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General Milley destroys Matt Gaetz in answering question about Critical Race Theory, “wokeness” and the military (1 Viewer)

The right thing for Milley to do if he received what he felt was a crazy order from the President is refuse to carry it out and resign or as KD mentioned pursuing the 25th by the proper channels.Not undermining or sabotaging a sitting President. Can’t have it both ways. It’s irrelevant who the POTUS is. For cripes sake 
Relax.  I agree.  Was just asking your opinion.  

In this hypothetical is the military going around the president's orders? Or is the military acting without the presidents' approval? 

I don't think either looks good. And neither are allowed. 
Good questions.  I agree with your last sentence, but the reason I ask is in this political environment the 25th could take time to happen when it’s not clear cut (like the POTUS is in a coma or something). And with something that’s time sensitive where is the line for disregarding a overtly bad/dangerous  decision?

That’s why we have the 25th Amendment.  Miley committed treason.  
Not sure the 25th works in that scenario though I do agree with the crux of your argument. See my response to Max for an expansion of my thoughts/question.  

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Good questions.  I agree with your last sentence, but the reason I ask is in this political environment the 25th could take time to happen when it’s not clear cut (like the POTUS is in a coma or something). And with something that’s time sensitive where is the line for disregarding a overtly bad/dangerous  decision?
The 25th needs to have a higher standard than what we causally toss around. People may not like Trump, but he wasn't in the ballpark.

Doctors may want to check out Joe as he is trending down. 

Disregarding an order is also a different situation than actively planning to disregard an order. 

The 25th needs to have a higher standard than what we causally toss around. People may not like Trump, but he wasn't in the ballpark.

Doctors may want to check out Joe as he is trending down. 

Disregarding an order is also a different situation than actively planning to disregard an order. 
I agree with your thoughts on the 25th.  It's hard to dislike Trump more then I do but I was never onboard with that talk.  That's not what the 25th was intended for.

But with that aside, it could be where Biden ends up if the decline continues, I don't think he's that far gone yet but it's in the realm of possibilities at this point imo.  

Either way the Miley thing just got me thinking.  Is there a time or occasion where it's appropriate for our top military brass to disregard, or actively plan too, the POTUS.  I understand and respect the chain of command and it's importance, but my gut tells me there has to be a time or situation where it could be broken.  That's what I'm trying to vet out.

Either way the Miley thing just got me thinking.  Is there a time or occasion where it's appropriate for our top military brass to disregard, or actively plan too, the POTUS.  I understand and respect the chain of command and it's importance, but my gut tells me there has to be a time or situation where it could be broken.  That's what I'm trying to vet out.
On one hand, I'm strongly inclined to trust the guy who spent four years around Trump to know what his mental state was like.  If Milley says that Trump was so unstable and so unhinged that it warranted gross insubordination, then fine.  I guess that's the price we pay for electing this sort of person to the presidency.

On the other hand, you can't do this and continue to serve in uniform.  It's time to resign.

The ultimate authority over our military rests with the president.  Period, end of story.  If you're a general and you feel strongly enough about it to override civilian command, you should also feel strongly enough about it to submit a resignation letter.  This person can't possibly serve in the military with any credibility going forward.

On one hand, I'm strongly inclined to trust the guy who spent four years around Trump to know what his mental state was like.  If Milley says that Trump was so unstable and so unhinged that it warranted gross insubordination, then fine.  I guess that's the price we pay for electing this sort of person to the presidency.

On the other hand, you can't do this and continue to serve in uniform.  It's time to resign.

The ultimate authority over our military rests with the president.  Period, end of story.  If you're a general and you feel strongly enough about it to override civilian command, you should also feel strongly enough about it to submit a resignation letter.  This person can't possibly serve in the military with any credibility going forward.
These are fair takes, both of them.   

In the Miley situation I can see a case being made that the actions themselves are viewed very differently when it's the last few days of a POTUS's term vs it being in the middle or even 90% of the way though.  Either way it's got me thinking.....

25th amendment would’ve been a non-starter with the cabinet, and everyone knows it.

but assuming this is true, Milley should probably resign.

even the loathsome Vindman thinks Miller crossed the lineup 

Alexander S. Vindman


If this is true GEN Milley must resign. He usurped civilian authority, broke Chain of Command, and violated the sacrosanct principle of civilian control over the military. It’s an extremely dangerous precedent. You can’t simply walk away from that.

Wash, rinse, repeat 
It does seem to be a pattern with many of Don's hires.

This isn't particularly great timing for Milley as he is on the hot seat at the moment for the advice he was giving Biden in regards to Afghanistan.

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even the loathsome Vindman thinks


crossed the lineup 

Alexander S. Vindman


If this is true GEN Milley must resign. He usurped civilian authority, broke Chain of Command, and violated the sacrosanct principle of civilian control over the military. It’s an extremely dangerous precedent. You can’t simply walk away from that.

Reading the comments it appears I was right:  The lefties are wholly behind what Milley did.

Keep in mind, these are the same people that are still aghast over January 6th and how "Democracy was threatened".  What Milley did was literally the definition of threatening Democracy too.

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*** Let’s also not lose sight of the fact that the source is the anti-Trump Washington Post. Maybe more reputable sources can corroborate ***
I think the fact it's from WaPo confirms Milley will be the scapegoat for Afghanistan. The administration can blame him for anything they want now. 


bluechecks & their lickspittles on Twitter are acting like Donald was pressing the launch button 
Wasn't that the whole purpose of the meeting?  To make sure that wasn't going to happen.

But I agree, he should resign and I think he might.  Resigning will make him look heroic in many peoples eyes.  To many he will come off as someone willing to suffer the consequences in order to protect America and the world.  Modern Day Martyr.

I think the Catholic Church may even make him a Saint.

Reading the comments it appears I was right:  The lefties are wholly behind what Milley did.

Keep in mind, these are the same people that are still aghast over January 6th and how "Democracy was threatened".  What Milley did was literally the definition of threatening Democracy too.
Where are you seeing this?  I’ve seen none but I admittedly don’t frequent CNN websites or read the comments on articles.  

It does seem to be a pattern with many of Don's hires.

This isn't particularly great timing for Milley as he is on the hot seat at the moment for the advice he was giving Biden in regards to Afghanistan.
Shows the depth and breath of deep state.   And shows the crap advice trump was receiving  from the time he started as president  till he left.    

No wonder trump constantly  had to over rule the experts.    He did know better than his generals.

quick-hands said:
Shows the depth and breath of deep state.   And shows the crap advice trump was receiving  from the time he started as president  till he left.    

No wonder trump constantly  had to over rule the experts.    He did know better than his generals.
Milley was Trump's guy, hand picked him.

quick-hands said:
Shows the depth and breath of deep state.   And shows the crap advice trump was receiving  from the time he started as president  till he left.    

No wonder trump constantly  had to over rule the experts.    He did know better than his generals.
Lmao.  America in a nutshell right here.  

Dish out crap like your extremely offensive post don’t be surprised to get something back at you
Fair enough.  Let me be more specific: The idea that a con man narcissist with no geopolitical experience whatsoever would know more than his generals is a perfect description of the biggest problem with America in 2021; unqualified people think they are experts at everything.  Because?  Social media.  Or, malignant narcissism in Trump’s case.  

Fair enough.  Let me be more specific: The idea that a con man narcissist with no geopolitical experience whatsoever would know more than his generals is a perfect description of the biggest problem with America in 2021; unqualified people think they are experts at everything.  Because?  Social media.  Or, malignant narcissism in Trump’s case.  

The worst.  Seriously.  I hope he gets what he deserves calling this election. I’d be optimistic, but Canadian polling is notoriously unreliable and I’m worried there will be last minute defection of a big chunk of NDP vote (our leftist party) to Trudeau to save his ###.  

I wouldn’t vote for Justin Trudeau if god asked me to. 

Fair enough.  Let me be more specific: The idea that a con man narcissist with no geopolitical experience whatsoever would know more than his generals is a perfect description of the biggest problem with America in 2021; unqualified people think they are experts at everything.  Because?  Social media.  Or, malignant narcissism in Trump’s case.  
Using the same premise, what's Biden's excuse then? He was advised by his general how many people it would take to secure the air base and the city and he basically over rode them and said he didn't care. Wanted to keep the numbers of personnel low and it snowballed a lot of what we saw unfold. 

In reality, the POTUS does not unilaterally make the decisions to launch nukes. Its a process with multi-levels of safeguards. 

At its simplest, what Milley did was violate his chain of command and committed insubordination which is subject to court martial.  That is on the very simplest end of the scale. What he did was more dangerous than the story his is trying to say was the opposite.  In a true scenario, the POTUS would not have the same direct path with no safeguards that Milley created for himself with what he did. 

Using the same premise, what's Biden's excuse then? He was advised by his general how many people it would take to secure the air base and the city and he basically over rode them and said he didn't care. Wanted to keep the numbers of personnel low and it snowballed a lot of what we saw unfold. 

In reality, the POTUS does not unilaterally make the decisions to launch nukes. Its a process with multi-levels of safeguards. 

At its simplest, what Milley did was violate his chain of command and committed insubordination which is subject to court martial.  That is on the very simplest end of the scale. What he did was more dangerous than the story his is trying to say was the opposite.  In a true scenario, the POTUS would not have the same direct path with no safeguards that Milley created for himself with what he did. 
I dont disagree with anything in your post.  Assuming the story remains as it is currently being reported.  

Back to the topic if that is ok?

Pelosi is complicit. She called Milley to see what they could do. He told her, "we are Ok, it takes one person to order a nuclear strike, it takes several people to actually do it." 

Finally read what milley actual said.  Wow.

Thats not disobeying a lawful order, thats #######g treason.

"Gen. Li, you and I have known each other for now five years. If we're going to attack, I'm going to call you ahead of time," Milley added, as reported by the book, "Peril," which is set to be released next week. "It's not going to be a surprise."

That is aiding and abetting the enemy right there.  Wow.

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Josh Rogin




Senior Trump admin national security official to me on Gen. Milley's reported secret calls to Chinese generals: “It was dangerous for Mark Milley to be doing freelance diplomacy on China without involving any of the other senior officials dealing with China at the time..." 1/3

Josh Rogin




2/3 "Milley was making these phone calls at a time when the U.S. government was in the middle of very complicated discussions with and actions against the PRC. For him to take this sort of action without any interagency coordination is astonishing..."

Josh Rogin




"...The risk is [Milley] could have caused the Chinese to miscalculate and take some sort of diplomatic, economic or military action with far ranging consequences, because he was giving the wrong signal, having no understanding of the context in which he was making the call." 3/3


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