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Enough about Matt Leinart's arm already.. (1 Viewer)

Judge Smails

How many QB's do we have to see come out of college with cannon arm reputations do exactly squat in the NFL. I think having touch and getting some air under the ball are vastly underrated in the NFL. Winner, leader - all the intangibles. Making a perfect read is more important to succeeding in the NFL than arm strength. The "noodle" arm comments are laughable. He is like a lot of lefty's, and puts touch on the ball. Guy will be a star in the right system, while teams are trying to find out how to come up with a system that will fit Young, aka Vick Jr.

Enough about it...

....yet, heres another post about it to generate discussion about it?

Making the right read means nothing if you can't get the ball there by the way.

As I've posted several times before, Leinart will have average arm strength for an NFL starting QB...he just doesn't have a cannon like Vick or Favre.

The armstrength argument is of very little concern...which is why Leinart is the #1 QB on most scouts boards.

As I've posted several times before, Leinart will have average arm strength for an NFL starting QB...he just doesn't have a cannon like Vick or Favre.

The armstrength argument is of very little concern...which is why Leinart is the #1 QB on most scouts boards.
I dislike Leinart, but its got little to do with his arm. I dont see the right type of character or work ethic that I want from my QB if Im going to be paying him that type of money.I see #1 overall talent and a 6th round desire from Leinart.

As I've posted several times before, Leinart will have average arm strength for an NFL starting QB...he just doesn't have a cannon like Vick or Favre.

The armstrength argument is of very little concern...which is why Leinart is the #1 QB on most scouts boards.
I dislike Leinart, but its got little to do with his arm. I dont see the right type of character or work ethic that I want from my QB if Im going to be paying him that type of money.I see #1 overall talent and a 6th round desire from Leinart.
He's definitely got the West Coast attitude...this is my biggest concern regarding Leinart as well. But when you see him in games I think it's easy to see that he's a competitor. After SC lost to Texas he was f'ing pissed...he refused to give credit to Texas. Also, the way he took the ball at the end of Notre Dame showed some spirit as well I thought.I know where you're coming from, that West Coast attitude doesn't gel with a lot of people but he likes being in the limelight and he's not going to be in it if he's losing ball games.

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As I've posted several times before, Leinart will have average arm strength for an NFL starting QB...he just doesn't have a cannon like Vick or Favre.

The armstrength argument is of very little concern...which is why Leinart is the #1 QB on most scouts boards.
I dislike Leinart, but its got little to do with his arm. I dont see the right type of character or work ethic that I want from my QB if Im going to be paying him that type of money.I see #1 overall talent and a 6th round desire from Leinart.
He's definitely got the West Coast attitude...this is my biggest concern regarding Leinart as well. But when you see him in games I think it's easy to see that he's a competitor. After SC lost to Texas he was f'ing pissed...he refused to give credit to Texas. Also, the way he took the ball at the end of Notre Dame showed some spirit as well I thought.I know where you're coming from, that West Coast attitude doesn't gel with a lot of people but he likes being in the limelight and he's not going to be in it if he's losing ball games.
See I find that as a bad sign. Someone who is unwilling to admit he needs to get better or that he was outplayed, really scares me in terms of am I willing to trust my franchise with this person. He seemed to think of it as "Im the best, and if you beat me you just got lucky".

I worry what his attitude will be when he starts losing games consistently in the NFL. Will he work to get better or will he blame the others around him? What type of leader will he be?

Of course, this could all just be my interpretation and not be anywhere close to the truth, but I like to think of myself as a good judge of character and Leinart's scares me.

As I've posted several times before, Leinart will have average arm strength for an NFL starting QB...he just doesn't have a cannon like Vick or Favre.

The armstrength argument is of very little concern...which is why Leinart is the #1 QB on most scouts boards.
I dislike Leinart, but its got little to do with his arm. I dont see the right type of character or work ethic that I want from my QB if Im going to be paying him that type of money.I see #1 overall talent and a 6th round desire from Leinart.
He's definitely got the West Coast attitude...this is my biggest concern regarding Leinart as well. But when you see him in games I think it's easy to see that he's a competitor. After SC lost to Texas he was f'ing pissed...he refused to give credit to Texas. Also, the way he took the ball at the end of Notre Dame showed some spirit as well I thought.I know where you're coming from, that West Coast attitude doesn't gel with a lot of people but he likes being in the limelight and he's not going to be in it if he's losing ball games.
See I find that as a bad sign. Someone who is unwilling to admit he needs to get better or that he was outplayed, really scares me in terms of am I willing to trust my franchise with this person. He seemed to think of it as "Im the best, and if you beat me you just got lucky".

I worry what his attitude will be when he starts losing games consistently in the NFL. Will he work to get better or will he blame the others around him? What type of leader will he be?

Of course, this could all just be my interpretation and not be anywhere close to the truth, but I like to think of myself as a good judge of character and Leinart's scares me.
This West Coast attitude stuff is humorous to me. Does Reggie Bush have that same attitude? What about the other stars like the long haired Samoan playing safety for the Steelers? I'd like to find anyone that says that Leinart doesn't work his #### off, and is a great team player. So he wears flip flops - we do that in So Cal - it ain't freakin' Buffalo. He was still in shock after getting beat by Texas. Wasn't disrespectful, just thought in his heart they were the best team. Kid is not a punk aka Ryan Leaf. And regarding the "I'm the best" comment, I want my quarterback to have that attitude. A tad better than say, Aaron Brooks, wouldn't you say?
As I've posted several times before, Leinart will have average arm strength for an NFL starting QB...he just doesn't have a cannon like Vick or Favre.

The armstrength argument is of very little concern...which is why Leinart is the #1 QB on most scouts boards.
I dislike Leinart, but its got little to do with his arm. I dont see the right type of character or work ethic that I want from my QB if Im going to be paying him that type of money.I see #1 overall talent and a 6th round desire from Leinart.
He's definitely got the West Coast attitude...this is my biggest concern regarding Leinart as well. But when you see him in games I think it's easy to see that he's a competitor. After SC lost to Texas he was f'ing pissed...he refused to give credit to Texas. Also, the way he took the ball at the end of Notre Dame showed some spirit as well I thought.I know where you're coming from, that West Coast attitude doesn't gel with a lot of people but he likes being in the limelight and he's not going to be in it if he's losing ball games.
See I find that as a bad sign. Someone who is unwilling to admit he needs to get better or that he was outplayed, really scares me in terms of am I willing to trust my franchise with this person. He seemed to think of it as "Im the best, and if you beat me you just got lucky".

I worry what his attitude will be when he starts losing games consistently in the NFL. Will he work to get better or will he blame the others around him? What type of leader will he be?

Of course, this could all just be my interpretation and not be anywhere close to the truth, but I like to think of myself as a good judge of character and Leinart's scares me.
This West Coast attitude stuff is humorous to me. Does Reggie Bush have that same attitude? What about the other stars like the long haired Samoan playing safety for the Steelers? I'd like to find anyone that says that Leinart doesn't work his #### off, and is a great team player. So he wears flip flops - we do that in So Cal - it ain't freakin' Buffalo. He was still in shock after getting beat by Texas. Wasn't disrespectful, just thought in his heart they were the best team. Kid is not a punk aka Ryan Leaf. And regarding the "I'm the best" comment, I want my quarterback to have that attitude. A tad better than say, Aaron Brooks, wouldn't you say?
There's a huge difference between "I'm pissed we lost, but they can't possibly be as good as me." and "I'm pissed we lost, and even though I'm good, I see now I need to get even better." BTW, Aaron brooks is neither and doesn't deserve to be in the equation.

Arm Strength - There are certainly more important attributes for a quarterback (reading coverage and accuracy) but the important of arm strength should not be underestimated.

I love the Doug Flutie story but defenses have a much easier time defending him than they do a quarterback with a big arm.

If Doug Flutie is a quarterback and a receiver breaks deep, there is no need to continue to cover the quarterback if he is already 20 yards past the line of scrimmage and the Flutie still has the ball. For Flutie to get a speedster the ball deep (45 yards), he has to release the ball before that speedster gets 15 yards off the line of scrimmage. This limitation minimizes the part of the field safeties have to defend; allowing them to cheat up, crowd the short and intermediate passing zones and support the run.

Pennington is a great example; he had a lot of success as defenses played off the line of scrimmage when they played the Jets (largely because of Vinny and Santana). But as game film came available on Chad, defenses realized they were trying to defend deep zones that Pennington couldn't attack.

he'll mature, he will probly lose 2 of his 4 games, in the NFL, i too like the fact that he wants to win ALL THE TIME... if he gets back with people he believes in (CHOW) he should be able to hit that next level relatively quickly...

If Doug Flutie ...

Let's be clear here, Leinart's arm is superior to either of these guys.I'll say it again, Leinart will have average starting QB arm strength.

If Doug Flutie ...

Let's be clear here, Leinart's arm is superior to either of these guys.I'll say it again, Leinart will have average starting QB arm strength.
We are talking about two different things; I am talking about arm strength and you are fixed on Lienart.I still have Lienart (clearly too) as the #1 quarterback in the draft, so I am not going to argue with you. My comment was solely on the concept of arm strength.

If Doug Flutie ...

Let's be clear here, Leinart's arm is superior to either of these guys.I'll say it again, Leinart will have average starting QB arm strength.
We are talking about two different things; I am talking about arm strength and you are fixed on Lienart.I still have Lienart (clearly too) as the #1 quarterback in the draft, so I am not going to argue with you. My comment was solely on the concept of arm strength.
Yeah, just clarifying for the sake of the title of this thread.
I always figured that it wasn't his arm strength, but the west coast attitude that was the problem with his throws. The ball shows up late and takes its time getting there. Like Dodger fans.

As I've posted several times before, Leinart will have average arm strength for an NFL starting QB...he just doesn't have a cannon like Vick or Favre.

The armstrength argument is of very little concern...which is why Leinart is the #1 QB on most scouts boards.
I dislike Leinart, but its got little to do with his arm. I dont see the right type of character or work ethic that I want from my QB if Im going to be paying him that type of money.I see #1 overall talent and a 6th round desire from Leinart.
As I've posted several times before, Leinart will have average arm strength for an NFL starting QB...he just doesn't have a cannon like Vick or Favre.The armstrength argument is of very little concern...which is why Leinart is the #1 QB on most scouts boards.
Leinart has more than enough arm strength. Vick has a rocket but still can`t control it after 5 seasons.
As I've posted several times before, Leinart will have average arm strength for an NFL starting QB...he just doesn't have a cannon like Vick or Favre.

The armstrength argument is of very little concern...which is why Leinart is the #1 QB on most scouts boards.
I dislike Leinart, but its got little to do with his arm. I dont see the right type of character or work ethic that I want from my QB if Im going to be paying him that type of money.I see #1 overall talent and a 6th round desire from Leinart.
I think you're being a little bit too much of a Pac 10 homer (if that's even possible) if you don't see that Diesel had some justification for his opinion. Leinart stays in school, hangs out with celebs, dates Paris Hilton, etc. It was a legitimate concern.
As I've posted several times before, Leinart will have average arm strength for an NFL starting QB...he just doesn't have a cannon like Vick or Favre.

The armstrength argument is of very little concern...which is why Leinart is the #1 QB on most scouts boards.
I dislike Leinart, but its got little to do with his arm. I dont see the right type of character or work ethic that I want from my QB if Im going to be paying him that type of money.I see #1 overall talent and a 6th round desire from Leinart.
I think you're being a little bit too much of a Pac 10 homer (if that's even possible) if you don't see that Diesel had some justification for his opinion. Leinart stays in school, hangs out with celebs, dates Paris Hilton, etc. It was a legitimate concern.
Right, just like it was a concern that Michael Jordan like to gamble on golf.
As I've posted several times before, Leinart will have average arm strength for an NFL starting QB...he just doesn't have a cannon like Vick or Favre.

The armstrength argument is of very little concern...which is why Leinart is the #1 QB on most scouts boards.
I dislike Leinart, but its got little to do with his arm. I dont see the right type of character or work ethic that I want from my QB if Im going to be paying him that type of money.I see #1 overall talent and a 6th round desire from Leinart.
I think you're being a little bit too much of a Pac 10 homer (if that's even possible) if you don't see that Diesel had some justification for his opinion. Leinart stays in school, hangs out with celebs, dates Paris Hilton, etc. It was a legitimate concern.
This is misinformation. He merely slept with her.PS

If you lived in LA and could sleep with any women you wanted, you would. It's not indicative of work ethic or character; merely heterosexuality.

As I've posted several times before, Leinart will have average arm strength for an NFL starting QB...he just doesn't have a cannon like Vick or Favre.

The armstrength argument is of very little concern...which is why Leinart is the #1 QB on most scouts boards.
I dislike Leinart, but its got little to do with his arm. I dont see the right type of character or work ethic that I want from my QB if Im going to be paying him that type of money.I see #1 overall talent and a 6th round desire from Leinart.
I think you're being a little bit too much of a Pac 10 homer (if that's even possible) if you don't see that Diesel had some justification for his opinion. Leinart stays in school, hangs out with celebs, dates Paris Hilton, etc. It was a legitimate concern.
Right, just like it was a concern that Michael Jordan like to gamble on golf.
:confused: It did end up being a concern. Stern had to have a talk with him, IIRC.
As I've posted several times before, Leinart will have average arm strength for an NFL starting QB...he just doesn't have a cannon like Vick or Favre.

The armstrength argument is of very little concern...which is why Leinart is the #1 QB on most scouts boards.
I dislike Leinart, but its got little to do with his arm. I dont see the right type of character or work ethic that I want from my QB if Im going to be paying him that type of money.I see #1 overall talent and a 6th round desire from Leinart.
I think you're being a little bit too much of a Pac 10 homer (if that's even possible) if you don't see that Diesel had some justification for his opinion. Leinart stays in school, hangs out with celebs, dates Paris Hilton, etc. It was a legitimate concern.
Right, just like it was a concern that Michael Jordan like to gamble on golf.
:confused: It did end up being a concern. Stern had to have a talk with him, IIRC.
we're talking about on the field concerns...here, I could care less about the image of the NBA.
As I've posted several times before, Leinart will have average arm strength for an NFL starting QB...he just doesn't have a cannon like Vick or Favre.

The armstrength argument is of very little concern...which is why Leinart is the #1 QB on most scouts boards.
I dislike Leinart, but its got little to do with his arm. I dont see the right type of character or work ethic that I want from my QB if Im going to be paying him that type of money.I see #1 overall talent and a 6th round desire from Leinart.
I think you're being a little bit too much of a Pac 10 homer (if that's even possible) if you don't see that Diesel had some justification for his opinion. Leinart stays in school, hangs out with celebs, dates Paris Hilton, etc. It was a legitimate concern.
This is misinformation. He merely slept with her.PS

If you lived in LA and could sleep with any women you wanted, you would. It's not indicative of work ethic or character; merely heterosexuality.
To me, staying in school was the biggest issue. I thought it signalled a lack of desire and maturity. And please spare me the "every player should stay 4 years stuff". However, it looks like I was wrong.
As I've posted several times before, Leinart will have average arm strength for an NFL starting QB...he just doesn't have a cannon like Vick or Favre.

The armstrength argument is of very little concern...which is why Leinart is the #1 QB on most scouts boards.
I dislike Leinart, but its got little to do with his arm. I dont see the right type of character or work ethic that I want from my QB if Im going to be paying him that type of money.I see #1 overall talent and a 6th round desire from Leinart.
I think you're being a little bit too much of a Pac 10 homer (if that's even possible) if you don't see that Diesel had some justification for his opinion. Leinart stays in school, hangs out with celebs, dates Paris Hilton, etc. It was a legitimate concern.
Right, just like it was a concern that Michael Jordan like to gamble on golf.
:confused: It did end up being a concern. Stern had to have a talk with him, IIRC.
we're talking about on the field concerns...here, I could care less about the image of the NBA.
I really think you're trying to change the subject, but isn't it possible that Jordan had some off nights worrying about Tony Soprano coming after him for a 500k gambling debt?
As I've posted several times before, Leinart will have average arm strength for an NFL starting QB...he just doesn't have a cannon like Vick or Favre.

The armstrength argument is of very little concern...which is why Leinart is the #1 QB on most scouts boards.
I dislike Leinart, but its got little to do with his arm. I dont see the right type of character or work ethic that I want from my QB if Im going to be paying him that type of money.I see #1 overall talent and a 6th round desire from Leinart.
I think you're being a little bit too much of a Pac 10 homer (if that's even possible) if you don't see that Diesel had some justification for his opinion. Leinart stays in school, hangs out with celebs, dates Paris Hilton, etc. It was a legitimate concern.
Right, just like it was a concern that Michael Jordan like to gamble on golf.
:confused: It did end up being a concern. Stern had to have a talk with him, IIRC.
we're talking about on the field concerns...here, I could care less about the image of the NBA.
I really think you're trying to change the subject, but isn't it possible that Jordan had some off nights worrying about Tony Soprano coming after him for a 500k gambling debt?
LOL...you're trying to talk about Jordan's gambling debt in a thread addressing Leinart's supposed arm strengths....I'm done with this hijack..Please commence with reading the posts from earlier this year regarding why Leinart's arm strength may prevent him from bein an effective NFL QB.

As I've posted several times before, Leinart will have average arm strength for an NFL starting QB...he just doesn't have a cannon like Vick or Favre.

The armstrength argument is of very little concern...which is why Leinart is the #1 QB on most scouts boards.
I dislike Leinart, but its got little to do with his arm. I dont see the right type of character or work ethic that I want from my QB if Im going to be paying him that type of money.I see #1 overall talent and a 6th round desire from Leinart.
I think you're being a little bit too much of a Pac 10 homer (if that's even possible) if you don't see that Diesel had some justification for his opinion. Leinart stays in school, hangs out with celebs, dates Paris Hilton, etc. It was a legitimate concern.
joe montana & tom brady dating celebs down?
I was not a big Leinart fan but after last night the kid really impressed me. Playing on Monday night against the best defense in the NFL his decisions for the most part were very solid.

Plus I was impressed at how fast he checked down when needed. The Cards got a steal in Leinart.

As I've posted several times before, Leinart will have average arm strength for an NFL starting QB...he just doesn't have a cannon like Vick or Favre.

The armstrength argument is of very little concern...which is why Leinart is the #1 QB on most scouts boards.
I dislike Leinart, but its got little to do with his arm. I dont see the right type of character or work ethic that I want from my QB if Im going to be paying him that type of money.I see #1 overall talent and a 6th round desire from Leinart.
Lord could this post be more wrong?
As I've posted several times before, Leinart will have average arm strength for an NFL starting QB...he just doesn't have a cannon like Vick or Favre.

The armstrength argument is of very little concern...which is why Leinart is the #1 QB on most scouts boards.
I dislike Leinart, but its got little to do with his arm. I dont see the right type of character or work ethic that I want from my QB if Im going to be paying him that type of money.I see #1 overall talent and a 6th round desire from Leinart.
I think you're being a little bit too much of a Pac 10 homer (if that's even possible) if you don't see that Diesel had some justification for his opinion. Leinart stays in school, hangs out with celebs, dates Paris Hilton, etc. It was a legitimate concern.
Right, just like it was a concern that Michael Jordan like to gamble on golf.
:confused: It did end up being a concern. Stern had to have a talk with him, IIRC.
we're talking about on the field concerns...here, I could care less about the image of the NBA.
I really think you're trying to change the subject, but isn't it possible that Jordan had some off nights worrying about Tony Soprano coming after him for a 500k gambling debt?
LOL...you're trying to talk about Jordan's gambling debt in a thread addressing Leinart's supposed arm strengths....I'm done with this hijack..Please commence with reading the posts from earlier this year regarding why Leinart's arm strength may prevent him from bein an effective NFL QB.
:lmao: YOU started the hijak in post #18, moron.
As I've posted several times before, Leinart will have average arm strength for an NFL starting QB...he just doesn't have a cannon like Vick or Favre.

The armstrength argument is of very little concern...which is why Leinart is the #1 QB on most scouts boards.
I dislike Leinart, but its got little to do with his arm. I dont see the right type of character or work ethic that I want from my QB if Im going to be paying him that type of money.I see #1 overall talent and a 6th round desire from Leinart.
I think you're being a little bit too much of a Pac 10 homer (if that's even possible) if you don't see that Diesel had some justification for his opinion. Leinart stays in school, hangs out with celebs, dates Paris Hilton, etc. It was a legitimate concern.
Right, just like it was a concern that Michael Jordan like to gamble on golf.
:confused: It did end up being a concern. Stern had to have a talk with him, IIRC.
we're talking about on the field concerns...here, I could care less about the image of the NBA.
I really think you're trying to change the subject, but isn't it possible that Jordan had some off nights worrying about Tony Soprano coming after him for a 500k gambling debt?
LOL...you're trying to talk about Jordan's gambling debt in a thread addressing Leinart's supposed arm strengths....I'm done with this hijack..Please commence with reading the posts from earlier this year regarding why Leinart's arm strength may prevent him from bein an effective NFL QB.
:lmao: YOU started the hijak in post #18, moron.
LOL...you're trying to talk about Jordan's gambling debt in a thread addressing Leinart's supposed arm strengths....I'm done with this hijack..Please commence with reading the posts from earlier this year regarding why Leinart's arm strength may prevent him from bein an effective NFL QB.
:lmao: YOU started the hijak in post #18, moron.
:hifive:Seriously, the guy's like Joe Theismann, just spitting stuff out and hoping no one notices...
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