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Edge to Denver ? (1 Viewer)



Denver Post Staff Writer

Ko Olina, Hawaii - NFL coaches can't talk to prospective free agents until next month. However, that doesn't stop players from doing a little lobbying.

Enter Al Wilson.

The Broncos' star linebacker took the opportunity of the Pro Bowl week to mosey over to old friend Edgerrin James, a free agent in waiting, and tell him how much he likes it in Denver - just in case James might care.

"I went up to Edge and talked to him for a minute about little things (Wednesday)," Wilson said after the AFC's practice for Sunday's game in Honolulu. "I told him the mountains are beautiful, man. ... I told him our running system is something else. Little things like that."

The Colts running back listened intently, as he has to other pitches this week.

"Who wouldn't be interested in that system and that history for running backs?" James said. "If I was there, I'd produce. I'd produce for anyone."

James would be perfect for Denver's system, fitting the mold of a Broncos running back. The team is looking for a playmaker on offense, having talked with wide receiver Terrell Owens and discussing internally possibly trading for Miami running back Ricky Williams.

James, though, likely would be more expensive than Owens or Williams, and the Broncos won't have a lot of means financially.

James said he is willing to listen to all offers. While he's open to returning to the Colts, he thinks he likely will end up with another team. Indianapolis also faces the task of re-signing receiver Reggie Wayne and wants to extend defensive end Dwight Freeney's contract. Wayne likely will get the "franchise" tag.

"Any team that wants me, I'll want them," James said. "Whoever it is, let's bring it on."
I wouldn't put a lot of stock into it given Denvers current cap situation....put jeezus i would love this

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Wouldnt be an attractive fit. Edge would totally have to change his style as a runner to be able to exploit Denver's system.

Denver doesnt have the incentive to pay him what he'll get on the open market.

Wouldnt be an attractive fit. Edge would totally have to change his style as a runner to be able to exploit Denver's system.

Denver doesnt have the incentive to pay him what he'll get on the open market.
:goodposting: There are places Edge would fit - Denver isn't one of them. Edge isn't a one-cut and go runner.
If there's one team that really should not spend a lot of money on a RB, it's the Denver Broncos.

If Mike Anderson , Olandis Gary , Tatum Bell ( not a 1000 yds but close )

can run for 1200 to 1500 yds in Denver .

Imagine what a real RB can do WOW .

Edge could run for 2000 yds behind that line.

I don't see the benefit really, Den can have Ricky Williams for much cheaper, and there isn't a large disparity in talent. Obviously Williams' off-field issues are of concern, but I'd rather take the risk with him than pay top $ for Edge when the production will probably be similar.

I fail to see why Denver would even entertain the idea. Sure, Edge is great. Sure, Edge would do extremely well in that system.

But they already have Anderson and Bell. And Edge would command top $$, which they have no need to let go at this point...

I fail to see why Denver would even entertain the idea. Sure, Edge is great. Sure, Edge would do extremely well in that system.

But they already have Anderson and Bell. And Edge would command top $$, which they have no need to let go at this point...
Explain.Edge is anything but the type of runner Denver's system wants.

I fail to see why Denver would even entertain the idea. Sure, Edge is great. Sure, Edge would do extremely well in that system.

But they already have Anderson and Bell. And Edge would command top $$, which they have no need to let go at this point...
Explain.Edge is anything but the type of runner Denver's system wants.
So is Portis. He seemed to do OK.
I fail to see why Denver would even entertain the idea.  Sure, Edge is great.  Sure, Edge would do extremely well in that system.

But they already have Anderson and Bell.  And Edge would command top $$, which they have no need to let go at this point...
Explain.Edge is anything but the type of runner Denver's system wants.
So is Portis. He seemed to do OK.
Exactly. Portis is not a power back, per-say. He reminds me a LOT of Edge. Bell reminds me a bit of him, too.Diesel, are you saying that a RB has to fit a certain type to work in Denver's offense? They've tried several different kinds, and they almost all seem to work. I don't see how Edge couldn't fit well into this system and do extremely well.

Again, I don't think it'll ever happen though........

Edge does not have the break away speed that Denver likes. I dont see them dropping that much money on him. IMO he isnt worth Portis money at his age.

I don't think it's likely that Denver will pony up for Edge, but he's got plenty of speed for them; certainly more than Mike Anderson.

For the life of me I still can't figure out why this team would be targetting a RB in the offseason :confused:

I fail to see why Denver would even entertain the idea. Sure, Edge is great. Sure, Edge would do extremely well in that system.

But they already have Anderson and Bell. And Edge would command top $$, which they have no need to let go at this point...
:goodposting: Denver does not need to go looking for good RBs. Denver creates good RBs.
For the life of me I still can't figure out why this team would be targetting a RB in the offseason :confused:
Well, the question then becomes is Al Wilson doing this on his own, or is Mikey asking him to feel Edge out? If Al is doing this on his own, then he has the potential to be very shocked if Denver doesn't make a run at Edge. If Mikey is pulling his strings, then Denver is going to be very busy this off season trying to gain a RB. The second question would be that IF Denver is looking for a RB, what does that do to MA and Bell?

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