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FAAB amount? (1 Viewer)


I'm the commish in my primary Keeper league and we're moving (finally) to a FAAB system from the old reverse standings waiver order.

My question is how much should I set the FAAB up for?

I was thinking $200, but not sure what is the preferred amount.

Not sure if it really matters, but figured i'd ask.

thanks in advance

I think the key is to avoid ties and people betting in the same 1/5/10 increments, so $200 could be good.

Another question is what strategy to use in bidding.

I don't think it truly matters. For owners doing it for the first time, keeping it at $100 keeps it simple. It will make ties a little more frequent, but that can be a good thing and drive up bids for everyone too, trying to avoid those ties.

We do something unique in my home league re-draft that I've never really seen anything else do. We have a $100 entry, and $100 FAAB budget, both due prior to draft. So you're playing with real money in FAAB. We've been doing it for years, and while I don't think it has really impacted things, I personally think it is fun. Some owners are tightwads, some blow through their whole budget. We also do $5 per trade -- which you think would slow down trades, but it doesn't -- we typically have more than 50 trades per year.

I don't think it truly matters. For owners doing it for the first time, keeping it at $100 keeps it simple. It will make ties a little more frequent, but that can be a good thing and drive up bids for everyone too, trying to avoid those ties.

We do something unique in my home league re-draft that I've never really seen anything else do. We have a $100 entry, and $100 FAAB budget, both due prior to draft. So you're playing with real money in FAAB. We've been doing it for years, and while I don't think it has really impacted things, I personally think it is fun. Some owners are tightwads, some blow through their whole budget. We also do $5 per trade -- which you think would slow down trades, but it doesn't -- we typically have more than 50 trades per year.
So where does the left over money go if someone doesn't use all their FAAB cash?

I use $200 as standard for FAAB, but I have one league I commish where it's $1,000. I think it might be nice to use millions in the future though, it would seem like you're signing them to a real NFL contract!

As long as you work out in your head what percentage of your FA budget you're spending it doesn't really matter what the number is though!


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