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Game of Thrones, tv only, books don't exist, no backstory...NERDS already ruining a series that hasn't started (2 Viewers)

Makes no sense that one clock tower fell down and to the right after the dragon fire at the base. Given the structural design and architecture, absolutely should have fallen to the left. Just so unrealistic, hard to stay in the moment with stuff like that. 

Varys was up writing to ravens for nights on end before he got got. You know one of those ended up going to Littlefinger. He's going to be none to happy. The nights of the vale are going to be storming the castle soon. They will have to answer to The Prince That Was Promised, Rob Stark. Mercy will not be kind to his foes, those of the knights watch. The Baratheon name will not go undead when Yara weds Gendry and unites the kingdoms to bring just a spring of hope against the winter that is coming. Dire Wolves will roar as dragons sail throughout the kingdoms of nights to come. Stanis will have his great battle with Benjen, the dead (what is dead may never die) at the high septor while The Blackfish undertakes the kuw of the sand snakes to overcome the Mad King and finally sit on the throne of swords to the dismay of the children of the forrest who are vanished to the trees of the red keep to guard the eternal flames of the dead. In my, imo. 

Wow, Bald Move - two guys who have generally been even keel and pretty fair - just popped off on this episode. Kind of shocking tbh, almost as if they had been playing nice for a while and were looking for a reason to go ballistic.

They call it "showrunner malpractice" lolol.
I listened to that this morning - they tore this episode apart.  

They did have some interesting points though:  Clegane Bowl meant zip to the story because everybody F'd off around them.  The people of KL were plenty scared as the dragon sat there roaring at them - so why the systematic street by street destruction and murder?, Varys (the master of espionage) just walks up to Jon at the start in full view and is all "let's usurp the queen" and he went out like a chump, Euron/Jaime was bad, on and on.  

Not sure I agree 100% since they say it was the worst episode of the show and basically took a #### on the series.  

My opinion is souring as I rewatch.

Varys, the Spider, the virtuoso of fantasy espionage, just walks straight up to Jon on the beach and is all, "Hey man let's talk about displacing the Dragon Queen in plain sight."
Part of the charm of the show has been lost by the trying to tie up all of the stories. That seen was to make sure Tyrion saw it and narc’d on him so we get the dracaris ending for him. Same with Jamie not being able to breath but then being able to take another stab and kill Euron and run around KL just to get a nice ending scene with Cersei. Same with the Hound and the Mountain. I’m not even sure what powers the Mountain to take a stab through the body and through the brain and how did the Hound even see anymore let alone laugh while being choked out by the strongest man zombie in the world.

End result all died but we got the Hollywoodized endings of them. Cersei getting dracaris’d in the red keep, Jamie dying after stabbing Euron and the Mountain/Hound falling over the edge while earlier in the fight all would have been more realistic and authentic to the early years with the same end results.

I dunno...after the last few episodes this season I have stopped thinking about character development and character arcs...The writers have given up on it too.  With that being said, I thought last nights episode was AWESOME!!  yeah yeah...nothing matters except who has the most dragons, but visually that was a great episode.   I said too many times with only 6 episodes left there would be no way they could write the end effectively.  So yeah, burn that mother down all in one episode...Works for me   
I think Peter Dinklage should get an emmy nod for his scene with Jaime.  That little fella can act.

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Dany said since they won't love her they must fear her.  Mission accomplished.

In a world of magic and dragons you have such a pedestrian ending.  Show turned into The Last Kingdom with a bigger budget.
I mean the last kingdom sort of happened

Anyone else think the Hound/Arya scene was a little throwback to her and Syrio in season 1? Arya wanting to fight but Syrio/Hound saying, this fight isn’t for you, run. Just kind of thought it showed she truly trusted Sandor at that moment. 

She went mad like her father. It's not supposed to be rational. The question shouldn't be "have they built up enough to Dany dispassionately making this choice for it to work?" The question is "have we seen enough of her madness leaking out over the years to see how all the #### recently made her finally lose it?" 

For me...I'm still deciding. But she had no more advisors she trusted, who in the past had held back some of her worst instincts. You think she does this if Jorah is alive? Missande? Hwr other dragons? Without Jon's parentage making her question the destiny she's never wavered from? Nah. And lots more on top of that.

She ####### cracked man. It's not supposed to be rational or reasonable. As long as we saw her cracking. I'd argue they could have spent more time on that.
Nothing we saw says that once an army surrendered that she would decide to kill everyone including regular men, women, and children. Go a burn the red keep down?  Yes. But nothing else. 

The books are going to be totally different. She will still flip, but it will be built up and have a lot to do with the other aegon. 

"When a Targaryn is born......" is something we've been beaten over the head with since the show began.  No reason to think it doesn't apply to her. 

Assuming there is a Dany Jon confrontation as is expected...if I was the writer I would make sure that the scene is in the throne room, or whatever is left of it, and Jon walks in exactly like Ned did in the first season after Robert died. And the scene plays out similar.

Dany says pledge your loyalty to me again in front of everyone. Jon says he can't and gives someone one of Varys' raven letters saying he is the true king. Dany ripping it up saying that's all you have a piece of paper.... the whole thing only this time Jon's side wins and Dany's force turns on her....

If you want to get really dark, Jon beheading Dany for her crimes similar to the Ned beheading scene would be cinematically spectacular as well. Could even have Arya standing by the Bealor statue ... if it's still there.

Capella is a strange bird.  He needs this thread to validate things for him, which means, love it like he does.  When he doesn't get his validation, it makes him question himself and then that starts to make him angry.  Its a confused anger that's all it is.
:lmao:  wow you might be nuttier than the dragon lady. 

I didn’t realize how passionate you are about me. I don’t think about you at all. 

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Dany finally takes her seat on iron throne after defeating all Lannisters and Starks.  An arrow goes straight through her heart. Camera goes to Bronn holding a crossbow. Series ends. 

True but they were turning on her because she was acting crazy in the first place.
I don't think so.  Her insecurities were getting the better of her before last night, as she was realizing that the North didn't love her like everyone else had before, and it goes without saying that the south doesn't give a crap who their king or queen is, but she didn't act/go crazy until the bells rang and she thought, "they aren't getting off that easy." 

So go right for the red keep after the surrender and burn cersei and all her people in there with her. What was the point of intentional strafing of peasants?
She went mad. It is that simple. 

But never anybody innocent. Which is why I thought she’d just go for the red keep. Her killing the city was over the top. 

Unless I missed it, and I don't think I did, we did not hear Danny say dracarys once this episode.  How many times prior had they done a close up of her ordering Drogon to attack by using that command word, but this time, when he breathed more fire that ever before, we didn't hear it once, which I believe was intentional. 

Unless I missed it, and I don't think I did, we did not hear Danny say dracarys once this episode.  How many times prior had they done a close up of her ordering Drogon to attack by using that command word, but this time, when he breathed more fire that ever before, we didn't hear it once, which I believe was intentional. 
I would tell you to ask Varys if this is true, but he dead.....

"When a Targaryn is born......" is something we've been beaten over the head with since the show began.  No reason to think it doesn't apply to her. 
Yes and no.

We have been conditioned to believe that Daenerys is not like her father - thus the other side of the coin.

Though, I suppose once we learned that Jon Snow was Aegon Targaryen, we essentially believe that a sane Targaryen is a 50-50 split, we could have assumed that one is mad, and the other is normal.  (Of course, we could have said that about Daenerys and her brother - when we assumed the brother was the mad one.)

Unless I missed it, and I don't think I did, we did not hear Danny say dracarys once this episode.  How many times prior had they done a close up of her ordering Drogon to attack by using that command word, but this time, when he breathed more fire that ever before, we didn't hear it once, which I believe was intentional. 
Missandei's last words echoed through the city...

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Dany finally takes her seat on iron throne after defeating all Lannisters and Starks.  An arrow goes straight through her heart. Camera goes to Bronn holding a crossbow. Series ends. 
howzabout it's Ser Brienne after she discovers that the tiny twit has her designs set on eliminating Sansa ...

I don't think so.  Her insecurities were getting the better of her before last night, as she was realizing that the North didn't love her like everyone else had before, and it goes without saying that the south doesn't give a crap who their king or queen is, but she didn't act/go crazy until the bells rang and she thought, "they aren't getting off that easy." 

She went mad. It is that simple. 

She was sitting there calmly waiting to hear the surrender and then decided to kill them all?  Not just doing to from the start?  What made her mad hearing the surrender bells?  They just needed a way to show us because they didn’t build it up enough because they rushed they end of the show. 

She was sitting there calmly waiting to hear the surrender and then decided to kill them all?  Not just doing to from the start?  What made her mad hearing the surrender bells?  They just needed a way to show us because they didn’t build it up enough because they rushed they end of the show. 
I don't think she thought Cersei would surrender, but it was like she was giving her the cursory time to think about it, and when the bells actually did ring, Danny's head exploded and the capital felt her wrath. 

An unfortunate end to a great series.

I've enjoyed no show more over the last several years, but now I'm just ready for it to be over.

I don't think so.  Her insecurities were getting the better of her before last night, as she was realizing that the North didn't love her like everyone else had before, and it goes without saying that the south doesn't give a crap who their king or queen is, but she didn't act/go crazy until the bells rang and she thought, "they aren't getting off that easy." 

She went mad. It is that simple. 

I don’t really think she went mad in the past few weeks, it’s been that way for awhile. She was never breaking the wheel, she’s just another person who wanted absolute power and wasn’t going to key anything stand in her way. 

An unfortunate end to a great series.

I've enjoyed no show more over the last several years, but now I'm just ready for it to be over.
I’m kind of here too. It’s definitely not the best show I’ve ever seen (Wire followed by Breaking Bad) but it’s maybe the most fun communal viewing experience?  I get more enjoyment from podcasts and YouTube about the show than the actual show now. 

I don't think so.  Her insecurities were getting the better of her before last night, as she was realizing that the North didn't love her like everyone else had before, and it goes without saying that the south doesn't give a crap who their king or queen is, but she didn't act/go crazy until the bells rang and she thought, "they aren't getting off that easy." 
That is what I am saying. After they killed the NK, instead of doing her normal thing where she gives a big speech and acts all queen like, she just pouted and began hating everyone. It was her weird behavior that caused Varys and others to question her. 

Jon snow ageon targaryen not loving her anymore did it.....honorable fool
That love story was thin. Did people really buy that they loved each other? In the wake of the victory over death neither even had a word to say to each other at the celebration. They would have been all over each other if they really were in love. 

I’m kind of here too. It’s definitely not the best show I’ve ever seen (Wire followed by Breaking Bad) but it’s maybe the most fun communal viewing experience?  I get more enjoyment from podcasts and YouTube about the show than the actual show now. 
Yeah. With the way shows are dropped these days all at once there is little buildup and hype anymore.  Several shows like peaky blinders would benefit a lot from the hype 

The only people she loved/trusted turned on her at the beginning of the episode so now she believes in no one. So she burned it down. Seemed fine to me. 
She even told Jon what was going to happen after he spurned her love. Fear it is.

An unfortunate end to a great series.

I've enjoyed no show more over the last several years, but now I'm just ready for it to be over.
Not sure I am ready for it to be done but aside from the battle scenes, this has definitely been my least favorite season. Some nice one liners here and there but you know you aren’t enjoying it as much when you feel like you are questioning a lot of actions by characters that have been so well developed and feeling like the show is forcing unrealistic scenes because they feel like they have to have the Mountain defeat his brother or have to get Jamie and Cersei together for their death scene.

That is what I am saying. After they killed the NK, instead of doing her normal thing where she gives a big speech and acts all queen like, she just pouted and began hating everyone. It was her weird behavior that caused Varys and others to question her. 
Has anyone really loved her though?  It seems that we assumed that, but perhaps their "loyalty" was more obligation than real devotion.

An unfortunate end to a great series.

I've enjoyed no show more over the last several years, but now I'm just ready for it to be over.
Another poster brought up how this turn of events would impact a rewatch. I do wonder if it kind of kills all the Dany storyline. How can we cheer on any of her great highlights when we know she is Joffrey/Euron/Ramsey level terrible? 

1. Is Arya dead? I think they would have made it clear if so, but that scene with the abandoned streets and the white horse works bunch better if she's dead imo.

2. So it's pretty clear now that Jon is the embodiment of the Song of Ice and Fire, a love song begin by Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen.  He is the descendent of chaos on both sides and will ultimately have to tame that wildness.  I bet he survives Dragonfire in the finale, and even odds that either he or (for poetic symmetry) Arya (if she's indeed alive) kills Dany in the end.  Oooh...Or maybe Sansa "sticks her with the pointy end" when she's not looking... He's definitely the Prince that was Promised.  I suppose he'll probably die in the end leaving Tyrion and Sansa to rule.

I'm back to hoping GRRM finishes the books. There's more to the white walkers and the Targaryens than we learn in the show imo.

Has anyone really loved her though?  It seems that we assumed that, but perhaps their "loyalty" was more obligation than real devotion.
Everywhere she has gone people have fawned over her. Name a character she came into contact that didn't fall in love with her (except for those she specifically targetted as slavers or thieves or abusers of the innocent)? Jorah, Snow, Varys, Drogo, all the Unsullied, Missendai,Tyrion, all the varying slaves she freed. that guy who was a warrior and they switched the actor playing him mid-series, etc. . She wasn't just respected, she was worshipped like a God. She would make grand speeches about freedom and crowd surf with freed slaves. Why was she do depressed about defeating the Night King Army? It is what it is and we can just say "mental illness" but so many of the decisions the characters have been making just feel like means to an end for the plot. 

1. Is Arya dead? I think they would have made it clear if so, but that scene with the abandoned streets and the white horse works bunch better if she's dead imo.

2. So it's pretty clear now that Jon is the embodiment of the Song of Ice and Fire, a love song begin by Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen.  He is the descendent of chaos on both sides and will ultimately have to tame that wildness.  I bet he survives Dragonfire in the finale, and even odds that either he or (for poetic symmetry) Arya (if she's indeed alive) kills Dany in the end.  Oooh...Or maybe Sansa "sticks her with the pointy end" when she's not looking... He's definitely the Prince that was Promised.  I suppose he'll probably die in the end leaving Tyrion and Sansa to rule.

I'm back to hoping GRRM finishes the books. There's more to the white walkers and the Targaryens than we learn in the show imo.
grrm said in a recent interview his last book wont end much differently than the show

I mean...incest.

But more importantly I don't think he could ever shake seeing her first reaction to his lineage. Her first thought was about her throne and power, not their relationship. She made it all business before he did, in that moment. 

Then until tonight he, like Tyrion, convinced himself that flash of the real Dany he saw wasn't what she is...even though he couldn't shake it after that. 

He could never see her the same after that talk imo, not even just the Aunt thing. Sam had already made that comment about her thirst for power too. 
I agree. And throughout the entire story, she was prone to making rash decisions which were tempered by her trusted advisors - until now, as all her trusted advisors are gone.


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