Green Bay at Minnesota +2.5 (44.5)
-J.Nelson, R.Cobb, D. Adams, 9-8-7 target distribution, 15-11-14 in PPR, seems like a pretty even split among the three of them so far. Adams still the most likely to give a dud next week but you have to start Nelson and Cobb. Cook and Rogers shared about 5 targets, minimal returns.
-Eddie Lacy had 14/60 plus 17 rec yds, owners are going to want a little more and they’re going to get it soon but the Vikes might not be so giving.
-Sam Bradford is likely to take over this week, hopefully he can find Stefon Diggs. The Vikes have tried a lot of exotic WRs that have come and gone, this guy just catches the football. He does other things but he has good hands and is reliable. He had 7/103 last week, hope Bradford doesn’t screw this up.
Final Score: Green Bay 27...Minnesota 17