The Commish
Not only no room for nuance or context, but completely devoid of understanding of how the immune system works. It feels like a great many DON'T understand that vaccines don't, and never have, kept the virus from physically entering the body. If it's in the body, it can be spread unless dealt with quickly. We must have no vaccines that "work" for these folks. It's a twisted web of's not even that though - it's the arguments like "vaccines don't completely prevent covid transmission and therefore are worthless" or "shotted people vs non-shotted both carried and transmitted covid .... it didn't matter if you had the shots". These statements draw conclusions purely in a binary world - no room for nuance or context.Correct...context is completely lost on those who simply can't go with "opps, my bad". All the way through Delta, you know, the time where we were beating people over the head to get the vaccines because they were absolutely keeping transmissions low, people refused and we eventually got variants that rendered vaccines less effective. That time period and the current are intentionally conflated all the time. No point in having that conversation again. Just identify it and ignore.PSA: don't bother trying to explain shades of grey to people who see the wold in only black and white.
After years and years of arguing things like this on these forums... it's just not worth it.