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Draft Dominator is LIVE (1 Viewer)

Been looking forward to this. I did not use this last year, had my stuff done before it was up on the site last year; want to work with it this year.Thanks Double D and Bruce!

Looks like a great tool but I will be unable to use at draft unless it can work with Palm OS on a handheld Sony Clie. I was getting really excited about using the Lite version on my Clie until I read a post last night saying that it would only work on Windows CE 3.0. Is there any chance you will be able to make this work with Palm OS?

not to be ungrateful, I created a thread in the App section for comments , suggestions, and questionsthanks again guys...wonderful app

Run-time error '9':Subscript out of range :confused:
Uninstalled, re-installed, and still getting the same error. It worked fine until i entered the scoring and clicked OK. Then i got that error, and can't do a darn thing about it. ;)
could you make the "enter" key move to the next cell?heck, even the "tab" key would be helpful.

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Two questions:1) If I download the DD to my laptop, do I need to have Internet access to my laptop during my (auction) draft to run the DD?2) There are auction settings that determine an "appropriate" price for players-is there a way to change that number during the auction to accurately reflect the salary that each player went for?

Run-time error '9':Subscript out of range :confused:
Uninstalled, re-installed, and still getting the same error. It worked fine until i entered the scoring and clicked OK. Then i got that error, and can't do a darn thing about it. ;)
exact same problem here.
This si the first time that I have tried to use the draft dominator and I must say that it is the single most impressive tool I have ever seen for fantasy football. I am in absolute awe. Thanks for all the hard work that must have went into this!! :thumbdown:

Thanks guys. We are looking into all of these right now. Expect this program to get tweaked over the next few weeks as we iron out any bugs and get this perfect before everyone's drafts.

Thanks guys. We are looking into all of these right now. Expect this program to get tweaked over the next few weeks as we iron out any bugs and get this perfect before everyone's drafts.
Does this also include the compatibility issue with Palm OS? I sure would love to be able to run the Lite version on my Clie at the draft.
I've got a million dollar proposal to do and could TOTALLY care less right now! This is beyond PHAT!!!! I'm curious about the player being "recommended" though. Is there any way to get the program to ignore recommending Defenses and Kickers?That's minor stuff though. Tremendous job Bruce/Double D! Absolutely Tremendous!!!

Looks like a great tool but I will be unable to use at draft unless it can work with Palm OS on a handheld Sony Clie. I was getting really excited about using the Lite version on my Clie until I read a post last night saying that it would only work on Windows CE 3.0. Is there any chance you will be able to make this work with Palm OS?
Will it run on my Axim? :thumbup:
is this thing working for all you folks with the "great job" comments, or are you just blowing a bunch of junk?the program does not work for me, and apparently at least one other.

is this thing working for all you folks with the "great job" comments, or are you just blowing a bunch of junk?the program does not work for me, and apparently at least one other.
Looked fine for me in running through a fake first round. What was your problem?
As odd as it may sound I beleive it is actually being designed on an Axim.
As an Axim Addict I could see that (I guess - although the screen size sure would be limiting). I wonder if Bruce is running the new PPC2003?
As an Axim Addict I could see that (I guess - although the screen size sure would be limiting). I wonder if Bruce is running the new PPC2003?
I don't have PPC2003 yet... It has only been out for a few days... and unfortunately mine was purchased before the cut-off date, so I'm going to have to fork out the $30 bucks for it. I'm going to wait and see how the reviews shake out.I have an Axim at my disposal, and really like it. I won it on Casino night at the last conference I was at. Hopefully David can post the screen shots. They look really cool.If I had access to a Palm who knows? I understand that the development software for the Palm is free... I just need one to try it out on... any loners out there? :thumbdown:
This is pretty cool.I am still trying to figure out the auction features.In an auction, one doesn't follow a draft order so how do you get the draft order to more or less go away.Also...Widow maker says something about approx values for the players. While I see that, it seems like in my case the values were nuts. LT2 for 732 (cap of 1000).That's crazy talk as good as LT2 is.Maybe I set it up wrong. I'll wait for the user manual. But this thing looks sweet.

Run-time error '9':Subscript out of range :thumbdown:
Uninstalled, re-installed, and still getting the same error. It worked fine until i entered the scoring and clicked OK. Then i got that error, and can't do a darn thing about it. :angry:
exact same problem here.
me 3
Help me out here. What are the steps involved or leading up to the Run-time Error 9?
bruce,i encounter the error immediately after plugging in my scoring system and clicking "submit"
I ran a 16 round draft through this and it looks fantastic. I used this program as a draft aid and as commish to run the draft last year. It made the draft run much smoother and helped me have my best draft. I lost in the championship game due to Week 16 injuries. That being said, this version absolutely blows last years out of the water. Thanks for all the hard work.

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Run-time error '9':Subscript out of range :yucky:
Uninstalled, re-installed, and still getting the same error. It worked fine until i entered the scoring and clicked OK. Then i got that error, and can't do a darn thing about it. :hot:
exact same problem here.
me 3
Help me out here. What are the steps involved or leading up to the Run-time Error 9?
Speaking as a programmer, this sounds like a case where the program is expecting a value between say 1 and 100, but someone is putting in a value such as -1, 0 or null. Just make sure you have some error checking of all inputs before you use those numbers to calculate something else.
As my first post I'd like to say: WOWDraft Dominator is impressive as hell and currently using it in a slow moving message board draft. I plan to use it in several drafts this year...I just have to tweak the projections just a tad to fit personal preferences (no offense but it's never good to slave yourself to one source). Three thumbs up if I had em.....

Run-time error '9':Subscript out of range :yucky:
Uninstalled, re-installed, and still getting the same error. It worked fine until i entered the scoring and clicked OK. Then i got that error, and can't do a darn thing about it. :hot:
exact same problem here.
me 3
Help me out here. What are the steps involved or leading up to the Run-time Error 9?
Speaking as a programmer, this sounds like a case where the program is expecting a value between say 1 and 100, but someone is putting in a value such as -1, 0 or null. Just make sure you have some error checking of all inputs before you use those numbers to calculate something else.
the only values i changed were rounds = 17, int/fum = -2, passyd = .06, rushyd = .12, and recyd = .12also defensive td = 4, fum/int = 2, the first 3 boxes in each pts allowed and yds allowed.and kickers get 4pt for 40 yds and 5 for over 50bam! error!!
I don't have PPC2003 yet... It has only been out for a few days... and unfortunately mine was purchased before the cut-off date, so I'm going to have to fork out the $30 bucks for it. I'm going to wait and see how the reviews shake out.I have an Axim at my disposal, and really like it. I won it on Casino night at the last conference I was at. Hopefully David can post the screen shots. They look really cool.If I had access to a Palm who knows? I understand that the development software for the Palm is free... I just need one to try it out on... any loners out there? :hot:
I think David or Joe should find you a PDA with Palm OS so you can go to work on this. There's got to be many others in the same boat as me. Come one FBG's! Doesn't anyone else want to use the Lite version with Palm OS on your handlheld? :yucky:
I ran a 16 round draft through this and it looks fantastic. I used this program as a draft aid and as commish to run the draft last year. It made the draft run much smoother and helped me have my best draft. I lost in the championship game due to Week 16 injuries. That being said, this version absolutely blows last years out of the water. Thanks for all the hard work.
Too bad Budman didn't have the DD in time for the PRL Draft, or perhaps he would have faired better! Just kidding buddy :yucky:
bruce,i encounter the error immediately after plugging in my scoring system and clicking "submit"
Zippy,Can you email me your scoring.dat file from your C:\Program Files\DraftDominator subdirectory.Email: Henderson@footballguys.comThis is really bugging me.Thanks
fyi.... I fixed the problem runtime 9 error that I was having with it...I had to uninstall with the uninstall file that came with the download...Then re-installed and it worked fine... Only difference in the setup from attempt #1 and attempt #2 was when I entered in the team names... The first time (when it didn't work), I entered in all the team names and then altered their assigned number manually in order to create the draft pick list.... The 2nd time, I entered the 12 teams as they were scheduled to pick in the first round and I never had any other problems...

I'm currently in the 9th round of the innagrual draft of a dynasty league.I can't wait to fire up the Draft Dominator and find out how badly I screwed up! :eek:


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