He isn't arguing Sunday's are the problem. He's arguing that the reaction to wins and loss's, time spent dreaming up trades and waiver scenarios, ect, are the problem. Did you read the whole thing?'Dizzy said:Dude, read his first paragraph... at 22-yrs old he had been watching football for TWELVE HOURS EVERY SUNDAY SINCE AGE 10?!?!?!Yeah, I'm sorry... he may have a "problem"... but he's had it his whole life. Don't blame a silly hobby for your (his) crap pile of a life when he's been "addicted" to watching every minute of football coverage since 5th grade. Maybe he should have gotten out of the house a few times 20 years ago.'Lavachebeadsman said:That's actually absolute ####. I follow the guy on twitter and have interacted with him a ton. Pretty normal guy. Sure, fantasy football isn't a very harmful addiction, but it still is one. We are all dedicating times out of our day to manage imaginary rosters and gamble on very unpredictable performance. If we really wanted to make money or do profitable gambling, playing poker is an area where over a large sample, variance goes down. That, or we'd play fantasy baseball, with much more reliable statistics and a much more skilled game. The article makes a valid point: we know its stupid, but it consumes us anyway. I didn't find the article preachy at all, I found it reasonable. I've owned Hakeem Nicks before and had to cheer against the Dallas Cowboys and felt happy when they got scored on. That's clearly not the correct spirit to approach football with, but that is where we are at. I don't really know how you can argue against that claim at all.'Dizzy said:Post of the season! I couldn't agree more.The kid who wrote the article is like that guy you know who parties way too hard, all the time, completely out of control, then once he has no choice but to shut it down for good because his life is falling apart, he lectures you about the dangers of partying. This has nothing to do with fantasy football and everything to do with the SpazNerdio the article writer who can't do anything unless he goes balls out/1000 miles per hour. Screw that guy. He was probably foaming at the mouth as he typed that article. Can't wait until his next blog post when he tells everyone they should cool it with the Angry Birds or else.