For several years I was not an Alexander fan. I'm one of the Seattle homers that was always quick to point out that he ran soft and was benefiting from a great Seattle O-line. However, I'm not willing to question his desire like this. I just think he's becoming a better player and more team oriented. He's always been a good person. I think the squabbles made over losing the rushing title last season were much ado about nothing. He was pissed for a few minutes and has admitted he was wrong.In short, I don't think so. He has to know he's going to get paid eventually. Even if he gets hurt he's insured to the hilt. I don't think its about money. I think this team is coming together and starting to put winning ahead of themselves. Lots of guys on both sides of the ball are playing better.Do you think this is a result of his contract situation? He never seemed to run for tough yards until he was one year away from a FA contract or within 10 yards of the goalline.