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Government Response To The Coronavirus (1 Viewer)

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Exactly. Peak German Nazi tactics didn't occur overnight, but incrementally -
Again this is simply untrue. The Gestapo started beating up and torturing innocent people the minute Hitler took power. There was no slippery slope. In fact no dictatorship in history has EVER had a slippery slope.  

Again this is simply untrue. The Gestapo started beating up and torturing innocent people the minute Hitler took power. There was no slippery slope. In fact no dictatorship in history has EVER had a slippery slope.  
I know this is a sensitive topic for you, but the German Jewish community was stripped of it's social and legal rights well before they started to round them up. 

Exactly. Peak German Nazi tactics didn't occur overnight, but incrementally - just as with Covidian oppression, which will continue to pile on and accelerate if it isn't called out. Even if parallels are hyperbolic (for now), they are there to see.
Do you just say things you think other people will think are true?  First off, the only Nazis around here were at the insurrection and were not trying to defend the government.  Thankfully, their putsch didn't work.  Please go study WWII and the history leading up to it.  

Again this is simply untrue. The Gestapo started beating up and torturing innocent people the minute Hitler took power. There was no slippery slope. In fact no dictatorship in history has EVER had a slippery slope.  
Quite true.  Unfortunately, a lot of the posters in here don't actually adhere to the truth.  

tonydead said:
The only reason I've had for testing (and most healthy low risk people) is for travel.  And I assume a lot of people need it for their work.  $70 a pop to have a health care worker give you the exact same test is a rip off.  Plus, I thought all of them were too busy.
So what, you think everyone should be on the honor system?  No thanks

I know this is a sensitive topic for you, but the German Jewish community was stripped of it's social and legal rights well before they started to round them up. 
And they were beaten and tortured by the Gestapo on day 1. My point is the Gestapo’s tactics didn’t change. 

Again this is simply untrue. The Gestapo started beating up and torturing innocent people the minute Hitler took power. There was no slippery slope. In fact no dictatorship in history has EVER had a slippery slope.  

I said 'Peak German Nazi tactics arrived incrementally.' They started with beatings and ended with mass murder. No one is suggesting the unvaxxed will face another Final Solution, but oppressive tactics unquestionably slipped down a slope then, as they have now.

I said 'Peak German Nazi tactics arrived incrementally.' They started with beatings and ended with mass murder. No one is suggesting the unvaxxed will face another Final Solution, but oppressive tactics unquestionably slipped down a slope then, as they have now.
Asking for proof of vaccination is not the same as bearing people up. That’s what I find offensive about this comparison. 

And no there was no slippery slope. From the moment Hitler took power, my grandparents literally could not walk down the street in Berlin (where they lived) without the risk of being beaten or tortured. My grandfather in March of 1933 was made to pick up garbage with his bare hands to avoid being beaten. Yes it’s true that Jews weren’t rounded up until 1938, but the beatings began right away. There was no slippery slope. So please stop with this comparison. 

Asking for proof of vaccination is not the same as bearing people up. That’s what I find offensive about this comparison. 

And no there was no slippery slope. From the moment Hitler took power, my grandparents literally could not walk down the street in Berlin (where they lived) without the risk of being beaten or tortured. My grandfather in March of 1933 was made to pick up garbage with his bare hands to avoid being beaten. Yes it’s true that Jews weren’t rounded up until 1938, but the beatings began right away. There was no slippery slope. So please stop with this comparison. 
Weren't the Jews being discriminated against well before Hitler rose to power?  Wasn't part of the reason Hitler did rise to power was due to anti Jewish sentiment?  I don't know.  But to me, it seems the persecution of the Jews did not start on the first day Hitler came to power.  That seems........hard to fathom to me.

Asking for proof of vaccination is not the same as bearing people up. That’s what I find offensive about this comparison. 

And no there was no slippery slope. From the moment Hitler took power, my grandparents literally could not walk down the street in Berlin (where they lived) without the risk of being beaten or tortured. My grandfather in March of 1933 was made to pick up garbage with his bare hands to avoid being beaten. Yes it’s true that Jews weren’t rounded up until 1938, but the beatings began right away. There was no slippery slope. So please stop with this comparison. 

Taking people's jobs, pensions and livelihoods is comparable to beating them up IMO. You may not think so, but I do.

Sorry about your grandparents. I truly am. But there was absolutely a slippery slope that occurred in between the original Nazi propaganda towards the Jews before and just after they took power, until the days of the God-awful Final Solution. Their peak atrocities did not come overnight.

Is it hyperbole to compare the Vax Mob to Nazis? Of course. But there are parallels to how the tactics are evolving. It started with two weeks to flatten the curve and eventually lead to hyper-politicization and demonizing an entire subset of our population, even to the point (already) of selectively taking their jobs and freedoms away. It's bad enough what is occurring now, and I quake at the thoughts of what could be coming next, if this stuff isn't stemmed.

That isn't factual but go ahead.
I urge you to read the history again. William Shirer, Richard Evans, Saul Freidlander are all good and accurate sources. It’s absolutely factual that the Gestapo began torturing and beating up enemies of the Third Reich, including Jews, the moment that Hitler became Chancellor in January of 1933, and in some cases even before. 

I urge you to read the history again. William Shirer, Richard Evans, Saul Freidlander are all good and accurate sources. It’s absolutely factual that the Gestapo began torturing and beating up enemies of the Third Reich, including Jews, the moment that Hitler became Chancellor in January of 1933, and in some cases even before. 
The Gestapo wasn't even formed until after Hitler took power, so I don't know how they were beating people up on day 1. 

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If you don't get sick, it worked.  If you do get sick, you need to take more. 

I haven't been sick in 10 years anyway, I made it through 16 months of covid and around several symptomatic people ... and didn't get covid ... well, I'm sure I was exposed and my body (like almost everyone who gets covid) fought it off well

I didn't need the shot

I don't need boosters

Taking people's jobs, pensions and livelihoods is comparable to beating them up IMO. You may not think so, but I do.

Sorry about your grandparents. I truly am. But there was absolutely a slippery slope that occurred in between the original Nazi propaganda towards the Jews before and just after they took power, until the days of the God-awful Final Solution. Their peak atrocities did not come overnight.

Is it hyperbole to compare the Vax Mob to Nazis? Of course. But there are parallels to how the tactics are evolving. It started with two weeks to flatten the curve and eventually lead to hyper-politicization and demonizing an entire subset of our population, even to the point (already) of selectively taking their jobs and freedoms away. It's bad enough what is occurring now, and I quake at the thoughts of what could be coming next, if this stuff isn't stemmed.
Did you know that PETA attempted this back in the 90s with chicken farms? They called them “the new Auschwitz”. 
Comparing “the persecution of the unvaccinated”, a ridiculous phrase to begin with, to the Jews under Hitler isn’t just hyperbole. As I wrote, it’s highly offensive, and insulting. For the last time please stop. TIA 

I urge you to read the history again. William Shirer, Richard Evans, Saul Freidlander are all good and accurate sources. It’s absolutely factual that the Gestapo began torturing and beating up enemies of the Third Reich, including Jews, the moment that Hitler became Chancellor in January of 1933, and in some cases even before. 
I think the argument is that the slippery slope did not begin with beatings.  I think at that point the process was already well entrenched.  You might be missing the point entirely here.

The Gestapo wasn't even formed until after Hitler took power, so I don't know how they were beating people up on day 1. 
Technically it was formed in April of 1933, but the SS which controlled it was formed long before Hitler took power, and the SA (“stormtroopers”) which became the law as of January 1933 was formed long before that in the early 1920s. 

I haven't been sick in 10 years anyway, I made it through 16 months of covid and around several symptomatic people ... and didn't get covid ... well, I'm sure I was exposed and my body (like almost everyone who gets covid) fought it off well

I didn't need the shot

I don't need boosters
Do you have type O blood?  Some studies out there show its harder for that blood type to catch covid. 

I think the argument is that the slippery slope did not begin with beatings.  I think at that point the process was already well entrenched.  You might be missing the point entirely here.
The point is that there is a reasonable connection between Nazi treatment of the Jews and public health officials treatment of the unvaccinated. And that’s what I object to, pretty damn strongly. 

The point is that there is a reasonable connection between Nazi treatment of the Jews and public health officials treatment of the unvaccinated. And that’s what I object to, pretty damn strongly. 
 I hate all references to Nazis.  Including those that called Trump actions Nazi like.  It's wrong.  You probably should have just said that instead of trying to make an argument that frankly doesn't make a lot of sense

Leave it to Tim to take the Covid thread and make it all about Nazis.  

Back on topic with some Covid humor:

Imagine releasing a product that didn't do what it was supposed to do.  Blaming the people who didn't buy it for it not working.  And then turn around and try to get them to buy it again.  

Do you have type O blood?  Some studies out there show its harder for that blood type to catch covid. 

I literally rarely go to the dr ... I have no PCP. I don't know my blood type although I'd think its logged somewhere because a decade ago I got yearly biometric screenings done for work/insurance purposes

Imagine releasing a product that didn't do what it was supposed to do.  Blaming the people who didn't buy it for it not working.  And then turn around and try to get them to buy it again.  

isn't that pretty much right ?


being persuades, reminded, pressured, lied to, coerced, bullied, shames, guilt tripped, threatened/punished , mandated even... all to gain compliance of a shot that's got failure rates has high as it does ...

maybe its to be questioned, right ?

Max Power said:
Shouldn't we know this?  What does the medical community say about peak boosting?  It feels like we're shooting from the hip with this. Get boosted, it will protect you, unless its too soon or too far from your last shot.  In reality, you're already protected from severe illness from the first series of shots. 
Theres like a peak 72 hour window 2 weeks after you get the booster where you are protected however that starts declining rapidly. Moreso if there is a full moon.

FYI The above was a joke

And yet another example of why so many fellow Americans are dying needlessly.

'Correlation <> Causation'

And besides that, perhaps if we were allowed to practice medicine from a multi-factor approach (that includes experimental Covid-vaxxes for some people, and also promising prophylactics - Vit D, Vit C, Zinc, Zinc ionophores, Ivermectin) so many wouldn't by dying needlessly. 

'Correlation <> Causation'

And besides that, perhaps if we were allowed to practice medicine from a multi-factor approach (that includes experimental Covid-vaxxes for some people, and also promising prophylactics - Vit D, Vit C, Zinc, Zinc ionophores, Ivermectin) so many wouldn't by dying needlessly. 

And BTW, FTR, I put Correlation <> Causation in quotes for a reason. It's to point out that this concept has been the constant refrain on this board to discredit and dismiss VAERS data. 

I actually believe in both cases - VAERS reports and Covid deaths - that it's far more nuanced. In both cases, there's clearly at least some Correlation = Causation, IMO. But you can't take the opposite stance wholeheartedly for one side of this coin and then dismiss it for the other. That kind of inconsistency seems to permeate here and it shouldn't.

Theres like a peak 72 hour window 2 weeks after you get the booster where you are protected however that starts declining rapidly. Moreso if there is a full moon.

FYI The above was a joke
It's sad because its probably closer to reality than it should be. 

Maybe we should get this variant specific booster going. Even of Fauci doesn't think we need it.

Just referring to those of you who follow the rejection of proper science.  Nothing more.  As long as you can keep our country divided, this virus crap will never end.  But then you already knew that.
:shrug:   I'm vaccinated.   Can't I make a joke about it?  You might want to relax a little bit.

PS. You have a history lesson waiting for you in the Great Thread.   :yes:

Just referring to those of you who follow the rejection of proper science.  Nothing more.  As long as you can keep our country divided, this virus crap will never end.  But then you already knew that.

Oh please. Your Vax Mob mandates are doing more to divide us than anything I've ever seen in my lifetime. You seem to have no clue about or at least no desire to see just how divisive these mandates are. It's disturbing and so aggravating to see you post the bolded, given what your side has done.

Oh please. Your Vax Mob mandates are doing more to divide us than anything I've ever seen in my lifetime. You seem to have no clue about or at least no desire to see just how divisive these mandates are. It's disturbing and so aggravating to see you post the bolded, given what your side has done.
Lol, right.

Again this is simply untrue. The Gestapo started beating up and torturing innocent people the minute Hitler took power. There was no slippery slope. In fact no dictatorship in history has EVER had a slippery slope.  
The Jews weren't all rounded up and put on trains as soon as Hitler took power.  Their rights were slowly eroded over time and that program started way before the war.  It was carefully cultivated to coincide with a propaganda campaign that would ultimately get the German people on board for what they ultimately wanted to do.  There are many books written on the subject.

I said 'Peak German Nazi tactics arrived incrementally.' They started with beatings and ended with mass murder. No one is suggesting the unvaxxed will face another Final Solution, but oppressive tactics unquestionably slipped down a slope then, as they have now.
so what's the end game?

Unpopular opinion: the slow, incremental, abuses of the Jewish people in Nazi Germany are so thoroughly well documented that anyone arguing against it is on par with holocaust deniers.
to the extent it is denying actual history I think you are right and don't know how that could be an unpopular opinion?

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