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Got puked on (1 Viewer)

The General

Tickets to Pearl Jam Home Show yesterday in Seattle. Great night, perfect weather. 

Had awesome seats. Was in my work's suite, complete luck to get these tickets. They just started the encore, Eddie Vedder solo played a Tom Petty song. Decided to quickly grab my last replenishment from the mini-keg of beer. Can't believe it wasn't empty yet! Life is great.

Decided to quickly hit the bathroom so I didn't have to deal with lines afterwards. Fortunate enough to have a bathroom right outside our suite. How convenient! Very little line in and out in prolly 30 seconds. Perfectly planned.

Then as I opened the door to leave it happened.

Bro in a blue tank top booted all over me. Shirt, shorts, legs, socks, shoes covered. The guy even got some in my front pocket. Spent the next few songs sponging this guy's dinner off me then had to grab the wife and bail with all my co-workers asking what happened.

Looking online at the set list missed the last 8 songs or so including Soundgarden members coming out on stage. 

Hey Blue Tank Top guy - Go #### yourself you are a ##### of the highest order.

Big thumbs up to people working the concert. They ran down and got me a change of clothes from the Mariner's team store (and a Dee Gordon bobblehead :lol: ).

Tickets to Pearl Jam Home Show yesterday in Seattle. Great night, perfect weather. 

Had awesome seats. Was in my work's suite, complete luck to get these tickets. They just started the encore, Eddie Vedder solo played a Tom Petty song. Decided to quickly grab my last replenishment from the mini-keg of beer. Can't believe it wasn't empty yet! Life is great.

Decided to quickly hit the bathroom so I didn't have to deal with lines afterwards. Fortunate enough to have a bathroom right outside our suite. How convenient! Very little line in and out in prolly 30 seconds. Perfectly planned.

Then as I opened the door to leave it happened.

Bro in a blue tank top booted all over me. Shirt, shorts, legs, socks, shoes covered. The guy even got some in my front pocket. Spent the next few songs sponging this guy's dinner off me then had to grab the wife and bail with all my co-workers asking what happened.

Looking online at the set list missed the last 8 songs or so including Soundgarden members coming out on stage. 

Hey Blue Tank Top guy - Go #### yourself you are a ##### of the highest order.

Big thumbs up to people working the concert. They ran down and got me a change of clothes from the Mariner's team store (and a Dee Gordon bobblehead :lol: ).
oof, I would have ralphed from the smell

Tickets to Pearl Jam Home Show yesterday in Seattle. Great night, perfect weather. 

Had awesome seats. Was in my work's suite, complete luck to get these tickets. They just started the encore, Eddie Vedder solo played a Tom Petty song. Decided to quickly grab my last replenishment from the mini-keg of beer. Can't believe it wasn't empty yet! Life is great.

Decided to quickly hit the bathroom so I didn't have to deal with lines afterwards. Fortunate enough to have a bathroom right outside our suite. How convenient! Very little line in and out in prolly 30 seconds. Perfectly planned.

Then as I opened the door to leave it happened.

Bro in a blue tank top booted all over me. Shirt, shorts, legs, socks, shoes covered. The guy even got some in my front pocket. Spent the next few songs sponging this guy's dinner off me then had to grab the wife and bail with all my co-workers asking what happened.

Looking online at the set list missed the last 8 songs or so including Soundgarden members coming out on stage. 

Hey Blue Tank Top guy - Go #### yourself you are a ##### of the highest order.

Big thumbs up to people working the concert. They ran down and got me a change of clothes from the Mariner's team store (and a Dee Gordon bobblehead :lol: ).

”what happened “

Still my all time favorite internet photo

When I was a young lad in college my best friend attended St Anselms . One weekend visiting there at a party I picked up a girl and ended up puking on her just after starting get busy. Good times

The smell was bad.

I have looked forward to this show for months. Realizing this is how it was ending was pretty crushing.

I have now been puked on twice. First time was in college while playing Madden 92 on my couch. While memorable not quite as disappointing.

The smell was bad.

I have looked forward to this show for months. Realizing this is how it was ending was pretty crushing.

I have now been puked on twice. First time was in college while playing Madden 92 on my couch. While memorable not quite as disappointing.
Man, you should have just stripped down to your undies and enjoyed the rest of the show.

Your coworkers could marvel over your ripped abs, the gun show, and those delectible legs of yours.

Mods, please merge with the **OFFICIAL PEARL JAM** thread.  TIA.

(and, were your Corduroy shorts Black, per chance?)

A drunk walks into a bar, orders a shot and and immediately pukes all over his own shirt. "Wha' my gonna do now? My wifez gonna kill me."

"Relax," the bartender says, "give me a five-dollar bill." The bartender folds up the bill and puts it in the guy's shirt pocket. "Tell your wife some drunk puked on you and gave you five bucks to have your shirt cleaned."

"Thass a great idea!"

When the drunk gets home his wife answers the door. "Where have you been? What happened to your shirt?"

He tries to put on a sober voice and says, "Relaaax honey, some drunk guy puked on me and gave me five bucks to have my shirt cleaned."

The drunk's wife reaches in his pocket, grabs the money, and says, "There's $10 in here!"

"Oh yeah, he #### my pants, too."

I’m seeing a movie where they serve adult drinks and pretty bad food.

Am scanning my fellow patrons like Jason Bourne looking for all potential pukers. There’s a fat guy at my 6 who just ordered an Oreo shake to go along with his Jack and Coke.

It may be too much to ask but I bet those guys could get you a shower in one of the locker rooms. 

I’m seeing a movie where they serve adult drinks and pretty bad food.

Am scanning my fellow patrons like Jason Bourne looking for all potential pukers. There’s a fat guy at my 6 who just ordered an Oreo shake to go along with his Jack and Coke.
State of Love and Trust?  


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