violence archive 14,516 Americans have died from guns/shootings  thru 9/15/21  that’s 1300 more than all of 2020, and is currently on pace for a 9+percent increase under Biden  So we will have to disagree that it has gotten worst under Biden, but the numbers support it is getting worst.
That number seems way low.  Is it only including homicides and not accidents/suicides?

The US averages about 40,000 gun related deaths each year.

a) what should Biden have done in your opinion

b) 2020 --COVID -- think there's any correlation? 


Don't think it's a COVID issue.  Think this has more to do with a "defund the police" type attitude that has permeated since George Floyd.  It's not Biden per se, it was State leadership, mostly in Democratic cities who allowed the lawless to continue.  Then over the past 24 months or so, you have a combination of reduced police funding and/or changing of internal policies to make policing more difficult combined with more progressive DAs who refuse to prosecute and push bail reforms to put criminals back on the street (or never remove them to begin with).  

Hopefully this will mean stricter gun laws but I'm not holding my breath that it will happen.  Just a nice talking point for the vast majority of people who have no interest in things changing.
Its not really a talking point.  Here in Philly we've had 535 gun homicides so far this year-an increase of 13%.  Over the last year we've had 2,213 shootings.  Overwhelmingly black on black crime (1,862 or 84% of the total) and in almost all cases the gun used was stolen or bought on the black market.  Which gun laws specifically would do a damn thing about these crimes?  

Oh, and thanks to the demonization of police leading to mass early retirement AND the lowest enrollment of new officers, a democrat mayor who ignores the problem and idiot district attorney who REALLY ignores the problem, guess how many of these shootings have associated court cases?  352.  The other 1,862 (or 84%) do not.  


Don't think it's a COVID issue.  Think this has more to do with a "defund the police" type attitude that has permeated since George Floyd.  It's not Biden per se, it was State leadership, mostly in Democratic cities who allowed the lawless to continue.  Then over the past 24 months or so, you have a combination of reduced police funding and/or changing of internal policies to make policing more difficult combined with more progressive DAs who refuse to prosecute and push bail reforms to put criminals back on the street (or never remove them to begin with).  
In Philly it is without a doubt this.


Don't think it's a COVID issue.  Think this has more to do with a "defund the police" type attitude that has permeated since George Floyd.  It's not Biden per se, it was State leadership, mostly in Democratic cities who allowed the lawless to continue.  Then over the past 24 months or so, you have a combination of reduced police funding and/or changing of internal policies to make policing more difficult combined with more progressive DAs who refuse to prosecute and push bail reforms to put criminals back on the street (or never remove them to begin with).  
Seems all conjecture.  And 2020 = Trump

a) what should Biden have done in your opinion

b) 2020 --COVID -- think there's any correlation? 
The first thought I had was what were the numbers in 2019.   I would guess people being in more would have suppressed stats like that a bit in 2020.  

The first thought I had was what were the numbers in 2019.   I would guess people being in more would have suppressed stats like that a bit in 2020.  
Relatively stable from 2014- 2019.   Significant jump in 2020, and 2021 will be slightly higher, but just about the same.

Seems directly related to pandemic.

Relatively stable from 2014- 2019.   Significant jump in 2020, and 2021 will be slightly higher, but just about the same.

Seems directly related to pandemic.
Interesting.  I would have guessed that it was stable, then a slight dip as places were locked down a bit, then a spike as we return to normal.    But I guess I was discounting Floyd and the aftermath + guessing the pandemic effected the numbers in the wrong direction? 

Seems all conjecture.  And 2020 = Trump

Well Trump was the President in 2020.  But if you read what I wrote you would see that the blame actually falls on State and Local leadership and their actions and policies. 

So if for example in Philadelphia, in 2019 we had 355 homicides.  We have a Democratic Governor, a Democratic Mayor, a Democratic DA and the a Democratic Police Commissioner.  That leadership saw $21M in damages during the George Floyd looting/riots/protests.  The response was not to call in the National Guard immediately.  Instead, the Police Commissioner made the police force stand down and within the first week of George Floyd changed internal policies including banning the use of non-lethal weapons like tear gas.  The DA has spent the last 4 years of not prosecuting criminals.  The result was Philadelphia had 499 homicides in 2020.  But the same leadership remained even though there was a big push to try and get the DA out to get a more tough on crime DA.  The result, Philadelphia set a new record in homicides in 2021 (535) and we still have a few weeks to go.  

It seems like in the political forum, everything has to revert back to Trump.  I don't blame Biden, it was mostly Democratic leadership and their progressive criminal policies that are causing a spike in violence.       

Interesting.  I would have guessed that it was stable, then a slight dip as places were locked down a bit, then a spike as we return to normal.    But I guess I was discounting Floyd and the aftermath + guessing the pandemic effected the numbers in the wrong direction? 
There was also a spike in mass shootings.

You've got a baseline of about 15,000 gun killings a year (taking out accidents and suicides).   That's not going anywhere.  Pandemic seems to add about 4,000 more a year.   

Experts blame "covid stress."   

Relatively stable from 2014- 2019.   Significant jump in 2020, and 2021 will be slightly higher, but just about the same.

Seems directly related to pandemic.
or the impacts of the 2018 blue wave and a lot of the progressives policies eventually being implemented.  And this is the result a couple of years later once there's some time for the policy impacts to flesh out.

Well Trump was the President in 2020.  But if you read what I wrote you would see that the blame actually falls on State and Local leadership and their actions and policies. 

So if for example in Philadelphia, in 2019 we had 355 homicides.  We have a Democratic Governor, a Democratic Mayor, a Democratic DA and the a Democratic Police Commissioner.  That leadership saw $21M in damages during the George Floyd looting/riots/protests.  The response was not to call in the National Guard immediately.  Instead, the Police Commissioner made the police force stand down and within the first week of George Floyd changed internal policies including banning the use of non-lethal weapons like tear gas.  The DA has spent the last 4 years of not prosecuting criminals.  The result was Philadelphia had 499 homicides in 2020.  But the same leadership remained even though there was a big push to try and get the DA out to get a more tough on crime DA.  The result, Philadelphia set a new record in homicides in 2021 (535) and we still have a few weeks to go.  

It seems like in the political forum, everything has to revert back to Trump.  I don't blame Biden, it was mostly Democratic leadership and their progressive criminal policies that are causing a spike in violence.       
Great.  But I was responding directly to someone who blamed the increase on Biden.   

Well Trump was the President in 2020.  But if you read what I wrote you would see that the blame actually falls on State and Local leadership and their actions and policies. 

So if for example in Philadelphia, in 2019 we had 355 homicides.  We have a Democratic Governor, a Democratic Mayor, a Democratic DA and the a Democratic Police Commissioner.  That leadership saw $21M in damages during the George Floyd looting/riots/protests.  The response was not to call in the National Guard immediately.  Instead, the Police Commissioner made the police force stand down and within the first week of George Floyd changed internal policies including banning the use of non-lethal weapons like tear gas.  The DA has spent the last 4 years of not prosecuting criminals.  The result was Philadelphia had 499 homicides in 2020.  But the same leadership remained even though there was a big push to try and get the DA out to get a more tough on crime DA.  The result, Philadelphia set a new record in homicides in 2021 (535) and we still have a few weeks to go.  

It seems like in the political forum, everything has to revert back to Trump.  I don't blame Biden, it was mostly Democratic leadership and their progressive criminal policies that are causing a spike in violence.       
shootings are up in rural areas too.  what's your explanation for that?

Well Trump was the President in 2020.  But if you read what I wrote you would see that the blame actually falls on State and Local leadership and their actions and policies. 

So if for example in Philadelphia, in 2019 we had 355 homicides.  We have a Democratic Governor, a Democratic Mayor, a Democratic DA and the a Democratic Police Commissioner.  That leadership saw $21M in damages during the George Floyd looting/riots/protests.  The response was not to call in the National Guard immediately.  Instead, the Police Commissioner made the police force stand down and within the first week of George Floyd changed internal policies including banning the use of non-lethal weapons like tear gas.  The DA has spent the last 4 years of not prosecuting criminals.  The result was Philadelphia had 499 homicides in 2020.  But the same leadership remained even though there was a big push to try and get the DA out to get a more tough on crime DA.  The result, Philadelphia set a new record in homicides in 2021 (535) and we still have a few weeks to go.  

It seems like in the political forum, everything has to revert back to Trump.  I don't blame Biden, it was mostly Democratic leadership and their progressive criminal policies that are causing a spike in violence.       
Interesting.   Thanks for the info and the perspective from the area.    

Do you see any correlation to the virus/pandemic also beefing up those numbers?   What I mean by that is - do they break it down by type of homicide.   Maybe a spike in robberies gone bad type crime as people are struggling with money due to pandemic/inflation?   Just curious what you might be seeing in the stats.  

Suburban and rural areas had a proportional rise in shootings.   Cities like Tulsa and Fresno, with conservative mayors, also had more gun violence.

The one constant is the pandemic.

One contributing factor could be that at the beginning of the pandemic when people were hoarding toilet paper and going into prepper mode, gun sales soared.   A lot more guns in the hands of people that didn't have them before at the beginning of 2020.

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Great.  But I was responding directly to someone who blamed the increase on Biden.   

Well the policies that have been proffered by the Democrats since George Floyd have been opposite of law and order.  Defund the police, bail reform, etc. 

So Biden being the President of the United States and the top Democrat either agrees with those type of crime friendly policies or he needs to get back to the 1994 crime bill Biden and start funding police and change the Democrats message on crime.  He's not the cause, but he's not blameless either.

shootings are up in rural areas too.  what's your explanation for that?

Do you have numbers?  Which rural areas are you referring to?

Also, I said "mostly" Democratic cities, so I'm sure there will be a few Republican run cities.

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Don't think it's a COVID issue.  Think this has more to do with a "defund the police" type attitude that has permeated since George Floyd.  It's not Biden per se, it was State leadership, mostly in Democratic cities who allowed the lawless to continue.  Then over the past 24 months or so, you have a combination of reduced police funding and/or changing of internal policies to make policing more difficult combined with more progressive DAs who refuse to prosecute and push bail reforms to put criminals back on the street (or never remove them to begin with).  
Whether or not your premise is 100% true, or just presumed to be true by the public, it’s going to hurt Democrats either way. 

Seriously if I was deliberately trying to come up with a motto designed to create both short term and long term damage to the Democratic Party, I don’t think I could create one worse than “defund the police.” Purely in terms of politics, it is the single most harmful idea in my lifetime. 

Do you have numbers?  Which rural areas are you referring to?

Also, I said "mostly" Democratic cities, so I'm sure there will be a few Republican run cities.
It was discussed in the mass shooting thread before it got locked.   This article has numbers.   I think incognito mode gets you past the paywall. 

Don't get me wrong, I think hamstringing police is a stupid policy and has resulted in more crime, and I don't doubt that some of that is gun violence.   But the rise in shootings is across the board...suburbs, rural, mass shootings, democrat, conservative-it all went up in 2020 and stayed the same in 2021.     

Suburban and rural areas had a proportional rise in shootings.   Cities like Tulsa and Fresno, with conservative mayors, also had more gun violence.

The one constant is the pandemic.

One contributing factor could be that at the beginning of the pandemic when people were hoarding toilet paper and going into prepper mode, gun sales soared.   A lot more guns in the hands of people that didn't have them before at the beginning of 2020.
Interesting point as well.   I am sure it was posted in the other locked thread as well - is there stats on how many of those increased numbers were first time buyers of guns?  

Interesting point as well.   I am sure it was posted in the other locked thread as well - is there stats on how many of those increased numbers were first time buyers of guns?  
I haven't seen anything like that and don't know how it would be tracked.   There was a fairly large survey of prisoners some years back in an attempt to determine where criminals got guns, but the results were self-reported by criminals so they've been criticized as inherently unreliable.   

First time gun buyers make up about 20% of gun sales during the pandemic rise in sales...gun homicides went up about 24%.  I think it's fair to assume that there's something there.    

link for gun sales numbers

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Its not really a talking point.  Here in Philly we've had 535 gun homicides so far this year-an increase of 13%.  Over the last year we've had 2,213 shootings.  Overwhelmingly black on black crime (1,862 or 84% of the total) and in almost all cases the gun used was stolen or bought on the black market.  Which gun laws specifically would do a damn thing about these crimes?  

Oh, and thanks to the demonization of police leading to mass early retirement AND the lowest enrollment of new officers, a democrat mayor who ignores the problem and idiot district attorney who REALLY ignores the problem, guess how many of these shootings have associated court cases?  352.  The other 1,862 (or 84%) do not.  
Really unpopular ones.

Well the policies that have been proffered by the Democrats since George Floyd have been opposite of law and order.  Defund the police, bail reform, etc. 

So Biden being the President of the United States and the top Democrat either agrees with those type of crime friendly policies or he needs to get back to the 1994 crime bill Biden and start funding police and change the Democrats message on crime.  He's not the cause, but he's not blameless either.
:shrug:   you said you didn't blame Biden in last post.  

Whether or not your premise is 100% true, or just presumed to be true by the public, it’s going to hurt Democrats either way. 

Seriously if I was deliberately trying to come up with a motto designed to create both short term and long term damage to the Democratic Party, I don’t think I could create one worse than “defund the police.” Purely in terms of politics, it is the single most harmful idea in my lifetime. 
Totally agree.  

timschochet said:
This may be true in terms of the public. But the public didn’t care about the Watergate break in either. It doesn’t matter; we can’t let it go. 
To me it was one of the more overblown "crises" in recent memory.  People actually talked about it like it was worse than 9/11.  And the only outcome you can look forward to Tim, to the extent Dems & Cheney Republicans want to pursue it, is ramped up FBI/DHS surveillance & policing against American citizens.  It would be used to normalize the treatment of any dissident US citizens as terrorists.  

More over people are getting btfo by grocery prices and healthcare cost, skyrocketing cost of living across the board, job/supply chain issues etc.  Why aren't Dems doing things like legalizing marijuana (like they said they would) to allow for new emergent job markets, or canceling drug patents so people aren't getting price gouged by giant pharmaceutical companies.  They don't talk about material issues that affect people's lives because they don't want to do anything about them.  That's why they talk about crap like Russian interference and 1/6.  

To me it was one of the more overblown "crises" in recent memory.  People actually talked about it like it was worse than 9/11.  And the only outcome you can look forward to Tim, to the extent Dems & Cheney Republicans want to pursue it, is ramped up FBI/DHS surveillance & policing against American citizens.  It would be used to normalize the treatment of any dissident US citizens as terrorists.  

More over people are getting btfo by grocery prices and healthcare cost, skyrocketing cost of living across the board, job/supply chain issues etc.  Why aren't Dems doing things like legalizing marijuana (like they said they would) to allow for new emergent job markets, or canceling drug patents so people aren't getting price gouged by giant pharmaceutical companies.  They don't talk about material issues that affect people's lives because they don't want to do anything about them.  That's why they talk about crap like Russian interference and 1/6.  
I don’t think 1/6 is crap; it deserves to be discussed and investigated. 

But as for the rest of your complaints…I don’t know. I have no answer for you. When the Democrats won those two Senator races in Georgia, I was really excited. Biden would have control of the Senate and the House, think of the things they could get done! Democrats aren’t like Republicans they have actual issues, an agenda to fulfill. And for the first time since 2009 they had the power to act. 

But they can’t. Or they won’t. Doesn’t matter, it’s the same result. Which is no results 

I wonder why a platform of not arresting criminals and firing first responders isn’t working.  Weird. 
Crime is going to be a much bigger factor than people think. I just moved from the Midwest to Colorado and one thing that is basically identical on Nextdoor is the number of ring videos of break ins and stories of cars being stolen. 

The only thing different about here is there are more replies trying to spin that getting your car broken into isn't a big deal or that they should have locked their doors. Probably because I am in Boulder county, where they pretty much encourage pooping on the street, non meat product poop preferred of course. 


We will – we must – get Build Back Better passed, even in the face of Republican opposition.
I think Biden truly thinks the American population is dumb.  They planned to do this without Republicans from the start, and the Democrats just can't come together on it.  

To recap:

Biden campaigned saying that he was the man that could cross the Partisan divide.  He could bring Republicans and Democrats together and actually get things done.  

He gets Republicans to agree to a Bipartisan bill.  

He then pulls the rug out from under them, saying he will veto that bill they agreed to unless a separate reconciliation package is passed that contains a gigantic Democrat wish-list.  

Democrats in the Senate can't agree on things--Biden blames the Republicans because the Democrats can't come to an agreement. 

Infrastructure deal gets passed without Build Back Better.  Yay.  America wins.  Now they can focus on BBB.

Democrats can't agree.  

Biden blames the same Republicans he planned to do this without.  


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