Fight The Power!
I've been out for almost three years now. But 2016 to 2020 was quite interesting. We were selling ERP / Inventory management and point of sale to all four license types in the supply chain (grow, process, distribute, retail). In simple terms...it's really a **** show. The regulatory framework is different state to state and license by license. All the challenges of a nascent industry that is required to go through stringent protocols leads to chaos. But for those who figured it out early, achieved success, and sold early were the real winners.What's your experience been like working in the legal cannabis industry? Any interesting nuggets that the average person might not notice?Moved to OR from Chicago in 2016 to get into the industry. Obviously that changed everything. Besides being able to buy freely, I was getting a ton of free products through customers and industry events.
There's not much success in the industry right now and very few have figured out to scale brands across state lines (e.g. Wana).
My observations about the industry from an insiders perspective:
- It's a lot of work and not all fun and games
- There are fun and games and when it's fun, it's really fun (trade shows, on site client visits)
- Not too many people are getting paid market value. They dangle the carrot that you are working in cannabis and then pay lower than other industries. (some exceptions.)
- There is a real medical angle and scientific angle when you are in the industry. I think most people who are in it, are advocates for medical benefits, social justice, etc.
- Too many wall street bros trying to get rich quick while pushing down independent operators and the social justice initiatives. I'm really glad I live in a state with so many craft growers and not dominated by corporate weed (e.g. IL and FL).