Felt we needed to move this Post to this page...tired of always having to go back/forth...
In for August 1:1. ravnzfan2. Fear The Turtle3. roarlions4. Rayderr5. CommuterMan6. Uruk-Hai7. pablito8. Jeff P.9. renesauz10. Go DC Yourself11. philly fanatic12. Kenlin13. Dayton14. Max/nittany15. Guest #116. Guest #2Insurance/auctioneer/man-about-town: roadkill1292Alt: fatness The Man Soaring Eagle Domination Ruffrodys05 Nittany's protege
The above list absolutely blows me away. I don't think it should be lost on anyone that we have an opportunity here to gather an incredibly large # of FBG's in one place at one time, for FF Purposes.To me, that's a really big deal, and we shouldn't let anything get in the way of that.The Partnership Idea is worth discussion of Pros and Cons:1. We have 100% Return of Owners from last Season to the best of my knowledge. They are returning, in a large part, because of the 'League Way' that was established last year. Changing the # of Teams isn't a big deal, because from the time the League was formed, expansion was part of the Game Plan. Changing the 'way we do business' - scoring system, starting lineups, etc. - changes League Fundamentals, and is probably something that will have to be voted on, or agreed to by an overwhelming consensus. All of the Founding Owners acted as 'independent contractors', and may be hesitant to partner up with anyone else due to having their own independent 'business plans' for success. Especially after having had an Offseason to think about what they could have done last year to improve their fortunes.2. In regards to the 'independent contractor' idea - we're all FBG's, not casual Players, so I'm sure we all are very confident in our individual knowledge bases/skill sets, and there may be some reluctance to compromise/share strategy when most of us think, (and rightly so) that we're pretty darn good at this on our own, and don't 'need' a Partner.3. There's money involved. Granted, it's not much, but it's money nonetheless, and when there are stakes other than bragging rights on the line, many folks, myself included, want to win or lose it on their own. There are only two people in my FF world I'd willingly partner up with for significant stakes. One has been my best friend for life (who will be my partner in this League, AND who owns Caddies), and the other is the guy I've won thousands of $$$ in High Stakes FF over the last 4 Years. Otherwise, I'd want to interview a prospective Partner pretty thoroughly before deciding if the 'fit' was a good one, and moving forward. Being a surrogate is different - Jim and I 'clicked' really well in our predraft consult, but in the end, my only job was to exercise his will at the Draft...and I'd happily do that for any of you.NOW, ALL THAT BEING SAID - there's a fun way to do this that might be enjoyable for everyone:1. We'd have to have 20 Owners, minimum (to make 10 Teams).2A. We have a pre-Draft social get-together, where everyone can kind of get to know each other, AND we put all the Owner's Names into a hat, and hold a Drawing, so that the Partnerships are completely random.***I'm not talking about anything more than a 'Happy Hour'-type thing at a convenient watering hole - not some kind of time consuming affair. With enough advance planning (and we have over a month to do this) for those of you who require spousal 'hall passes', it could easily be on a weeknight after most folks are done working, like a 6-8 thing...2B. If we couldn't all get together, we could roll dice - but I can't see how we all couldn't find one evening in July to get out and meet up for a few hours, if we started planning it now. I mean, for all intents and purposes, this is a Local League, and Local Leagues are kind of principled around at least SOME 'face time'. We could find a place equidistant from the furthest guys out, and plan accordingly. I'll take on the role of 'Julie, your Cruise Director', and make all the arrangements if this is something you guys want to do. Quite simply, it's what I do - I'll make it happen, and do it well.3. Everyone uses the time between the Social Get Together/Drawing/Dice Roll to collaborate with their Partner on their Team Draft Strategy for August 1.4. Next Season, we throw everyone in the hopper again, and randomly distribute Partners again, etc. - maybe earlier in the Year, like shortly after the SuperBowl, at an event designed to distribute prizes, praise, ridicule and ribbing.I think this could work for 3 Reasons: First, although there's $ involved, it's not all that much. The buy in is low enough that we can add an element of uncertainty if it's introduced as a random event. Second, We're all FBG's, so there's a common base of knowledge shared between us, and a random drawing for Partners would do away with any perceived political BS, etc that might go along with each of us choosing our own Partners. Third it strengthens the overall community by promoting interpersonal relationships among the Members.Finally:Caddies on Cordell in Bethesda is built to have Drafts, and can have multiple Drafts going at the same time - I've Drafted there for at least the last 5 Years, and it always goes flawlessly.I have access to a second Set of Draft Software, so two Drafts could theoretically be conducted in exactly the same manner, at exactly the same time. Not only that, I'm pretty sure I can arrange for a second experienced Auctioneer to be there as well, so Roadkill doesn't have to be in 2 Places at once, or someone with a Team doesn't have to be running the software and bidding at the same time.Again, getting FBG's together like this is a big deal, IMO. I'd like to see us get together the biggest group possible no matter what it takes to get it done. I'm willing to commit as much time and energy (and probably some money, too) as necessary to accomplish this.