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Drew Bennett (1 Viewer)


I think D Bennet is a buy low player. While he has shown that he doesn't do well as the number 1 target, he has also proven to excel with a solid WR on the other side of the field. Does the signing of D Givens move Bennet back into the top 20?Plus with McNair having problems, does the idea of B Volek maybe throwing the rock help his value?

I think most owners bought Bennet with the hopes that he would be a top 15 Wr for them last year, and got burned. For dynasty and keeper leagues, would this be a good time to buy low right now before the draft while they still have a bad taste in their mouths?

I think D Bennet is a buy low player. While he has shown that he doesn't do well as the number 1 target, he has also proven to excel with a solid WR on the other side of the field. Does the signing of D Givens move Bennet back into the top 20?Plus with McNair having problems, does the idea of B Volek maybe throwing the rock help his value?

I think most owners bought Bennet with the hopes that he would be a top 15 Wr for them last year, and got burned. For dynasty and keeper leagues, would this be a good time to buy low right now before the draft while they still have a bad taste in their mouths?
Proven to excel is pushing it big time. He had 5 big games in 2004. Other than that, nothing special.
I dont think his owners would sell low. I have tried. Plus we dont know who will be throwing the ball to him. I would look else where.

Bennett is a solid WR, but he is not a #1 and will probably never be one. Givens is a very solid WR in his own right, and the Titans also have a talented receiving TE in Troupe, (not to mention Erron Kinney and Bo Scaife). He had a good run in shootouts with Billy Volek when the Titans D was giving up an inordinate amount of scores - seeing him feast on deep jumpballs in attempt to comeback - but that was a fluke and will likely not be repeated. His value may be a little deflated, but it's still in the neighborhood of where it should be.

Bennett is a solid WR, but he is not a #1 and will probably never be one. Givens is a very solid WR in his own right, and the Titans also have a talented receiving TE in Troupe, (not to mention Erron Kinney and Bo Scaife). He had a good run in shootouts with Billy Volek when the Titans D was giving up an inordinate amount of scores - seeing him feast on deep jumpballs in attempt to comeback - but that was a fluke and will likely not be repeated. His value may be a little deflated, but it's still in the neighborhood of where it should be.
:goodposting: Very well said
I think what the original poster was hinting at was Drew Bennett's value possibly increasing with the potential/probable reunion of Matt Leinart with his old coach Norm Chow. Although Leinart's value, in time, could be "buy worthy", my feeling is all those Titans receivers will water down the value of any one of them in particular, including Drew Bennett. Maybe it'll be there pickup in David Givens, or someone from their rookie class last year like Roydell Williams, Brandon Jones, C.Roby. Maybe even underacheiver Ty Calico will finally rise to the occasion. I'm remembering they have Bobby Wade now, too... as in too many, and that's not even touching on their strong suit which is TE's.


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